No Veto for War Crimes...

wikiquotes is not a hate site...
You forget one thing, Phillip. People can put anything they want to on these Wiki sites. I think I'll go with the poster who actually visited the Israeli newspaper office and found out that they never published the Dayan quote that is so popular on the hate sites along with the other quotes which were constantly posted on message boards. The viewers here can make up their own opinions as to what they believe is true or not..

Fake Zionist Quotes Israeli Quotes
If you have info that disputes their truths, then edits are welcome...Truth is universal fact, and when you and the Israelis come to grips with it, then peace might happen...
Have you proof, Phillip, that these quotes are all true? It is funny how a Muslim woman poster from India on another message board seemed to also know about these quotes. Do you think her madrassa taught her about them? The viewers here are capable of making up their own minds about whether these quotes are the real thing.
wikiquotes is not a hate site...
You forget one thing, Phillip. People can put anything they want to on these Wiki sites. I think I'll go with the poster who actually visited the Israeli newspaper office and found out that they never published the Dayan quote that is so popular on the hate sites along with the other quotes which were constantly posted on message boards. The viewers here can make up their own opinions as to what they believe is true or not..

Fake Zionist Quotes Israeli Quotes
If you have info that disputes their truths, then edits are welcome...Truth is universal fact, and when you and the Israelis come to grips with it, then peace might happen...
Have you proof, Phillip, that these quotes are all true? It is funny how a Muslim woman poster from India on another message board seemed to also know about these quotes. Do you think her madrassa taught her about them? The viewers here are capable of making up their own minds about whether these quotes are the real thing.
Hoss, the Associated Press reporters are known for their accuracy, stop whining and deal with the truth...
Yes, we all know how the reporters are accurate all the time. Do you have another joke for us? I still say the viewers here can make up their own minds about this. Maybe you think they are all so dumb that they can't have an opinion of their own. What you remind me of, Phillip, because of all your own whining about Israel for years, is something Manuel Valls (a former French Interior Minister) brought out:

Openly recognizing the whining of anti-Israel and anti-Jewish sentiment, in July Valls condemned “an anti-Semite who hides his hatred of the Jew behind an appearance of anti-Zionism and the hatred of Israel.”
Hoss you're the only W,. Virgini yokel I'm absolutely sure of your dumbness...Again even if what you say is true about hate, how does that affect the truth of the Associated Press' veracity?

Are ya'll drinking Hooch again?


He’d be coming
Down the mountain
If he could

But he fell asleep
In the outhouse
Sawing wood

Poor ‘ol Hossie
Drank too much

Now he’s snoring
On top of

Or he’d be down
The mountain
Cutting wood!
Last edited:
You are a disgrace to humanity and to decent Jews you vulgar piece of trash!

That's nice shitbag, but you still haven't addressed my points about what the arab muslims were doing that led to the '67 war, and given your obvious lack of intelligence, I wouldn't expect you to.

As for those quotes, wikipedia is not a solid news source. Try again, dipshit.
You are a disgrace to humanity and to decent Jews you vulgar piece of trash!

That's nice shitbag, but you still haven't addressed my points about what the arab muslims were doing that led to the '67 war, and given your obvious lack of intelligence, I wouldn't expect you to.

As for those quotes, wikipedia is not a solid news source. Try again, dipshit.
The source is the Associated Press not Wikipedia which has a lot more credibility than a vulgar piece of crap like you...
You forget one thing, Phillip. People can put anything they want to on these Wiki sites. I think I'll go with the poster who actually visited the Israeli newspaper office and found out that they never published the Dayan quote that is so popular on the hate sites along with the other quotes which were constantly posted on message boards. The viewers here can make up their own opinions as to what they believe is true or not..

