No one is going to take your guns

Gun laws can prohibit persons, they just can't prohibit ownership to those who would otherwise lawfully be allowed.

Can prohibit criminals, those adjudicated mentally incompetent, drug / alcohol abusers.


I don't have any problem with giving government the power to decide whether I can have a gun or not.

Why would I?
Okay, whatever you say, guy.

Frankly, I must be living a charmed life. I've lived in Chicago, which according to you gun nuts is the murder capital of creation, and frankly, I've never had a gun pointed at me in my life for real.

I live in Chicago too, and it's absolutely wrong to downplay and say that our murder capital label is a "creation".

This label is based on STATISTICS of people who are MURDERED. Is the Chicago Tribune just lying about the "3 killed, four wounded from weekend violence"?

It's true the city is extremely segregated, and that most of the violence takes place in very specific parts of the city. That much is true.
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I'd like to see some evidence that it was referring to self-regulation?

Even if that were the case, which I still want to see evidence, who will be responsible for the self-regulation today? The individual gun owners, the NRA...or some other entity?

Please tell me you can tell the difference between an adjective and a verb.
A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
Well regulated is an adjective in this sentence. The bolded clause is not operative. It is a descriptive clause, aka. prefatory clause.

Frankly, you guys are just making this crap up.

Have fun with that.

Huh? I quoted the explicit words of the 2nd Amendment. How is that making crap up? Either you don't know what an adjective is, or you don't know what a prefatory clause is, or you don't know what the second amendment recites. Which is it?
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Suppose the 2nd amendment read:

"The moon being made of green cheese, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

And then, nearly 200 years after that was ratified, astronauts finally land on the moon and prove once and for all that it is NOT made of green cheese.

Would it now be OK to infringe on the right of the people to keep and bear arms?

The answer, of course, is No, it's not OK to infringe.

"The moon being made of green cheese" is an explanation for why the right shall not be infringed.

It is not a condition controlling the infringement.

The same is true for the actual phrase, "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state". Even if it is somehow proven that a well regulated militia is NOT necessary, the 2nd amendment still says that the right of the people shall not be infringed.


And unlike statements issued by Barack Obama that contain the word PERIOD, this one means it.
Guy, the Republicans have put their heads into the noose with Sandy Hook.

The next school shooting, they TOTALLY OWN.

And, no, sorry, gun ownership is shrinking in this country. You are an increasingly angry, stupid minority.

You leftists are demagogues - it's what you do. You blame EVERY ill on conservatives, and claim every good for Communism.

You blamed Sandy Hook on Republicans, just as you blamed Hurricane Sandy on them. You blame civil war in Nigeria and riots in Yemen on Republicans.

But you're not rational and you have no integrity. What you claim has no bearing on reason or reality, you're simply one of the many little Goebbels of your shameful party, spreading slander and libel against the enemies of your rulers.

If anything you post happens to be factual, it's mere coincidence.

Sandy Hook is totally on the NRA.

Nancy Lanza was a prepper who home schooled a child who needed serious therapy and supervision. Then she stocked up on enough guns to fight the Zombie Apocolypse.

She was totally one of you guys.
Okay, whatever you say, guy.

Frankly, I must be living a charmed life. I've lived in Chicago, which according to you gun nuts is the murder capital of creation, and frankly, I've never had a gun pointed at me in my life for real.

I live in Chicago too, and it's absolutely idiotic to say that it's a "creation" that our city has been named the murder capitals of the US.

This label is based on STATISTICS of people who are MURDERED. Is the Chicago Tribune just making up shit, and are the "3 killed, four wounded from weekend violence" just an element of a fictional fairy tale?

Totally ignorant thing to say.

It's true the city is extremely segregated, and that most of the violence takes place in very specific parts of the city. That much is true.

I think you misunderstood my use of the word creation. Try reading it again. Then have someone help you with the big words.

Incidently, we aren't anywhere near the most violent city. Detroit and NOLA have us beat by miles.
The real TYRANNY is the NRA hold over all you gun Merchants...I wonder WHY.

