No summer in 2017 on Long Island!! WTF??


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
So summer in New York still hasn't arrived yet and it is almost mid-August!! Temps all week here expected to be in the mid-70's to upper 70's. What the fuck is going on here? Only a handful of days of temps in the 90's and we haven't seen 100's here in many years like we did ALL THE TIME in the old days. Today is August 6th and I wanted to take the fam to the beach today.............too fucking cold!!

The climate k00ks have no answer for this..........but it sure sucks around Long Island if you are a beach person which many are...........cant go most days this summer because you need a hoodie!!

Here is the forecast for this week............and exactly what weve been seeing for almost all the summer save a few days. Fucked up is what it is...............

cool summer temperatures new york why? - Bing

In New York, It’s the Summer That Isn’t - The New York Times
Jul 31, 2009 · With not a single 90-degree day in June or July, New York is in the midst of what could turn out to be the coolest summer on record.

Summer 2014 is the coldest in a decade | New York Post
Aug 08, 2014 · “It wasn’t clear if it was going to be a hot or a cool summer ... Summer 2014 is the coldest in a decade. ... Filed under new york city, summer, weather

RAPID GLOBAL COOLING FORECAST FOR 2017 ... The changing lunar orbit is the dominant reason why "global average temperatures ... RAPID-GLOBAL-COOLING-FORECAST-IN-2017 ...


long island summer climate cooling - Bing video
So summer in New York still hasn't arrived yet and it is almost mid-August!! Temps all week here expected to be in the mid-70's to upper 70's. What the fuck is going on here? Only a handful of days of temps in the 90's and we haven't seen 100's here in many years like we did ALL THE TIME in the old days. Today is August 6th and I wanted to take the fam to the beach today.............too fucking cold!!

The climate k00ks have no answer for this..........but it sure sucks around Long Island if you are a beach person which many are...........cant go most days this summer because you need a hoodie!!

Here is the forecast for this week............and exactly what weve been seeing for almost all the summer save a few days. Fucked up is what it is...............

cool summer temperatures new york why? - Bing

In New York, It’s the Summer That Isn’t - The New York Times
Jul 31, 2009 · With not a single 90-degree day in June or July, New York is in the midst of what could turn out to be the coolest summer on record.

Summer 2014 is the coldest in a decade | New York Post
Aug 08, 2014 · “It wasn’t clear if it was going to be a hot or a cool summer ... Summer 2014 is the coldest in a decade. ... Filed under new york city, summer, weather

RAPID GLOBAL COOLING FORECAST FOR 2017 ... The changing lunar orbit is the dominant reason why "global average temperatures ... RAPID-GLOBAL-COOLING-FORECAST-IN-2017 ...


long island summer climate cooling - Bing video

It's been cold and very wet summer for us too. We've had maybe 10 days of nice sun, only a couple I would call "traditional, perfect summer days". Been raining in abundance, including torrential storms and some flooding.

I imagine that the seasons have shifted slightly, and it will be sunnier and warmer than usual in September. Let's see how it goes.
So summer in New York still hasn't arrived yet and it is almost mid-August!! Temps all week here expected to be in the mid-70's to upper 70's. What the fuck is going on here? Only a handful of days of temps in the 90's and we haven't seen 100's here in many years like we did ALL THE TIME in the old days. Today is August 6th and I wanted to take the fam to the beach today.............too fucking cold!!

The climate k00ks have no answer for this..........but it sure sucks around Long Island if you are a beach person which many are...........cant go most days this summer because you need a hoodie!!

Here is the forecast for this week............and exactly what weve been seeing for almost all the summer save a few days. Fucked up is what it is...............

cool summer temperatures new york why? - Bing

In New York, It’s the Summer That Isn’t - The New York Times
Jul 31, 2009 · With not a single 90-degree day in June or July, New York is in the midst of what could turn out to be the coolest summer on record.

Summer 2014 is the coldest in a decade | New York Post
Aug 08, 2014 · “It wasn’t clear if it was going to be a hot or a cool summer ... Summer 2014 is the coldest in a decade. ... Filed under new york city, summer, weather

RAPID GLOBAL COOLING FORECAST FOR 2017 ... The changing lunar orbit is the dominant reason why "global average temperatures ... RAPID-GLOBAL-COOLING-FORECAST-IN-2017 ...


long island summer climate cooling - Bing video

That is why the scammers changed it from global warming to climate change. That way, whatever the climate is, it's because we need to elect more democrats.
Only matters to the religion where the hot weather is..........the cold weather doesn't count. August on Long Island predicted to be.........ready for this........20 degree's colder than normal. Nothing to see here!!:coffee:
My, my, very, very warm in the west and middle of the nation, cool on the east coast, that is almost like a change in climate. Ah no, that cannot happen. Even if it is happening, it cannot happen, the denier religion won't allow that to happen, even if it is happening. LOL
inconvenient sequel bombs, comes in 15th the emoji movie beat it out. Think people care about climate? think again.
Except we are in a neutral ENSO, not a La Nina pattern.
Except the EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE SHOWS we are in a La Niña pattern... don't let your models and fantasies get in the way of EMPIRICAL OBSERVATIONS..

Fucking retard..

Winter Predicton.JPG

This pattern should look real familiar to you ...
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Top story on DRUDGE right now............this is fucked up!! 2/3rds of the country way below normal temps............and for the next 10 days, no higher than 80 for Long Island!!!

You climate bozo's....people are going to start demanding global warming!!:coffee:
Summer is a thing of the past
Summer a thing of the a thing of the past? Not sure about that but Yellowstone valleys and the Bighorn Mountains woke this am to freezing temperatures and SNOW.. Its only August 10th and a full two months early.
Top story on DRUDGE right now............this is fucked up!! 2/3rds of the country way below normal temps............and for the next 10 days, no higher than 80 for Long Island!!!

You climate bozo's....people are going to start demanding global warming!!:coffee:

Summer is a thing of the past
I have a cottage that I haven't been able to use for about a month here in chicago. It was in a flood, because of a cold front that hit the humid air then stuck around and was responsible for about 10 inches of rain in the area. We are finally digging out. It's been cool as well.
Should have tossed a few tires on the fire back in May, now you'll just have to deal with it.

I have a niece getting married this weekend and the wedding is at a B&B a cousin of the wife owns in the Catskills. The forecast for the wedding is rain and cooler temps.

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