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No One Voted to Destroy Social Security

You're wasting your time with this thread. Cons don't have the emotional maturity to admit republicans in office don't give two shits about them. The evidencs that they want to gut SS is overwhelming but their childish defense mechanisms don't allow them to see the truth.
The holder of that debt is not the government its the tax payers.

Are you really that fucking stupid?

The Real Owner of the U.S. Debt Will Surprise You
You are

Still.ignorong.mh questions.he has no.answer

Lakhota im gonna ride that ass until you submit.

The question here seems to be, who is the government? Is the govt not the tax payers? I mean, the govt gets its money from the tax payers, the tax payers are the board members who choose who the CEO (president and Congress) will be.

Workers paid into Social Security during their working years - so they own the funds - not the government. Social Security holds about $2.8 trillion of U.S. debt.

The Real Owner of the U.S. Debt Will Surprise You

The point I was making is that the govt is supposedly run by the people. Who is above the President? Well, the voters. It's all one and the same.

The point I was making is that not everyone is entitled to Social Security. Hence, not all taxpayers.

Groups That Do Not Pay Into the Social Security System
Last edited:
You are

Still.ignorong.mh questions.he has no.answer

Lakhota im gonna ride that ass until you submit.

The question here seems to be, who is the government? Is the govt not the tax payers? I mean, the govt gets its money from the tax payers, the tax payers are the board members who choose who the CEO (president and Congress) will be.

Workers paid into Social Security during their working years - so they own the funds - not the government. Social Security holds about $2.8 trillion of U.S. debt.

The Real Owner of the U.S. Debt Will Surprise You

The point I was making is that the govt is supposedly run by the people. Who is above the President? Well, the voters. It's all one and the same.

The point I was making is that not everyone is entitled to Social Security. Hence, not all taxpayers.

Groups That Do Not Pay Into the Social Security System

Ive destroyed Lakhota in his own thread yet again. I have him.a source and he cant refute.it......he knows his position is shit.

And noone has, the election is over. You can Stop with the bullshit, throw granny off the cliff stuff. Your scare tactics no longer have impsct, people caught on.
Well Buck, you are a liar. They definately have a plan to destroy SS as we know it.


Rep. Sam Johnson (R-Texas), chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee’s Subcommittee on Social Security, released a plan Thursday to reform Social Security that would drastically reduce benefits. The bill would make the program less of a universal earned benefit and more of a means-tested safety net that aims only to provide basic support to the poorest retirees and disabled workers.

In order to close Social Security’s long-term funding gap, Johnson would make Social Security’s benefit formula less generous for all but the lowest earners, rapidly raise the retirement age and reduce the annual cost-of-living adjustment, among other changes designed to save money.

Johnson also proposes changes that would cost the program money, like an increased minimum benefit for the poorest retirees ― provided they have a long history of covered employment ― and the elimination of income taxes on Social Security.

Under Johnson’s plan, a middle-class 65-year-old claiming benefits in 2030 ― one with average annual earnings of about $49,000 over 30 years of covered employment ― would experience a 17 percent benefit cut relative to what the program currently promises them, according to the Social Security Administration’s chief actuary. A 65-year-old with the same earnings history claiming benefits in 2050 would experience a 28 percent benefit cut compared to current law.
And noone has, the election is over. You can Stop with the bullshit, throw granny off the cliff stuff. Your scare tactics no longer have impsct, people caught on.

What these Nazis are planning is even worse than just throwing granny off the cliff.

I heard this shit in the 80s, the 90s,.the 2000s and it has never happened

Because the Democrats would not let it happen. And, we, the people, will not let it happen today.
Okay every republican doubting this thread needs to shut the fuck up and look up the facts:

1) Repubs want to slash benefits
2) Repubs want to raise the retirement age

GOP introduces plan to massively cut Social Security

Yes this fake news from the far left has already been debunked..

Until you drones can post from the bill, you are just repeating your programming!
Just did, and here is more.

Posted in Budget, Medicare, privatization, Social Security By NCPSSM
House Republicans, led by Congressman Paul Ryan, released their budget proposalyesterday...yes, on April Fool's day. Unfortunately, this plan was not offered in jest. And it's potential affects on America's seniors and their families is no joke.
  • The GOP plan would cut Social Security.
This proposal would means test Social Security, turning a social insurance program into a welfare program. Conservatives have long believed that changing Social Security's core mission is the only way to erode public support for a program which serves all Americans well, regardless of their income. Incredibly, according to the Wall Street Journal, the Obama Administration says it "would have to take a close look at the GOP proposal on Social Security".

