No Truth in Socialism: Why the 'Crisis of Marxism' Matters


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

No Truth in Socialism: Why the 'Crisis of Marxism' Matters​

7 Aug 2021 ~~ By L.K. Samuels
Why do the Progressive Big Media, Democrats, elites, and Democratic Socialists feel duty-bound to create false realities? Why must they silence, obstruct, or distort any truthful voice before it can ever be heard? And why do they rush to judgment before the facts can be sorted out? The answer is simple: socialists and collectivists have no other choice. By hard experience, they learned over 100 years ago that their ideology is devoid of facts and reality. They had to sacrifice truth in order to hide the inevitable failures of socialism.
This realization occurred in the late 1890s, when a crisis of confidence began to reach a fever pitch. Before that, Marxian socialists were seen as the bright new kids on the political block. They were gaining acceptance and recognition. They thought they had it made. Socialists had long predicted capitalism's inevitable demise. In anticipation, they prepared to be capitalism's pallbearers, and they breathlessly awaited the birth of a glorious socialist-proletarian revolution.
But then something unexpected happened: socialism started to decompose. Marxist leaders and revisionists looked inward and noticed serious flaws in Marx's socioeconomic predictions. Across Europe, the truth of Marxian socialism was called into question. As the defects and failures started to pile up, Marxian socialists faced an ideology both false and unworkable. Instead of witnessing capitalism in its last stage of life, it was apparent that Marxism and socialism were dying on the vine.
Like a viral plague, these inconsistencies within Marxist theory swept across the entire socialist and Marxist landscape. It became known as the "crisis of Marxism," a term dubbed by Marxist theoreticians and practitioners themselves. This internal struggle revolved around the release of devastating economic data in the 1890s.
Obviously, this situation was a bitter pill to swallow. Socialist intellectuals had to face the fact that truth and scientific law could easily destroy their political agenda to reconstruct society. If Marxian socialism did not conform to reality, then they would have to rely on other methods to gain political power. They found it more effective and convenient to sidetrack the truth at every possible opportunity.
Ironically, the man who pointed out the many fatal flaws of socialism and communism was a rising star in the Marxist movement: Eduard Bernstein. He was an important Marxist political theorist and historian and a close friend of Friedrich Engels, working with him for almost ten years. Bernstein also personally collaborated with Marx, becoming not only a patron, but editor of Der Sozialdemokrat, the militant organ of the Social Democratic Party in Germany, from 1881 to 1890. Bernstein was being groomed as one of the major philosophical heirs of Marx and Engels.
A stickler for ethics, Bernstein embraced the idea that truth was a strong disinfectant against hypocrisy. He wanted to see successful results, not Marxist dogma. He waited until the passing of Marx in 1883 and Engels in 1895 before he launched an investigation of Marx's predictions.
Georges Sorel went on to make lies sound truthful in an effort to defend the fallacies and failures of Marxism, propping up the advocacy of labor violence in the streets, anti-democracy, autocratic socialism, and revised Marxism. His myth-making propaganda became an inspiration to Marxists, fascists, and a host of socialist elites. To Sorel, truth was no longer important; it was an impediment to progress and had to be relegated to the dustbin of history.
In reality, there is no truth in socialism, because it has never worked. Still smarting from the hard lessons of history, today's Marxist socialists have learned to swiftly bury truth and any truth-seekers, before they can become entombed themselves.