To suck CASH out of YOU MUGS...........and they couldn't give a stuff....if you kill each other,cloaked in deceit of the 2nd Amendment......what you think is FREEDOM.....but the reality is the NRA know you are their PRISONERS.....Guys they've Fcuked you over....and YOUR MINDS AT THE SAME TIME.

"The NRA are in their counting house,counting out the money"
"1.375 Million Slaughtered,those the NRA Bunnies"

THEY JUST LOVE DEATH..........THEY JUST LOVE THE MONEY.........No woman no's only your babies that die.

I'm theliq.........

How so.................I own guns, so fucking what..............No one tells me to buy them. I buy what I choose to buy. I'm not out buying a dang arsenal. I have a few guns and that's all I need. Some have more, and some have less.

None of my guns have killed anyone. I have no intent to kill anyone. They are there because I decided to buy them. As an insurance policy if some thug breaks into my house or threatens my family. Or to kill a Rattle Snake in the yard as I live in the country.

Your side has a designated path to eventually take away this Freedom. It is a Step by Step process, and you are on the first step. You only look at those criminals who have the weapons and use them in crimes to JUSTIFY your BS.


And that ain't my America.

[ame=]Lynyrd Skynyrd - That aint my America - YouTube[/ame]

BUT it was for 1.375,000 and I bet their mothers wish it hadn't been.....You are one of the Guilty.

You don't have FREEDOM you fool.....You are a SOUL CAPTIVE,a GUN SOUL CAPTIVE.

Are you Mad?..You say "PUNISH THE INNOCENT" the INNOCENT WERE THE 1,375,000 Americans.

I can never be defeated,because I speak in truth and rights.Come to Paradise and feel the difference...........I went to my Grankinders shool morning service after the recent school shooting.......Little Aussie children cried for your children.......they understood and wept.

You Guys don't Get It and NEVER HAVE.........but 7 to 11 year olds in Australia DO.



Nice Sermon...................From the Liberal Socialist PULPIT...............

I don't buy into your USING THEIR DEATHS TO ADVANCE YOUR IDEOLOGY..................

You push the dead, and ATTEMPT TO PUNISH THOSE WHO HAVE DONE NOTHING WRONG....................

You and your PATHETIC little LIBERAL BRIGADE, don't give a rats ass when guns save lives, or protect someone from getting raped...........

Your Fucking side pushes for more laws that help criminals more than the Innocent....................And when you push this BS, you end up FUCKING OVER those who you claim to protect.


ASS............fitting symbol of the Democrap party.
32,000 gun deaths a year. Yeah, we have a problem.

The VAST majority of which are suicide.

In the festering purification that substitutes for a mind with you, those suicides would say "damn, I was going to end it all, but the BRAVE PEOPLES COMMUNISTS outlawed guns, so I won't"

Yo retard, the suicide capital of the world is Japan (it's really China, but you know Communists, fucking liars to the man.) Japan has no private gun ownership. Comrade JoeB Stalin, HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE? Since guns are the cause of suicide, how can Japan have the highest suicide rate in the world? Why does China need to put up nets around the Apple factory to keep he happy workers from jumping to their deaths?

Japan doesn't have the highest suicide rate in the world.

In fact, we have more total suicides than the Japanese do, although they have a higher percentage. Their culture, however, is more accepting of suicide in general.

But the point is, you remove a method of suicide, suicides DO go down. For instance, when the UK got rid of the type of oven people used to stick their heads in to end it all.. guess what, the number of British suicides declined sharply.
No I said RETARD,meaning delay or hold back in terms of development or progress

Dave you have to do better than that.steve:cool:
Good Gaea...what makes you think you deserve any better than that, kid? :confused:

:lol:I am the MAGNIFICENT,I'm back with the shake of the whip

Dave is stressing because he can't pass my truths and facts

Every MAN thinks his BURDEN is the heaviest


WHEN THE WEIGHT GETS TOO HEAVY DAVE.......the first thing that will happen!??????

