No, Trump doesn't want a poor economic advisor

The problem is not that they are rich. The problem is that they are all Wall Street guys. I would rather have at least 1 person who is a entrepreneur and understands how to start up a business. The majority of jobs in this country are created by small to medium size businesses. If you ever watch Shark Tank, the investors who participate are not Wall Street guys.
The problem is not that they are rich. The problem is that they are all Wall Street guys. I would rather have at least 1 person who is a entrepreneur and understands how to start up a business. The majority of jobs in this country are created by small to medium size businesses. If you ever watch Shark Tank, the investors who participate are not Wall Street guys.

No the problem is liberals have nothing to think with
The problem is not that they are rich. The problem is that they are all Wall Street guys. I would rather have at least 1 person who is a entrepreneur and understands how to start up a business. The majority of jobs in this country are created by small to medium size businesses. If you ever watch Shark Tank, the investors who participate are not Wall Street guys.

No the problem is liberals have nothing to think with

The problem is that Trump supporters have no brains to speak of. Liberals and Trump supporters have something in common.
The problem is not that they are rich. The problem is that they are all Wall Street guys. I would rather have at least 1 person who is a entrepreneur and understands how to start up a business. The majority of jobs in this country are created by small to medium size businesses. If you ever watch Shark Tank, the investors who participate are not Wall Street guys.
Yet Obama's cabinet was full of 1%ers and the MSM said nothing. Yet D voters think the D party is for the little guy
Conservatives cannot understand why all Americans, not in the top 0.1%, fail to give the billionaires their complete devotion. After all, the fat cats permit the other 99.9% to live in their country, isn't that enough?

Obviously, it is more than enough for conservatives. They do understand, their value to their employers is near zero because conservatives prefer ignorance over education.

This preference for ignorance rather than education causes conservatives to resent the valuable, knowledgeable workers, who are skilled experts and important to the success of their employers. To conservatives, these intelligent employees are greedy, overpaid, and take advantage of the people who give them jobs.

This nonsensical belief by conservatives is due to their worship of the fat cats, and is not unexpected. Again, the willful ignorance of conservatives robs them of the ability to think and develop into rational human beings.

As the Republicans continue to sabotage the U.S. education system, more conservatives will be created than intelligent, knowledgeable people. This pleases older conservatives, but, it will eventually lead to the U.S. falling behind developed nations that stress education. As a society, the U.S. will lose its ability to compete.

This inability to compete will have little affect on billionaires, they will move their businesses to countries where they can find intelligent and skilled employees.

But, all is not lost, the fat cats will still hire conservatives here at home. Their need for people to wash their clothes and cars, clean their homes, and maintain their estate grounds will be perfect for the knuckle dragging conservatives' extremely limited skills.

Conservatives cannot understand why all Americans, not in the top 0.1%, fail to give the billionaires their complete devotion. After all, the fat cats permit the other 99.9% to live in their country, isn't that enough?

Obviously, it is more than enough for conservatives. They do understand, their value to their employers is near zero because conservatives prefer ignorance over education.

This preference for ignorance rather than education causes conservatives to resent the valuable, knowledgeable workers, who are skilled experts and important to the success of their employers. To conservatives, these intelligent employees are greedy, overpaid, and take advantage of the people who give them jobs.

This nonsensical belief by conservatives is due to their worship of the fat cats, and is not unexpected. Again, the willful ignorance of conservatives robs them of the ability to think and develop into rational human beings.

As the Republicans continue to sabotage the U.S. education system, more conservatives will be created than intelligent, knowledgeable people. This pleases older conservatives, but, it will eventually lead to the U.S. falling behind developed nations that stress education. As a society, the U.S. will lose its ability to compete.

This inability to compete will have little affect on billionaires, they will move their businesses to countries where they can find intelligent and skilled employees.

But, all is not lost, the fat cats will still hire conservatives here at home. Their need for people to wash their clothes and cars, clean their homes, and maintain their estate grounds will be perfect for the knuckle dragging conservatives' extremely limited skills.


The .01% controls the D party entirely...and much of the R party too.

The old mainstream media is controlled by a handful of very wealthy men...who tell the D party what to do. What I don't understand is why do so many poor and middle class Americans, who have nothing in common with the .01%, support them.
Who ever said Trump should hire a poor person to be his economic advisor?
Good question.

