No one to perform at Trumps Inauguration, Rockettes get Scrooged and forced to dance.

The Rockettes are honored to be asked to dance. One snowflake objected and was told she would be replaced. This is the world where one snowflake does not change the plans of the majority.

The adults are back in charge.
I wanna see Barry Williams and Marsha Marsha Marsha!
The Rockettes are honored to be asked to dance. One snowflake objected and was told she would be replaced. This is the world where one snowflake does not change the plans of the majority.

The adults are back in charge.

....but will Trump PAY them this time....?
The Rockettes are honored to be asked to dance. One snowflake objected and was told she would be replaced. This is the world where one snowflake does not change the plans of the majority.

The adults are back in charge.

Pretty short-sighted by the individual dancer. The Presidential Inauguration is an American Celebration of the peaceful transfer of power. The stark reality is that the owners of the business, The Rockettes, have determined that this is an opportunity for the brand, political affiliations preferences aside. Since she does not like it, maybe she can go out and start her own brand that adhere's to Leftist views only. The Rockettes would still win because, as Michael Jordan says, "Republicans buy sneakers, too".
Who cares? Trump is the star. The rest is just garnish.
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This is the world where one snowflake does not change the plans of the majority.
Yes, indeed! Stay in lockstep with the collective or else, right Comrade?

She is more than free to go out and start her own alternative to the Rockettes. If Che were in charge and she ran counter to the so-called collective, she would be shot. If Bill Ayers were in charge, she would be sent off to be re-educated. If she did not respond, she would need to be shot.

In Conservative Capitalist America, you are free to run counter and compete.......but no guarantee off success.

Which do you prefer? Che/Ayers or Free Market/Free Will?
I would never have thought that people would become so petty that this kind of thing would happen.

Our candidate lost. We honor the office and hope for the best.

Jeezuz, it's like we've all been teleported back to junior fucking high school.


There are others like you on the Democratic Party. Those doing this are making you and you're party look like screaming children.

Hang in there Mac, these morons will soon be history soon enough.
I would never have thought that people would become so petty that this kind of thing would happen.

Our candidate lost. We honor the office and hope for the best.

Jeezuz, it's like we've all been teleported back to junior fucking high school.


There are others like you on the Democratic Party. Those doing this are making you and you're party look like screaming children.

Hang in there Mac, these morons will soon be history soon enough.
Much appreciated!

Truth be told, I've given up on both parties, but I sure would like to see the Regressive Left marginalized. They've really wrecked the party.
I would never have thought that people would become so petty that this kind of thing would happen.

Our candidate lost. We honor the office and hope for the best.

Jeezuz, it's like we've all been teleported back to junior fucking high school.


There are others like you on the Democratic Party. Those doing this are making you and you're party look like screaming children.

Hang in there Mac, these morons will soon be history soon enough.
Much appreciated!

Truth be told, I've given up on both parties, but I sure would like to see the Regressive Left marginalized. They've really wrecked the party.

I was a dem until Carter. A republican until Bush I. Been a conservative independent since. I feel your pain.

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