YOU WILL DROP YOUR WEAPON:cool: and your first step to FREEDOM...Dave you are a good man,.....steve

You're having delusions of adequacy again.

Again, dippy, the STATES are allowed to call militas, and in those militas the PEOPLE bring thier weapons, weapons which they have a RIGHT to keep and bear, and that RIGHT shall not be infringed.

the PEOPLE is not the state or the government, it is the individual, and the individual mantains the RIGHT to be armed.

And you can hold onto that fantasy as long as Scalia isn't taking a dirt nap.

But the minute he does...

Ooops. The Second Amendment is about Militias again, and guess what, we can regulate guns.

Once again Joe relies on getting 5 of 9 unelected lawyers to do his dirty work, instead of following the document as intended, and repealing the amendment he hates so much.

JoeBlow loves the smell of fascism in the morning.

He also relies on Scalia dying soon...which I would say is not likely.
They are citizens protected by the Constitution. Not allowing them to bear arms would be against the 2nd Amendment, unless there was an age stipulation. Unless, everyone does not actually have this right, sort of picking and choosing.

i think that is the question. none of the rights has an age stipulation. but you are trying to apply one only to the 2nd.

I am asking if a 6 year old has that right as a citizen.

does he have a right to free speech? if he is a black kid, does he have a right to be an equal citizen? I think you have your answer
Do they sight the target with a cane or a dog?

does needing assistance disqualify their rights?

Not being able to see should negate their right to own firearms. There is no reason for it.

no reason for it. in your mind or theirs? So I guess what you are saying is a handicap negates rights. What other rights can we strip the handicapped of? I don't like the way that Stephen hawking guy talks. should we take away his right to free speech?
Guy, the Republicans have put their heads into the noose with Sandy Hook.

The next school shooting, they TOTALLY OWN.

And, no, sorry, gun ownership is shrinking in this country. You are an increasingly angry, stupid minority.

You leftists are demagogues - it's what you do. You blame EVERY ill on conservatives, and claim every good for Communism.

You blamed Sandy Hook on Republicans, just as you blamed Hurricane Sandy on them. You blame civil war in Nigeria and riots in Yemen on Republicans.

But you're not rational and you have no integrity. What you claim has no bearing on reason or reality, you're simply one of the many little Goebbels of your shameful party, spreading slander and libel against the enemies of your rulers.

If anything you post happens to be factual, it's mere coincidence.

Sandy Hook is totally on the NRA.

Nancy Lanza was a prepper who home schooled a child who needed serious therapy and supervision. Then she stocked up on enough guns to fight the Zombie Apocolypse.

She was totally one of you guys.

yea, I guess the NRA are guilty of being bad parents.
Yes..........And next time....................Will they leave next time....................What does your crystal ball say....................

What if they don't stop next time.......................if there is a next time and they don't leave as it went down today, what should she defend herself with Lib............

Maybe hold up a piece of paper and say, it's against the law to break in my house or something.................

You guys are LUNATICS.

What's "lunatic" about recounting what you just said?
Break-in attempted, break-in thwarted, no firearm was needed. You may not be making the point you think you are.

Btw... try to calm the fuck down. Sheesh.

Calm the Fuck down............Why should I.............They kicked her Fucking door in...........................

Seriously: I recommend a steel door!

you know, you are right. which is exactly why people should be allowed to carry their guns with them. see, restricting carry is another thing you gun grabbers have fucked up on. every stolen gun is all your fault.

Guy, you are going full retard here.

Never go full retard.

When it comes to full retard, there is NOBODY who knows that better than Joey!
Breeds of dogs are eliminated all the time...

Frankly, the concept of breeding dogs is part of the problem. It's why you have so many puppy mills selling the dog equivlent to a red state inbred, and then wondering why they don't do well in homes.

The Good Old, All-American MUTT!

Should I call you a Racist for that statement...................Mixed breed Mutt...................

As you the WANT TO KILL the Good Ole, All-American MUTT..............