Daily, Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats maintain the exact pattern described above. They lie about everything because everything they do is doomed to failure. They have reached a new level of failure because Trump and his success scared the shit out of them, so their agenda now is to simply do the opposite of what Trump has done in every endeavor. The opposite of success is failure and that is all the Democrats have to offer. Therefore, they can’t tell the truth about anything and the complicit media shakes their heads in agreement.
This is all borne out by the “Russian collusion”?
Schiff refused to release 53 declassified documents of testimony about the Russian investigation.
IG report shows Schiff was lying about the FISA warrants and Nunes was telling the truth
How about impeachment?
Evidence of coordination and collaboration between Schiff and “whistle blower” (Vindman).
New Evidence Shows Democrat Adam Schiff Had "Whistleblower" Accusations a Month Ago - Team Used to Create Junk Document, Plot Attack
Ukrainian arms dealer linked to fundraisers for Pelosi and Schiff.
Then there's the border disaster?
Demented Joey Xi Bai Dung blames Trump for the disaster on the border HE created. Even President of Mexico blames Joey Xi. Meanwhile Bai Dung lies about the numbers of people coming across the border during the border crisis he created, while causing another super spreader epidemic of Covid-19 Virus Delta variant.
Mexican President Criticizes Biden’s Immigration Policies, Blames Him for the Border Surge › American Greatness
Fact Check: Biden's Claim About Annual Winter Migrant Surge Is Completely False
Jen Psaki claims the only reason the people think the crisis at the border is a crisis is because of the mean old media.
Jen Psaki Says Americans Only Think There’s A Border Crisis Because Of The Media
Bai Dung's success; taking thousands of illegal immigrants infected with COVID and releasing them into the public.
Biden Regime Has Released Over 7,000 COVID Positive Migrants Into McAllen, Texas Since Mid-February › American Greatness
The Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley previously released a statement explaining that migrants were tested before entering the facility, negative cases were allowed in and positive cases were placed in other areas to avoid the continued spread of COVID-19.
I don't need a lesson on socialism from the American Thinker.

1. Don't you think everyone should have a good paying job?
2. Don't you think everyone should have clean water and clean air?
3. Don't you think everyone should have outstanding healthcare?

I don't need a for a American Thinker give me a refresher on communism. We have socialism for the runaway capitalism in the US,

Do you think businesses that don't pay any taxes are good for the US, that is socialism??
I don't need a lesson on socialism from the American Thinker.

1. Don't you think everyone should have a good paying job?
2. Don't you think everyone should have clean water and clean air?
3. Don't you think everyone should have outstanding healthcare?

I don't need a for a American Thinker give me a refresher on communism. We have socialism for the runaway capitalism in the US,

Do you think businesses that don't pay any taxes are good for the US, that is socialism??
1. Socialism, there is no pay for the job you do

2. Socialism, has never ever cleaned the air or water.

3. Socialism, has not created outstanding Healthcare anywhere.

Runaway capitalism? Never in history has that happened. How about an example.
1. Socialism, there is no pay for the job you do

2. Socialism, has never ever cleaned the air or water.

3. Socialism, has not created outstanding Healthcare anywhere.

Runaway capitalism? Never in history has that happened. How about an example.

WI had socialist governors for over 50 years, and is a REAL example of socialism.

1. There is always pay under socialism, but since the workers decide how much everyone is to get paid collectively, there is no thief at the top, skimming off more than their fair share.

2. Socialism always has the best environment because that is what majority want and socialism requires majority rule.

3. Every single place with good health care, like Germany, Sweden, France, etc., is socialist at least over health care.
There is no way to do health care except as socialism. Insurance is essentially extortion and theft, forcing people to prepay so they lose any say.

Runaway capitalism is frequent in history, like southern slavery in the US. Feudalism, Roman imperialism, the Mongol Hordes, etc., are all runaway capitalism.
In fact, every single war in the whole history of the planet was runaway capitalism.
WI had socialist governors for over 50 years, and is a REAL example of socialism.

1. There is always pay under socialism, but since the workers decide how much everyone is to get paid collectively, there is no thief at the top, skimming off more than their fair share.

2. Socialism always has the best environment because that is what majority want and socialism requires majority rule.

3. Every single place with good health care, like Germany, Sweden, France, etc., is socialist at least over health care.
There is no way to do health care except as socialism. Insurance is essentially extortion and theft, forcing people to prepay so they lose any say.

