No one is going to take your guns

Fuck off maggot. You have nothing to add here.

Cali and NY seem locked in a race to see which pigs can be the best tyrants. East coast or west coast? Name your shaved headed, washed out baby killer with a badge and some extra gear from fatherland security.

Aren't you sweet.

I am among the right company, but it pisses me the hell off when so called "Americans" cannot see what is happening in this country because they'd rather be sucking on the collective balls of their party's dicks.

Sorry you can't see that.
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Two women who are unlikely to be raped. :thup:

I don't know why anti-gun nuts want women to be raped. That's just sick.
You realize that second sentence makes no sense. You know that, right?
It makes perfect sense. People who passionately oppose guns -- like PinkoJoe -- claim that gun owners are dangerous and violent.

If gun owners were dangerous and violent, they'd kill those who passionately oppose guns.

Yet, oddly, that doesn't happen.
The first one is a strawman. I didn't say gun culture "is" violence culture.

Fair enough. Then gun culture is no more dangerous to society than car culture -- in reality, it's far LESS dangerous.

Wouldn't you agree?

Your premise Dave is all wrong,wrong, for POGO,well to make an utterance condoning sic Gun Culture as a non violent CULTURE....defies Moral judgement.

Of course it's VIOLENT and 1.373 Million Families since JFK..can vouch for it.

Come on Guys spend a year or so in Paradise and you'll see and feel the difference.steve:cool:
The difference is sheep.

I prefer women.
How strange that Americans don't cut off the problems of GUN MURDER at its sourse,by banning GUNs.....

Like they cut off all alcoholic beverages in the 1920s by banning alcohol?

And like they cut off all marijuana by banning weed?

And like they cut off all cocaine by banning cocaine?

I'm sure banning guns would work almost as well as those bans have worked.

This liberal has been told that, of course. He can't respond to it, so he ignores it. He seems to think that will make the facts go away.

I'm right,if you find that Illegal GUNS are Imported......although I do not believe in Execution(I will make an exception,as you love this stuff)EXECUTION BY FIRING SQUAD.

theliq always right....of course I am....DO YOU HAVE THE INTESTINAL FORTITUDE TO DO IT.

Of course not,because when PUSH comes to SHOVE.......You are all hiding behind the 2nd Amendment

Read 1194 AGAIN.........Ban Guns and LIVE...1.375 Million of you could have,since JFK.

I think that was intended to be English...but I have no fucking idea what (if anything) it was meant to mean. Are you on DRUGS?
It makes perfect sense. People who passionately oppose guns -- like PinkoJoe -- claim that gun owners are dangerous and violent.

If gun owners were dangerous and violent, they'd kill those who passionately oppose guns.

Yet, oddly, that doesn't happen.

Fair enough. Then gun culture is no more dangerous to society than car culture -- in reality, it's far LESS dangerous.

Wouldn't you agree?

Your premise Dave is all wrong,wrong, for POGO,well to make an utterance condoning sic Gun Culture as a non violent CULTURE....defies Moral judgement.

Of course it's VIOLENT and 1.373 Million Families since JFK..can vouch for it.

Come on Guys spend a year or so in Paradise and you'll see and feel the difference.steve:cool:
The difference is sheep.

I prefer women.

I don't know why gun nuts want sheep to be raped. That's just sick.
That happened years ago. Hence, his over-compensating.
I'm not the one demanding people's freedoms be taken away because I'm afraid of a piece of metal.

Nor am I ceding my responsibility to protect my family to others.

If anyone here's nutless, it's you and PinkoJoe.

No one is taking away your freeeeeeedom. Fer fuck's sake.
If I lived in the prog shithole known as NYC, and I owned a weapon that held more than 5 rounds, yes, my freedom to own that weapon would be taken away.

Were you jealous when Chris Matthews pushed you out of the way to suck Obama's ass?
Nothing wrong with the Second Amendment that can't be fixed with a Sharpie...

Or a sensible court decision.

Seriously, this is an absurd argument "I think we should continue a bad policy because 250 years ago, some slave rapists couldn't properly define a Militia".

There's NO GOOD REASON for an average citizen to own a military grade weapon. None.

Not to mention the fact, it is the availability of guns that contributes to the crime you guys are on about.

