No Red Or Green During December In Plano, Texas Schools

ScreamingEagle said:
how about this? i'm sure the ACLU would approve?

I wanna weesh you a harried wishlist
I wanna weesh you a harried wishlist
I wanna weesh you a harried weeshlist
from the bottom of my heaaaaart!
Much better
Did any of you see Saturday Night Live this weekend? They were singing Christmas songs with PC lyrics. It really was a hoot.
but once a year..
please just give me a case of beer..
then I can change the color of snow..
just about where the Huskies go!
archangel said:
but once a year..
please just give me a case of beer..
then I can change the color of snow..
just about where the Huskies go!

Unless of course, I drink to much,
And with the last can in my clutch,
I fall, face first, down in the snow
The snow, where, all the huskies go.
The ClayTaurus said:
Unless of course, I drink to much,
And with the last can in my clutch,
I fall, face first, down in the snow
The snow, where, all the huskies go.
If I may, if I might
avoid the yellow snow tonight

After a few it smells like pew
sorta like a yellow stew

I don't care where the huskies go
just don't let me drop behind BIG MOE!

I’ve been a travelin all round town ya see
and damn, all I have ta do is, just go pee!
Mr. P said:
If I may, if I might
avoid the yellow snow tonight

After a few it smells like pew
sorta like a yellow stew

I don't care where the huskies go
just don't let me drop behind BIG MOE!

I’ve been a travelin all round town ya see
and damn, all I have ta do is, just go pee!

If I drink a lot of beer,
It makes my urine very clear.

I've pee'd throughout your neighborhood,
Avoiding yellow will do no good.
Forget the schools and the snow. The NBA is full of people with names that remind us of Christmas. They must go.

Cleveland will have to trade Eric Snow.

Is Tree Rollins still with Atlanta. Out!

Darvin Ham (played last for Milwaukee). Be gone!

And lest we forget, the most offensive of all: Christian Laettner.
I must say that this whole thing is getting out of hand. Christmas has been so secularized that a child is more likely to think of a tree, a new toy, santa, or ornaments long before he remembers Jesus. Who realy gives a damn whether what color the fucking napkins are? Merry Christmas dudes, these idiots must just be pissed off that they are getting coal.
Yes, yes....
I demand that all snow be removed from Colorado imediatly!!!!!!!!!
And .... I demand that all snow be removed from my sidewalk and driveway immediately!!!!!!

Karl thinks.... "Crap... it's only December and I'm already sick of the snow... I'm in deep doo-doo!"
KarlMarx said:
And .... I demand that all snow be removed from my sidewalk and driveway immediately!!!!!!

Karl thinks.... "Crap... it's only December and I'm already sick of the snow... I'm in deep doo-doo!"
Oh come on Karl, it could be much worse. I've seen pic in up-state where the snow touch the bottom of the power lines. Now that SUX!!!
Mr. P said:
Oh come on Karl, it could be much worse. I've seen pic in up-state where the snow touch the bottom of the power lines. Now that SUX!!!
OK... I'll make a deal with you.... I'll keep the snow... but you take both of my Senators!
deaddude said:
I must say that this whole thing is getting out of hand. Christmas has been so secularized that a child is more likely to think of a tree, a new toy, santa, or ornaments long before he remembers Jesus. Who realy gives a damn whether what color the fucking napkins are? Merry Christmas dudes, these idiots must just be pissed off that they are getting coal.

however first they took Jesus out of the schools now they want to take Santa out because he is too close to the works of Jesus...I say let Jesus and Santa live in the Schools!

Now back to the snow songs...

Let it snow let it snow
but please let it be
in your back yard
snow shovl'ns a drag
cept' when accompanied
by yellow gold...
let em pee let em pee
c'mon MrP finish the verse!
archangel said:
however first they took Jesus out of the schools now they want to take Santa out because he is too close to the works of Jesus...I say let Jesus and Santa live in the Schools!

Now back to the snow songs...

Let it snow let it snow
but please let it be
in your back yard
snow shovl'ns a drag
cept' when accompanied
by yellow gold...
let em pee let em pee
c'mon MrP finish the verse!

