No one is going to take your guns

Not being able to see should negate their right to own firearms. There is no reason for it.

no reason for it. in your mind or theirs? So I guess what you are saying is a handicap negates rights. What other rights can we strip the handicapped of? I don't like the way that Stephen hawking guy talks. should we take away his right to free speech?

It is dangerous for crazy people to own guns. It is dangerous for blind people to have guns. And why would blind people need a gun. It has nothing to do with the handicapped.

No, it's not. A neighbor of mine is blind but the increase in his other senses allows him to more easily detect distance and direction. The heightened capabilities of his other senses also increases his awareness of other people who may be nearby. He can also tell when someone strange is nearby. I'd be willing to bet that if he were shooting at an intruder, he wouldn't miss by much, if at all. I know I wouldn't want to be in his "sights".

Based on how many movie theatres there are, how many showings a day there are, and how many times in the past few years a theatre has been shot up, you worrying about a crazy person shooting you in one is about the same risk wise as worrying that you will be hit by a poodle thrown off the empire state building hitting you in the head as you walk under it.

For someone who hates the consitution so much and loves those wimpy ass Europeans so much, I am surprised it you are still here. Here's a suggestion. GO THE FUCK OVER THERE YOU SNIVELLING SHIT.

I refuse to not fix this country because I have to share it with a bunch of inbred, bible thumping gun toting morons.

One theatre shooting is too many.

Here, let me put it in a term you can understand.

There have been hundreds of thousands of flights in the last 13 years, and only FOUR of them involved someone flying a plane into a building. Therefore it is silly to have tighter security at the airport, steel doors on the cockpits, screenings of passengers and terrorist watch lists.

Oh, wait. No. We totally did that.

Again, flying is not a consitutionally protected right. Also, we did not ban airplanes after this happened, which is what you want to do with guns.

Tighter security is an inconvience, not a ban on travel. Steel doors on cockpits affect nothing to the traveller. Watch lists and prescreening is things the government has to do, not the people travelling.

Once again FailJoe comes up with a Fail comparison.
no reason for it. in your mind or theirs? So I guess what you are saying is a handicap negates rights. What other rights can we strip the handicapped of? I don't like the way that Stephen hawking guy talks. should we take away his right to free speech?

It is dangerous for crazy people to own guns. It is dangerous for blind people to have guns. And why would blind people need a gun. It has nothing to do with the handicapped.

No, it's not. A neighbor of mine is blind but the increase in his other senses allows him to more easily detect distance and direction. The heightened capabilities of his other senses also increases his awareness of other people who may be nearby. He can also tell when someone strange is nearby. I'd be willing to bet that if he were shooting at an intruder, he wouldn't miss by much, if at all. I know I wouldn't want to be in his "sights".

You live next door to Daredevil?


Again, flying is not a consitutionally protected right. Also, we did not ban airplanes after this happened, which is what you want to do with guns.

Tighter security is an inconvience, not a ban on travel. Steel doors on cockpits affect nothing to the traveller. Watch lists and prescreening is things the government has to do, not the people travelling.

Once again FailJoe comes up with a Fail comparison.

Owing a gun isn't a constitutional right, either. Only having a well-regulated militia is.

I've got a Lebanese friend of mine who has an Arabic last name,and he gets pulled aside every time he flies. Even though he's about third generation American. So please don't tell me that screening isn't a hardship. Of course it is, but a necessary one.

We have 10 9/11's a year due to guns. Strike me you guys can do with a little hardship.

Again, flying is not a consitutionally protected right. Also, we did not ban airplanes after this happened, which is what you want to do with guns.

Tighter security is an inconvience, not a ban on travel. Steel doors on cockpits affect nothing to the traveller. Watch lists and prescreening is things the government has to do, not the people travelling.

Once again FailJoe comes up with a Fail comparison.

Owing a gun isn't a constitutional right, either. Only having a well-regulated militia is.

I've got a Lebanese friend of mine who has an Arabic last name,and he gets pulled aside every time he flies. Even though he's about third generation American. So please don't tell me that screening isn't a hardship. Of course it is, but a necessary one.

We have 10 9/11's a year due to guns. Strike me you guys can do with a little hardship.

Its a right no matter how much you say it isnt. Its kind of sad how you stick to a falsehood just because you want it to be so.

And your "friend" is still allowed to fly, isnt he?

Considering you are a know liar and asshole, nothing out of your mouth is even remotely believeable.

