No one is going to take your guns

Fuck is it easy to be a right winger or what.

Just make stupid shit up and post post post. I can do that. I have done that. And I will again. I am on my way to being a USMB rethug.

Send me condolences.
Oh and red fish are the cause of all the stupidity exhibited on this message board. Red fish are the direct cause of all poverty and crime as well.

Redfish are a member of the spotted drum family of gamefish, they are plentiful in the gulf and usually are found around underwater structures and in shallow protected waters.

They are an excellent food fish and have no political affiliations of any kind, although they do consume a shrimp in one bite.:lol:
Fuck is it easy to be a right winger or what.

Just make stupid shit up and post post post. I can do that. I have done that. And I will again. I am on my way to being a USMB rethug.

Send me condolences.

you are too stupid to convert to conservatism. Conservatism requires the ability to think logically and rationally.

But since you want to try. Guns will never be totally banned or confiscated in the USA. The second amendment will NOT be struck down. Millions of americans own guns and have never shot a human being and never will.

The vast majority of gun crime occurs in the ghettos and is either gang or drug related.

Why not clean up the ghettos and stop the illegal drug trade rather than take rights away from law abiding citizens?

Now, try to engage your little brain for a few minutes and provide a thoughful reply.
Fuck is it easy to be a right winger or what.

Just make stupid shit up and post post post. I can do that. I have done that. And I will again. I am on my way to being a USMB rethug.

Send me condolences.

you are too stupid to convert to conservatism. Conservatism requires the ability to think logically and rationally.

But since you want to try. Guns will never be totally banned or confiscated in the USA. The second amendment will NOT be struck down. Millions of americans own guns and have never shot a human being and never will.

The vast majority of gun crime occurs in the ghettos and is either gang or drug related.

Why not clean up the ghettos and stop the illegal drug trade rather than take rights away from law abiding citizens?

Now, try to engage your little brain for a few minutes and provide a thoughful reply.

We all know how conservatives are intent on helping out the ghettos.
Fuck is it easy to be a right winger or what.

Just make stupid shit up and post post post. I can do that. I have done that. And I will again. I am on my way to being a USMB rethug.

Send me condolences.

you are too stupid to convert to conservatism. Conservatism requires the ability to think logically and rationally.

But since you want to try. Guns will never be totally banned or confiscated in the USA. The second amendment will NOT be struck down. Millions of americans own guns and have never shot a human being and never will.

The vast majority of gun crime occurs in the ghettos and is either gang or drug related.

Why not clean up the ghettos and stop the illegal drug trade rather than take rights away from law abiding citizens?

Now, try to engage your little brain for a few minutes and provide a thoughful reply.

We all know how conservatives are intent on helping out the ghettos.

Conservatives give much more to charities than liberals. So you are correct.
Fuck is it easy to be a right winger or what.

Just make stupid shit up and post post post. I can do that. I have done that. And I will again. I am on my way to being a USMB rethug.

Send me condolences.

you are too stupid to convert to conservatism. Conservatism requires the ability to think logically and rationally.

But since you want to try. Guns will never be totally banned or confiscated in the USA. The second amendment will NOT be struck down. Millions of americans own guns and have never shot a human being and never will.

The vast majority of gun crime occurs in the ghettos and is either gang or drug related.

Why not clean up the ghettos and stop the illegal drug trade rather than take rights away from law abiding citizens?

Now, try to engage your little brain for a few minutes and provide a thoughful reply.

Well that idea highlighted pretty much rules you out from being a "conservative".

Now you might make a good con. But that's a different subject. You could make a good con man. A good convict. But a good conservative? Not likely. No such thing. Matter of fact, I haven't seen a conservative on here yet. With the exception of Jake.

UNLESS your definition of a good conservative is; wishing there was an "open" hunting season on people you want to shoot.

Wishing that all poor people would have their children instead of having abortions. And you love those unborn poor kids right up till they are born.

Wishing that all the working poor would quit bitching about not being paid enough and be willing to work for whatever wages they could get. Even if those wages are 1 dollar an hour. Hell, you think that is all they are worth anyway. 1 dollar an hour.

Wishing that the ultra rich didn't have to hear so much complaining about how they didn't create those jobs they promised and how people want to tax them even more. Now don't you know that the ultra wealthy are barely getting by.