Fake Zionist Quotes Israeli Quotes
If you have info that disputes their truths, then edits are welcome...Truth is universal fact, and when you and the Israelis come to grips with it, then peace might happen...
Have you proof, Phillip, that these quotes are all true? It is funny how a Muslim woman poster from India on another message board seemed to also know about these quotes. Do you think her madrassa taught her about them? The viewers here are capable of making up their own minds about whether these quotes are the real thing.
You forget one thing, Phillip. People can put anything they want to on these Wiki sites. I think I'll go with the poster who actually visited the Israeli newspaper office and found out that they never published the Dayan quote that is so popular on the hate sites along with the other quotes which were constantly posted on message boards. The viewers here can make up their own opinions as to what they believe is true or not..

Fake Zionist Quotes Israeli Quotes
If you have info that disputes their truths, then edits are welcome...Truth is universal fact, and when you and the Israelis come to grips with it, then peace might happen...
Have you proof, Phillip, that these quotes are all true? It is funny how a Muslim woman poster from India on another message board seemed to also know about these quotes. Do you think her madrassa taught her about them? The viewers here are capable of making up their own minds about whether these quotes are the real thing.
Hoss, the Associated Press reporters are known for their accuracy, stop whining and deal with the truth...
Yes, we all know how the reporters are accurate all the time. Do you have another joke for us? I still say the viewers here can make up their own minds about this. Maybe you think they are all so dumb that they can't have an opinion of their own. What you remind me of, Phillip, because of all your own whining about Israel for years, is something Manuel Valls (a former French Interior Minister) brought out:

Openly recognizing the whining of anti-Israel and anti-Jewish sentiment, in July Valls condemned “an anti-Semite who hides his hatred of the Jew behind an appearance of anti-Zionism and the hatred of Israel.”
Hoss you're the only W,. Virgini yokel I'm absolutely sure of your dumbness...Again even if what you say is true about hate, how does that affect the truth of the Associated Press' veracity?

Are ya'll drinking Hooch again?


He’d be coming
Down the mountain
If he could

But he fell asleep
In the outhouse
Sawing wood

Poor ‘ol Hossie
Drank too much

Now he’s snoring
On top of

Or he’d be down
The mountain
Cutting wood!

Why not let the other viewers know who are not aware of your actions on another message board how you were so busy writing your silly poems such as you just did about posters who disagree with you (even posters who stopped posting long before you made up your crazy poems about them), how you dragged out your crayon box, and how you never had anything to say about the Middle East in general even though that was what the forum was about. It was all about Israel for you and only Israel and not any other Middle East country which told everyone all that they wanted to know about you. As everyone can see, Phillip can throw his ZioNazis all over the place, but heavens to Betsy, if anyone shows what he really is, he has a fit and out comes the silly poems. I am sure all you viewers out there see the juvenile Phillip in action when someone disagrees with what he posts. Not only that, but apparently he thinks you are all so dumb that you can't form your own opinions.
You are a disgrace to humanity and to decent Jews you vulgar piece of trash!

That's nice shitbag, but you still haven't addressed my points about what the arab muslims were doing that led to the '67 war, and given your obvious lack of intelligence, I wouldn't expect you to.

As for those quotes, wikipedia is not a solid news source. Try again, dipshit.

"but you still haven't addressed my points about what the arab muslims were doing that led to the '67 war"

The reason for that is simple: pro Palestinians have a hard time dealing with the truth ...
You forget one thing, Phillip. People can put anything they want to on these Wiki sites. I think I'll go with the poster who actually visited the Israeli newspaper office and found out that they never published the Dayan quote that is so popular on the hate sites along with the other quotes which were constantly posted on message boards. The viewers here can make up their own opinions as to what they believe is true or not..

