No. Way. In. Hell. Am. I. EVER. Gong. to. Fly this. Thing.

No. Way. In. Hell. Am. I. EVER. Gong. to. Fly this. Thing.

If you aren't a military pilot, there's a fine likelihood your attestation is fully accurate. That shouldn't be a problem unless you want to fly the thing, and that doesn't seem to be case given the title's tone.

From the article:
Boeing's defence arm is set to unveil a mysterious new plane - and says it will 'change future air power.'
The project, known as XS-1, is expected to debut in 2020, and military bosses claim it will 'bolster national security by providing short-notice, low-cost access to space.'
Boeing's Phantom Swift was a Boeing Phantom Works program that was being developed for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) under the VTOL X-Plane competition - but was ultimately beaten by Aurora's entry.
About all the closest one might come to flying something like it is a hybrid-electric aircraft.
Boeing's move could help Zunum Aero, a Seattle-area company aiming to bring a hybrid-electric regional airliner to market in 2022. Boeing and JetBlue Airways Corp have both made venture capital investments in Zunum.

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
-- Serenity praryer​
I might fly on that. But after a BUNCH of people go first.
LOL Remember how the sky cleared the first few days after 9-11? Getting the dirty fossil fuel burners out of the sky would be a boon to all. Now with all the new batteries being developed, with 2 to 7 times the storage capacity of the present lithium ion, this is completely doable.
LOL Remember how the sky cleared the first few days after 9-11? Getting the dirty fossil fuel burners out of the sky would be a boon to all. Now with all the new batteries being developed, with 2 to 7 times the storage capacity of the present lithium ion, this is completely doable.
The world needs environmentaly friendly lithium batteries!

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