No taxes, none. Now what do we pay for, and how?

A simple question for all those radical anti-tax people.

When it comes to going to war, how is that paid for?
Repairs to public roads and bridges after a natural disaster?
A standing army and navy?

Okay, let's hear it.

I don't know (or rather want to explain). Why don't you read a history book to figure out?

No thanks. If you can't tell me, I don't care.

And BTW, I know the history. We don't live in history, we live now.

Well, you could also ask the nations far more tax free and recently successful than USA.

How did they do it?

They lowered taxes. Wow... You do know that taxes have a negative effect on the economy. You just lower them and the rest seems to be handled almost magically.
Bush lowered them, it got worse. JFK lowered them, it got better. Clinton raised them, it got better. Reagan raised them, it got better.

Now, what could all that mean? Maybe, just maybe, taxes aren't a light switch or a magical fairy wand.
Bush lowered taxes and tax revenue went up.
JFK lowere taxes and revenue went up
Clinton raised taxes and revenue went down
Obama raised taxes and we have the worst growth in history.

Again who is calling for no taxes?
Try again.
So which is dumber people who talk about no taxes or people who talk about having free healthcare or free college?
No taxes. Death and taxes, the only two sure things.
I have never actually heard anyone say no taxes I have however heard people talk about free this and that and thinking just because someone else has to pick up the check means free is pretty dumb.
A simple question for all those radical anti-tax people.

When it comes to going to war, how is that paid for?
Repairs to public roads and bridges after a natural disaster?
A standing army and navy?

Okay, let's hear it.

Is anyone anti tax? I don't think so. We are against excessive taxation and government waste. We want fiscal responsibility.

The federal taxes will pay for the military, and the local taxes will pay for the roads. How hard is that?
No thanks. If you can't tell me, I don't care.

And BTW, I know the history. We don't live in history, we live now.

Well, you could also ask the nations far more tax free and recently successful than USA.

How did they do it?

They lowered taxes. Wow... You do know that taxes have a negative effect on the economy. You just lower them and the rest seems to be handled almost magically.
Bush lowered them, it got worse. JFK lowered them, it got better. Clinton raised them, it got better. Reagan raised them, it got better.

Now, what could all that mean? Maybe, just maybe, taxes aren't a light switch or a magical fairy wand.
Bush lowered taxes and tax revenue went up.
JFK lowere taxes and revenue went up
Clinton raised taxes and revenue went down
Obama raised taxes and we have the worst growth in history.

Again who is calling for no taxes?
Try again.
Another idiot who can't read a chart.
I can read it perfectly.

I also know how much the deficit boomed under Bush.

So which is dumber people who talk about no taxes or people who talk about having free healthcare or free college?
No taxes. Death and taxes, the only two sure things.
I have never actually heard anyone say no taxes I have however heard people talk about free this and that and thinking just because someone else has to pick up the check means free is pretty dumb.
Do you have the post where that was said?
A simple question for all those radical anti-tax people.

When it comes to going to war, how is that paid for?
Repairs to public roads and bridges after a natural disaster?
A standing army and navy?

Okay, let's hear it.

Is anyone anti tax? I don't think so. We are against excessive taxation and government waste. We want fiscal responsibility.

The federal taxes will pay for the military, and the local taxes will pay for the roads. How hard is that?
Doesn't cover the federal highway system, or the FAA.
So which is dumber people who talk about no taxes or people who talk about having free healthcare or free college?
No taxes. Death and taxes, the only two sure things.
I have never actually heard anyone say no taxes I have however heard people talk about free this and that and thinking just because someone else has to pick up the check means free is pretty dumb.
Do you have the post where that was said?
Read the fucking thread. I already posted it.
A simple question for all those radical anti-tax people.

When it comes to going to war, how is that paid for?
Repairs to public roads and bridges after a natural disaster?
A standing army and navy?

Okay, let's hear it.

Is anyone anti tax? I don't think so. We are against excessive taxation and government waste. We want fiscal responsibility.

The federal taxes will pay for the military, and the local taxes will pay for the roads. How hard is that?
Doesn't cover the federal highway system, or the FAA.