Again, flying is not a consitutionally protected right. Also, we did not ban airplanes after this happened, which is what you want to do with guns.

Tighter security is an inconvience, not a ban on travel. Steel doors on cockpits affect nothing to the traveller. Watch lists and prescreening is things the government has to do, not the people travelling.

Once again FailJoe comes up with a Fail comparison.

Owing a gun isn't a constitutional right, either. Only having a well-regulated militia is.

I've got a Lebanese friend of mine who has an Arabic last name,and he gets pulled aside every time he flies. Even though he's about third generation American. So please don't tell me that screening isn't a hardship. Of course it is, but a necessary one.

We have 10 9/11's a year due to guns. Strike me you guys can do with a little hardship.

Its a right no matter how much you say it isnt. Its kind of sad how you stick to a falsehood just because you want it to be so.

And your "friend" is still allowed to fly, isnt he?

Considering you are a know liar and asshole, nothing out of your mouth is even remotely believeable.

And unable to refute the point, he goes back into personal attacks...

Fact is, Scalia retires, the Second Amdendment is about Militias again...

Again- Every other country can go cluck themselves


We are Free to an extent that the Americans could only DREAM go Cluck Oppps I mean FCUK YOURSELF .........GUN CAPTIVE LOSER:lol::lol:you MUG

Within our shores is all that matters. I could care less what other countries do/don't do.



If you cared about what goes on within your shores, you would pay attention to what other countries do. You do not.
Owing a gun isn't a constitutional right, either. Only having a well-regulated militia is.

I've got a Lebanese friend of mine who has an Arabic last name,and he gets pulled aside every time he flies. Even though he's about third generation American. So please don't tell me that screening isn't a hardship. Of course it is, but a necessary one.

We have 10 9/11's a year due to guns. Strike me you guys can do with a little hardship.

Its a right no matter how much you say it isnt. Its kind of sad how you stick to a falsehood just because you want it to be so.

And your "friend" is still allowed to fly, isnt he?

Considering you are a know liar and asshole, nothing out of your mouth is even remotely believeable.

And unable to refute the point, he goes back into personal attacks...

Fact is, Scalia retires, the Second Amdendment is about Militias again...


You called me "dipshit" a few posts back, you fucking hypocrite.

And again, Joe has to hope for a SCJ that ignores the consitution to get his shit passed.

What a fucking fascist.

Most of those countries never HAD a tradition of personal gun ownership, again they are countries where power flows FROM the sovreign TO the people, or FROM the government TO the people, not the way we have it, where the PEOPLE retain the power and GIVE some to the government.

IT WONT WORK, because criminals who WANT guns will always GET guns, thier criminals dont want guns as much as ours.

Yup, them foreigners don't love "freedom" like we Americans do.

Them dumb foreigners with their lower murder rates... they just don't understand that concept of freedom because they had Kings hundreds of years ago. Of course, most of those kings were thrown out at gun point and in few cases executed. But man, they are all cowering in the shadow of Kings...

Meanwhile, us Freedom-loving Americans given our "freedom" from the Founding Slave Rapists (Except for the Slaves and the Native Americans who got genocided) man, we are all about the Freedom.

dipshit. I don't feel "Free" if I can't go to a theatre without being worried a crazy person was able to buy an automatic weapon and a 100 round magazine....

I can't see the murder rate from my house. I don't care what criminals or those with suicidal intentions do.

Since the police have no legal obligation to come to our aid, I choose a gun like they do. Yes, within my core of influence, i.e., my family, my choice of protection is a gun.

Non negotiable

no reason for it. in your mind or theirs? So I guess what you are saying is a handicap negates rights. What other rights can we strip the handicapped of? I don't like the way that Stephen hawking guy talks. should we take away his right to free speech?

It is dangerous for crazy people to own guns. It is dangerous for blind people to have guns. And why would blind people need a gun. It has nothing to do with the handicapped.

No, it's not. A neighbor of mine is blind but the increase in his other senses allows him to more easily detect distance and direction. The heightened capabilities of his other senses also increases his awareness of other people who may be nearby. He can also tell when someone strange is nearby. I'd be willing to bet that if he were shooting at an intruder, he wouldn't miss by much, if at all. I know I wouldn't want to be in his "sights".

Not missing by much means that he could kill someone else, an innocent person.
Its a right no matter how much you say it isnt. Its kind of sad how you stick to a falsehood just because you want it to be so.