Fake Zionist Quotes Israeli Quotes
If you have info that disputes their truths, then edits are welcome...Truth is universal fact, and when you and the Israelis come to grips with it, then peace might happen...
Have you proof, Phillip, that these quotes are all true? It is funny how a Muslim woman poster from India on another message board seemed to also know about these quotes. Do you think her madrassa taught her about them? The viewers here are capable of making up their own minds about whether these quotes are the real thing.
You forget one thing, Phillip. People can put anything they want to on these Wiki sites. I think I'll go with the poster who actually visited the Israeli newspaper office and found out that they never published the Dayan quote that is so popular on the hate sites along with the other quotes which were constantly posted on message boards. The viewers here can make up their own opinions as to what they believe is true or not..

Fake Zionist Quotes Israeli Quotes
If you have info that disputes their truths, then edits are welcome...Truth is universal fact, and when you and the Israelis come to grips with it, then peace might happen...
Have you proof, Phillip, that these quotes are all true? It is funny how a Muslim woman poster from India on another message board seemed to also know about these quotes. Do you think her madrassa taught her about them? The viewers here are capable of making up their own minds about whether these quotes are the real thing.
Hoss, the Associated Press reporters are known for their accuracy, stop whining and deal with the truth...
Yes, we all know how the reporters are accurate all the time. Do you have another joke for us? I still say the viewers here can make up their own minds about this. Maybe you think they are all so dumb that they can't have an opinion of their own. What you remind me of, Phillip, because of all your own whining about Israel for years, is something Manuel Valls (a former French Interior Minister) brought out:

Openly recognizing the whining of anti-Israel and anti-Jewish sentiment, in July Valls condemned “an anti-Semite who hides his hatred of the Jew behind an appearance of anti-Zionism and the hatred of Israel.”
Hoss you're the only W,. Virgini yokel I'm absolutely sure of your dumbness...Again even if what you say is true about hate, how does that affect the truth of the Associated Press' veracity?

Are ya'll drinking Hooch again?


He’d be coming
Down the mountain
If he could

But he fell asleep
In the outhouse
Sawing wood

Poor ‘ol Hossie
Drank too much

Now he’s snoring
On top of

Or he’d be down
The mountain
Cutting wood!

Not cool at all Pbel.... I'm extremely disappointed with how you talk to Hossfly. Apologize immediately....
If you have info that disputes their truths, then edits are welcome...Truth is universal fact, and when you and the Israelis come to grips with it, then peace might happen...
Have you proof, Phillip, that these quotes are all true? It is funny how a Muslim woman poster from India on another message board seemed to also know about these quotes. Do you think her madrassa taught her about them? The viewers here are capable of making up their own minds about whether these quotes are the real thing.
If you have info that disputes their truths, then edits are welcome...Truth is universal fact, and when you and the Israelis come to grips with it, then peace might happen...
Have you proof, Phillip, that these quotes are all true? It is funny how a Muslim woman poster from India on another message board seemed to also know about these quotes. Do you think her madrassa taught her about them? The viewers here are capable of making up their own minds about whether these quotes are the real thing.
Hoss, the Associated Press reporters are known for their accuracy, stop whining and deal with the truth...
Yes, we all know how the reporters are accurate all the time. Do you have another joke for us? I still say the viewers here can make up their own minds about this. Maybe you think they are all so dumb that they can't have an opinion of their own. What you remind me of, Phillip, because of all your own whining about Israel for years, is something Manuel Valls (a former French Interior Minister) brought out:

Openly recognizing the whining of anti-Israel and anti-Jewish sentiment, in July Valls condemned “an anti-Semite who hides his hatred of the Jew behind an appearance of anti-Zionism and the hatred of Israel.”
Hoss you're the only W,. Virgini yokel I'm absolutely sure of your dumbness...Again even if what you say is true about hate, how does that affect the truth of the Associated Press' veracity?

Are ya'll drinking Hooch again?


He’d be coming
Down the mountain
If he could

But he fell asleep
In the outhouse
Sawing wood

Poor ‘ol Hossie
Drank too much

Now he’s snoring
On top of

Or he’d be down
The mountain
Cutting wood!

