No one is going to take your guns

Hmmmm...all three cities run by leftist. You think it means anything?:lol:

"All three cities run by leftist"?? Which leftist?

I don't know about the others but what exactly is "leftist" about Mitch Landrieu? :dunno:

How much can any city mayor get into any issues that are "right" or "left" anyway? :confused:

What a dumb ass. Houstons lesbo lefty mayor just okay'd same sex benefits for city workers.
I guess that's not a left or right issue in your mind.
And if you're saying ol Mitch is a republican you're a bigger dumb ass then I thought.
All three are lefty cities. Deal with it.

Watsa matter? Can't answer? Got caught spewing shit you don't know about?

Houston? Who the fuck brought up Houston? Your post referred to Detroit, Chicago and New Orleans. Can't answer, change the subject? :lame2:

I didn't ask what party Mitch Landrieu is with. I asked how you think he's a "leftist". I'm still waiting.

Or do you not know the difference?
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"All three cities run by leftist"?? Which leftist?

I don't know about the others but what exactly is "leftist" about Mitch Landrieu? :dunno:

How much can any city mayor get into any issues that are "right" or "left" anyway? :confused:

What a dumb ass. Houstons lesbo lefty mayor just okay'd same sex benefits for city workers.
I guess that's not a left or right issue in your mind.
And if you're saying ol Mitch is a republican you're a bigger dumb ass then I thought.
All three are lefty cities. Deal with it.

Watsa matter? Can't answer? Got caught spewing shit you don't know about?

Houston? Who the fuck brought up Houston? Your post referred to Detroit, Chicago and New Orleans. Can't answer, change the subject? :lame2:

I didn't ask what party Mitch Landrieu is with. I asked how you think he's a "leftist". I'm still waiting.

Or do you not know the difference?

Your dumb ass said that mayors dont make left or right decisions. I proved you wrong.
Stop being a fucknut. You know damn good and well all those city are run by lefties.
I understand why you would try and claim they aren't being that they are all shit holes full of liberal morons.
Way to throw your brethren under the bus. Typical lib.
What a dumb ass. Houstons lesbo lefty mayor just okay'd same sex benefits for city workers.
I guess that's not a left or right issue in your mind.
And if you're saying ol Mitch is a republican you're a bigger dumb ass then I thought.
All three are lefty cities. Deal with it.

Watsa matter? Can't answer? Got caught spewing shit you don't know about?

Houston? Who the fuck brought up Houston? Your post referred to Detroit, Chicago and New Orleans. Can't answer, change the subject? :lame2:

I didn't ask what party Mitch Landrieu is with. I asked how you think he's a "leftist". I'm still waiting.

Or do you not know the difference?

Your dumb ass said that mayors dont make left or right decisions. I proved you wrong.
Stop being a fucknut. You know damn good and well all those city are run by lefties.
I understand why you would try and claim they aren't being that they are all shit holes full of liberal morons.
Way to throw your brethren under the bus. Typical lib.

So you have no answer. You put your foot in your mouth and can't get it out.
Just man the fuck up and say it.

No, I know no such thing. I've actually lived in one of them, so I know whereof I speak, rather than pulling it out of my ass. Maybe that's the difference between you and me.

Btw you didn't "prove" squat. You claimed "Houstons [sic] lesbo [sic] lefty mayor just okay'd [sic] same sex benefits for city workers". What does that mean, that the right is against equal rights? And again, Houston isn't one of your three cities anyway, so you're moving goalposts on top of everything else.
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then again, having an abortion is not a constitutional right. owning a gun is.

Depends on who has a majority on the court, doesn't it?

actually no it doesn't. no matter who has a majority in the court, abortion is still not in the constitution. perhaps if you ever bothered to read it you would know that. you'd also know owning a gun is a right. but as usual you speak from ignorance.

but you comment is very interesting and telling. depends who has a majority in the court?
I thought the court was supposed to be impartial. Well not in a twisted liberal mind like yours. in typical douchebag liberal fashion, to you its about control. to you its about being able to force your agenda through. it's never about what is right, its all about what is right for you. the liberal way
then again, having an abortion is not a constitutional right. owning a gun is.