If those four topics are what defines today's conservatives, and they do, I think I will pass on trying to be a con man.

china executes people rather than locking them up. Is that the model you want the USA to follow?

We execute people, too. And, no China maybe has 5000 execution a year compared to our 100 or so, but they still have less prisoners.

Canada does not have the same kind of diversity that we have. Canada is not 14% black, Canada does not have large numbers of hispanics and asians and arabs.?

Canada took in large numbers from Vietnam. They also have a large French-speaking minority (most things there are bilingual) and large numbers of native Americans. "Diversity" isn't the problem in Canada. The fact that they don't let every yahoo have a gun is why their crime rates are so low.

Why are all of the mass shootings in blue states with the most strict gun laws?

Well, that's not true, either.

Colorado is at best a purple state. Arizona is a red state. Virginia is a red state, until recently, and has VERY lax gun laws (which is how Cho was able to amass an arsenal.)
Fuck is it easy to be a right winger or what.

Just make stupid shit up and post post post. I can do that. I have done that. And I will again. I am on my way to being a USMB rethug.

Send me condolences.

you are too stupid to convert to conservatism. Conservatism requires the ability to think logically and rationally.

But since you want to try. Guns will never be totally banned or confiscated in the USA. The second amendment will NOT be struck down. Millions of americans own guns and have never shot a human being and never will.

The vast majority of gun crime occurs in the ghettos and is either gang or drug related.

Why not clean up the ghettos and stop the illegal drug trade rather than take rights away from law abiding citizens?

Now, try to engage your little brain for a few minutes and provide a thoughful reply.

Well that idea highlighted pretty much rules you out from being a "conservative".

Now you might make a good con. But that's a different subject. You could make a good con man. A good convict. But a good conservative? Not likely. No such thing. Matter of fact, I haven't seen a conservative on here yet. With the exception of Jake.

UNLESS your definition of a good conservative is; wishing there was an "open" hunting season on people you want to shoot.

Wishing that all poor people would have their children instead of having abortions. And you love those unborn poor kids right up till they are born.

Wishing that all the working poor would quit bitching about not being paid enough and be willing to work for whatever wages they could get. Even if those wages are 1 dollar an hour. Hell, you think that is all they are worth anyway. 1 dollar an hour.

Wishing that the ultra rich didn't have to hear so much complaining about how they didn't create those jobs they promised and how people want to tax them even more. Now don't you know that the ultra wealthy are barely getting by.

If those four topics are what defines today's conservatives, and they do, I think I will pass on trying to be a con man.

everything you said is wrong. Every word of it. you spout dem/lib propaganda and proclaim it as truth.

you are either a complete fool and a complete tool----or both.

when you post that kind of crap you lose what little credibility you ever had. Its quite pathetic really.

china executes people rather than locking them up. Is that the model you want the USA to follow?

We execute people, too. And, no China maybe has 5000 execution a year compared to our 100 or so, but they still have less prisoners.

Canada does not have the same kind of diversity that we have. Canada is not 14% black, Canada does not have large numbers of hispanics and asians and arabs.?

Canada took in large numbers from Vietnam. They also have a large French-speaking minority (most things there are bilingual) and large numbers of native Americans. "Diversity" isn't the problem in Canada. The fact that they don't let every yahoo have a gun is why their crime rates are so low.

Why are all of the mass shootings in blue states with the most strict gun laws?

Well, that's not true, either.

Colorado is at best a purple state. Arizona is a red state. Virginia is a red state, until recently, and has VERY lax gun laws (which is how Cho was able to amass an arsenal.)

china has fewer prisoners and fewer crimes BECAUSE the people fear execution.

Canada is mostly rural with a small population, its not really comparable to the USA.

The point is that strict gun laws do not prevent gun crime.

Do you really want a society where only the government and criminals have guns? Because neither of those groups will EVER give them up.
One reason is our justice system does a very good job keeping criminal thugs in the game.

Really, how can you say something so absurd?

We lock up 2 million people. By comparison, Communist China with four times as many people only locks up 1.4 million! We lock up more people than any other country in the world.

No, you'd just have more assholes shooting each other over traffic altercations.