Why not let the other viewers know who are not aware of your actions on another message board how you were so busy writing your silly poems such as you just did about posters who disagree with you (even posters who stopped posting long before you made up your crazy poems about them), how you dragged out your crayon box, and how you never had anything to say about the Middle East in general even though that was what the forum was about. It was all about Israel for you and only Israel and not any other Middle East country which told everyone all that they wanted to know about you. As everyone can see, Phillip can throw his ZioNazis all over the place, but heavens to Betsy, if anyone shows what he really is, he has a fit and out comes the silly poems. I am sure all you viewers out there see the juvenile Phillip in action when someone disagrees with what he posts. Not only that, but apparently he thinks you are all so dumb that you can't form your own opinions.
Oh Hoss, be a good sport and loosen up, a little comic poem should make you giggle...Besides, for a ZioNut, I like you...
If you have info that disputes their truths, then edits are welcome...Truth is universal fact, and when you and the Israelis come to grips with it, then peace might happen...
Have you proof, Phillip, that these quotes are all true? It is funny how a Muslim woman poster from India on another message board seemed to also know about these quotes. Do you think her madrassa taught her about them? The viewers here are capable of making up their own minds about whether these quotes are the real thing.
If you have info that disputes their truths, then edits are welcome...Truth is universal fact, and when you and the Israelis come to grips with it, then peace might happen...
Have you proof, Phillip, that these quotes are all true? It is funny how a Muslim woman poster from India on another message board seemed to also know about these quotes. Do you think her madrassa taught her about them? The viewers here are capable of making up their own minds about whether these quotes are the real thing.
Hoss, the Associated Press reporters are known for their accuracy, stop whining and deal with the truth...
Yes, we all know how the reporters are accurate all the time. Do you have another joke for us? I still say the viewers here can make up their own minds about this. Maybe you think they are all so dumb that they can't have an opinion of their own. What you remind me of, Phillip, because of all your own whining about Israel for years, is something Manuel Valls (a former French Interior Minister) brought out:

Openly recognizing the whining of anti-Israel and anti-Jewish sentiment, in July Valls condemned “an anti-Semite who hides his hatred of the Jew behind an appearance of anti-Zionism and the hatred of Israel.”
Hoss you're the only W,. Virgini yokel I'm absolutely sure of your dumbness...Again even if what you say is true about hate, how does that affect the truth of the Associated Press' veracity?

Are ya'll drinking Hooch again?


He’d be coming
Down the mountain
If he could

But he fell asleep
In the outhouse
Sawing wood

Poor ‘ol Hossie
Drank too much

Now he’s snoring
On top of

Or he’d be down
The mountain
Cutting wood!

Not cool at all Pbel.... I'm extremely disappointed with how you talk to Hossfly. Apologize immediately....
I like you too Toast, would you like me to pen one for you? guaranteed to be good and funny with a name like Roast, I mean Toast, heh heh as MJ would say...
You are a disgrace to humanity and to decent Jews you vulgar piece of trash!

That's nice shitbag, but you still haven't addressed my points about what the arab muslims were doing that led to the '67 war, and given your obvious lack of intelligence, I wouldn't expect you to.

As for those quotes, wikipedia is not a solid news source. Try again, dipshit.

"but you still haven't addressed my points about what the arab muslims were doing that led to the '67 war"

The reason for that is simple: pro Palestinians have a hard time dealing with the truth ...
What is there to address? Israelis were always intent on expelling the Palestinians from Eretz Israel...They goaded the Arabs and the posturing...Egypt and the rest NEVER had the troops to do anything else but posture...The easy win for Israel in only six days proved that beyond doubt!
You are a disgrace to humanity and to decent Jews you vulgar piece of trash!

That's nice shitbag, but you still haven't addressed my points about what the arab muslims were doing that led to the '67 war, and given your obvious lack of intelligence, I wouldn't expect you to.

As for those quotes, wikipedia is not a solid news source. Try again, dipshit.