Runaway capitalism is frequent in history, like southern slavery in the US. Feudalism, Roman imperialism, the Mongol Hordes, etc., are all runaway capitalism.
In fact, every single war in the whole history of the planet was runaway capitalism.
How much was a worker paid in the USSR
Why did the USSR shoot people trying to escape
Why are people trying to escape Cuba.

Mongol Hordes were capitalism? Dictatorship is not capitalism.

Slavery is very much a part of dictatorship, monarchs, and tyrants. Capitalism ended slavery.

Healthcare? Yep, those big bad capitalist used to pay for a person's Healthcare until they died. But democrats have been destroying big business for years, to the point that simple retirement is not offered.

Socialism, you certainly deserve what you wish for, it is a shame you did not grow up in North Vietnam, so that you would know what you are talking about.
The OP has his RW ideologues lined up, all spewing judgements and he applauds them for it but there;s nary a fact to be found. All there has been in this entire thread is BS RW propaganda trying to con readers into submission. It's one big steaming pile of additions on top of whining in the building and support of the Great Taboo ––"don't you dare talk about socialism or Marxism or we'll make damned sure you feel stupid even if we have no facts".

And I really don't see any evidence at all that anyone in this shitpost fest has any idea what socialism is supposed to be. And they all think it has existed and failed!!!! :auiqs.jpg:

Let's see anyone here make clear, correct statements as to what socialism and communism are and in no more than 3 sentences each. I'll do it in one each and I'll back it up with known facts.

The ignorance on this, especially among those who rant about it, is breathtaking.
I don't need a lesson on socialism from the American Thinker.

1. Don't you think everyone should have a good paying job?
2. Don't you think everyone should have clean water and clean air?
3. Don't you think everyone should have outstanding healthcare?

I don't need a for a American Thinker give me a refresher on communism. We have socialism for the runaway capitalism in the US,

Do you think businesses that don't pay any taxes are good for the US, that is socialism??
No good jobs need to be earned and health care is a commodity not a right.

Socialism never helps the air and water
The OP has his RW ideologues lined up, all spewing judgements and he applauds them for it but there;s nary a fact to be found. All there has been in this entire thread is BS RW propaganda trying to con readers into submission. It's one big steaming pile of additions on top of whining in the building and support of the Great Taboo ––"don't you dare talk about socialism or Marxism or we'll make damned sure you feel stupid even if we have no facts".

And I really don't see any evidence at all that anyone in this shitpost fest has any idea what socialism is supposed to be. And they all think it has existed and failed!!!! :auiqs.jpg:

Let's see anyone here make clear, correct statements as to what socialism and communism are and in no more than 3 sentences each. I'll do it in one each and I'll back it up with known facts.

The ignorance on this, especially among those who rant about it, is breathtaking.
The Op is correct

You are not some enlightened person who knows what it is.

Yours is the breathtaking ignorance and that is proven fact
How much was a worker paid in the USSR
Why did the USSR shoot people trying to escape
Why are people trying to escape Cuba.

Mongol Hordes were capitalism? Dictatorship is not capitalism.

Slavery is very much a part of dictatorship, monarchs, and tyrants. Capitalism ended slavery.

Healthcare? Yep, those big bad capitalist used to pay for a person's Healthcare until they died. But democrats have been destroying big business for years, to the point that simple retirement is not offered.

Socialism, you certainly deserve what you wish for, it is a shame you did not grow up in North Vietnam, so that you would know what you are talking about.

Since the USSR was not remotely communism, I paid little attention to it.
But I do know the wages in the USSR were similar to wages in Europe and Asia, where some of the money would be replaced by free housing and food.
The USSR never shot people trying to escape, and anyone could leave at any time.
People were not trying to leave Cuba until the illegal US economic sanctions caused a starvation situation.
Nothing to do with the government.