"Social Security reform, largely ignored since President George W. Bush's ill-starred initiative in 2005, could be resurfacing soon. On a conference call with reporters Wednesday where he generally blasted Republican budget proposals, a top Obama budget official said the administration would have to take a close look at the GOP proposal on Social Security, and hinted that the White House would have more to say on the issue soon."

  • The GOP plan would privatize Medicare.
Their plan continues the privatization begun with the passage of the disastrous Medicare Modernization Act during the Bush administration. The goal is the same...to dismantle Medicare piece by piece and turn it over to private insurers. The Wonk Room has a detailed description of this proposal saying:
"Over time, this proposal would turn Medicare into a voucher system in which seniors would get a check from the government and would be told to go buy private insurance. In the absence of federal cost controls (which are part of the Democratic but not the Republican program), health costs would skyrocket and the voucher amount would quickly fall far behind the cost of insurance. Obviously, seniors who couldn't afford to pay more out-of-pocket would become under-insured and insurance companies would make out like bandits. "

  • The GOP plan would rescind the recently-enacted economic stimulus package, except the unemployment provisions.
  • The GOP plan would provide approximately $4 trillion in tax cuts to the rich by extending George Bush's 2001 and 2003 tax cuts. It creates a new tax sytem that also benefits higher earners while also suspending the capital gains tax for 2009 and 2010. This proposal would also cut the corporate income tax rate from 35 to 25 percent.
  • The GOP plan would freeze discretionary spending for 5 years.

Not a single candidate in 2016 campaigned on a promise to repeal and replace Social Security or Medicare. Anyone who did would have been soundly defeated. Indeed, unlike the Republican opponents he beat, Donald Trump promised not to touch Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid. But now that the Republicans will soon be in charge of all branches of government, destroying Social Security and Medicare is on the top of their agenda.

Two days after the election, Paul Ryan said, “With a unified Republican government, we can actually get things done.” One of those things is ending Medicare as we know it, as I and others have spotlighted. It turns out that Social Security is in the Republicans’ cross hairs, as well. This is not a surprise. Ending Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid is Republican-elite orthodoxy.

What is surprising is that the Republican establishment is so eager, it can’t wait to unveil its plans. In some ways, you can’t blame the Republican elites. They have been waiting a long time.

In the 1936 election campaign, repealing and replacing Social Security was the Republican battle cry. That year, the Republican presidential standard bearer, Alf Landon, claimed, “To get a workable old age pension plan we must repeal [Social Security].” What did he and his fellow Republicans want to replace it with? Instead of Social Security’s pension plan, which replaces wages so that people can retire with dignity and maintain their standard of living as they age, the Republicans proposed paying all seniors an identical subsistence-level amount.

Now, just before Congress left town, the powerful Chairman of the Social Security Subcommittee of the House Ways and Means Committee unveiled a proposal that would radically transform Social Security. It takes a long time to phase in, but when it does, what would Social Security provide? An essentially flat, subsistence level benefit, independent of how much a worker contributed, just as the 1936 Republican Party proposed.

Unlike 1936, when straightforward repeal was possible, because Social Security hadn’t yet begun, today it has been around for over eighty years. So, to get back to what the Republicans wanted then and now, you have to slash benefits – and the Republican plan does so with gusto.

Much More: No One Voted to Destroy Social Security

People of all ages should fight this - because it would affect ALL of us - young and old.

Wouldn't matter HOW they voted. They'd be too late to "destroy" SocSec. Congress did that over 30 years. Robbing the paychecks of the working poor and rich alike with surpluses that were just pissed away and nothing of value left in it's place. THEN -- now that SocSec is already running a deficit (started 8 yrs ahead of projections thanks to Obama robbing the income stream in 2009) --- The felon fleecers are ROBBING YOU AGAIN. By issuing NEW debt to cover the shortfalls. Debt which you and your grandchildren will be paying out your paychecks AGAIN.. How stupid is that? For folks to be whining about "touching" or "destroying" Soc Sec when the felons in Washington accomplished that task your entire lives and didn't know it?

It pisses me off that the resultant economic mismanagement carnage is some kind of sacred cow that must not be "touched". Get off my cloud.
The GOP is working toward the Second Great Republican Depression. They almost succeeded in 2008. Bet with the orange clown, they succeed by 2019.
Okay every republican doubting this thread needs to shut the fuck up and look up the facts:

1) Repubs want to slash benefits
2) Repubs want to raise the retirement age

GOP introduces plan to massively cut Social Security

Yes this fake news from the far left has already been debunked..