"but you still haven't addressed my points about what the arab muslims were doing that led to the '67 war"
u kn
The reason for that is simple: pro Palestinians have a hard time dealing with the truth ...
What is there to address? Israelis were always intent on expelling the Palestinians from Eretz Israel...They goaded the Arabs and the posturing...Egypt and the rest NEVER had the troops to do anything else but posture...The easy win for Israel in only six days proved that beyond doubt!

"The easy win for Israel in only six days proved that beyond doubt!"

Wow, just wow. You believe the Palestinian propaganda version of the war. Since the Arabs get their asses kicked, they started to play the victim and made Israel look like the aggressor and made themselves look like the underdog.
Ya, tiny tiny Israel, surrounded and attacked from all sides by 4 countries MUCH MUCH bigger than her, but the Arabs were the underdogs :rolleyes:

Yo know very well why Israel attacked Egypt. The troops massing by the border was not the only reason. They expelled the peacekeeping forces that were stationed at the border after the last war. They closed the Straits of Tiran which Israel has previously said would be a declaration of war. Not to mention making threats of annihalation. Israel wanted peace, wanted to be left alone by her neighbors.
If Israel attacked because they wanted land, why did they give back the Sinai? Why did they offer the entire Golan back to Syria?
As for Jordan, they warned them not to attack, but they did anyway. Jordan attacked Israel first, not the other way around.

The proof is overwhelming Pbel. No amount of Palestinian propaganda will change the facts above.
You are a disgrace to humanity and to decent Jews you vulgar piece of trash!

That's nice shitbag, but you still haven't addressed my points about what the arab muslims were doing that led to the '67 war, and given your obvious lack of intelligence, I wouldn't expect you to.

As for those quotes, wikipedia is not a solid news source. Try again, dipshit.

"but you still haven't addressed my points about what the arab muslims were doing that led to the '67 war"
u kn
The reason for that is simple: pro Palestinians have a hard time dealing with the truth ...
What is there to address? Israelis were always intent on expelling the Palestinians from Eretz Israel...They goaded the Arabs and the posturing...Egypt and the rest NEVER had the troops to do anything else but posture...The easy win for Israel in only six days proved that beyond doubt!

"The easy win for Israel in only six days proved that beyond doubt!"

Wow, just wow. You believe the Palestinian propaganda version of the war. Since the Arabs get their asses kicked, they started to play the victim and made Israel look like the aggressor and made themselves look like the underdog.
Ya, tiny tiny Israel, surrounded and attacked from all sides by 4 countries MUCH MUCH bigger than her, but the Arabs were the underdogs :rolleyes:

Yo know very well why Israel attacked Egypt. The troops massing by the border was not the only reason. They expelled the peacekeeping forces that were stationed at the border after the last war. They closed the Straits of Tiran which Israel has previously said would be a declaration of war. Not to mention making threats of annihalation. Israel wanted peace, wanted to be left alone by her neighbors.
If Israel attacked because they wanted land, why did they give back the Sinai? Why did they offer the entire Golan back to Syria?
As for Jordan, they warned them not to attack, but they did anyway. Jordan attacked Israel first, not the other way around.

The proof is overwhelming Pbel. No amount of Palestinian propaganda will change the facts above.
Tiny Israel had a Hundred Nukes, the best Air force and American military hardware and intelligence, and what did we get in return, murder and bombing of the USS Liberty!
Israel is no friend of America...Only Zionist AIPAC money which buys our government keeps Israel alive...
You are a disgrace to humanity and to decent Jews you vulgar piece of trash!

That's nice shitbag, but you still haven't addressed my points about what the arab muslims were doing that led to the '67 war, and given your obvious lack of intelligence, I wouldn't expect you to.

As for those quotes, wikipedia is not a solid news source. Try again, dipshit.

