No one is going to take your guns

Tell that to Mexico!

And once again the far left has no clue of that which they speak.

Guns aren't banned in Mexico, and Mexico, like the US, has the right to bear arms written into their constitution.

Gun ownership is severely limited. Like what the far left has been trying to do here.

If you ban them the only people that will have guns are the government and the criminals, given the fact that the far left wants the wide open borders we have now.

Many drug are illegal and banned, yet somehow they still exist. If they are banned (by your far left logic) should we not see those drugs?

Once again the far left logic is a failure.

If you ban them the only people that will have guns are the government and the criminals

often they are the same people
speaking of. didn't Colorado recently pass some very restrictive gun laws. laws you keep telling us will solve the problem? What happened?

Not restrictive enough, obviously.

The only thing that will "solve" the problem is to completely ban civilian gun ownership with a house to house search.
:lol: :lol: :lol: Thank you, Joe, for keeping us all entertained.

Joe actually adds a lot to this BBS, you know.

Mostly, he adds the BS that follows the B!

No, the only thing that will accomplish is getting a lot more people, both homeowners and L.E.O's alike, killed in the process.
Everyone in our entire neighborhood owns guns and most of us gather on the weekends for target practice. If someone comes for a "house to house" search to confiscate firearms, virtually every one of us will defend our homes and property. And they won't be battling one homeowner at a time. We look out after each other. You come after one, you'll have to battle all of us.
Now repeat that same scenario hundreds of thousands of times across the entire nation, and you're going to be filling a lot of body bags.

Guy, you work on the assumption that we are going to do it the dumb way.

The first thing we do is go after the cultists, the Nazis, the nutjobs and make sure we do a nice scary perp-walk with them.

Then we go after the other nuts...

The image being cemented.

And we don't go in when everyone is home. We wait until they are at work, one agent detains them at work while the others go to their houses and takes their guns.

I think a mobile smelter to melt the guns down would be a nice touch.

Yeah, because it's TOTALLY IMPOSSIBLE to put guns anywhere but your house. Dude, are you THIS damn stupid or just trolling for kicks?

I give you the portable, air- and water-tight (with appropriate assembly and preparation), lightweight, durable storage system! Works for many things, including firearms!

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Yeah, because it's TOTALLY IMPOSSIBLE to put guns anywhere but your house. Dude, are you THIS damn stupid or just trolling for kicks?

I give you the portable, air- and water-tight (with appropriate assembly and preparation), lightweight, durable storage system! Works for many things, including firearms!


Guy, you work on the assumption that you are really all that clever.

Most of you gun whacks aren't.

Your neighbors will totally be ready to dime you out for the reward money.
See the far left wants no one to have guns except the government and the criminals.

No, we don't want the criminals to have guns, either.

You guys seem to think that criminals would still be able to get guns after they are banned.

When in fact, when a country bans guns, crime rates plummet.

How is that working out in Chicago?

Chicago isn't a "country".

Do try to pay attention, will you?

When a COUNTRY bans guns, when you don't let guns into your country, crime rates drop.

When a city bans it, and the gun industry intentionally sets up shop outside the city limits with the intent to circumvent the laws of that city, not so much.
What neighbors? There are no other houses in sight.

And I am starting to think that geocacheing is looking interesting...

Oh, you're one of those nuts who lives out in the middle of nowhere?

Why am I not surprised?

I live in an old farmhouse in a rural area...hardly the middle of nowhere (it's a <5 minute drive or a 15-minute walk to a neighbor), but being ~100 yards back from the main road and the fact that most of my land is wooded greatly limits visibility.

You may enjoy being crammed into a teeming slum, but I do not!
No, we don't want the criminals to have guns, either.

You guys seem to think that criminals would still be able to get guns after they are banned.

When in fact, when a country bans guns, crime rates plummet.

How is that working out in Chicago?

Chicago isn't a "country".

Do try to pay attention, will you?

When a COUNTRY bans guns, when you don't let guns into your country, crime rates drop.

When a city bans it, and the gun industry intentionally sets up shop outside the city limits with the intent to circumvent the laws of that city, not so much.

Oh, I see. The evil gun industry has set up thousands of gun stores just outside the city limits of chi-town and they are selling them to every criminal who walks in?

you have got to be the one of the dumbest posters on this forum.

Oh, I see. The evil gun industry has set up thousands of gun stores just outside the city limits of chi-town and they are selling them to every criminal who walks in?

you have got to be the one of the dumbest posters on this forum.

Um, yeah, that's exactly what they did...

Chicago gangs don?t have to go far to buy guns - Chicago Sun-Times

But the truth is most guns recovered in crimes here were originally bought in Illinois.

More specifically, in Cook County.

And the No. 1 supplier of those weapons is just a short drive from Chicago, Chuck’s Gun Store in south suburban Riverdale.

From 2008 to March 2012, the police successfully traced the ownership of 1,375 guns recovered in crimes in Chicago within a year of their purchase.

Of those guns, 268 were bought at Chuck’s — nearly one in five.

