No Swine Flu Shots For Obama Girls

It would appear the Obama's agree with many other level-headed assessments that for the vast majority of the population the swine flu is not the dire threat some have made it out to be?

Or not?

First Daughters Not Vaccinated Against H1N1

President Obama's school age daughters have not been vaccinated against the H1N1 flu virus. White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs says the vaccine is not available to them based on their risk.

» First Daughters Not Vaccinated Against H1N1 Row 2, Seat 4 «

YOU MUST GET VACCINATED!... < Name that Tune!

And, it's a National Emergency.


With all the hype and concern many parents have expressed about whether or not to vaccinate their children it seems odd that Gibbs would not have mentioned the girls will be receiving the shot when available to their school.

My children's school has been sending things home about H1N1 for going on a month now. Our district and surrounding districts were notified over a month ago that they would be offering free vaccinations to all children 2-18. A consent form came home this weekend asking which form of the vaccine parents would like to be administered to their child. The district will be administering vaccines starting this Thursday.

It should be expected for Gibbs to have know when the Obama girls school would be receiving the vaccine.
Someone should ask Gibbs if they Obama have a home stash of Tamiflu in the event they should need it.

It does appear more likely they will not be vaccinated.

We shall see...
With all the hype and concern many parents have expressed about whether or not to vaccinate their children it seems odd that Gibbs would not have mentioned the girls will be receiving the shot when available to their school.

My children's school has been sending things home about H1N1 for going on a month now. Our district and surrounding districts were notified over a month ago that they would be offering free vaccinations to all children 2-18. A consent form came home this weekend asking which form of the vaccine parents would like to be administered to their child. The district will be administering vaccines starting this Thursday.

It should be expected for Gibbs to have know when the Obama girls school would be receiving the vaccine.
Someone should ask Gibbs if they Obama have a home stash of Tamiflu in the event they should need it.

It does appear more likely they will not be vaccinated.

We shall see...

look Mr Sinatra..

I don't care if Sarah Palins girls get birth control and i don't care if Obama's girls get swine flu shots...

Not my problem
With all the hype and concern many parents have expressed about whether or not to vaccinate their children it seems odd that Gibbs would not have mentioned the girls will be receiving the shot when available to their school.

My children's school has been sending things home about H1N1 for going on a month now. Our district and surrounding districts were notified over a month ago that they would be offering free vaccinations to all children 2-18. A consent form came home this weekend asking which form of the vaccine parents would like to be administered to their child. The district will be administering vaccines starting this Thursday.

It should be expected for Gibbs to have know when the Obama girls school would be receiving the vaccine.
Someone should ask Gibbs if they Obama have a home stash of Tamiflu in the event they should need it.

It does appear more likely they will not be vaccinated.

We shall see...

look Mr Sinatra..

I don't care if Sarah Palins girls get birth control and i don't care if Obama's girls get swine flu shots...

Not my problem

But we are at a national state of emergency sir - that is everyone's problem is it not? :eusa_angel:
With all the hype and concern many parents have expressed about whether or not to vaccinate their children it seems odd that Gibbs would not have mentioned the girls will be receiving the shot when available to their school.

My children's school has been sending things home about H1N1 for going on a month now. Our district and surrounding districts were notified over a month ago that they would be offering free vaccinations to all children 2-18. A consent form came home this weekend asking which form of the vaccine parents would like to be administered to their child. The district will be administering vaccines starting this Thursday.

It should be expected for Gibbs to have know when the Obama girls school would be receiving the vaccine.
Someone should ask Gibbs if they Obama have a home stash of Tamiflu in the event they should need it.

It does appear more likely they will not be vaccinated.

We shall see...

look Mr Sinatra..

I don't care if Sarah Palins girls get birth control and i don't care if Obama's girls get swine flu shots...

Not my problem



October 23, 2009

“We expect this influenza will occur in waves,” the CDC chief said on Friday. “We can’t predict how high, how far, or how long the wave will go or when the next will come.”

Not sure where people are getting that this has peaked.

never the less--why has the president's family opted out of being vaccinated ?


And the nasal vaccination has been available for weeks now.

And yet - no vaccination for the First Family.

Because they are not in a high risk group prioritized to receive the first rounds of immunizations.
never the less--why has the president's family opted out of being vaccinated ?


And the nasal vaccination has been available for weeks now.

And yet - no vaccination for the First Family.

Because they are not in a high risk group prioritized to receive the first rounds of immunizations.

Yeah, but you have to Concede the Point that the "MUST" regarding getting Vaccinated was a Mistake on the Administration's part...


It reflects being slightly above the seasonal average of people going in and testing positive for the flu - which given the rate of swine flu hysteria, it seems quite likely that those numbers would reflect such a trend. No recent flu season has had near the hype as this one, so in previous years, when folks came down with the flu they just stayed home and got over it - no hospital testing to confirm they were in fact sick with the flu.

In fact, it is surprising those numbers are not even higher - which indicates more and more in America are calling BS to all of this swine flu hysteria...

You may count me in that mix.

Informing people of facts is not "hysteria", it's just the right thing to do.

I'm curious about where T and Sinatra went to medical school.
never the less--why has the president's family opted out of being vaccinated ?