Don't worry Mr. P I got your back
snow's comin down, so pick up the slack
get out there, friend, and start to shovel,
It's snowing more, incresing the level.

So how about that yellow snow?
I knew it would be colored,
but I had to go!
We're lucky though,
Cause had I ate instead of drank,
Boy, the snow would'a stank!
KarlMarx said:
OK... I'll make a deal with you.... I'll keep the snow... but you take both of my Senators!
HELL NO! SEND THE SNOW it can even be YELLOW I'll never know!!!thanks:
MissileMan said:
If I drink a lot of beer,
It makes my urine very clear.

I've pee'd throughout your neighborhood,
Avoiding yellow will do no good.
So NOW I know whos been writin in my snow! :D
archangel said:
however first they took Jesus out of the schools now they want to take Santa out because he is too close to the works of Jesus...I say let Jesus and Santa live in the Schools!

Now back to the snow songs...

Let it snow let it snow
but please let it be
in your back yard
snow shovl'ns a drag
cept' when accompanied
by yellow gold...
let em pee let em pee, let em pee!
c'mon MrP finish the verse!
Yep that'll do er. ;)
"No más de nieve" using the translator here... comes out "not more than snow".

When I said it should be "joda la nieve", I was using the same translator, only I was translating "fuck snow" into spanish. That's what I thought you were trying to say in spanish Joker.

Sorry for the confusion Bud.
KarlMarx said:
And .... I demand that all snow be removed from my sidewalk and driveway immediately!!!!!!

Karl thinks.... "Crap... it's only December and I'm already sick of the snow... I'm in deep doo-doo!"

The first house I bought back in Muscoda, Wisconsin was on Front Street, which was a main street in and out of town, and it had a "side walk" in front facing the street. So, first winter I was there, we got the first big snow, and I always came and went through the back door because my driveway entered from the street behind the house, so I never really gave the front a thought, anyway, three days went by, and I got a letter from the village. It was a BILL for $50 for SNOW REMOVAL off the "side walk" in front! I was fucking PISSED! So, from then on, every time it snowed, I took my 3/4 ton Chevy 4X4 with an eight and half foot Western Hydro Turn snow plow on it, and drove it right down the whole fucking side walk plowing not only my side walk, but the other four houses that were on the same block too. I made good friends that winter of my neighbors. They loved it.

I paid the fifty bucks, but that was the ONLY fucking time.
Pale Rider said:
The first house I bought back in Muscoda, Wisconsin was on Front Street, which was a main street in and out of town, and it had a "side walk" in front facing the street. So, first winter I was there, we got the first big snow, and I always came and went through the back door because my driveway entered from the street behind the house, so I never really gave the front a thought, anyway, three days went by, and I got a letter from the village. It was a BILL for $50 for SNOW REMOVAL off the "side walk" in front! I was fucking PISSED! So, from then on, every time it snowed, I took my 3/4 ton Chevy 4X4 with an eight and half foot Western Hydro Turn snow plow on it, and drove it right down the whole fucking side walk plowing not only my side walk, but the other four houses that were on the same block too. I made good friends that winter of my neighbors. They loved it.

I paid the fifty bucks, but that was the ONLY fucking time.
Gee, I would think the city or county would or should remove it routinely.
Here sidewalks are located on your property, but there is a right of way
that allows them to put sidewalks there to start with. They wouldn’t require you to make repairs would they? Can ya tell I’m not a yank?;)
Mr. P said:
Gee, I would think the city or county would or should remove it routinely.
Here sidewalks are located on your property, but there is a right of way
that allows them to put sidewalks there to start with. They wouldn’t require you to make repairs would they? Can ya tell I’m not a yank?;)

It was the same there Mr. P.. The village had the right of way to put a side walk in, and no, I doubt they'd expect the citizen to make repairs, although that's a good point.

After they started this fifty dollar fine business, people started ripping the side walks out off their property. Evidently if you didn't want it there, you had the legal right to remove it.

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