Capitalist NEVER paid for health care, at all.
At the late 1950s, the IRS altered the tax code to allow employer benefits to employees to be tax exempt.
That is totally corrupt, but it did allow about half of the workers to get health care tax free.
However, it skyrocketed the cost of health care, took control away from the patient, and created the horrible health care monopoly we have now.

ALL dictators are always capitalist.
Capitalism is just the profit motive, and every criminal, pirate, dictator, etc., is always profit motivated, so is a capitalist.
And in fact, if allowed, ever capitalist would become a dictator.
Take Henry Ford for example.

Capitalism is what CAUSED slavery.

You do not know anything about socialism or North Vietnam.
The OP has his RW ideologues lined up, all spewing judgements and he applauds them for it but there;s nary a fact to be found. All there has been in this entire thread is BS RW propaganda trying to con readers into submission. It's one big steaming pile of additions on top of whining in the building and support of the Great Taboo ––"don't you dare talk about socialism or Marxism or we'll make damned sure you feel stupid even if we have no facts".

And I really don't see any evidence at all that anyone in this shitpost fest has any idea what socialism is supposed to be. And they all think it has existed and failed!!!! :auiqs.jpg:

Let's see anyone here make clear, correct statements as to what socialism and communism are and in no more than 3 sentences each. I'll do it in one each and I'll back it up with known facts.

The ignorance on this, especially among those who rant about it, is breathtaking.

Socialism and communism is where people decide to pool their resource to create their own means of production.
The difference between socialism and communism is that with socialism you allow capitalists to also try to create their own means of production, and with communism, there is less capitalism allowed.
Yes they have.

Many nations have and all failed. it does not work on any level

Name any nation that was communist?
The USSR, China, and North Korea most certainly were NOT.
Because communism has to be collective, cooperative, and communal, which can only happen in a decentralized democracy.
Since the USSR was not remotely communism, I paid little attention to it.
But I do know the wages in the USSR were similar to wages in Europe and Asia, where some of the money would be replaced by free housing and food.
The USSR never shot people trying to escape, and anyone could leave at any time.
People were not trying to leave Cuba until the illegal US economic sanctions caused a starvation situation.
Nothing to do with the government.

Capitalist NEVER paid for health care, at all.
At the late 1950s, the IRS altered the tax code to allow employer benefits to employees to be tax exempt.
That is totally corrupt, but it did allow about half of the workers to get health care tax free.
However, it skyrocketed the cost of health care, took control away from the patient, and created the horrible health care monopoly we have now.

ALL dictators are always capitalist.
Capitalism is just the profit motive, and every criminal, pirate, dictator, etc., is always profit motivated, so is a capitalist.
And in fact, if allowed, ever capitalist would become a dictator.
Take Henry Ford for example.

Capitalism is what CAUSED slavery.

You do not know anything about socialism or North Vietnam.
The USSR was absolutely a communist country run byu communist ideology.

Few ictators are capitalists at especially since communist governnent is by definition a dictatorship and capitalism is no where near as old as dictators.

Capitalism did not cause sllavery. Slavery was also around long before capitalism and it is capitlists who ended slavery.

Communism by comparison is an ideology of universal slavery and tyranny']

You are wrong and proven so as always
Socialism and communism is where people decide to pool their resource to create their own means of production.
The difference between socialism and communism is that with socialism you allow capitalists to also try to create their own means of production, and with communism, there is less capitalism allowed.
Communsim is tryanny and slavery where pepple have nothing to pool. Socialism is merely light weight communism.

The difference between the two is akin to the differen ce between manslaughter aqnd murder.
Name any nation that was communist?
The USSR, China, and North Korea most certainly were NOT.
Because communism has to be collective, cooperative, and communal, which can only happen in a decentralized democracy.

The USSR and Red China and North Korea and CUba were in FACT all communist nations.

Ciommunsim is always by design abougt tyranny and slavery ti is NEVER about voluntary cooperation or communal ideas.

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