"but you still haven't addressed my points about what the arab muslims were doing that led to the '67 war"
u kn
The reason for that is simple: pro Palestinians have a hard time dealing with the truth ...
What is there to address? Israelis were always intent on expelling the Palestinians from Eretz Israel...They goaded the Arabs and the posturing...Egypt and the rest NEVER had the troops to do anything else but posture...The easy win for Israel in only six days proved that beyond doubt!

"The easy win for Israel in only six days proved that beyond doubt!"

Wow, just wow. You believe the Palestinian propaganda version of the war. Since the Arabs get their asses kicked, they started to play the victim and made Israel look like the aggressor and made themselves look like the underdog.
Ya, tiny tiny Israel, surrounded and attacked from all sides by 4 countries MUCH MUCH bigger than her, but the Arabs were the underdogs :rolleyes:

Yo know very well why Israel attacked Egypt. The troops massing by the border was not the only reason. They expelled the peacekeeping forces that were stationed at the border after the last war. They closed the Straits of Tiran which Israel has previously said would be a declaration of war. Not to mention making threats of annihalation. Israel wanted peace, wanted to be left alone by her neighbors.
If Israel attacked because they wanted land, why did they give back the Sinai? Why did they offer the entire Golan back to Syria?
As for Jordan, they warned them not to attack, but they did anyway. Jordan attacked Israel first, not the other way around.

The proof is overwhelming Pbel. No amount of Palestinian propaganda will change the facts above.
Tiny Israel had a Hundred Nukes, the best Air force and American military hardware and intelligence, and what did we get in return, murder and bombing of the USS Liberty!,
Israel is no friend of America...Only Zionist AIPAC money which buys our government keeps Israel alive...

Actually , most of Israel's weapons were French and British. AIPAC was formed in 1990. Nukes have nothing to do with anything.

Oh, and I don't fall for your AIPAC conspiracy theories.
You are a disgrace to humanity and to decent Jews you vulgar piece of trash!

That's nice shitbag, but you still haven't addressed my points about what the arab muslims were doing that led to the '67 war, and given your obvious lack of intelligence, I wouldn't expect you to.

As for those quotes, wikipedia is not a solid news source. Try again, dipshit.

"but you still haven't addressed my points about what the arab muslims were doing that led to the '67 war"
u kn
The reason for that is simple: pro Palestinians have a hard time dealing with the truth ...
What is there to address? Israelis were always intent on expelling the Palestinians from Eretz Israel...They goaded the Arabs and the posturing...Egypt and the rest NEVER had the troops to do anything else but posture...The easy win for Israel in only six days proved that beyond doubt!

"The easy win for Israel in only six days proved that beyond doubt!"

Wow, just wow. You believe the Palestinian propaganda version of the war. Since the Arabs get their asses kicked, they started to play the victim and made Israel look like the aggressor and made themselves look like the underdog.
Ya, tiny tiny Israel, surrounded and attacked from all sides by 4 countries MUCH MUCH bigger than her, but the Arabs were the underdogs :rolleyes:

Yo know very well why Israel attacked Egypt. The troops massing by the border was not the only reason. They expelled the peacekeeping forces that were stationed at the border after the last war. They closed the Straits of Tiran which Israel has previously said would be a declaration of war. Not to mention making threats of annihalation. Israel wanted peace, wanted to be left alone by her neighbors.
If Israel attacked because they wanted land, why did they give back the Sinai? Why did they offer the entire Golan back to Syria?
As for Jordan, they warned them not to attack, but they did anyway. Jordan attacked Israel first, not the other way around.

The proof is overwhelming Pbel. No amount of Palestinian propaganda will change the facts above.
Tiny Israel had a Hundred Nukes, the best Air force and American military hardware and intelligence, and what did we get in return, murder and bombing of the USS Liberty!
Israel is no friend of America...Only Zionist AIPAC money which buys our government keeps Israel alive...