You expect me to list everything? Try thinking, maybe you will understand what I was saying.
So which is dumber people who talk about no taxes or people who talk about having free healthcare or free college?
No taxes. Death and taxes, the only two sure things.
I have never actually heard anyone say no taxes I have however heard people talk about free this and that and thinking just because someone else has to pick up the check means free is pretty dumb.
Do you have the post where that was said?
Read the fucking thread. I already posted it.
You linked one post from them it said Yes that is socialism. Your point?
Not a word about no taxes I will double check and see if you linked another post I missed
A simple question for all those radical anti-tax people.

When it comes to going to war, how is that paid for?
Repairs to public roads and bridges after a natural disaster?
A standing army and navy?

Okay, let's hear it.

Ok, here's what will happen. Lmao, cmon...ya dont know?? Well, if gov wasnt here, who do you think would be runnin things. Check this...The city or state will sling as much shit at the voters about how its going to be cheaper and better to privatize as they can(as the fuck takes a bribe)and the voter, who cant figure anything out on they're own, will believe him or her and say yes. The first year, its cheaper but doing what a capitalistic corporation does...they raise prices. The very next contract too! Sometimes almost double!! And just about the time the voter forgets about all the hullaballoo from the last election, bout farmin everthing comes contract time....lets the pay off, bribes and promised kick backs begin...and guess, sigh, you've all forgotten and this hullaballoo. In fact, everything is done on the quiet....late fucking company can charge you just about whatever it wants. It does.
You dont want government?? You dont want taxes??
Dont talk like a child.
Maybe you'll be happier when corporate is running everything.
Maybe youd prefer the military?
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A simple question for all those radical anti-tax people.

When it comes to going to war, how is that paid for?
Repairs to public roads and bridges after a natural disaster?
A standing army and navy?

Okay, let's hear it.
The idea is that the government will be so small it can be funded with tariffs and fees.

Rather naive, to say the least.

As for natural disasters, Libertarians believe roads and such should be privately funded, so that answers your question about that.
Bush lowered taxes and tax revenue went up.
JFK lowere taxes and revenue went up
Clinton raised taxes and revenue went down
Obama raised taxes and we have the worst growth in history.

And in every single one of those cases, federal debt went up.
Well, you could also ask the nations far more tax free and recently successful than USA.

How did they do it?

They lowered taxes. Wow... You do know that taxes have a negative effect on the economy. You just lower them and the rest seems to be handled almost magically.
Bush lowered them, it got worse. JFK lowered them, it got better. Clinton raised them, it got better. Reagan raised them, it got better.

Now, what could all that mean? Maybe, just maybe, taxes aren't a light switch or a magical fairy wand.
Bush lowered taxes and tax revenue went up.
JFK lowere taxes and revenue went up
Clinton raised taxes and revenue went down
Obama raised taxes and we have the worst growth in history.

Again who is calling for no taxes?
Try again.
Another idiot who can't read a chart.
I can read it perfectly.

I also know how much the deficit boomed under Bush.


so he picked 8 yrs of Bush vs 2 of Obama.

Brilliant, if not stupid as hell. Seriously, how dumb are these people? False equivalency and lies come to them naturally.

Let's look at a proper chart:


As for Obama's contribution:


He has about doubled the debt held by public. No president in the history of USSA has been able to manage such a feat as far as I am aware (non-war time).
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Yeah. Now...go to all the corporations and see ther're profits on the THAT graph
I have a better come the military, after getting the shit blown out of them in a war for profit started by a war monger profiteer republican and then when tthey come back all blown to shit in a war for profit, they get nothing from those ppl that sent them into this war for profit and those war mongering son of a bitch war profiteers want to take back more from them, they trun around and support the same cocksuckers that did it to um in the first place? Explain that to me.
A simple question for all those radical anti-tax people.

When it comes to going to war, how is that paid for?
Repairs to public roads and bridges after a natural disaster?
A standing army and navy?

Okay, let's hear it.

Who suggested no taxes?

Okay, let's hear it.

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