Until you drones can post from the bill, you are just repeating your programming!
Just did, and here is more.

Posted in Budget, Medicare, privatization, Social Security By NCPSSM
House Republicans, led by Congressman Paul Ryan, released their budget proposalyesterday...yes, on April Fool's day. Unfortunately, this plan was not offered in jest. And it's potential affects on America's seniors and their families is no joke.
  • The GOP plan would cut Social Security.
This proposal would means test Social Security, turning a social insurance program into a welfare program. Conservatives have long believed that changing Social Security's core mission is the only way to erode public support for a program which serves all Americans well, regardless of their income. Incredibly, according to the Wall Street Journal, the Obama Administration says it "would have to take a close look at the GOP proposal on Social Security".

"Social Security reform, largely ignored since President George W. Bush's ill-starred initiative in 2005, could be resurfacing soon. On a conference call with reporters Wednesday where he generally blasted Republican budget proposals, a top Obama budget official said the administration would have to take a close look at the GOP proposal on Social Security, and hinted that the White House would have more to say on the issue soon."

    • The GOP plan would privatize Medicare.
Their plan continues the privatization begun with the passage of the disastrous Medicare Modernization Act during the Bush administration. The goal is the same...to dismantle Medicare piece by piece and turn it over to private insurers. The Wonk Room has a detailed description of this proposal saying:
"Over time, this proposal would turn Medicare into a voucher system in which seniors would get a check from the government and would be told to go buy private insurance. In the absence of federal cost controls (which are part of the Democratic but not the Republican program), health costs would skyrocket and the voucher amount would quickly fall far behind the cost of insurance. Obviously, seniors who couldn't afford to pay more out-of-pocket would become under-insured and insurance companies would make out like bandits. "

    • The GOP plan would rescind the recently-enacted economic stimulus package, except the unemployment provisions.

    • The GOP plan would provide approximately $4 trillion in tax cuts to the rich by extending George Bush's 2001 and 2003 tax cuts. It creates a new tax sytem that also benefits higher earners while also suspending the capital gains tax for 2009 and 2010. This proposal would also cut the corporate income tax rate from 35 to 25 percent.

    • The GOP plan would freeze discretionary spending for 5 years.

Once again the far left is posting fake news as they can not link to anything in the actual bill that supports their claim, just overly biased opinion pieces..
In the 1936 election campaign, repealing and replacing Social Security was the Republican battle cry. That year, the Republican presidential standard bearer, Alf Landon, claimed, “To get a workable old age pension plan we must repeal [Social Security].” What did he and his fellow Republicans want to replace it with? Instead of Social Security’s pension plan, which replaces wages so that people can retire with dignity and maintain their standard of living as they age, the Republicans proposed paying all seniors an identical subsistence-level amount.

Now, just before Congress left town, the powerful Chairman of the Social Security Subcommittee of the House Ways and Means Committee unveiled a proposal that would radically transform Social Security. It takes a long time to phase in, but when it does, what would Social Security provide? An essentially flat, subsistence level benefit, independent of how much a worker contributed, just as the 1936 Republican Party proposed.
I'm trying to think why this is a bad thing. It's pretty much what we have now. You can pump thousands a year into SS and when you need it you get barely a subsistance payout. You pay almost 8% of your earnings throughout your entire working life for the chance to collect less than 1200 bucks a month. If you took that 8% and actually invested it you could easily be getting three to four times that when you need it. SS is nothing more than a rip off for people to think they have some kind of security which actually isn't much compared to what they paid in.

I would like all of my money back I paid in. I would be in a pretty good position right now.
Well, if you had ever did something that earned an income more than flipping burgers at McD's, you might get more than 1200. I certainly do.

You know why SS was created? No, you don't. You are too fucking dumb to have ever looked at the history of the Great Republican Depression. Many people had what they thought were safe investments prior to the Depression. And saw it all destroyed, left with no money and no home. My Grandparents were in their 50's and 60's when that happened, and it destroyed them economically. The orange clown is going to do the same for many people. And the GOP wishes to compound this by taking the SS that we have earned for 50 years of labor from us. And you would be an accessory to this robbery.
Okay every republican doubting this thread needs to shut the fuck up and look up the facts:

1) Repubs want to slash benefits
2) Repubs want to raise the retirement age

GOP introduces plan to massively cut Social Security

Yes this fake news from the far left has already been debunked..