Depends on who has a majority on the court, doesn't it?

actually no it doesn't. no matter who has a majority in the court, abortion is still not in the constitution. perhaps if you ever bothered to read it you would know that. you'd also know owning a gun is a right. but as usual you speak from ignorance.

but you comment is very interesting and telling. depends who has a majority in the court?
I thought the court was supposed to be impartial. Well not in a twisted liberal mind like yours. in typical douchebag liberal fashion, to you its about control. to you its about being able to force your agenda through. it's never about what is right, its all about what is right for you. the liberal way
It is dangerous for crazy people to own guns. It is dangerous for blind people to have guns. And why would blind people need a gun. It has nothing to do with the handicapped.

No, it's not. A neighbor of mine is blind but the increase in his other senses allows him to more easily detect distance and direction. The heightened capabilities of his other senses also increases his awareness of other people who may be nearby. He can also tell when someone strange is nearby. I'd be willing to bet that if he were shooting at an intruder, he wouldn't miss by much, if at all. I know I wouldn't want to be in his "sights".

You live next door to Daredevil?


With some of the stuff I see him trying, and actually accomplishing, I sometimes think so!
then again, having an abortion is not a constitutional right. owning a gun is.

Depends on who has a majority on the court, doesn't it?

actually no it doesn't. no matter who has a majority in the court, abortion is still not in the constitution. perhaps if you ever bothered to read it you would know that. you'd also know owning a gun is a right. but as usual you speak from ignorance.

but you comment is very interesting and telling. depends who has a majority in the court?
I thought the court was supposed to be impartial. Well not in a twisted liberal mind like yours. in typical douchebag liberal fashion, to you its about control. to you its about being able to force your agenda through. it's never about what is right, its all about what is right for you. the liberal way

Guy, I'm a realist. SCOTUS has become Congress with balls.

Clearly, Congress doesn't have the balls to tackle the really tough questions, so we need SCOTUS to do it for us.

The reality was that before Roe, women were having abortions, and the laws weren't really being enforced. All SCOTUS did was reflect reality.

In the case of Heller, you had Scalia imposing the NRA agenda over what a lot of sensible cities were already doing. Once that old creep is gone, good riddance to that sort of craziness.
Hitler never took away German guns.

Eisenhower did that.

"The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subject races to possess arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing. Indeed, I would go so far as to say that the supply of arms to the underdogs is a sine qua non for the overthrow of any sovereignty. So let's not have any native militia or native police. German troops alone will bear the sole responsibility for the maintenance of law and order throughout the occupied Russian territories, and a system of military strong-points must be evolved to cover the entire occupied country." --Adolf Hitler, dinner talk on April 11, 1942, quoted in Hitler's Table Talk 1941-44: His Private Conversations, Second Edition (1973), Pg. 425-426. Translated by Norman Cameron and R. H. Stevens. Introduced and with a new preface by H. R. Trevor-Roper. The original German papers were known as Bormann-Vermerke.
Hitler's Table Talk has been debunked as a fraud.

It's generally to try to paint Hilter as a liberal atheist when he clearly wasn't.

Fact was, Germans were allowed to have guns. It was even seen as a sign of German manhood.
Hey don't be scared there Geaux, you got your guns and you are one bad muttafucker. They won't get your guns till you are dead. But if the government wants them, you will be dead and they will have your guns.

What you gonna do about that? Cry bitch and moan about it on this message board? That's effective. LMAO.
Hey don't be scared there Geaux, you got your guns and you are one bad muttafucker. They won't get your guns till you are dead. But if the government wants them, you will be dead and they will have your guns.

What you gonna do about that? Cry bitch and moan about it on this message board? That's effective. LMAO.

I agree goforit. You are an epic failure. But you got guns. Bad muttafucka that you are.

Got a job yet? Or still mooching off someone else?
Hitler's Table Talk has been debunked as a fraud.

It's generally to try to paint Hilter as a liberal atheist when he clearly wasn't.

Fact was, Germans were allowed to have guns. It was even seen as a sign of German manhood.

Fact was, Germans were allowed to have guns.

fact was those in the party that posed no threat

were allowed to have guns

the other folks not so much

getting caught passing ammo to a jew

was a death sentence

im not so sure i brag about hitlers pro gun policies

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