So you think the extent of Israel's relationship begins and ends with a bombing during a major war, that has been found to be accidental by all branches of govt. and for which Israel has apologized?
Have you proof, Phillip, that these quotes are all true? It is funny how a Muslim woman poster from India on another message board seemed to also know about these quotes. Do you think her madrassa taught her about them? The viewers here are capable of making up their own minds about whether these quotes are the real thing.
Have you proof, Phillip, that these quotes are all true? It is funny how a Muslim woman poster from India on another message board seemed to also know about these quotes. Do you think her madrassa taught her about them? The viewers here are capable of making up their own minds about whether these quotes are the real thing.
Hoss, the Associated Press reporters are known for their accuracy, stop whining and deal with the truth...
Yes, we all know how the reporters are accurate all the time. Do you have another joke for us? I still say the viewers here can make up their own minds about this. Maybe you think they are all so dumb that they can't have an opinion of their own. What you remind me of, Phillip, because of all your own whining about Israel for years, is something Manuel Valls (a former French Interior Minister) brought out:

Openly recognizing the whining of anti-Israel and anti-Jewish sentiment, in July Valls condemned “an anti-Semite who hides his hatred of the Jew behind an appearance of anti-Zionism and the hatred of Israel.”
Hoss you're the only W,. Virgini yokel I'm absolutely sure of your dumbness...Again even if what you say is true about hate, how does that affect the truth of the Associated Press' veracity?

Are ya'll drinking Hooch again?


He’d be coming
Down the mountain
If he could

But he fell asleep
In the outhouse
Sawing wood

Poor ‘ol Hossie
Drank too much

Now he’s snoring
On top of

Or he’d be down
The mountain
Cutting wood!

Why not let the other viewers know who are not aware of your actions on another message board how you were so busy writing your silly poems such as you just did about posters who disagree with you (even posters who stopped posting long before you made up your crazy poems about them), how you dragged out your crayon box, and how you never had anything to say about the Middle East in general even though that was what the forum was about. It was all about Israel for you and only Israel and not any other Middle East country which told everyone all that they wanted to know about you. As everyone can see, Phillip can throw his ZioNazis all over the place, but heavens to Betsy, if anyone shows what he really is, he has a fit and out comes the silly poems. I am sure all you viewers out there see the juvenile Phillip in action when someone disagrees with what he posts. Not only that, but apparently he thinks you are all so dumb that you can't form your own opinions.
Oh Hoss, be a good sport and loosen up, a little comic poem should make you giggle...Besides, for a ZioNut, I like you...
Are you denying what I said about you, Phillip, and your crayons, your silly poems and your obsession with Israel and the Jews? Maybe you should give your obsession a rest and concentrate on your painting instead. Or concentrate on your painting and also what is going on in the rest of the Middle East that doesn't involve the Jews.
That's nice shitbag, but you still haven't addressed my points about what the arab muslims were doing that led to the '67 war, and given your obvious lack of intelligence, I wouldn't expect you to.

As for those quotes, wikipedia is not a solid news source. Try again, dipshit.

"but you still haven't addressed my points about what the arab muslims were doing that led to the '67 war"
u kn
The reason for that is simple: pro Palestinians have a hard time dealing with the truth ...
What is there to address? Israelis were always intent on expelling the Palestinians from Eretz Israel...They goaded the Arabs and the posturing...Egypt and the rest NEVER had the troops to do anything else but posture...The easy win for Israel in only six days proved that beyond doubt!

"The easy win for Israel in only six days proved that beyond doubt!"

