No one is going to take your guns

What dementia?

Oh -- you made that up. Because you're a dishonest piece of shit.

Could you stop being a dishonest piece of shit, please? Even two minutes would be a vast improvement.

I rarely meet people in their 80's who have all their oars in the water. Certainly none I would trust with a gun.

My grandfather is 94, and the government trusted him with a gun during WWII. considering he still works 3 months a year and drives, he can handle a firearm if he so chooses.

Joe Likes his old people like he likes his wimmin, defenseless and easy meat.

My uncle's father is in his 80's, and still manages 85+% on the skeet range.
So do crazy people then.

Crazy people can be adjudicated, via due process, to lose thier right to own a firearm, much as a criminal can be adjudicated via due process to lose thier freedom, or even thier life.

One cannot pass a law saying someone has to go to prision, just as one cannot pass a law to remove a right from someone that is enshrined in the constitution.

Why do blind people need guns? Can they use them safely?

My uncle had a carry permit, qualified "expert" with a rifle, and had a class A license and medical card while blind. Legally blind does NOT mean BLIND!
Because in her state of elderly dementia, she's more likely to shoot the paperboy.


Your clueless...................

And a Troll............You just post BS from every angle flip flopping all over the place.............

Not at all.

Last year, we had 800 cases of accidental gun deaths and only 200 cases of people killing a bad guy with a gun.

Which implies granny is more likely to shoot herself than a bad guy.

If that were true you would have posted a link.
does needing assistance disqualify their rights?

Not being able to see should negate their right to own firearms. There is no reason for it.

no reason for it. in your mind or theirs? So I guess what you are saying is a handicap negates rights. What other rights can we strip the handicapped of? I don't like the way that Stephen hawking guy talks. should we take away his right to free speech?

It is dangerous for crazy people to own guns. It is dangerous for blind people to have guns. And why would blind people need a gun. It has nothing to do with the handicapped.
i think that is the question. none of the rights has an age stipulation. but you are trying to apply one only to the 2nd.

I am asking if a 6 year old has that right as a citizen.

^ year old has no right until they are age.

Gun laws can prohibit or create conditions for possession by certain persons, they just can't prohibit ownership to those who would otherwise lawfully be allowed.

Can prohibit criminals, those adjudicated mentally incompetent, drug / alcohol abusers.

So gun control is necessary, and not against constitutional rights. Well, we got that out of the way. Thank you.
I am asking if a 6 year old has that right as a citizen.

^ year old has no right until they are age.

Gun laws can prohibit or create conditions for possession by certain persons, they just can't prohibit ownership to those who would otherwise lawfully be allowed.

Can prohibit criminals, those adjudicated mentally incompetent, drug / alcohol abusers.

So gun control is necessary, and not against constitutional rights. Well, we got that out of the way. Thank you.

Gun control makes us less safe. Not a good idea for a host of reasons..

^ year old has no right until they are age.

Gun laws can prohibit or create conditions for possession by certain persons, they just can't prohibit ownership to those who would otherwise lawfully be allowed.

Can prohibit criminals, those adjudicated mentally incompetent, drug / alcohol abusers.

So gun control is necessary, and not against constitutional rights. Well, we got that out of the way. Thank you.

Gun control makes us less safe. Not a good idea for a host of reasons..


Again- every other country that limits or bans guns have lower crime rates, lower death rates, and they are just as free as we are.
So gun control is necessary, and not against constitutional rights. Well, we got that out of the way. Thank you.

Gun control makes us less safe. Not a good idea for a host of reasons..


Again- every other country that limits or bans guns have lower crime rates, lower death rates, and they are just as free as we are.

Again- Every other country can go cluck themselves


Gun control makes us less safe. Not a good idea for a host of reasons..


Again- every other country that limits or bans guns have lower crime rates, lower death rates, and they are just as free as we are.

Again- Every other country can go cluck themselves



We are Free to an extent that the Americans could only DREAM go Cluck Oppps I mean FCUK YOURSELF .........GUN CAPTIVE LOSER:lol::lol:you MUG
Again- every other country that limits or bans guns have lower crime rates, lower death rates, and they are just as free as we are.

Again- Every other country can go cluck themselves



We are Free to an extent that the Americans could only DREAM go Cluck Oppps I mean FCUK YOURSELF .........GUN CAPTIVE LOSER:lol::lol:you MUG

Within our shores is all that matters. I could care less what other countries do/don't do.


^ year old has no right until they are age.

Gun laws can prohibit or create conditions for possession by certain persons, they just can't prohibit ownership to those who would otherwise lawfully be allowed.

Can prohibit criminals, those adjudicated mentally incompetent, drug / alcohol abusers.

So gun control is necessary, and not against constitutional rights. Well, we got that out of the way. Thank you.

Gun control makes us less safe. Not a good idea for a host of reasons..


That depends on what is meant by ‘gun control,’ otherwise this statement is idiocy.

Keeping guns out of the hands of felons and the mentally ill is gun control, and it does indeed save lives.
Again- Every other country can go cluck themselves



We are Free to an extent that the Americans could only DREAM go Cluck Oppps I mean FCUK YOURSELF .........GUN CAPTIVE LOSER:lol::lol:you MUG

Within our shores is all that matters. I could care less what other countries do/don't do.



You SAD CAPTIVE.......:confused:steve

Anyway apart from our differences ..... On behalf of my Family.....I hope you Geaux and your :smiliehug:Family have an enjoyable Christmas and New Year,...steve

PS What does Geaux mean or represent.?????
Gun control makes us less safe. Not a good idea for a host of reasons..


Again- every other country that limits or bans guns have lower crime rates, lower death rates, and they are just as free as we are.