Remember your Canadian statistic? It's the failed diversity experiment in the US that's the problem. The culture

'Society is safer when criminals don't know who's armed'


Again, you are delusional. Canada has diversity. They have a huge French speaking minority that from time to time demands independence, they have large pockets of impoverished native Americans.

What they don't have is a notion that everyone who wants a gun should have one, no questions asked. They allow some gun ownership, but you have to prove you need or merit one.

What a concept.

china executes people rather than locking them up. Is that the model you want the USA to follow?

Canada does not have the same kind of diversity that we have. Canada is not 14% black, Canada does not have large numbers of hispanics and asians and arabs.

Why are all of the mass shootings in blue states with the most strict gun laws?

Canada also does not have MS-13 gangbangers swarming across the border like cockroaches.
You do nothing but serve to prove the premise that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
Because of this, you, like all other anti-gun loons, virtually ensure no further gun control will ever be passed.
Keep up the good work.
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You do nothing but serve to prove the premise that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.

Irony alert.

From the same wag who posted this:

Indeed -- failing to teach your child age-appropriate safe gun handling is child abuse; if your thusly-ignorant child ever accidently kills someone, you should be charged with negligence.

If your father didn't do this with you, you were abused.

Better set the hypocrisy meter to "X 0.000001". Don't wanna overload it.

you are too stupid to convert to conservatism. Conservatism requires the ability to think logically and rationally.

But since you want to try. Guns will never be totally banned or confiscated in the USA. The second amendment will NOT be struck down. Millions of americans own guns and have never shot a human being and never will.

The vast majority of gun crime occurs in the ghettos and is either gang or drug related.

Why not clean up the ghettos and stop the illegal drug trade rather than take rights away from law abiding citizens?

Now, try to engage your little brain for a few minutes and provide a thoughful reply.

We all know how conservatives are intent on helping out the ghettos.

Conservatives give much more to charities than liberals. So you are correct.

Not charities that benefit ghettos.

You aren't in a strong position. You are arguing from ignorance and make no sense.

You act as if the firearm is the problem, but it's not. The problem is that there are many people who believe that violence is the answer to their problems and more people that are mentally ill and can't control their impulses. Your answer is to leave such people amongst us and merely take away the firearm, but that does not keep us safe. You are just as injured and killed if you are stabbed or chopped with a hatchet. You are just as injured and killed if you are overpowered and strangled. You are just as injured or killed if you are unexpectedly struck for no reason and fall and hit your head on a street or curb.

If you'd focus your energy in effectively dealing with the violent and mentally ill, you'd actually be dealing with the real problem and, by the way, improving the quality of life of the mentally ill and the greater society. Think about that and give it a try. Then you MIGHT find a superior position.
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you proved nothing except that some gun dealers legally are doing business outside chicago.

if you have some proof that they are doing anything illegal you need to contact the ATF with your proof.

Are you claiming that they are selling to felons or others that cannot pass a background check? Are you claiming that people are buying guns legally and then selling them to criminals? If so, call it in. If not, STFU

I never said they were breaking the law.

I said they were intentionally setting up shops with the intent to subvert Chicago's rules.

Which the ATF wouldn't have jurisdiction over, anyway.

But the point was, 20% of the guns all came from ONE SHOP.

So what? If the entire state had Chitowns gun laws, gun shops would set up on the Indiana border.

But do you have any proof that the guns used in chicago crime came from this shop? if so, lets see it.

The USA will NEVER ban gun ownership. There will be a revolution or sesession if that is ever attempted,. so get over that fantasy.

You are focusing on the wrong thing and this is why the gun debate is a totally convoluted mess. The left continually does this by moving the real debate – how effective gun laws are at reducing homicide/crime rates – to completely irrelevant topics like the above point. He speaks about gun shops circumventing an asinine law in a single city but taken on any scale whatsoever across bans on weapons in entire nations to strict gun controls and to lessening gun regulation we see a continues theme in the hard numbers: such gun control has virtually no impact whatsoever in homicides and no positive effects across other crimes. The rest of the debate is utterly meaningless if the anti-gun crowed cannot establish any positive effects from gun control itself and gun rights advocates need to keep the pressure there.