And your "friend" is still allowed to fly, isnt he?

Considering you are a know liar and asshole, nothing out of your mouth is even remotely believeable.

And unable to refute the point, he goes back into personal attacks...

Fact is, Scalia retires, the Second Amdendment is about Militias again...


You called me "dipshit" a few posts back, you fucking hypocrite.

And again, Joe has to hope for a SCJ that ignores the consitution to get his shit passed.

What a fucking fascist.

You relied on a supreme court justice to overturn the wills of hundreds of municipalites that wanted to ban guns.

The problem with Heller is that ignored Miller, it ignored Melrose Park, it ignored a bunch of other precedents that say the feds, states and municpalities DO have the right to ban gun ownership or certain types of weapons.

In short, you got a court that barely sees it your way, by ignoring 80 years of precedents.
REGULATED as defined in 1776 AD dictionary: "Well Regulated"

The Random House College Dictionary (1980) gives four definitions for the word "regulate," which were all in use during the Colonial period They are:

1) To control or direct by a rule, principle, method, etc.

2) To adjust to some standard or requirement as for amount, degree, etc.

3) To adjust so as to ensure accuracy of operation.

4) To put in good order.

this is what makes you liberal nut-jobs appear to be fools, plain and simple you do not know the definition of REGULATED, you fools try your damnedest to redefine words to your own liking, and that don't go over to well with us freedom loving patriots. :up:
To control or direct by rule, principle, or method.

Arguing? You're doing it wrong.


yes the militia should be properly trained
We are Free to an extent that the Americans could only DREAM go Cluck Oppps I mean FCUK YOURSELF .........GUN CAPTIVE LOSER:lol::lol:you MUG

Within our shores is all that matters. I could care less what other countries do/don't do.



If you cared about what goes on within your shores, you would pay attention to what other countries do. You do not.

That's the problem. We need to care more about America and her traditions and values, instead of worrying what the rest of the world thinks.

We need to be selfish like that or we will continue to become the countries that immigrants migrate from.

Within our shores is all that matters. I could care less what other countries do/don't do.



If you cared about what goes on within your shores, you would pay attention to what other countries do. You do not.

That's the problem. We need to care more about America and her traditions and values, instead of worrying what the rest of the world thinks.

We need to be selfish like that or we will continue to become the countries that immigrants migrate from.


That's the ticket. Why, we fucking care so much about Americans that we don't have a problem if thousands are killed every year with guns.

Why it has become a tradition to visit the graves of those that killed themselves or visit the grave of the child that was accidentally killed or maybe someone shot their spouse while cleaning their gun. What ever way they were shot, that has become our "tradition".

And value, why we sure as fuck place a lot of value on human life. Unless they don't like guns. Then not so much, Matter of fact, I hear you gun nutters value other Americans opinions on guns that you would love to shoot them. If they don't agree with you.

I don't think all those gun shot dead and injured Americans are feeling the "love" that you are showing them Geaux.

Any law abiding citizen have their guns confiscated in the past 24 hours?
If you cared about what goes on within your shores, you would pay attention to what other countries do. You do not.

That's the problem. We need to care more about America and her traditions and values, instead of worrying what the rest of the world thinks.

We need to be selfish like that or we will continue to become the countries that immigrants migrate from.


That's the ticket. Why, we fucking care so much about Americans that we don't have a problem if thousands are killed every year with guns.

Why it has become a tradition to visit the graves of those that killed themselves or visit the grave of the child that was accidentally killed or maybe someone shot their spouse while cleaning their gun. What ever way they were shot, that has become our "tradition".

And value, why we sure as fuck place a lot of value on human life. Unless they don't like guns. Then not so much, Matter of fact, I hear you gun nutters value other Americans opinions on guns that you would love to shoot them. If they don't agree with you.

I don't think all those gun shot dead and injured Americans are feeling the "love" that you are showing them Geaux.

Any law abiding citizen have their guns confiscated in the past 24 hours?

No, because our Constitution and the NRA, among others, prevent the communist from doing so.

As many have explained in this thread already, the confiscation is just the end game and we are only at ~half time. The continual onslaught of new proposed gun laws are just a concerted effort to chip away until confiscation is the final straw. For those in the communist community believe that if they do it slowly, nobody will notice. But we do, we know what the real intent is, and that is to disarm America

Not going to happen without a fight as long as I'm upright and breathing.

