No one is going to take your guns


Wow............Yeah right now I'm going to shoot everyone and everything in Joe's mind...................

Your a troll, and a lunatic. You state things or take them out of context all the time Joe.....................

Your a LIAR Joe..............

Saying you'd shoot someone to protect your family is DREAMING ABOUT KILLING............


Your an Idiot...............

And by your statement, you'll push your IDEALS on those who don't agree but will not even back it up if the time ever comes.............

That make you a Coward Joe....................

We refuse to accept your Ideals................Forcing your beliefs on others is BS and is Tyranny................

Again. Let's state the opposite. Hypo sitcom....................We believe you should own a gun and pass a law for that everyone is now ordered to own a gun and a 1,000 rounds...................It is our belief. We passed the law.

Will you OBEY US JOE..................It's the law Joe.....................Are you a Law abiding citizen....................

Slavery was OK at one time Joe..........Laws protected it back then.................

Should we OBEY THAT AS WELL..................

Your a troll, and your BORING ME.

Guy, apply a little common sense.

if you are spending that much time worried about how you need to have a gun so you can shoot someone who is "threatening" your family, tells me you are kind of a paranoid loon.

I mean, Zimmerman probably had these kinds of fantasies for year, until he plugged the kid with the Skittles.

I'm a lot more worried about the gun nut who can't wait to shoot someone than some crook who probably just wants my widescreen.

What a piece of work :cuckoo:

Another school shooting today...

Naw, we don't have a problem.

speaking of. didn't Colorado recently pass some very restrictive gun laws. laws you keep telling us will solve the problem? What happened?

Not restrictive enough, obviously.

The only thing that will "solve" the problem is to completely ban civilian gun ownership with a house to house search.
Another school shooting today...

Naw, we don't have a problem.

speaking of. didn't Colorado recently pass some very restrictive gun laws. laws you keep telling us will solve the problem? What happened?

Not restrictive enough, obviously.

The only thing that will "solve" the problem is to completely ban civilian gun ownership with a house to house search.
:lol: :lol: :lol: Thank you, Joe, for keeping us all entertained.
speaking of. didn't Colorado recently pass some very restrictive gun laws. laws you keep telling us will solve the problem? What happened?

Not restrictive enough, obviously.

The only thing that will "solve" the problem is to completely ban civilian gun ownership with a house to house search.
:lol: :lol: :lol: Thank you, Joe, for keeping us all entertained.

Gonna happen, eventually.

doctors and other health care providers to turn a blind eye to the risks posed by guns in
the wrong hands.
 Clarify that no federal law prevents health care providers from warning law
enforcement authorities about threats of violence: Doctors and other mental
health professionals play an important role in protecting the safety of their
patients and the broader community by reporting direct and credible threats of
violence to the authorities. But there is public confusion about whether federal
law prohibits such reports about threats of violence. The Department of Health
and Human Services is issuing a letter to health care providers clarifying that no
federal law prohibits these reports in any way.
 Protect the rights of health care providers to talk to their patients about gun
safety: Doctors and other health care providers also need to be able to ask about
firearms in their patients’ homes and safe storage of those firearms, especially if
their patients show signs of certain mental illnesses or if they have a young child
or mentally ill family member at home. Some have incorrectly claimed that
language in the Affordable Care Act prohibits doctors from asking their patients
about guns and gun safety. Medical groups also continue to fight against state
laws attempting to ban doctors from asking these questions. The Administration
will issue guidance clarifying that the Affordable Care Act does not prohibit or
otherwise regulate communication between doctors and patients, including
about firearms.
Presidential order that states the ACA doesn't prohibit Docs from asking if the patients have guns, and how they are stored..............

Presidential order that states the ACA doesn't prohibit Docs from asking if the patients have guns, and how they are stored..............


Not seeing a problem here.

Frankly, I would like to see the Kellerman Study issued with every new gun...

Because I would bet that if most gun owners knew a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a family member than a bad guy, they wouldn't be so keen on having one.
Not restrictive enough, obviously.

The only thing that will "solve" the problem is to completely ban civilian gun ownership with a house to house search.
:lol: :lol: :lol: Thank you, Joe, for keeping us all entertained.

Gonna happen, eventually.

No, the only thing that will accomplish is getting a lot more people, both homeowners and L.E.O's alike, killed in the process.
Everyone in our entire neighborhood owns guns and most of us gather on the weekends for target practice. If someone comes for a "house to house" search to confiscate firearms, virtually every one of us will defend our homes and property. And they won't be battling one homeowner at a time. We look out after each other. You come after one, you'll have to battle all of us.
Now repeat that same scenario hundreds of thousands of times across the entire nation, and you're going to be filling a lot of body bags.

No, the only thing that will accomplish is getting a lot more people, both homeowners and L.E.O's alike, killed in the process.
Everyone in our entire neighborhood owns guns and most of us gather on the weekends for target practice. If someone comes for a "house to house" search to confiscate firearms, virtually every one of us will defend our homes and property. And they won't be battling one homeowner at a time. We look out after each other. You come after one, you'll have to battle all of us.
Now repeat that same scenario hundreds of thousands of times across the entire nation, and you're going to be filling a lot of body bags.

Guy, you work on the assumption that we are going to do it the dumb way.

The first thing we do is go after the cultists, the Nazis, the nutjobs and make sure we do a nice scary perp-walk with them.

Then we go after the other nuts...

The image being cemented.

And we don't go in when everyone is home. We wait until they are at work, one agent detains them at work while the others go to their houses and takes their guns.

I think a mobile smelter to melt the guns down would be a nice touch.
See the far left wants no one to have guns except the government and the criminals.

No, we don't want the criminals to have guns, either.

You guys seem to think that criminals would still be able to get guns after they are banned.

When in fact, when a country bans guns, crime rates plummet.

Tell that to Mexico!

And once again the far left has no clue of that which they speak.
See the far left wants no one to have guns except the government and the criminals.

No, we don't want the criminals to have guns, either.

You guys seem to think that criminals would still be able to get guns after they are banned.

When in fact, when a country bans guns, crime rates plummet.

Tell that to Mexico!

And once again the far left has no clue of that which they speak.

Guns aren't banned in Mexico, and Mexico, like the US, has the right to bear arms written into their constitution.
No, we don't want the criminals to have guns, either.

You guys seem to think that criminals would still be able to get guns after they are banned.

When in fact, when a country bans guns, crime rates plummet.

Tell that to Mexico!

And once again the far left has no clue of that which they speak.

Guns aren't banned in Mexico, and Mexico, like the US, has the right to bear arms written into their constitution.

Gun ownership is severely limited. Like what the far left has been trying to do here.

If you ban them the only people that will have guns are the government and the criminals, given the fact that the far left wants the wide open borders we have now.

Many drug are illegal and banned, yet somehow they still exist. If they are banned (by your far left logic) should we not see those drugs?

Once again the far left logic is a failure.
No, we don't want the criminals to have guns, either.

You guys seem to think that criminals would still be able to get guns after they are banned.

When in fact, when a country bans guns, crime rates plummet.

Tell that to Mexico!

And once again the far left has no clue of that which they speak.

Guns aren't banned in Mexico, and Mexico, like the US, has the right to bear arms written into their constitution.

And that sorry POS Eric Holder gives them freebies to boot


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