No one is going to take your guns


If the store owner followed the laws that people like you insisted were needed to keep us safe and we are still not safe, then HE is not the problem. Knee jerk reactionaries like you are the problem. You demand that people who follow YOUR laws are not to be trusted and must be disarmed, but nothing, NOTHING you suggest really addresses the issue which is that we do a TERRIBLE job dealing with the mentally ill and criminals.

I think there's a difference between following the letter of the law and the spirit of the law.

I would agree we do a terrible job with criminals and the mentally ill. Just not in the way you think.

Criminals, we've created a Prison Industrial Complex that locks up 2 million people and has another 7 million on probation and parole, all to feed an industry that is the worst of corporate welfare. And you guys think this is a "solution".

want to eliminate the prison population? here's my solution.

Murder----first offence------gas chamber

other felonies
first offence-----ten lashes
second offecen ----fifty lashes
third offence----gas chamber

first offence---five lashes
second offence----ten lashes
third offence---fifty lashes.

no prisons needed, think of the billions we would save and the crime rate would go way down.
Hey redfishy, be careful what you wish for. Like putting the mentally ill away from society. You seem to be mentally ill.

But wtf does "background" have to do with what Joe said? 268 guns bought at Chucks. Why don't you fucking gun loving assholes do your own policing of gun shops? Why do you support gun shops being set up outside of Chicago city limits so that gun sellers can circumvent the cities gun laws? If Chucks was number one, that means there was a number 2 and a 3 and a 4 etc. May not of been thousands of gun shops, but it sure as hell is more than one gun store selling weapons to criminals in Chicago.

What are assholes like you such a big part of the problem and absolutely no part of a solution?
You want your guns taken away? Keep fucking doing nothing about gun deaths and eventually what you fear (and shouldn't happen) will happen. We will all lose our guns.

your juvenile anger is noted. The fact that you cannot make a sane post without hurling insults just verifes that you are an ignorant arrogant libtardian.

What do you suggest we do with sporting goods stores that sell baseball bats that have been used to kill people? how about home stores that sell knives and hammers?

the implement is not the problem, the person weilding it is the problem. Get the criminals and nuts off of the streets.

If the store owner followed the laws that people like you insisted were needed to keep us safe and we are still not safe, then HE is not the problem. Knee jerk reactionaries like you are the problem. You demand that people who follow YOUR laws are not to be trusted and must be disarmed, but nothing, NOTHING you suggest really addresses the issue which is that we do a TERRIBLE job dealing with the mentally ill and criminals.

I think there's a difference between following the letter of the law and the spirit of the law.

I would agree we do a terrible job with criminals and the mentally ill. Just not in the way you think.

Criminals, we've created a Prison Industrial Complex that locks up 2 million people and has another 7 million on probation and parole, all to feed an industry that is the worst of corporate welfare. And you guys think this is a "solution".

want to eliminate the prison population? here's my solution.

Murder----first offence------gas chamber

other felonies
first offence-----ten lashes
second offecen ----fifty lashes
third offence----gas chamber

first offence---five lashes
second offence----ten lashes
third offence---fifty lashes.

no prisons needed, think of the billions we would save and the crime rate would go way down.

Indeed- If there is a high grade negative consequence to crime, we could turn the tables.

Years ago I toured the old prison in CADIZ. The inmate cells were/are below sea level. They had no riot issues to speak of. If they did, open goes the flood gates and swoosh.....

We need real consequences to crime. Instead, crime pays


Another school shooting today...

Naw, we don't have a problem.

speaking of. didn't Colorado recently pass some very restrictive gun laws. laws you keep telling us will solve the problem? What happened?

Not restrictive enough, obviously.

The only thing that will "solve" the problem is to completely ban civilian gun ownership with a house to house search.

and there you have the liberal agenda folks. don't believe a word they say when they tell you registrations are not a precursor to confiscation. Joe, you just completely validated the premise of the OP of this thread.

Never vote for a democrat if you want your rights to remain in tact. never allow the democrats to have the votes in congress to pass laws you will regret. and for gun rights this goes way beyond the federal government. look what a democratic governor did in NY. look what giving a democratic governor state senate and congressional support will do.
speaking of. didn't Colorado recently pass some very restrictive gun laws. laws you keep telling us will solve the problem? What happened?

Not restrictive enough, obviously.

The only thing that will "solve" the problem is to completely ban civilian gun ownership with a house to house search.

and there you have the liberal agenda folks. don't believe a word they say when they tell you registrations are not a precursor to confiscation. Joe, you just completely validated the premise of the OP of this thread.