Oh, I see. The evil gun industry has set up thousands of gun stores just outside the city limits of chi-town and they are selling them to every criminal who walks in?

you have got to be the one of the dumbest posters on this forum.

Um, yeah, that's exactly what they did...

Chicago gangs don?t have to go far to buy guns - Chicago Sun-Times

But the truth is most guns recovered in crimes here were originally bought in Illinois.

More specifically, in Cook County.

And the No. 1 supplier of those weapons is just a short drive from Chicago, Chuck’s Gun Store in south suburban Riverdale.

From 2008 to March 2012, the police successfully traced the ownership of 1,375 guns recovered in crimes in Chicago within a year of their purchase.

Of those guns, 268 were bought at Chuck’s — nearly one in five.

background checks are mandatory in Ill and every other state. Are you claiming that this gun dealer does not do background checks? If so, you should turn him in to the ATF.

Guns will never be banned in the USA. Forget that. Instead how about concentrating on catching and punishing criminals who use guns. How about putting the mentally ill away from society instead of feeeeeeeeeeeeeling sorry for them.?
Hmmmm...all three cities run by leftist. You think it means anything?:lol:

"All three cities run by leftist"?? Which leftist?

I don't know about the others but what exactly is "leftist" about Mitch Landrieu? :dunno:

How much can any city mayor get into any issues that are "right" or "left" anyway? :confused:

They aren’t ‘leftist,’ of course. But it does demonstrate the ignorance and stupidity of many conservatives.

Meanwhile, no guns have been 'confiscated.'
Many, apparently, have been forcibly removed from their owners' possession by the state, however.

background checks are mandatory in Ill and every other state. Are you claiming that this gun dealer does not do background checks? If so, you should turn him in to the ATF.

I'm sure this gun dealer follows the letter of the law...

Simple enough solution. If a gun you sold is used in a crime, you can be held legally liable. Betcha they get a lot more thorough about who they sell guns to after that.

Guns will never be banned in the USA. Forget that. Instead how about concentrating on catching and punishing criminals who use guns. How about putting the mentally ill away from society instead of feeeeeeeeeeeeeling sorry for them.?

Again, most gun deaths are sucidies, accidents and domestic arguments gone wrong.

As for punishing criminals, we lock up 2 million people and have another 7 million on probation or parole (rendering them effectively unemployable). Most other industrialized countries only lock up 50- 100K of their own citizens. If locking them up was the answer, we'd have solved the problem by now.
Hey redfishy, be careful what you wish for. Like putting the mentally ill away from society. You seem to be mentally ill.

But wtf does "background" have to do with what Joe said? 268 guns bought at Chucks. Why don't you fucking gun loving assholes do your own policing of gun shops? Why do you support gun shops being set up outside of Chicago city limits so that gun sellers can circumvent the cities gun laws? If Chucks was number one, that means there was a number 2 and a 3 and a 4 etc. May not of been thousands of gun shops, but it sure as hell is more than one gun store selling weapons to criminals in Chicago.

What are assholes like you such a big part of the problem and absolutely no part of a solution?
You want your guns taken away? Keep fucking doing nothing about gun deaths and eventually what you fear (and shouldn't happen) will happen. We will all lose our guns.
Hey redfishy, be careful what you wish for. Like putting the mentally ill away from society. You seem to be mentally ill.

But wtf does "background" have to do with what Joe said? 268 guns bought at Chucks. Why don't you fucking gun loving assholes do your own policing of gun shops? Why do you support gun shops being set up outside of Chicago city limits so that gun sellers can circumvent the cities gun laws? If Chucks was number one, that means there was a number 2 and a 3 and a 4 etc. May not of been thousands of gun shops, but it sure as hell is more than one gun store selling weapons to criminals in Chicago.

What are assholes like you such a big part of the problem and absolutely no part of a solution?
You want your guns taken away? Keep fucking doing nothing about gun deaths and eventually what you fear (and shouldn't happen) will happen. We will all lose our guns.

If the store owner followed the laws that people like you insisted were needed to keep us safe and we are still not safe, then HE is not the problem. Knee jerk reactionaries like you are the problem. You demand that people who follow YOUR laws are not to be trusted and must be disarmed, but nothing, NOTHING you suggest really addresses the issue which is that we do a TERRIBLE job dealing with the mentally ill and criminals.

If the store owner followed the laws that people like you insisted were needed to keep us safe and we are still not safe, then HE is not the problem. Knee jerk reactionaries like you are the problem. You demand that people who follow YOUR laws are not to be trusted and must be disarmed, but nothing, NOTHING you suggest really addresses the issue which is that we do a TERRIBLE job dealing with the mentally ill and criminals.

I think there's a difference between following the letter of the law and the spirit of the law.

I would agree we do a terrible job with criminals and the mentally ill. Just not in the way you think.

Criminals, we've created a Prison Industrial Complex that locks up 2 million people and has another 7 million on probation and parole, all to feed an industry that is the worst of corporate welfare. And you guys think this is a "solution".

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