No reason to believe americans were not safe.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Ambassador Chris Stevens and another American were killed in the consulate during the initial violence, as plainclothes Libyan security were evacuating the consulate's staff to the safe house about a mile away, el-Sharef said. The second assault took place several hours later and targeted the safe house — a villa inside the grounds of the city's equestrian club — killing two Americans and wounding a number of Libyans and Americans.

"We thought there was no way for the protesters to storm the compound, which had fortified walls," he said. El-Sharef said Libyan security advised the Americans to evacuate at that point, but he says the advice was ignored.

Amid the evacuation, Stevens became separated from others, and staffers and security that tried to find him were forced to flee by flames, smoke and gunfire. After an hour, according to U.S. officials, U.S. and Libyan officials drove the attackers from the consulate
Libyan Attacks Said to Be 2-Part Militant Assault - ABC News
FOXNEWS and Romney was quick to blame Obama. There is no blame here on Obama, but the blame is on the sub-human bug that made and release the anti-Muslim video bashing the prophet Muhammad. Lets at least put the blame where is rightfully belong. The rioting by the Libyan was just a cover for terrorist to attack the embassy and the real reason is as always been, U.S. policies, invasion an occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan the murder of a million innocent Muslim men, women an children.

Ambassador Chris Stevens and another American were killed in the consulate during the initial violence, as plainclothes Libyan security were evacuating the consulate's staff to the safe house about a mile away, el-Sharef said. The second assault took place several hours later and targeted the safe house — a villa inside the grounds of the city's equestrian club — killing two Americans and wounding a number of Libyans and Americans.

"We thought there was no way for the protesters to storm the compound, which had fortified walls," he said. El-Sharef said Libyan security advised the Americans to evacuate at that point, but he says the advice was ignored.

Amid the evacuation, Stevens became separated from others, and staffers and security that tried to find him were forced to flee by flames, smoke and gunfire. After an hour, according to U.S. officials, U.S. and Libyan officials drove the attackers from the consulate
Libyan Attacks Said to Be 2-Part Militant Assault - ABC News
FOXNEWS and Romney was quick to blame Obama. There is no blame here on Obama, but the blame is on the sub-human bug that made and release the anti-Muslim video bashing the prophet Muhammad. Lets at least put the blame where is rightfully belong. The rioting by the Libyan was just a cover for terrorist to attack the embassy and the real reason is as always been, U.S. policies, invasion an occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan the murder of a million innocent Muslim men, women an children.
Even though the ambassador had written in his diary the opposite.

It is good to know that you understand the situation better than he did.

Obama should have guarded him and his staff more carefully.

...and wasn't the video about that punk ass Mohammed that set the whole thing off.
10 Libyans were killed and 7 injured while evacuating and protecting the U.S. Embassy. 4 Americans died but how many were saved by evacuating? How many Americans died when the twin towers were attacked becasue Bush ignored the warning? 3000.How many firemen died?
Just vote this administation out folks, they ARE UNFIT to protect us or our interest over seas
It is amazing to see that some are still spouting the lie and trying to cover the Administration for the lack of adequate security. This was all part of Hilary's want for a "small American footprint" in Muslim countries. Very sad.
There probably wouldn't have been any killed if Obama and Hillary had been doing their jobs.

3000 people wouldn't have died on 9/11 if Clinton had done his job when he had the chance.
I'm very afraid like with Clinton.. after Obama we will have another 9/11

They have helped make a mess of the middle east and we are going to PAY for it

be prepared
I'm very afraid like with Clinton.. after Obama we will have another 9/11

They have helped make a mess of the middle east and we are going to PAY for it

be prepared

I wouldn't be surprised if something like that is already planned and would happen IF Obama isn't re-elected. Then it can be blamed on the republicans again!

Ambassador Chris Stevens and another American were killed in the consulate during the initial violence, as plainclothes Libyan security were evacuating the consulate's staff to the safe house about a mile away, el-Sharef said. The second assault took place several hours later and targeted the safe house — a villa inside the grounds of the city's equestrian club — killing two Americans and wounding a number of Libyans and Americans.

"We thought there was no way for the protesters to storm the compound, which had fortified walls," he said. El-Sharef said Libyan security advised the Americans to evacuate at that point, but he says the advice was ignored.

Amid the evacuation, Stevens became separated from others, and staffers and security that tried to find him were forced to flee by flames, smoke and gunfire. After an hour, according to U.S. officials, U.S. and Libyan officials drove the attackers from the consulate
Libyan Attacks Said to Be 2-Part Militant Assault - ABC News
FOXNEWS and Romney was quick to blame Obama. There is no blame here on Obama, but the blame is on the sub-human bug that made and release the anti-Muslim video bashing the prophet Muhammad. Lets at least put the blame where is rightfully belong. The rioting by the Libyan was just a cover for terrorist to attack the embassy and the real reason is as always been, U.S. policies, invasion an occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan the murder of a million innocent Muslim men, women an children.

After all the issues in Libya in the last several months, how anyone would think any American would be safe, is mind numbing. Stupid thinking!
Can you imagine Obama getting to replace Scalia or Thomas?

[ame=]Game Over Man, GAME OVER! - YouTube[/ame]
And isn't that the scary thing.
We go to bed and over night these people decide to "go crazy"
Or our intelligence was so pathetic we had no idea a staged assault was on the way.

I think we need to rethink our position on foreign embassies.
We don't operate one in backward countries where the host government can not guarantee
the safety of our people.
Common sense should tell you that security on any American embassy should be increased on the anniversary of 9-11 especially in the middle east and even more so in countries that have a weak central government as Libya has now. The simple truth is the ball was dropped by the Obama administration they along with most of the country made the mistake of thinking because Bin Laden had been killed Al-Qaeda was finished Obama and the U.S. got a deadly reminder they are not. While Al-Qaeda is not what it once was it is still a danger let's hope the President and the country get this now and do not underestimate them again.
Common sense should tell you that security on any American embassy should be increased on the anniversary of 9-11 especially in the middle east and even more so in countries that have a weak central government as Libya has now. The simple truth is the ball was dropped by the Obama administration they along with most of the country made the mistake of thinking because Bin Laden had been killed Al-Qaeda was finished Obama and the U.S. got a deadly reminder they are not. While Al-Qaeda is not what it once was it is still a danger let's hope the President and the country get this now and do not underestimate them again.

And the fact that the Democrat party was spiking the football so to speak regarding Bin Laden.
Who knows how much fuel was added to the fire with that.
The American Left should really frighten sensible people; they no longer have functioning brains, they are totally devoted to Obama, they are his Cult.

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