You act as if the firearm is the problem, but it's not. The problem is that there are many people who believe that violence is the answer to their problems and more people that are mentally ill and can't control their impulses. Your answer is to leave such people amongst us and merely take away the firearm, but that does not keep us safe. You are just as injured and killed if you are stabbed or chopped with a hatchet. You are just as injured and killed if you are overpowered and strangled. You are just as injured or killed if you are unexpectedly struck for no reason and fall and hit your head on a street or curb.

I hate to admit it considering who the poster is but this makes sense, and when you're right, you're right.

Our problems are not with the firearm but with the abuse of it. We have a violence problem, a mental health problem, and a gun fetish problem. All three are true, and when they're present simultaneously we have a deadly cocktail.

True, the firearm by itself doesn't create any homicidal maniacs. But it does make it a lot easier for them to do what they're already bent on doing.
I never said they were breaking the law.

I said they were intentionally setting up shops with the intent to subvert Chicago's rules.

Which the ATF wouldn't have jurisdiction over, anyway.

But the point was, 20% of the guns all came from ONE SHOP.

So what? If the entire state had Chitowns gun laws, gun shops would set up on the Indiana border.

But do you have any proof that the guns used in chicago crime came from this shop? if so, lets see it.

The USA will NEVER ban gun ownership. There will be a revolution or sesession if that is ever attempted,. so get over that fantasy.

You are focusing on the wrong thing and this is why the gun debate is a totally convoluted mess. The left continually does this by moving the real debate – how effective gun laws are at reducing homicide/crime rates – to completely irrelevant topics like the above point. He speaks about gun shops circumventing an asinine law in a single city but taken on any scale whatsoever across bans on weapons in entire nations to strict gun controls and to lessening gun regulation we see a continues theme in the hard numbers: such gun control has virtually no impact whatsoever in homicides and no positive effects across other crimes. The rest of the debate is utterly meaningless if the anti-gun crowed cannot establish any positive effects from gun control itself and gun rights advocates need to keep the pressure there.
Anti-gun loons believe you can enact laws that will prevent people from breaking the law.
Rational people understand that this is absurd on its face.
You do nothing but serve to prove the premise that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
Because of this, you, like all other anti-gun loons, virtually ensure no further gun control will ever be passed.
Keep up the good work.

This is an "A" Typical response from a discredited Murder are living in an ancient Epoc
You do nothing but serve to prove the premise that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
Because of this, you, like all other anti-gun loons, virtually ensure no further gun control will ever be passed.
Keep up the good work.
This is an "A" Typical response from a discredited Murder Lobbyist
Thank you for continung to prove the premise.
Please keep up the good work.

china executes people rather than locking them up. Is that the model you want the USA to follow?

We execute people, too. And, no China maybe has 5000 execution a year compared to our 100 or so, but they still have less prisoners.

Canada took in large numbers from Vietnam. They also have a large French-speaking minority (most things there are bilingual) and large numbers of native Americans. "Diversity" isn't the problem in Canada. The fact that they don't let every yahoo have a gun is why their crime rates are so low.

Why are all of the mass shootings in blue states with the most strict gun laws?

Well, that's not true, either.

Colorado is at best a purple state. Arizona is a red state. Virginia is a red state, until recently, and has VERY lax gun laws (which is how Cho was able to amass an arsenal.)

china has fewer prisoners and fewer crimes BECAUSE the people fear execution.

Canada is mostly rural with a small population, its not really comparable to the USA.

The point is that strict gun laws do not prevent gun crime.

Do you really want a society where only the government and criminals have guns? Because neither of those groups will EVER give them up.

Somebody has never been to Toronto huh? Toronto's metro population is 5.5 million. If it was a part of the United States it would be the 8th largest metro area in the country (inbetween DC and Miami). Their murder rate in 2011? 45.

That kind of throws the "rural" argument right out of the window.

But the murder rate is VERY easy to explain to anybody who's ever lived in the GTA and the US before (for the record I've lived in both). It's the CULTURE, not the gun ownership rate. They have all of the same movies (the ratings are actually less strict), same music, same TV shows, same sports, etc. But its the overall culture that is the reason why.

People see US #1 in gun ownership and #1 in murder rate out of the developed world-so they say "AH HA! That's it!"

But what they fail to realize is that the remaining rankings aren't in order.

If gun ownership = higher murder rate, than the #2 country in gun ownership would around #2 in murder rate. But that is NOT the case. People can do that research on their own-and they'll see.
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