Until you drones can post from the bill, you are just repeating your programming!
Just did, and here is more.

Posted in Budget, Medicare, privatization, Social Security By NCPSSM
House Republicans, led by Congressman Paul Ryan, released their budget proposalyesterday...yes, on April Fool's day. Unfortunately, this plan was not offered in jest. And it's potential affects on America's seniors and their families is no joke.
  • The GOP plan would cut Social Security.
This proposal would means test Social Security, turning a social insurance program into a welfare program. Conservatives have long believed that changing Social Security's core mission is the only way to erode public support for a program which serves all Americans well, regardless of their income. Incredibly, according to the Wall Street Journal, the Obama Administration says it "would have to take a close look at the GOP proposal on Social Security".

"Social Security reform, largely ignored since President George W. Bush's ill-starred initiative in 2005, could be resurfacing soon. On a conference call with reporters Wednesday where he generally blasted Republican budget proposals, a top Obama budget official said the administration would have to take a close look at the GOP proposal on Social Security, and hinted that the White House would have more to say on the issue soon."

    • The GOP plan would privatize Medicare.
Their plan continues the privatization begun with the passage of the disastrous Medicare Modernization Act during the Bush administration. The goal is the same...to dismantle Medicare piece by piece and turn it over to private insurers. The Wonk Room has a detailed description of this proposal saying:
"Over time, this proposal would turn Medicare into a voucher system in which seniors would get a check from the government and would be told to go buy private insurance. In the absence of federal cost controls (which are part of the Democratic but not the Republican program), health costs would skyrocket and the voucher amount would quickly fall far behind the cost of insurance. Obviously, seniors who couldn't afford to pay more out-of-pocket would become under-insured and insurance companies would make out like bandits. "

    • The GOP plan would rescind the recently-enacted economic stimulus package, except the unemployment provisions.

    • The GOP plan would provide approximately $4 trillion in tax cuts to the rich by extending George Bush's 2001 and 2003 tax cuts. It creates a new tax sytem that also benefits higher earners while also suspending the capital gains tax for 2009 and 2010. This proposal would also cut the corporate income tax rate from 35 to 25 percent.

    • The GOP plan would freeze discretionary spending for 5 years.

Once again the far left is posting fake news as they can not link to anything in the actual bill that supports their claim, just overly biased opinion pieces..
Asshole, when the Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee lays out his plans on a subject for which the Committee has control, then it might not be a bill yet, but if not cut off at the pass,it will be.
Okay every republican doubting this thread needs to shut the fuck up and look up the facts:

1) Repubs want to slash benefits
2) Repubs want to raise the retirement age

GOP introduces plan to massively cut Social Security

Yes this fake news from the far left has already been debunked..

Until you drones can post from the bill, you are just repeating your programming!
Just did, and here is more.

Posted in Budget, Medicare, privatization, Social Security By NCPSSM
House Republicans, led by Congressman Paul Ryan, released their budget proposalyesterday...yes, on April Fool's day. Unfortunately, this plan was not offered in jest. And it's potential affects on America's seniors and their families is no joke.
  • The GOP plan would cut Social Security.
This proposal would means test Social Security, turning a social insurance program into a welfare program. Conservatives have long believed that changing Social Security's core mission is the only way to erode public support for a program which serves all Americans well, regardless of their income. Incredibly, according to the Wall Street Journal, the Obama Administration says it "would have to take a close look at the GOP proposal on Social Security".

"Social Security reform, largely ignored since President George W. Bush's ill-starred initiative in 2005, could be resurfacing soon. On a conference call with reporters Wednesday where he generally blasted Republican budget proposals, a top Obama budget official said the administration would have to take a close look at the GOP proposal on Social Security, and hinted that the White House would have more to say on the issue soon."

    • The GOP plan would privatize Medicare.
Their plan continues the privatization begun with the passage of the disastrous Medicare Modernization Act during the Bush administration. The goal is the same...to dismantle Medicare piece by piece and turn it over to private insurers. The Wonk Room has a detailed description of this proposal saying:
"Over time, this proposal would turn Medicare into a voucher system in which seniors would get a check from the government and would be told to go buy private insurance. In the absence of federal cost controls (which are part of the Democratic but not the Republican program), health costs would skyrocket and the voucher amount would quickly fall far behind the cost of insurance. Obviously, seniors who couldn't afford to pay more out-of-pocket would become under-insured and insurance companies would make out like bandits. "

    • The GOP plan would rescind the recently-enacted economic stimulus package, except the unemployment provisions.

