No one is going to take your guns

How did you get so fucking stupid. I mean really. Was it practice practice or do you come by your stupidity naturally? Fucking blind people with a gun for "self defense".

Fucking gun nutters are unbelievable. Hey why not 6 year old kids. At least they can see.

I know I know, you are aok with 6 year olds taking guns to school for "self defense"

Am I right? Of course I am. Prove me wrong. Come out and say 6 year old kids should not take guns to school for anything. That would at least be progress.

A blind person is still a US citizen, and thus 100% covered by the bill of rights, unless, like the rest of us, a judge/jury says otherwise.

A 6 year old should not be in possession of a firearm unless under the permission or supervision of thier parent. also a 6 year old has not achived majority, therfore it is up to the parents to decide what they can or cannot do.

Most cases these days when it comes to 6 year olds is about them making a gun shape with thier hands in school, or brining anything remotely looking like a weapon.

Does the Bill of Rights mention age?

Nope. But common law dicates that legally a person is the ward of thier parents until majority is reached. This was in place even when the consitituion was written.

The consituion is age neutral, except when it comes for running for federal office.
Are you or them part of the "well regulated militia" that is necessary for a free state?

Once again, the milita is the right of the state, to organize and call out as it sees fit. The PEOPLE retain the right to keep and bear arms. if the states no longer feel the need to call on the milita, the PEOPLE do not lose the right to keep and bear arms.
You can't have it both ways bub.

You can't pick out the militia part and call yourselves the militia as the People and not include the regulated part.

This is what makes you people nut-jobs.

Plain and simple.

REGULATED as defined in 1776 AD dictionary: "Well Regulated"

The Random House College Dictionary (1980) gives four definitions for the word "regulate," which were all in use during the Colonial period They are:

1) To control or direct by a rule, principle, method, etc.

2) To adjust to some standard or requirement as for amount, degree, etc.

3) To adjust so as to ensure accuracy of operation.

4) To put in good order.

this is what makes you liberal nut-jobs appear to be fools, plain and simple you do not know the definition of REGULATED, you fools try your damnedest to redefine words to your own liking, and that don't go over to well with us freedom loving patriots. :up:
A blind person is still a US citizen, and thus 100% covered by the bill of rights, unless, like the rest of us, a judge/jury says otherwise.

A 6 year old should not be in possession of a firearm unless under the permission or supervision of thier parent. also a 6 year old has not achived majority, therfore it is up to the parents to decide what they can or cannot do.

Most cases these days when it comes to 6 year olds is about them making a gun shape with thier hands in school, or brining anything remotely looking like a weapon.

Does the Bill of Rights mention age?

Nope. But common law dicates that legally a person is the ward of thier parents until majority is reached. This was in place even when the consitituion was written.

The consituion is age neutral, except when it comes for running for federal office.

And common sense dictates that blind people should not have guns.
Once again, the milita is the right of the state, to organize and call out as it sees fit. The PEOPLE retain the right to keep and bear arms. if the states no longer feel the need to call on the milita, the PEOPLE do not lose the right to keep and bear arms.
You can't have it both ways bub.

You can't pick out the militia part and call yourselves the militia as the People and not include the regulated part.

This is what makes you people nut-jobs.

Plain and simple.

What's both ways about this? If the states don't feel the need to call out the milita, it does nothing to impact the PEOPLE's right to bear arms. If the state does decide to call out the milita, then they would expect people to bring thier own firearms with them, same as they used to do it.

The people are the ones that have the right to bear arms, the milita is the right of the states should they so choose to exercise it.
Conspicuously missing is the part about REGULATION.
Does the Bill of Rights mention age?

Nope. But common law dicates that legally a person is the ward of thier parents until majority is reached. This was in place even when the consitituion was written.

The consituion is age neutral, except when it comes for running for federal office.

And common sense dictates that blind people should not have guns.

Then find a judge to strip them of thier rights.

"Common sense" dicates that alot of the protections we have under the consitution are a pain in the ass, if you look at it from the government perspective. It would be SO MUCH EASIER to do things without that pesky 4th amendment, and a few of the others.....
REGULATED as defined in 1776 AD dictionary: "Well Regulated"

The Random House College Dictionary (1980) gives four definitions for the word "regulate," which were all in use during the Colonial period They are:

1) To control or direct by a rule, principle, method, etc.

2) To adjust to some standard or requirement as for amount, degree, etc.

3) To adjust so as to ensure accuracy of operation.

4) To put in good order.

this is what makes you liberal nut-jobs appear to be fools, plain and simple you do not know the definition of REGULATED, you fools try your damnedest to redefine words to your own liking, and that don't go over to well with us freedom loving patriots. :up:
To control or direct by rule, principle, or method.

Arguing? You're doing it wrong.

Does the Bill of Rights mention age?

Nope. But common law dicates that legally a person is the ward of thier parents until majority is reached. This was in place even when the consitituion was written.

The consituion is age neutral, except when it comes for running for federal office.

And common sense dictates that blind people should not have guns.

why? many blind people enjoy shooting. i know two who are marksmen. now you are being prejudice against the handicapped
REGULATED as defined in 1776 AD dictionary: "Well Regulated"

The Random House College Dictionary (1980) gives four definitions for the word "regulate," which were all in use during the Colonial period They are:

1) To control or direct by a rule, principle, method, etc.

2) To adjust to some standard or requirement as for amount, degree, etc.

