No Sign Of Pussy Fallout

No. I believe Trump is running ahead.

The harder I see CNN - whose Thursday morning broadcast was utterly despicable - and the NYT bash Trump the more I realize how far ahead in the polls he really must be, and how likely he is to win.

The NYT, which I despise to the core of my existence and would shed a tear if a terrorist attacked their building for all the damage they've done to the american nation with their obscene propaganda, has had its cover page chock full of anti-Trump articles and editorials spewed by its henchmen of carlos slim-bought-and-paid for patsies like krugman, kristoff and dowd.

I'd love nothing more than to see after Trump is elected, obama/kerry/clinton/rhodes/jarrett indicted for treason for the outrageous iran "deal" (criminal capitulation is more accurate) and an investigation of the relationship between the NYT editorial board, CNN and the national democratic party.
Since 9/26 Clinton has gone from a 55% chance of winning to 82% and that ain't locker room talk or Twitter jabber; that's scientific polling.
LOL, you think the mass working class whites who are Trump's base are going to respond to a pollster? That the leftist media is in panic mode tells me how strong and likely his chances of winning are.
No problem. They'll make others assume Trump's going to lose anyway, so why bother going out to vote. Panic on the left? More like desperation on the right. :biggrin:
No problem. They'll make others assume Trump's going to lose anyway, so why bother going out to vote.

Shirley, you jest.

It's near guaranteed that those opposed to Obama and the Democrats will make their way to the polls this time around.
Do you actually think those Rassmussen numbers are accurate? Have you ever checked them against reality? They are absolutely nothing more than the propaganda wing of the right side of the RNC. Do YOU actually believe Trump and Clinton are running EVEN among WOMEN? Does that actually seem POSSIBLE to you?

No. I believe Trump is running ahead.

Your derangement is complete.

Do you know why the pollsters interview more Democrats than Republicans? Do you?

No problem. They'll make others assume Trump's going to lose anyway, so why bother going out to vote.

Shirley, you jest.

It's near guaranteed that those opposed to Obama and the Democrats will make their way to the polls this time around.

It's near guaranteed that any woman who has ever been groped by some asshole ever, which is to say all of us, will never vote for your orange clown. He's so toxic to women that no sane, reasonable woman would vote for him.

Women wearing T-shirts saying "Trump can grab my pussy", I have no words for. I did notice that none of the women in his family were smiling after the second debate.

Melania wore a pink Gucci "Pussy Bow" blouse as a form of silent protest. Tiffany refused to kiss her father and pulled away from him, and Ivanka has refused to defend him since she walked off the Cosmo interview. Even the women in his own family are disgusted by him.
Do you actually think those Rassmussen numbers are accurate? Have you ever checked them against reality? They are absolutely nothing more than the propaganda wing of the right side of the RNC. Do YOU actually believe Trump and Clinton are running EVEN among WOMEN? Does that actually seem POSSIBLE to you?

No. I believe Trump is running ahead.

Your derangement is complete.

Do you know why the pollsters interview more Democrats than Republicans? Do you?


So the Democrats say. Good reason for cheating, eh?

There are more independent voters than either.
No problem. They'll make others assume Trump's going to lose anyway, so why bother going out to vote.

Shirley, you jest.

It's near guaranteed that those opposed to Obama and the Democrats will make their way to the polls this time around.

It's near guaranteed that any woman who has ever been groped by some asshole ever, which is to say all of us

Did you file charges? Of course not. It was the greatest moment of your confused life.
I'd love nothing more than to see after Trump is elected, obama/kerry/clinton/rhodes/jarrett indicted for treason for the outrageous iran "deal" (criminal capitulation is more accurate) and an investigation of the relationship between the NYT editorial board, CNN and the national democratic party.

More banana republic suggestions from Trump supporters. I think that after this election, Trump will be a broken man, shunned by anyone who is honest or decent. People will stop patronizing his overpriced hotels (I've stayed in much better for much less money), and stop buying anything with the name Trump on it.

The Republican Party is toast, which I consider a good thing. The Democrats will now rule for some time to come. I hope they can continue to keep the US on the path back to a fair tax code, and equal opportunity which has been stripped away by 35 years of Republican policy.

I also hope that the poisonous Dark Money is taken out of politics completely. And that right wing radio dies a horrible death.
Do you actually think those Rassmussen numbers are accurate? Have you ever checked them against reality? They are absolutely nothing more than the propaganda wing of the right side of the RNC. Do YOU actually believe Trump and Clinton are running EVEN among WOMEN? Does that actually seem POSSIBLE to you?

No. I believe Trump is running ahead.

Your derangement is complete.

Do you know why the pollsters interview more Democrats than Republicans? Do you?


So the Democrats say. Good reason for cheating, eh?

There are more independent voters than either.

That's right but saying the polls are skewed because they talk to more Democrats than Republicans, well yes they did, because there are more Democrats than Republicans. No one wants to identify with the racist, toxic party which inflicted Mitt Romney or Donald Trump on people.
More banana republic suggestions from Trump supporters.
Enforcing law among the political elites makes a nation a "banana republic"?

This is why the bitch and the media must be defeated. The wacko left cannot be trusted with political power.
It's near guaranteed that any woman who has ever been groped by some asshole ever, which is to say all of us, will never vote for your orange clown. He's so toxic to women that no sane, reasonable woman would vote for him.
No sane person would vote for the corrupt incompetent Democrat cow. Trump has many female supporters and no male has ever groped you.
I'd love nothing more than to see after Trump is elected, obama/kerry/clinton/rhodes/jarrett indicted for treason for the outrageous iran "deal" (criminal capitulation is more accurate) and an investigation of the relationship between the NYT editorial board, CNN and the national democratic party.

More banana republic suggestions from Trump supporters. I think that after this election, Trump will be a broken man, shunned by anyone who is honest or decent. People will stop patronizing his overpriced hotels (I've stayed in much better for much less money), and stop buying anything with the name Trump on it.

The Republican Party is toast, which I consider a good thing. The Democrats will now rule for some time to come. I hope they can continue to keep the US on the path back to a fair tax code, and equal opportunity which has been stripped away by 35 years of Republican policy.

I also hope that the poisonous Dark Money is taken out of politics completely. And that right wing radio dies a horrible death.
I'm looking forward to you growing old and even more bitter than you are now waiting for your sick demented dream to be realized. Even living in another country can't curb your deranged hatred for any discordant notes in the US.
The Republican Party is toast, which I consider a good thing. The Democrats will now rule for some time to come.

Idiot, why don't you live in china so you can have true one party rule? Like most liberal assholes, its my opinion - or none at all.

I hope they can continue to keep the US on the path back to a fair tax code, and equal opportunity which has been stripped away by 35 years of Republican policy.

"Fair tax code"? Like the one your beloved turd charlie rangel - chairman of the house ways and means committee no less - instituted while hoarding apartments for himself, avoiding paying taxes on his assets? Typical democrap, the rules are always for someone else to follow.

I also hope that the poisonous Dark Money is taken out of politics completely. And that right wing radio dies a horrible death.

Right wing radio thrives because the MSM is so far left, but tools like you could never understand or admit that fact.
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