    • The GOP plan would provide approximately $4 trillion in tax cuts to the rich by extending George Bush's 2001 and 2003 tax cuts. It creates a new tax sytem that also benefits higher earners while also suspending the capital gains tax for 2009 and 2010. This proposal would also cut the corporate income tax rate from 35 to 25 percent.

    • The GOP plan would freeze discretionary spending for 5 years.

Once again the far left is posting fake news as they can not link to anything in the actual bill that supports their claim, just overly biased opinion pieces..
Asshole, when the Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee lays out his plans on a subject for which the Committee has control, then it might not be a bill yet, but if not cut off at the pass,it will be.

Exactly the far left is basing all their religious dogma on their interpolation (just like AGW), Thus it is a fake news story not even close to the facts!

So if there is no bill then no one can know what will happen!

Although the far left just loves to make bills that no needs to read, have to pass it to find out what is in it!

Another far left drone failed thread/post!
And noone has, the election is over. You can Stop with the bullshit, throw granny off the cliff stuff. Your scare tactics no longer have impsct, people caught on.

What these Nazis are planning is even worse than just throwing granny off the cliff.

I heard this shit in the 80s, the 90s,.the 2000s and it has never happened

Because the Democrats would not let it happen. And, we, the people, will not let it happen today.

We just did....you need to leave your safe space more often...:lol:
And noone has, the election is over. You can Stop with the bullshit, throw granny off the cliff stuff. Your scare tactics no longer have impsct, people caught on.

What these Nazis are planning is even worse than just throwing granny off the cliff.

These are things you should have focused on prior to the election. Unfortunately, you and others exactly like you could not pull your heads out long enough to deal with the actual issues.

The Democratic Plot to Privatize Social Security

Not a single candidate in 2016 campaigned on a promise to repeal and replace Social Security or Medicare. Anyone who did would have been soundly defeated. Indeed, unlike the Republican opponents he beat, Donald Trump promised not to touch Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid. But now that the Republicans will soon be in charge of all branches of government, destroying Social Security and Medicare is on the top of their agenda.

Two days after the election, Paul Ryan said, “With a unified Republican government, we can actually get things done.” One of those things is ending Medicare as we know it, as I and others have spotlighted. It turns out that Social Security is in the Republicans’ cross hairs, as well. This is not a surprise. Ending Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid is Republican-elite orthodoxy.

What is surprising is that the Republican establishment is so eager, it can’t wait to unveil its plans. In some ways, you can’t blame the Republican elites. They have been waiting a long time.

In the 1936 election campaign, repealing and replacing Social Security was the Republican battle cry. That year, the Republican presidential standard bearer, Alf Landon, claimed, “To get a workable old age pension plan we must repeal [Social Security].” What did he and his fellow Republicans want to replace it with? Instead of Social Security’s pension plan, which replaces wages so that people can retire with dignity and maintain their standard of living as they age, the Republicans proposed paying all seniors an identical subsistence-level amount.

Now, just before Congress left town, the powerful Chairman of the Social Security Subcommittee of the House Ways and Means Committee unveiled a proposal that would radically transform Social Security. It takes a long time to phase in, but when it does, what would Social Security provide? An essentially flat, subsistence level benefit, independent of how much a worker contributed, just as the 1936 Republican Party proposed.

Unlike 1936, when straightforward repeal was possible, because Social Security hadn’t yet begun, today it has been around for over eighty years. So, to get back to what the Republicans wanted then and now, you have to slash benefits – and the Republican plan does so with gusto.

Much More: No One Voted to Destroy Social Security

People of all ages should fight this - because it would affect ALL of us - young and old.
Take the fire water away from this idiot.
You are

Still.ignorong.mh questions.he has no.answer

Lakhota im gonna ride that ass until you submit.

The question here seems to be, who is the government? Is the govt not the tax payers? I mean, the govt gets its money from the tax payers, the tax payers are the board members who choose who the CEO (president and Congress) will be.

Workers paid into Social Security during their working years - so they own the funds - not the government. Social Security holds about $2.8 trillion of U.S. debt.

The Real Owner of the U.S. Debt Will Surprise You

The point I was making is that the govt is supposedly run by the people. Who is above the President? Well, the voters. It's all one and the same.

The point I was making is that not everyone is entitled to Social Security. Hence, not all taxpayers.

Groups That Do Not Pay Into the Social Security System

Ok, so dont give it to the those groups.

Now by 2035 what percentage of benefits will the SSA be able to cover?

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