3) To adjust so as to ensure accuracy of operation.

4) To put in good order.

this is what makes you liberal nut-jobs appear to be fools, plain and simple you do not know the definition of REGULATED, you fools try your damnedest to redefine words to your own liking, and that don't go over to well with us freedom loving patriots. :up:
To control or direct by rule, principle, or method.

Arguing? You're doing it wrong.


well lets just clarify. Madison was specific the militia was to be self ruled, not ruled by the government. So don't keep trying to redefine his intent the intent that was ratified BTW
Are you or them part of the "well regulated militia" that is necessary for a free state?

Once again, the milita is the right of the state, to organize and call out as it sees fit. The PEOPLE retain the right to keep and bear arms. if the states no longer feel the need to call on the milita, the PEOPLE do not lose the right to keep and bear arms.
You can't have it both ways bub.

You can't pick out the militia part and call yourselves the militia as the People and not include the regulated part.

This is what makes you people nut-jobs.

Plain and simple.

wrong marc, you keep assuming the regulation has to be by the government. your argument holds no water
again the militia is self regulated by the citizens. explicitly not the government. a militia regulated by the citizens by leaders of their choosing. Madisons own words. given he wrote the 2nd amendment I'm sure he has a pretty good perspective on how it was to be managed

"Well Regulated" just means "Well Armed." In the terminology of the mid-18th century, a "regulated force" was an "armed force."
How did you get so fucking stupid. I mean really. Was it practice practice or do you come by your stupidity naturally? Fucking blind people with a gun for "self defense".

Fucking gun nutters are unbelievable. Hey why not 6 year old kids. At least they can see.

I know I know, you are aok with 6 year olds taking guns to school for "self defense"

Am I right? Of course I am. Prove me wrong. Come out and say 6 year old kids should not take guns to school for anything. That would at least be progress.

A blind person is still a US citizen, and thus 100% covered by the bill of rights, unless, like the rest of us, a judge/jury says otherwise.

A 6 year old should not be in possession of a firearm unless under the permission or supervision of thier parent. also a 6 year old has not achived majority, therfore it is up to the parents to decide what they can or cannot do.

Most cases these days when it comes to 6 year olds is about them making a gun shape with thier hands in school, or brining anything remotely looking like a weapon.

Does the Bill of Rights mention age?

is there an age when free speech kicks in? I don't see age mentioned there. how about any of the other rights. is a black man only a free man at a certain age? you liberal idiots can't keep arbitrarily assigning limits as you see fit.
Guy, the Republicans have put their heads into the noose with Sandy Hook.

The next school shooting, they TOTALLY OWN.

And, no, sorry, gun ownership is shrinking in this country. You are an increasingly angry, stupid minority.

You leftists are demagogues - it's what you do. You blame EVERY ill on conservatives, and claim every good for Communism.

You blamed Sandy Hook on Republicans, just as you blamed Hurricane Sandy on them. You blame civil war in Nigeria and riots in Yemen on Republicans.

But you're not rational and you have no integrity. What you claim has no bearing on reason or reality, you're simply one of the many little Goebbels of your shameful party, spreading slander and libel against the enemies of your rulers.

If anything you post happens to be factual, it's mere coincidence.
You wear Depends, don't you?

Nope, but I've noticed this thread has made you absolutely nuts.

I mean, you are kind of nuts most of the time, but just talk about regulating a gun, and wow, you get nuts.
Really? I haven't noticed that at all.

I HAVE noticed that if anybody talks about owning a gun, you piss your pants in rage and fear.

More like a fish flopping around on land realizing his mistake in jumping out of the water.
They think old people should have guns.
They think blind people should have guns.
They think crazy people should have guns.

Because once you establish a real criteria of who should or shouldn't have a gun, most of them probably wouldn't qualify....

We have established who can have guns.

It's all right here



Well Regulated Militias?

Right. I totally think they should have guns. As long as they are "Well-regulated".

Retard can't tell the difference between an adjective and a verb.
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32,000 gun deaths a year. Yeah, we have a problem.

The VAST majority of which are suicide.

In the festering purification that substitutes for a mind with you, those suicides would say "damn, I was going to end it all, but the BRAVE PEOPLES COMMUNISTS outlawed guns, so I won't"

Yo retard, the suicide capital of the world is Japan (it's really China, but you know Communists, fucking liars to the man.) Japan has no private gun ownership. Comrade JoeB Stalin, HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE? Since guns are the cause of suicide, how can Japan have the highest suicide rate in the world? Why does China need to put up nets around the Apple factory to keep he happy workers from jumping to their deaths?
Guy, here's the problem.

Yeah, a few Democrats went against the party...

But at the end of the day, households with guns in them are shrinking as a precentage of the country. those 20 million new permits are the same nuts applying for new guns because they realized how tiny their penises truly were.

But next school shooting, people are going to ask, "How was this crazy person able to get a gun and murder these sweet angels?" and then some of those guys are going to have some very hard questions to answer.

Why do you keep telling the same lies that you have repeatedly been called on?

Yes, you're a scumbag without a hint of integrity. Yes, demagoguery is the foundation of the shameful democratic party. Yes, you practice "big lie" politics.

STILL you look like a fucking idiot. Gun sales are breaking records - gun ownership is expanding exponentially - I and a dozen others have posted the stats repeatedly.

And still you stand here like a drooling retard with a lizard up his ass, repeating the same lie over and over.

What a fucking loon you are.

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