Wow, just wow. You believe the Palestinian propaganda version of the war. Since the Arabs get their asses kicked, they started to play the victim and made Israel look like the aggressor and made themselves look like the underdog.
Ya, tiny tiny Israel, surrounded and attacked from all sides by 4 countries MUCH MUCH bigger than her, but the Arabs were the underdogs :rolleyes:

Yo know very well why Israel attacked Egypt. The troops massing by the border was not the only reason. They expelled the peacekeeping forces that were stationed at the border after the last war. They closed the Straits of Tiran which Israel has previously said would be a declaration of war. Not to mention making threats of annihalation. Israel wanted peace, wanted to be left alone by her neighbors.
If Israel attacked because they wanted land, why did they give back the Sinai? Why did they offer the entire Golan back to Syria?
As for Jordan, they warned them not to attack, but they did anyway. Jordan attacked Israel first, not the other way around.

The proof is overwhelming Pbel. No amount of Palestinian propaganda will change the facts above.
Tiny Israel had a Hundred Nukes, the best Air force and American military hardware and intelligence, and what did we get in return, murder and bombing of the USS Liberty!
Israel is no friend of America...Only Zionist AIPAC money which buys our government keeps Israel alive...

So you think the extent of Israel's relationship begins and ends with a bombing during a major war, that has been found to be accidental by all branches of govt. and for which Israel has apologized?
Apologized and compensated .
The source is the Associated Press not Wikipedia which has a lot more credibility than a vulgar piece of crap like you...

**** whore, WHO GIVES A FUCK ABOUT THOSE QUOTES, you stupid fucking asshole.

Those quotes are meaningless deflective garbage.

The 1967 war was fomented and driven by arab muslim terrorism and violence, acts of war committed by the surrounding arab muslim countries.

You have not even attempted to address that fact, which proves you are a mentally ill worthless fucking piece of useless shit. Go back to jewwatch, c-nt.
What is there to address? Israelis were always intent on expelling the Palestinians from Eretz Israel...They goaded the Arabs and the posturing...Egypt and the rest NEVER had the troops to do anything else but posture...The easy win for Israel in only six days proved that beyond doubt!

This mentally ill whore is so fucking stupid, its not even aware of what Nassar and the arab press were stating at the time, even AFTER the war started - that they were going to destroy Israel and remove all of the jews.

This forum desperately needs better, more informed arab muslim defenders - this piece of shit doesn't even rate a 3 out of 1,000.
Tiny Israel had a Hundred Nukes...garbage deleted

Ugh, not the mentally ill asshole falls back on the old canards, nuclear weapons, Liberty, etc.

When the jew-hating filth gets their teeth kicked in - as they always, inevitably do - it's lets change to subject, and hope no one notices...fuck off idiot douchebag. Do the world a favor and choke to death at your next meal, scumbag.
Tiny Israel had a Hundred Nukes...garbage deleted

Ugh, not the mentally ill asshole falls back on the old canards, nuclear weapons, Liberty, etc.

When the jew-hating filth gets their teeth kicked in - as they always, inevitably do - it's lets change to subject, and hope no one notices...fuck off idiot douchebag. Do the world a favor and choke to death at your next meal, scumbag.
You can try to hide the truth with your Zionist Money, but it always pops out of your shadows:

Associated Press report of Israeli lies and greed:Moshe Dayan - Wikiquote

Along the Syria border there were no farms and no refugee camps — there was only the Syrian army... The kibbutzim saw the good agricultural land … and they dreamed about it... They didn't even try to hide their greed for the land... We would send a tractor to plow some area where it wasn't possible to do anything, in the demilitarized area, and knew in advance that the Syrians would start to shoot. If they didn't shoot, we would tell the tractor to advance further, until in the end the Syrians would get annoyed and shoot. And then we would use artillery and later the air force also, and that's how it was...The Syrians, on the fourth day of the war, were not a threat to us.
  • On pre-1967 clashes with the Syrians, in a 1976 interview with Rami Tal, as quoted in The New York Times
it goes on

Moshe Dayan - Wikiquote


  • [Israel] must see the sword as the main, if not the only, instrument with which to keep its morale high and to retain its moral tension. Toward this end it may, no — it must — invent dangers, and to do this it must adopt the method of provocation-and-revenge...

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