Never vote for a democrat if you want your rights to remain in tact. never allow the democrats to have the votes in congress to pass laws you will regret. and for gun rights this goes way beyond the federal government. look what a democratic governor did in NY. look what giving a democratic governor state senate and congressional support will do.

Hitler, Castro, Lenin, Marx, and Mao had the same agenda. Amazing that the dems and libs want to repeat those mistakes of history.
How is that working out in Chicago?

Chicago isn't a "country".

Do try to pay attention, will you?

When a COUNTRY bans guns, when you don't let guns into your country, crime rates drop.

When a city bans it, and the gun industry intentionally sets up shop outside the city limits with the intent to circumvent the laws of that city, not so much.

Oh, I see. The evil gun industry has set up thousands of gun stores just outside the city limits of chi-town and they are selling them to every criminal who walks in?

you have got to be the one of the dumbest posters on this forum.

He is. I would not bother anyway. If you have not noticed, he has not bothered to actually support such an asinine claim. That is because the data has already been brought in and shows that gun bands have almost no impact on homicide raters much less positive affects on crime rates. I have shown this a dozen times here and not one person has been able to refute it.

Now watch the goalposts change as he stats blubbering abut suicides or some other worthless and sales statistic.

If the store owner followed the laws that people like you insisted were needed to keep us safe and we are still not safe, then HE is not the problem. Knee jerk reactionaries like you are the problem. You demand that people who follow YOUR laws are not to be trusted and must be disarmed, but nothing, NOTHING you suggest really addresses the issue which is that we do a TERRIBLE job dealing with the mentally ill and criminals.

I think there's a difference between following the letter of the law and the spirit of the law.

I would agree we do a terrible job with criminals and the mentally ill. Just not in the way you think.

Criminals, we've created a Prison Industrial Complex that locks up 2 million people and has another 7 million on probation and parole, all to feed an industry that is the worst of corporate welfare. And you guys think this is a "solution".

want to eliminate the prison population? here's my solution.

Murder----first offence------gas chamber

other felonies
first offence-----ten lashes
second offecen ----fifty lashes
third offence----gas chamber

first offence---five lashes
second offence----ten lashes
third offence---fifty lashes.

no prisons needed, think of the billions we would save and the crime rate would go way down.
All comes down to what society will tolerate. Right now society on whole tolerates way too much.

If the store owner followed the laws that people like you insisted were needed to keep us safe and we are still not safe, then HE is not the problem. Knee jerk reactionaries like you are the problem. You demand that people who follow YOUR laws are not to be trusted and must be disarmed, but nothing, NOTHING you suggest really addresses the issue which is that we do a TERRIBLE job dealing with the mentally ill and criminals.

I think there's a difference between following the letter of the law and the spirit of the law.

I would agree we do a terrible job with criminals and the mentally ill. Just not in the way you think.

Criminals, we've created a Prison Industrial Complex that locks up 2 million people and has another 7 million on probation and parole, all to feed an industry that is the worst of corporate welfare. And you guys think this is a "solution".

want to eliminate the prison population? here's my solution.

Murder----first offence------gas chamber

other felonies
first offence-----ten lashes
second offecen ----fifty lashes
third offence----gas chamber

first offence---five lashes
second offence----ten lashes
third offence---fifty lashes.

no prisons needed, think of the billions we would save and the crime rate would go way down.

The Iranians called. They want their lunacy back.
I think there's a difference between following the letter of the law and the spirit of the law.

I would agree we do a terrible job with criminals and the mentally ill. Just not in the way you think.

Criminals, we've created a Prison Industrial Complex that locks up 2 million people and has another 7 million on probation and parole, all to feed an industry that is the worst of corporate welfare. And you guys think this is a "solution".

want to eliminate the prison population? here's my solution.

Murder----first offence------gas chamber

other felonies
first offence-----ten lashes
second offecen ----fifty lashes
third offence----gas chamber

first offence---five lashes
second offence----ten lashes
third offence---fifty lashes.

no prisons needed, think of the billions we would save and the crime rate would go way down.

Indeed- If there is a high grade negative consequence to crime, we could turn the tables.

Years ago I toured the old prison in CADIZ. The inmate cells were/are below sea level. They had no riot issues to speak of. If they did, open goes the flood gates and swoosh.....

We need real consequences to crime. Instead, crime pays



I flat do not trust the "justice" system that much.
I think there's a difference between following the letter of the law and the spirit of the law.

I would agree we do a terrible job with criminals and the mentally ill. Just not in the way you think.