Where were those good questions, when your Messiah constantly used bogus arguments to promote his .01% agenda?
The problem is not that they are rich. The problem is that they are all Wall Street guys. I would rather have at least 1 person who is a entrepreneur and understands how to start up a business. The majority of jobs in this country are created by small to medium size businesses. If you ever watch Shark Tank, the investors who participate are not Wall Street guys.
Yet Obama's cabinet was full of 1%ers and the MSM said nothing. Yet D voters think the D party is for the little guy

The problem is not that they are rich. The problem is that they are all Wall Street guys. I would rather have at least 1 person who is a entrepreneur and understands how to start up a business. The majority of jobs in this country are created by small to medium size businesses. If you ever watch Shark Tank, the investors who participate are not Wall Street guys.
Yet Obama's cabinet was full of 1%ers and the MSM said nothing. Yet D voters think the D party is for the little guy

Obama's cabinet was full of BLACK 1%-ers.

That's OK.
The problem is not that they are rich. The problem is that they are all Wall Street guys. I would rather have at least 1 person who is a entrepreneur and understands how to start up a business. The majority of jobs in this country are created by small to medium size businesses. If you ever watch Shark Tank, the investors who participate are not Wall Street guys.

If they had their money all tied up on Wall Street they would not have money to invest! DUH!
The problem is not that they are rich. The problem is that they are all Wall Street guys. I would rather have at least 1 person who is a entrepreneur and understands how to start up a business. The majority of jobs in this country are created by small to medium size businesses. If you ever watch Shark Tank, the investors who participate are not Wall Street guys.

And the MAJOR problem with boards like this and with the vast majority of people LIKE you is you make statements without any research to find out the FACTS.
It took me less then 5 minutes to find this:
A) all WALL STREET GUYS??? of ALL the cabinet members JUST 2 have had a "Wall Street" Background: Mnuchin and Ross! NOT ALL!
B) Mattis and Kelly former generals in the military... wall street???
C) 20 year Navy SEAL??
D) Founder of Amway a company that has made more ordinary women financially secure!
E) 2 physicians, one a doctorate in veterinary one a neurosurgeon pioneered conjoined twin separation... the other 20 years as an orthopedist.
F) 2 multi-term governors

Who's in Donald Trump's Cabinet?

Ambassador to the United Nations: Governor Nikki Haley of South Carolina
Administrator, Environmental Protection Agency: Scott Pruitt is the attorney general of Oklahoma,
Department of Veterans Affairs: Dr. David Shulkin is now the under secretary for health at the VA.
Department of Agriculture: Sonny Perdue a former 2 term governor of Georgia, grew up on a farm a doctorate in veterinary medicine.
Department of Commerce: Wilbur Ross is the chairman of a private equity firm that he founded and later sold.
Department of the Interior:Representative Ryan Zinke of Montana,GOP member of the House,served for more than 20 years in the Navy Seals
Department of Education: Betsy DeVos a longtime philanthropist and Republican donor and the former chairwoman of the state party in Michigan.
Department of Transportation: Elaine Chao As labor secretary for the full two terms of the George W. Bush administration,
Department of Labor: Alexander Acosta is a veteran of the George W. Bush administration, having served as head of the Justice Department’s civil-rights division
Department of Energy: Former three-and-a-half term Texas Governor Rick Perry, succeeding George W. Bush after he became president
Department of Housing and Urban Development: Dr. Ben Carson a retired neurosurgeon renowned for pioneering a procedure to separate conjoined twins.
Department of Health and Human Services: 6- term Georgia Representative Dr. Tom Price before entering politics Price was an orthopedist for 20 years in Atlanta.
Department of Homeland Security: Retired General John Kelly is a veteran of more than 40 years in the Marine Corps,
Department of Justice: Senator Jeff Sessions Alabama for 20 years, Before his election to the Senate,served as a federal prosecutor and Alabama attorney general.
Department of Defense: General James Mattis a four-star Marine Corps general who led U.S. Central Command from 2010 to 2013.
Department of the Treasury: Steven Mnuchin is a former senior executive at Goldman Sachs
Department of State: Rex Tillerson the CEO of Exxon Mobil for the last decade after working his way up the ranks since 1975. It’s the only company he has ever known;
I 100% guarantee everyone that after the members of the 'Shark Tank' made their multi millions none of them put the multi millions in the care of ANYONE who was/is "poor" to look after.
For fuck sake THINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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