Do you think the dog owners who love their dogs will allow you KILL THEM and OBEY YOU JOE..............

You state your BS, and expect ALL TO OBEY..............Because the ALMIGHTY JOE has DECREED IT..............Whether or not you agree with him or not..........It's for your own good.

Maybe we should make a FRUIT CAKE MOVE CALLED...........JOE KNOWS BEST............

Perhaps 10 libs would actually watch it.

Actually, a whole lot of ways to get the Pit Bull owners to put down their own dogs.

Just require them to carry $100,000 of insurance against the injuries their dogs are going to potentially cause.

I had at least that when I had my St. Bernard. My uncle has more than that for Artemis, his black lab.

What is it like to live your life in constant terror of EVERYTHING around you?
How so.................I own guns, so fucking what..............No one tells me to buy them. I buy what I choose to buy. I'm not out buying a dang arsenal. I have a few guns and that's all I need. Some have more, and some have less.

None of my guns have killed anyone. I have no intent to kill anyone. They are there because I decided to buy them. As an insurance policy if some thug breaks into my house or threatens my family. Or to kill a Rattle Snake in the yard as I live in the country.

Your side has a designated path to eventually take away this Freedom. It is a Step by Step process, and you are on the first step. You only look at those criminals who have the weapons and use them in crimes to JUSTIFY your BS.


And that ain't my America.

Lynyrd Skynyrd - That aint my America - YouTube

BUT it was for 1.375,000 and I bet their mothers wish it hadn't been.....You are one of the Guilty.

You don't have FREEDOM you fool.....You are a SOUL CAPTIVE,a GUN SOUL CAPTIVE.

Are you Mad?..You say "PUNISH THE INNOCENT" the INNOCENT WERE THE 1,375,000 Americans.

I can never be defeated,because I speak in truth and rights.Come to Paradise and feel the difference...........I went to my Grankinders shool morning service after the recent school shooting.......Little Aussie children cried for your children.......they understood and wept.

You Guys don't Get It and NEVER HAVE.........but 7 to 11 year olds in Australia DO.



Nice Sermon...................From the Liberal Socialist PULPIT...............

I don't buy into your USING THEIR DEATHS TO ADVANCE YOUR IDEOLOGY..................

You push the dead, and ATTEMPT TO PUNISH THOSE WHO HAVE DONE NOTHING WRONG....................

You and your PATHETIC little LIBERAL BRIGADE, don't give a rats ass when guns save lives, or protect someone from getting raped...........

Your Fucking side pushes for more laws that help criminals more than the Innocent....................And when you push this BS, you end up FUCKING OVER those who you claim to protect.


ASS............fitting symbol of the Democrap party.

Sorry Turkey(only the Positive,CAN SOAR WITH EAGLES)....Wrong yet again..........I am a little more substantial than your silly reply,I deal in facts and Hate the Dealers in DEATH.......your response is TEPID to say the least.

People like you are backward in thought and DEED

You are incapable of logical are a GUN CAPTIVE.......and a sorry ASS

GUILTY IS AS GUILY can never defeat me and Millions of Americans agree with me.

When Americans READ YOUR PROSE......they will just SHAKE THEIR HEADS and YAWN.

R.I.P. the 1.375,000 (AND COUNTING)and their FAMILIES.

I am theliq...Ever Living, Ever Faithful, EVER SURE.:cool:
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I'm just curious why rational human beings would not want an elderly woman to be able to defend herself.

Because in her state of elderly dementia, she's more likely to shoot the paperboy.

Describe, in detail, your credentials that permit you to make that diagnosis. These should include (but not be limited to) the name of the medical school you attended, your GPA, and year of graduation.
Because in her state of elderly dementia, she's more likely to shoot the paperboy.
What dementia?

Oh -- you made that up. Because you're a dishonest piece of shit.

Could you stop being a dishonest piece of shit, please? Even two minutes would be a vast improvement.

I rarely meet people in their 80's who have all their oars in the water. Certainly none I would trust with a gun.

Then stop hanging around at the liquor store at 8am!

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