No one is going to take your guns

Who said it was?

Your post implied "law of the land" and "SCOTUS confirmed it" as somehow making this law constitutionally mandated, and thus unremovable, just because SCOTUS said so, which is clearly not the case. It can be repealed, same as any law.

Stop trying to appear smart, its taxing on those three remaining brain cells that still fire off from time to time. going down to 2 will leave you a drooler.

No it doesn't. It implies, and says, that it is a Constitutional law.

You're the nitwit talking about mandates.

Maybe you're really looking for a man date?
Oh, look, a progressive getting homophobic.

That's as good as a surrender.
You see, you guys go on and on about "the Second Amendment" and "Rights", but what you haven't made is a good case WHY you should have a gun. Or even why you need one.

That's a good point. After all, the 2nd amendment says clearly:

A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed as long as they explain to local busybodies why they should have a gun and why they need one.

BTW, little joeb131, you never responded to my earlier question in this thread: What makes you think that the national ban on firearms you said you wanted, would result in criminals (you know, people who don't obey your laws) not having guns any more?

When can I expect your answer?

Close to 40,000,000 killed in China and Russia after 1935.

Very little human cost my ass.

The last line of defense is an armed population. Taking their guns would leave us at the mercy of our clusterfuck in chief and any invaders who decide he's no threat to them.

Besides the usual bullshit "Black Book of Communism" figures....

For someone who claims not to be a Communist, you sure do spend a lot of time defending Communism.
The way to solve rape is not to buy a strap-on and do it yourself.
Rapists thank you for your support, but the best defense against rape is a firearm:



But you want people who DON'T work to get money. You know, redistribution of wealth from those who earned it to those who didn't.

THAT'S Communism.

You want a centrally-planned economy.

THAT'S Communism.

You want total State control over individual lives.

THAT'S Communism.

1) I think every able bodied person should have a job. Period.

2) No, I don't want a centrally planned economy. I just don't want one were the government winks and nods when the rich mess everything up like they did in 2008. And 2001. and 1990 and... well, you get the idea.

3) Nope, I think on important issues, like whether or not you should carry a pregnancy to term, that should be entirely the person's decision.

I just don't think individuals should own guns... because most of them don't know what they are doing.
You shouldn't state your opinions...because you don't know what you're talking about.
That happened years ago. Hence, his over-compensating.
I'm not the one demanding people's freedoms be taken away because I'm afraid of a piece of metal.

Nor am I ceding my responsibility to protect my family to others.

If anyone here's nutless, it's you and PinkoJoe.

Guns have nothing to do with "Freedom". Iraqis had a high level of personal gun ownership, but if Saddam wanted you gone, you were gone. The same with the Nazis.

Meanwhile, every other industrial democracy limits gun ownership, and they are just as free as we are. They also have less crime and less prisons.

*sigh* Then MOVE TO ONE OF THEM. Quit trying to fuck up America.
I saw this a long time ago. They just keep changing the rules and send in SWAT. Younger, former soldiers love this shit because it reminds them of IRAQ and the other useless wars they fought in. Now they get to collect guns and kill dogs! Ooops wrong house, we didn't mean to tear the place up and kill your kids. Fucking pigs. I can't wait until they try that down here.
Fuck off maggot. You have nothing to add here.

Cali and NY seem locked in a race to see which pigs can be the best tyrants. East coast or west coast? Name your shaved headed, washed out baby killer with a badge and some extra gear from fatherland security.
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In short, I don't like the fact that we have more violent crime in this country despite the prisons and the guns which haven't made us any safer... so let's pretend the informaiton is "unsourced".

Like I have said in the past. Lock them up longer and throw away the key. Arm any law abiding citizen that desires to carry. Make it open season on criminals so they get the message.

The exact reason we have so many criminals is because we are not serious by ignoring the need for more strict consequences


Guy, this is where you show your vast ignorance.

The United States locks up more people than ANY country in the world, a lot of them for non-violent, victimless crimes. We have 2 million in prison, we have 7 million on Parole or Probation (rendering them effectively unemployable). We have "mandetory" sentences that has people serving life terms for stealing tube socks and Pizza. We are one of the last nations that still engages in the barbarism of capital punishment.

And how is that working out for us?

If guns and prisons made us safe, we'd already have the lowest crime rate, not the highest.

I find myself, as usual, unable to follow your logic.

If most of the people in prison are in there for non violent crimes, why the fuck do we need to control guns to keep people out of prison?
NYPD cracks down on long guns that hold more than five rounds | Fox News

Things will be so much better when only criminals are armed

You started a thread to demonstrate your failure to comprehend the linked article?

That’s very courageous of you.

You’re still an idiot, but courageous nonetheless.

So according to YOU no cops will come if One does not obey the summons? Are you really THAT stupid?

I'm glad there are some in your generation that get it although I'm not exactly sure which gen that is.
joeb, i believe you need to get some mental health care ASAP :up: I AM a "gun nut" and i have never killed anyone who did not need killing..........., YET !!

problem NOT solved, taking my guns and every patriotic honest law abiding American citizen's guns will not solve the problem of violence, mayhem and murder, we will be gun free, yet the criminals will still have theirs, how do you propose confiscating their guns ?

also, if i had 10 guns, i would have 10X more guns than you have brain cells. :lmao:

Again, guy, Criminals aren't really the problem.

Most gun deaths are suicides, domestic arguments gone wrong, and accidents. (You know, grandpa leaving his gun out where little Timmy can find it.)

But here's the thing. Where do you think those criminals get their guns?

Yup. They STEAL them from the law abiding. 600,000 guns are stolen every year.

Tell me something, what is domestic violence gone right? Is that the burning bed scenario where a woman kills someone who is asleep and gets away with it because she was afraid? Is that the same fear that lets cops kill unarmed people who are running away?

Never mind, I know you made that whole thing up.

FYI, ATF says that most criminals get their guns legally.

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