Criminals, we've created a Prison Industrial Complex that locks up 2 million people and has another 7 million on probation and parole, all to feed an industry that is the worst of corporate welfare. And you guys think this is a "solution".

want to eliminate the prison population? here's my solution.

Murder----first offence------gas chamber

other felonies
first offence-----ten lashes
second offecen ----fifty lashes
third offence----gas chamber

first offence---five lashes
second offence----ten lashes
third offence---fifty lashes.

no prisons needed, think of the billions we would save and the crime rate would go way down.

The Iranians called. They want their lunacy back.

Joe boy was complaining about the number of people we have in prisons, I gave him a simple way to eliminate prisons.
want to eliminate the prison population? here's my solution.

Murder----first offence------gas chamber

other felonies
first offence-----ten lashes
second offecen ----fifty lashes
third offence----gas chamber

first offence---five lashes
second offence----ten lashes
third offence---fifty lashes.

no prisons needed, think of the billions we would save and the crime rate would go way down.

Indeed- If there is a high grade negative consequence to crime, we could turn the tables.

Years ago I toured the old prison in CADIZ. The inmate cells were/are below sea level. They had no riot issues to speak of. If they did, open goes the flood gates and swoosh.....

We need real consequences to crime. Instead, crime pays



I flat do not trust the "justice" system that much.

so what's your answer?

No, the only thing that will accomplish is getting a lot more people, both homeowners and L.E.O's alike, killed in the process.
Everyone in our entire neighborhood owns guns and most of us gather on the weekends for target practice. If someone comes for a "house to house" search to confiscate firearms, virtually every one of us will defend our homes and property. And they won't be battling one homeowner at a time. We look out after each other. You come after one, you'll have to battle all of us.
Now repeat that same scenario hundreds of thousands of times across the entire nation, and you're going to be filling a lot of body bags.

Guy, you work on the assumption that we are going to do it the dumb way.

The first thing we do is go after the cultists, the Nazis, the nutjobs and make sure we do a nice scary perp-walk with them.

Then we go after the other nuts...

The image being cemented.

And we don't go in when everyone is home. We wait until they are at work, one agent detains them at work while the others go to their houses and takes their guns.

I think a mobile smelter to melt the guns down would be a nice touch.

As you can see, I emboldened the several instances of the word "we" in your above post. I did so because the way you put it, it sounds like you yourself will be a part of the breaking and entering of people's homes. I will therefore assume that you will be the one actually breaking into my home.
I sincerely hope that you are...
Not restrictive enough, obviously.

The only thing that will "solve" the problem is to completely ban civilian gun ownership with a house to house search.

and there you have the liberal agenda folks. don't believe a word they say when they tell you registrations are not a precursor to confiscation. Joe, you just completely validated the premise of the OP of this thread.

Never vote for a democrat if you want your rights to remain in tact. never allow the democrats to have the votes in congress to pass laws you will regret. and for gun rights this goes way beyond the federal government. look what a democratic governor did in NY. look what giving a democratic governor state senate and congressional support will do.

Hitler, Castro, Lenin, Marx, and Mao had the same agenda. Amazing that the dems and libs want to repeat those mistakes of history.

over and over joe demonstrates he has no respect for justice, American values, freedoms, rights, and playing by the law of the land. he is not about America, he is about himself. he defines the new liberalism. new liberals don't even respect or follow the values and principles they used to represent.

No, the only thing that will accomplish is getting a lot more people, both homeowners and L.E.O's alike, killed in the process.
Everyone in our entire neighborhood owns guns and most of us gather on the weekends for target practice. If someone comes for a "house to house" search to confiscate firearms, virtually every one of us will defend our homes and property. And they won't be battling one homeowner at a time. We look out after each other. You come after one, you'll have to battle all of us.
Now repeat that same scenario hundreds of thousands of times across the entire nation, and you're going to be filling a lot of body bags.

Guy, you work on the assumption that we are going to do it the dumb way.

The first thing we do is go after the cultists, the Nazis, the nutjobs and make sure we do a nice scary perp-walk with them.

Then we go after the other nuts...

The image being cemented.

And we don't go in when everyone is home. We wait until they are at work, one agent detains them at work while the others go to their houses and takes their guns.

I think a mobile smelter to melt the guns down would be a nice touch.

As you can see, I emboldened the several instances of the word "we" in your above post. I did so because the way you put it, it sounds like you yourself will be a part of the breaking and entering of people's homes. I will therefore assume that you will be the one actually breaking into my home.
I sincerely hope that you are...
Joey thinks he speaks for the majority of Americans when he actually speaks for the minority that seeks to usurp God Given rights as enumerated in the Constitution...OR...he's got a frog in his pocket...:eusa_whistle:
I think there's a difference between following the letter of the law and the spirit of the law.