There's NO GOOD REASON for you to spout your dangerous, un-American, hateful opinions.

The First Amendment needs to be fixed so irresponsible people like you aren't allowed to express your opinions.

You have gone off the deep end now davy. Crazy shit. What is it about you that makes you so un American?

I'm sorry, but you just plummeted into the sarCHASM!
People were allowed to vote with a state-issued college ID in North Carolina.

Until they weren't.
If someone's too stupid to get the required ID, he's too stupid to go to college.

Ahh, but this is your gun argument: that what was lawful yesterday is not lawful today.

Too bad you don't have intellectual consistency. But you're a Right-Winger.
Voter ID laws do not violate the Constitution...not that you give a shit about the Constitution.

Nevertheless, the two simply aren't synonymous. Someone having to get another ID is in no way similar to someone having property seized.
Two women who are unlikely to be raped. :thup:

And one lame strawman who is unlikely to be entertained. :thup:
Not really. A firearm is a far more effective deterrent than pissing your pants or throwing up, don't you think?
I don't know why anti-gun nuts want women to be raped. That's just sick.

Make that two.
Anti-gun nuts want to disarm women. That makes it easier for rapists.

Strawman? Not at all.
Your premise Dave is all wrong,wrong, for POGO,well to make an utterance condoning sic Gun Culture as a non violent CULTURE....defies Moral judgement.

Of course it's VIOLENT and 1.373 Million Families since JFK..can vouch for it.

Come on Guys spend a year or so in Paradise and you'll see and feel the difference.steve:cool:
The difference is sheep.

I prefer women.

I don't know why gun nuts want sheep to be raped. That's just sick.
Now THAT'S a good example of a strawman. :thup:
Please explain, in detail, how a 4'5", 90lb woman is supposed to fend off a 6'3", 250lb rapist if she is unarmed. Be specific.

For the record, the correct method would be: aim at center mass and fire until the threat is neutralized.

JoeB is only 5'6" - but you got the 250 right.

And the whole point is JoeB doesn't WANT to get shot....

Do NOT put words in my mouth!
Dave, you are the one throwing a hissy.

Man, someone suggests gun control, you go off like a little sissy like they suggested castrating you.

So tell me, tough guy, how many criminals have you shot with your guns, since you are keeping me safe, supposedly.

That happened years ago. Hence, his over-compensating.

You're off the meds and projecting again, boy!
Fuck off maggot. You have nothing to add here.

Cali and NY seem locked in a race to see which pigs can be the best tyrants. East coast or west coast? Name your shaved headed, washed out baby killer with a badge and some extra gear from fatherland security.

Aren't you sweet.

I am among the right company, but it pisses me the hell off when so called "Americans" cannot see what is happening in this country because they'd rather be sucking on the collective balls of their party's dicks.

Sorry you can't see that.

Whatever......I was responding to the fact that this is the 4th thread on this BULLSHIT.

I see things just fine.
Fuck off maggot. You have nothing to add here.

Cali and NY seem locked in a race to see which pigs can be the best tyrants. East coast or west coast? Name your shaved headed, washed out baby killer with a badge and some extra gear from fatherland security.

Aren't you sweet.

I am among the right company, but it pisses me the hell off when so called "Americans" cannot see what is happening in this country because they'd rather be sucking on the collective balls of their party's dicks.

Sorry you can't see that.

What I see is someone that is a fucking fool.
It makes perfect sense. People who passionately oppose guns -- like PinkoJoe -- claim that gun owners are dangerous and violent.

If gun owners were dangerous and violent, they'd kill those who passionately oppose guns.

Yet, oddly, that doesn't happen.

Fair enough. Then gun culture is no more dangerous to society than car culture -- in reality, it's far LESS dangerous.

Wouldn't you agree?

Your premise Dave is all wrong,wrong, for YOUR MIND,(APOLOGIES TO POGO)to make an utterance condoning sic Gun Culture as a non violent CULTURE....defies Moral judgement.

Of course it's VIOLENT and 1.373 Million Families since JFK..can vouch for it.

Come on Guys spend a year or so in Paradise and you'll see and feel the difference.steve:cool:

?? I said nothing of the kind. Has somebody been telling lies in my absence again?

Sorry POGO I was not concentrating.steve

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