CDZ No such thing as "objectivity"

If only the republicans wouldn't suppress the vote. I despise them.

Yes I am bias towards republican, as I actually have no use for them.
Hitler was objectively an evil human being. Do you disagree?

That's not even remotely what I meant by "objectivity."

From Merriam Webster:

Definition of objectivity

: the quality or character of being objective : lack of favoritism toward one side or another : freedom from bias
Hitler was objectively an evil human being. Do you disagree?

That's not even remotely what I meant by "objectivity."

From Merriam Webster:

Definition of objectivity

: the quality or character of being objective : lack of favoritism toward one side or another : freedom from bias
well of course no republican or democrat is that to the opposite side.
Hitler was objectively an evil human being. Do you disagree?

That's not even remotely what I meant by "objectivity."

From Merriam Webster:

Definition of objectivity

: the quality or character of being objective : lack of favoritism toward one side or another : freedom from bias
well of course no republican or democrat is that to the opposite side.

Of course not.

We'll sooner see the end of time than an objective politician.
If only the republicans wouldn't suppress the vote. I despise them.

Yes I am bias towards republican, as I actually have no use for them.
and yet you can not explain logically HOW republicans did any such thing.

Georgia. Yesterday. 43 other states have Republican introduced bills to do the same thing.
Limit voting...why? So the Republican party doesn't fade into an obscurity they so richly deserve.
Because they haven't had a successful policy implementation since the 70's.
They've been out of ideas for decades.
I believe I can be objective in my way of thinking but will admit when I first start I might have bias thoughts but then have to be rational in my response.

Something you may not know about me Temp is I am actually a conscientious objector even though I was in the Navy...

I joined because I didn’t want to be drafted in any armed conflict but what does that have to do with this topic?

Second Amendment!

I despise firearms even though I own two and my adopted Brother brought up the fact I won two firearms and I reminded him it was at his request and not mine and against my objections because I hate them but I would never tell another person they shouldn’t be allow to own one if they legally can!

As for politics I hate Trump with a passion but I also know he was not at fault for everything that transpired during his four years in office just like I know Biden is not perfect either and will and has made mistakes...

You have to keep a fair and open mind but many on here can not and will not...

So it is true many can not be objective in their comments or thought process because of their bias but some of us can...
If only the republicans wouldn't suppress the vote. I despise them.

Yes I am bias towards republican, as I actually have no use for them.
and yet you can not explain logically HOW republicans did any such thing.

Georgia. Yesterday. 43 other states have Republican introduced bills to do the same thing.
Limit voting...why? So the Republican party doesn't fade into an obscurity they so richly deserve.
Because they haven't had a successful policy implementation since the 70's.
They've been out of ideas for decades.
Ids are not restrictive, no auto mail in ballot is not restrictive not having months of voting days is not restrictive
I would opine there is no such thing as complete objectivity. At times people can think outside the box.

You are correct to the degree that perfection in that area is imposable, No one has the time or energy to research every side of every issue. You can in fact find time to gather information on issues of the most importance to you. May not change your mind /could take some of the hate out of the issue, that would be a plus, understanding another point of view is freeing.
There is no such thing as objectivity. It is a cover for political junkies who don't want to realize their biases.

Change my mind.
When we're dealing with people's opinions or feeeeelings there certainly is no objectivity.

Even when raw data is interpreted there is room for bias in the conclusions drawn. Then of course there's lies, damn lies and statistics.

So nope I can't change your mind
There is no such thing as objectivity. It is a cover for political junkies who don't want to realize their biases.

Change my mind.
One thing that helps me to be less influenced with preconceived notions, for instance on this board, is to not look at the name of the posters a lot of the times when I’m reading comments. On my phone it’s really easy to do. That is an honest admittance on my part that I have developed a biased perception about 5 to 7 specific regular posters. There is one poster who I just skip over their remarks now as I have conditioned myself to do so to avoid any loss of brain mass;) so assuming you are saying that there are no politically objective people, anywhere, ever? That’s a whole heck of a lot of people to bulk them all together like that as being unable to think outside of their preconceived ideas.

Early conditioning starts at age 3, probably even younger, watching and hearing adults model “what life looks like- or for many, what life should look like. Every household is different and unique with it’s own conditioning of values. When a person becomes interested in politics it’s usually later than middle school years for most. Our cultural biases, or lack of, have already been formed however beforehand. It takes typically, until the age of 23 for most people to have their brain stem connected to their frontal lobe where rational thought processes are formed. This development seems like it would be an opportune time for a young person to have some intensive self training for objectivity. Certainly there are exercises available online even for that and I would imagine quite valuable. Hey, although I’m over the age of 23 by many moons now I’m gonna have to check that out! I’m always about self-improvement and thanks for the topic.

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