Again- Every other country can go cluck themselves



Then you admit that gun control CAN work and doesn't make us less safe.

You can't make a blanket claim that gun control would be bad and then ignore every country that has implemented it and turned out just fine. (Oh, by the way, the same argument works for single-payer health care.)

YOU might not be happy in a country where you can't own a gun, but please don't tell us it won't work when other people have made it work.
Again- every other country that limits or bans guns have lower crime rates, lower death rates, and they are just as free as we are.

Again- Every other country can go cluck themselves



Then you admit that gun control CAN work and doesn't make us less safe.

You can't make a blanket claim that gun control would be bad and then ignore every country that has implemented it and turned out just fine. (Oh, by the way, the same argument works for single-payer health care.)

YOU might not be happy in a country where you can't own a gun, but please don't tell us it won't work when other people have made it work.

Most of those countries never HAD a tradition of personal gun ownership, again they are countries where power flows FROM the sovreign TO the people, or FROM the government TO the people, not the way we have it, where the PEOPLE retain the power and GIVE some to the government.

IT WONT WORK, because criminals who WANT guns will always GET guns, thier criminals dont want guns as much as ours.
So gun control is necessary, and not against constitutional rights. Well, we got that out of the way. Thank you.

Gun control makes us less safe. Not a good idea for a host of reasons..


That depends on what is meant by ‘gun control,’ otherwise this statement is idiocy.

Keeping guns out of the hands of felons and the mentally ill is gun control, and it does indeed save lives.

The problem is most progressives ideas of gun control involve passing laws that keep guns out of law abiding citizens hands, or making it so difficult to get (NYC) that most people dont bother, and do nothing to prevent criminals from getting all the guns they want.
I am asking if a 6 year old has that right as a citizen.

^ year old has no right until they are age.

Gun laws can prohibit or create conditions for possession by certain persons, they just can't prohibit ownership to those who would otherwise lawfully be allowed.

Can prohibit criminals, those adjudicated mentally incompetent, drug / alcohol abusers.

So gun control is necessary, and not against constitutional rights. Well, we got that out of the way. Thank you.

Gun control when it comes from banning prohibited persons from owning them, those prohibited by a conviction, or by mental adjudication? Yes. But gun control where it severely or arbirtrarily places restrictions on law abiding citizens? NO, Hell No.

Most of those countries never HAD a tradition of personal gun ownership, again they are countries where power flows FROM the sovreign TO the people, or FROM the government TO the people, not the way we have it, where the PEOPLE retain the power and GIVE some to the government.

IT WONT WORK, because criminals who WANT guns will always GET guns, thier criminals dont want guns as much as ours.

Yup, them foreigners don't love "freedom" like we Americans do.

Them dumb foreigners with their lower murder rates... they just don't understand that concept of freedom because they had Kings hundreds of years ago. Of course, most of those kings were thrown out at gun point and in few cases executed. But man, they are all cowering in the shadow of Kings...

Meanwhile, us Freedom-loving Americans given our "freedom" from the Founding Slave Rapists (Except for the Slaves and the Native Americans who got genocided) man, we are all about the Freedom.

dipshit. I don't feel "Free" if I can't go to a theatre without being worried a crazy person was able to buy an automatic weapon and a 100 round magazine....

Most of those countries never HAD a tradition of personal gun ownership, again they are countries where power flows FROM the sovreign TO the people, or FROM the government TO the people, not the way we have it, where the PEOPLE retain the power and GIVE some to the government.

IT WONT WORK, because criminals who WANT guns will always GET guns, thier criminals dont want guns as much as ours.

Yup, them foreigners don't love "freedom" like we Americans do.

Them dumb foreigners with their lower murder rates... they just don't understand that concept of freedom because they had Kings hundreds of years ago. Of course, most of those kings were thrown out at gun point and in few cases executed. But man, they are all cowering in the shadow of Kings...

Meanwhile, us Freedom-loving Americans given our "freedom" from the Founding Slave Rapists (Except for the Slaves and the Native Americans who got genocided) man, we are all about the Freedom.

dipshit. I don't feel "Free" if I can't go to a theatre without being worried a crazy person was able to buy an automatic weapon and a 100 round magazine....

Based on how many movie theatres there are, how many showings a day there are, and how many times in the past few years a theatre has been shot up, you worrying about a crazy person shooting you in one is about the same risk wise as worrying that you will be hit by a poodle thrown off the empire state building hitting you in the head as you walk under it.

For someone who hates the consitution so much and loves those wimpy ass Europeans so much, I am surprised it you are still here. Here's a suggestion. GO THE FUCK OVER THERE YOU SNIVELLING SHIT.

Based on how many movie theatres there are, how many showings a day there are, and how many times in the past few years a theatre has been shot up, you worrying about a crazy person shooting you in one is about the same risk wise as worrying that you will be hit by a poodle thrown off the empire state building hitting you in the head as you walk under it.

For someone who hates the consitution so much and loves those wimpy ass Europeans so much, I am surprised it you are still here. Here's a suggestion. GO THE FUCK OVER THERE YOU SNIVELLING SHIT.

I refuse to not fix this country because I have to share it with a bunch of inbred, bible thumping gun toting morons.

One theatre shooting is too many.

Here, let me put it in a term you can understand.

There have been hundreds of thousands of flights in the last 13 years, and only FOUR of them involved someone flying a plane into a building. Therefore it is silly to have tighter security at the airport, steel doors on the cockpits, screenings of passengers and terrorist watch lists.

Oh, wait. No. We totally did that.
Did any law abiding American citizen have their guns taken away in the past 24 hours?

No again eh?

Then what the fuck are you gun nutters obsessing about this day?

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