I would agree we do a terrible job with criminals and the mentally ill. Just not in the way you think.

Criminals, we've created a Prison Industrial Complex that locks up 2 million people and has another 7 million on probation and parole, all to feed an industry that is the worst of corporate welfare. And you guys think this is a "solution".

want to eliminate the prison population? here's my solution.

Murder----first offence------gas chamber

other felonies
first offence-----ten lashes
second offecen ----fifty lashes
third offence----gas chamber

first offence---five lashes
second offence----ten lashes
third offence---fifty lashes.

no prisons needed, think of the billions we would save and the crime rate would go way down.
All comes down to what society will tolerate. Right now society on whole tolerates way too much.

politicians know that and exploit it. the fact that Obama can have the performance record he has and liberals still hail him is a true sign at how far our society has fallen.
want to eliminate the prison population? here's my solution.

Murder----first offence------gas chamber

other felonies
first offence-----ten lashes
second offecen ----fifty lashes
third offence----gas chamber

first offence---five lashes
second offence----ten lashes
third offence---fifty lashes.

no prisons needed, think of the billions we would save and the crime rate would go way down.
All comes down to what society will tolerate. Right now society on whole tolerates way too much.

politicians know that and exploit it. the fact that Obama can have the performance record he has and liberals still hail him is a true sign at how far our society has fallen.
Agreed. And the sad part of it all? People refuse to speak up until they are adversely affected.
Chicago isn't a "country".

Do try to pay attention, will you?

When a COUNTRY bans guns, when you don't let guns into your country, crime rates drop.

When a city bans it, and the gun industry intentionally sets up shop outside the city limits with the intent to circumvent the laws of that city, not so much.

Oh, I see. The evil gun industry has set up thousands of gun stores just outside the city limits of chi-town and they are selling them to every criminal who walks in?

you have got to be the one of the dumbest posters on this forum.

He is. I would not bother anyway. If you have not noticed, he has not bothered to actually support such an asinine claim. That is because the data has already been brought in and shows that gun bands have almost no impact on homicide raters much less positive affects on crime rates. I have shown this a dozen times here and not one person has been able to refute it.

Now watch the goalposts change as he stats blubbering abut suicides or some other worthless and sales statistic.

Actually, I put the proof that the gun industry subverted the Chicago Law in the very next post... if you had bothered to read it.
Oh, I see. The evil gun industry has set up thousands of gun stores just outside the city limits of chi-town and they are selling them to every criminal who walks in?

you have got to be the one of the dumbest posters on this forum.

He is. I would not bother anyway. If you have not noticed, he has not bothered to actually support such an asinine claim. That is because the data has already been brought in and shows that gun bands have almost no impact on homicide raters much less positive affects on crime rates. I have shown this a dozen times here and not one person has been able to refute it.

Now watch the goalposts change as he stats blubbering abut suicides or some other worthless and sales statistic.

Actually, I put the proof that the gun industry subverted the Chicago Law in the very next post... if you had bothered to read it.

you proved nothing except that some gun dealers legally are doing business outside chicago.

if you have some proof that they are doing anything illegal you need to contact the ATF with your proof.

Are you claiming that they are selling to felons or others that cannot pass a background check? Are you claiming that people are buying guns legally and then selling them to criminals? If so, call it in. If not, STFU
He is. I would not bother anyway. If you have not noticed, he has not bothered to actually support such an asinine claim. That is because the data has already been brought in and shows that gun bands have almost no impact on homicide raters much less positive affects on crime rates. I have shown this a dozen times here and not one person has been able to refute it.

Now watch the goalposts change as he stats blubbering abut suicides or some other worthless and sales statistic.

Actually, I put the proof that the gun industry subverted the Chicago Law in the very next post... if you had bothered to read it.

you proved nothing except that some gun dealers legally are doing business outside chicago.

if you have some proof that they are doing anything illegal you need to contact the ATF with your proof.

Are you claiming that they are selling to felons or others that cannot pass a background check? Are you claiming that people are buying guns legally and then selling them to criminals? If so, call it in. If not, STFU

I never said they were breaking the law.

I said they were intentionally setting up shops with the intent to subvert Chicago's rules.

Which the ATF wouldn't have jurisdiction over, anyway.

But the point was, 20% of the guns all came from ONE SHOP.

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