And the nasal vaccination has been available for weeks now.

And yet - no vaccination for the First Family.

Because they are not in a high risk group prioritized to receive the first rounds of immunizations.

Yes, most people with perfectly healthy young children (like the Obamas) are not panicking and insisting on the shot (which for children less than 10 would require 2 shots).

MOST children will be getting the H1N1 FluMist instead of the shot.

The H1N1 FluMist was administered for the very first time on October 5th to some health care workers in Indiana and Tennessee (if I remember the states correctly).

This H1N1 FluMist had JUST begun widespread shipment last week and will start to become more available depending on where you live and how many doses have been shipped to your area yet.

The fact that the Obama girls have yet to get the vaccine is indicative of nothing but the fact that they're going along with the recommendations of the medical professionals.
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And the nasal vaccination has been available for weeks now.

And yet - no vaccination for the First Family.

Because they are not in a high risk group prioritized to receive the first rounds of immunizations.

Yes, most people with perfectly health young children (like the Obamas) are not panicking and insisting on the shot (which for children less than 10 would require 2 shots).

MOST children will be getting the H1N1 FluMist instead of the shot.

The H1N1 FluMist was administered for the very first time on October 5th to some health care workers in Indiana and Tennessee (if I remember the states correctly).

This H1N1 FluMist had JUST begun widespread shipment last week and will start to become more available depending on where you live and how many doses have been shipped to your area yet.

The fact that the Obama girls have yet to get the vaccine is indicative of nothing but the fact that they're going along with the recommendations of the medical professionals.

Actually it's not even indicative of that. :eusa_whistle:

And the nasal vaccination has been available for weeks now.

And yet - no vaccination for the First Family.

Because they are not in a high risk group prioritized to receive the first rounds of immunizations.

Yeah, but you have to Concede the Point that the "MUST" regarding getting Vaccinated was a Mistake on the Administration's part...


What point that the "must" are you talking about?

And the nasal vaccination has been available for weeks now.

And yet - no vaccination for the First Family.

Because they are not in a high risk group prioritized to receive the first rounds of immunizations.

Yes, most people with perfectly healthy young children (like the Obamas) are not panicking and insisting on the shot (which for children less than 10 would require 2 shots).

MOST children will be getting the H1N1 FluMist instead of the shot.

The H1N1 FluMist was administered for the very first time on October 5th to some health care workers in Indiana and Tennessee (if I remember the states correctly).

This H1N1 FluMist had JUST begun widespread shipment last week and will start to become more available depending on where you live and how many doses have been shipped to your area yet.

The fact that the Obama girls have yet to get the vaccine is indicative of nothing but the fact that they're going along with the recommendations of the medical professionals.
So I was correct...Sinatra is either a liar or connected to some unethical doctors.
Because they are not in a high risk group prioritized to receive the first rounds of immunizations.

Yes, most people with perfectly healthy young children (like the Obamas) are not panicking and insisting on the shot (which for children less than 10 would require 2 shots).

MOST children will be getting the H1N1 FluMist instead of the shot.

The H1N1 FluMist was administered for the very first time on October 5th to some health care workers in Indiana and Tennessee (if I remember the states correctly).

This H1N1 FluMist had JUST begun widespread shipment last week and will start to become more available depending on where you live and how many doses have been shipped to your area yet.

The fact that the Obama girls have yet to get the vaccine is indicative of nothing but the fact that they're going along with the recommendations of the medical professionals.
So I was correct...Sinatra is either a liar or connected to some unethical doctors.

I think most likely Sinatra just doesn't comprehend all of the information and he's drawing incorrect conclusions about why they have yet to receive the vaccine, even though perfectly reasonable explanations exist, he'd rather imply something else, because it keeps people responding and well, you know how he cherishes his thread views. :cuckoo: :lol:
Which still begs the question. Why no H1N1 vaccination for the Obama kids ? We we told this is a national emergency, none is available and they are not in the high risk category.
There obviously IS some available and they certainly fall in the range of other children who are being told to get the vaccine. Wouldn't they be great role models to show the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine?
Here are the facts. You cannot deny them. If obamalama wanted his children to have this vaccine the doers and shakers would move heaven and earth to make sure they had it. Fact is he has decided he doesn't want them to have it. so all your petty little excuses don't wash democrats. sorry bout that.
Which still begs the question. Why no H1N1 vaccination for the Obama kids ? We we told this is a national emergency, none is available and they are not in the high risk category.
There obviously IS some available and they certainly fall in the range of other children who are being told to get the vaccine. Wouldn't they be great role models to show the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine?

What I'm saying is...They probably WILL be getting the vaccine in the coming weeks just like the rest of the children in America...There is NO real reason to think otherwise.

Yes, all children are recommended (but not required) to get the H1N1 vaccine, but the majority of children have yet to have the vaccine available to them BECAUSE the medically high risk children were first in line, then the 6mo to 9 yrs healthy children who are willing to get two shots were second in line.....MOST children and parents of HEALTHY children prefer the Mist form of the vaccine as it does not usually entail any screaming (for fear of needles!) :lol: So, most people are waiting for the H1N1 FluMist to be delivered to their local doctor or pharmacy. It is still early, that's all...No big mystery here.
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