No Water to Drink – Feds Order 29 Fish to be Saved


9 billion gallons of water!

The total absurdity of it would be side-splitting if it wasn't so typical of what is happening to our federal government.

Can even the leftist environmentalists defend this?

Read the story @ Doug Ross Journal CRIMINAL Feds order parched California farm district to use 9 billion gallons of water to save... 29 fish

you understand that we need to protect our environment so we have food, air AND water, right?

meh...maybe you don't.
Wanna buy some? I have this modern invention I call a well. I get all the water I need for the cost of the electricity to run a 1 HP motor for 10 or 15 minutes a day.
Wanna buy some? I have this modern invention I call a well. I get all the water I need for the cost of the electricity to run a 1 HP motor for 10 or 15 minutes a day.
Mine is 986 feet deep...taste like shit.....smells like shit......but it's not shit...

9 billion gallons of water!

The total absurdity of it would be side-splitting if it wasn't so typical of what is happening to our federal government.

Can even the leftist environmentalists defend this?

Read the story @ Doug Ross Journal CRIMINAL Feds order parched California farm district to use 9 billion gallons of water to save... 29 fish

you understand that we need to protect our environment so we have food, air AND water, right?

meh...maybe you don't.
The problem is, Democrats aren't doing this to save the planet. They're doing it to raise costs just to curb consumption.....and because the costs keep going up, their friends produce less yet get paid much more. This has been going in California since the Democrats took control. What's worse.....the state is still being flooded with Latinos. I figure in 20 years it will be a total shithole like Mexico. Nobody else will want to live there anymore. Blacks are leaving in droves.
Correction needs to be made with the thread title.

There are now only 26 of those fish left.

I was fishing there last week and caught 3 of them. ...... :cool:
Wanna buy some? I have this modern invention I call a well. I get all the water I need for the cost of the electricity to run a 1 HP motor for 10 or 15 minutes a day.
Mine is 986 feet deep...taste like shit.....smells like shit......but it's not shit...
Mine is 60 feet deep. Tastes great!

Seriously. There are filters and such you can add to get rid of hydrogen sulfide, iron or whatever is in your water.
As far as taste, look into a reverse osmosis filter for drinking water. I do have a water softener here with a carbon filter, but you barely notice the difference. Our water is pretty soft right out of the ground.
Wanna buy some? I have this modern invention I call a well. I get all the water I need for the cost of the electricity to run a 1 HP motor for 10 or 15 minutes a day.
Mine is 986 feet deep...taste like shit.....smells like shit......but it's not shit...
Well water back home never tastes like shit. I think you should stop drinking it unless you have a distiller.
Liberalism = Stupidity
Socialism = Stupidity

Low Information Voters Approve of the stupidity..

9 billion gallons of water!

The total absurdity of it would be side-splitting if it wasn't so typical of what is happening to our federal government.

Can even the leftist environmentalists defend this?

Read the story @ Doug Ross Journal CRIMINAL Feds order parched California farm district to use 9 billion gallons of water to save... 29 fish

you understand that we need to protect our environment so we have food, air AND water, right?

meh...maybe you don't.
But 29 fish in the grand scheme of things are less than insignificant.

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