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[SIZE="4[SIZE="5"]"]That's the problem. We need to care more about America and her traditions and values,[/[/SIZE]SIZE] instead of worrying what the rest of the world thinks.

We need to be selfish like that or we will continue to become the countries that immigrants migrate from.


That's the ticket. Why, we fucking care so much about Americans that we don't have a problem if thousands are killed every year with guns.

Why it has become a tradition to visit the graves of those that killed themselves or visit the grave of the child that was accidentally killed or maybe someone shot their spouse while cleaning their gun. What ever way they were shot, that has become our "tradition".

And value, why we sure as fuck place a lot of value on human life. Unless they don't like guns. Then not so much, Matter of fact, I hear you gun nutters value other Americans opinions on guns that you would love to shoot them. If they don't agree with you.

I don't think all those gun shot dead and injured Americans are feeling the "love" that you are showing them Geaux.

Any law abiding citizen have their guns confiscated in the past 24 hours?

No, because our Constitution and the NRA, among others, prevent the communist from doing so.


Geaux you are a punk ass motherfucker. Make a fucked up statement about how much caring for America we should have but can't address how all those Americans being killed by guns just are not feeling the love and caring you claim to have.

Punk ass motherfucker.
That's the ticket. Why, we fucking care so much about Americans that we don't have a problem if thousands are killed every year with guns.

Why it has become a tradition to visit the graves of those that killed themselves or visit the grave of the child that was accidentally killed or maybe someone shot their spouse while cleaning their gun. What ever way they were shot, that has become our "tradition".

And value, why we sure as fuck place a lot of value on human life. Unless they don't like guns. Then not so much, Matter of fact, I hear you gun nutters value other Americans opinions on guns that you would love to shoot them. If they don't agree with you.

I don't think all those gun shot dead and injured Americans are feeling the "love" that you are showing them Geaux.

Any law abiding citizen have their guns confiscated in the past 24 hours?

No, because our Constitution and the NRA, among others, prevent the communist from doing so.


Geaux you are a punk ass motherfucker. Make a fucked up statement about how much caring for America we should have but can't address how all those Americans being killed by guns just are not feeling the love and caring you claim to have.

Punk ass motherfucker.

LMAO.... :lol:


Again, flying is not a consitutionally protected right. Also, we did not ban airplanes after this happened, which is what you want to do with guns.

Tighter security is an inconvience, not a ban on travel. Steel doors on cockpits affect nothing to the traveller. Watch lists and prescreening is things the government has to do, not the people travelling.

Once again FailJoe comes up with a Fail comparison.

Owing a gun isn't a constitutional right, either. Only having a well-regulated militia is.

I've got a Lebanese friend of mine who has an Arabic last name,and he gets pulled aside every time he flies. Even though he's about third generation American. So please don't tell me that screening isn't a hardship. Of course it is, but a necessary one.

We have 10 9/11's a year due to guns. Strike me you guys can do with a little hardship.

Does Owning Guns Reduce Crime?

Apr 09, 2013

Many people believe that owning guns only increases the amount of crime. However, a recent study published in the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy concluded that there is a negative correlation between gun ownership and violent crime in countries internationally. In other words, the more guns the less crime. The study showed that nations with strict gun control laws have substantially higher murder rates than those who do not. In fact, the 9 European nations with the lowest gun ownership rate have a combined murder rate that is three times that of the nine European nations with the highest gun ownership rate.

So says Harvard University in research concluded in April of 2013.

Here is the entire paper >>>>>>

Look......gun grabber activists are helpless assholes who are ruled every day by their emotions and carry with them a childlike levels of idealism and naïve. Walking 's who cant deal with the realities of living in a civilized society. Disconnected parenting has real consequences in modern society........leaves a whole generation of kids that grow up and cant deal.
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Its a right no matter how much you say it isnt. Its kind of sad how you stick to a falsehood just because you want it to be so.

And your "friend" is still allowed to fly, isnt he?

Considering you are a know liar and asshole, nothing out of your mouth is even remotely believeable.

And unable to refute the point, he goes back into personal attacks...

Fact is, Scalia retires, the Second Amdendment is about Militias again...


You called me "dipshit" a few posts back, you fucking hypocrite.

And again, Joe has to hope for a SCJ that ignores the consitution to get his shit passed.

What a fucking fascist.

He might be right, there are millions of libtards who don't know what an adjective is.

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