‘No way out without bloodshed’: the right believe the US is under threat and are mobilizing

No shit. Neither are the "liberals" you love. You love STATISTS.

Liberals were all about individual rights. Not states rights.

Liberal meant "Liberty FROM government ".

Learn the context before you make an ass of yourself.
Rabid Rightie Timmy was all about violence and retribution he visited on innocent people.

He was not a liberal and did not believe in liberal democracy.

He was, in technical terms, a whackjob. Fully deserving of the real death jab.
Rabid Rightie Timmy was all about violence and retribution he visited on innocent people.

He was not a liberal and did not believe in liberal democracy.

He was, in technical terms, a whackjob. Fully deserving of the real death jab.
Yeah, he was a scumbag of the first order. No doubt. How nice that he was executed for his crimes.

You, OTOH, want to release your rabid sickos so they can kill more.
Like I said, you found a nut. Congratulations. I could ask the same question, how many buildings with child day care centers have the Ranting Right been inspired to blow up? Answer, 1. Meanwhile, we can ask, how many police stations has the Right set on fire with officers inside?

The 60's were a long time ago. Today's left doesn't have much of a conscience when they unleash their hate. Face reality, you're not going to be able to make much of a case that the right is more violent than the left. Nuts have fallen from both sides of the tree.

Vietnam and Nixon were not that long ago.
Yeah, he was a scumbag of the first order. No doubt. How nice that he was executed for his crimes.

You, OTOH, want to release your rabid sickos so they can kill more.
Nice hanging insult there Spanky. Feel free to cite any examples you have of mass murderers I want released.
They might as well be a completely different era. Back then, you could buy a gun from a catalog and have it shipped to your house, no questions asked. No one shot up their school. Metal detectors, cops in schools and shopping malls? Nope. People verbally or physically assaulted because they wore a red hat? Nope. Random strangers assaulted in the streets for a game? No. There are a lot of differences between then and now.
westwall is an idiot.

"During the 1940s to the 1960s, sporadic school shootings occurred in the United States. Notably, in 1940, a junior high principal killed six adults, including the school’s district business manager."
The two-party fear machine has people on the verge of making very stupid decisions. Whichever party loses will go into hysterical denial, possibly resorting to violence.
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Timothy McVeigh was friends with David Koresh (real name Vernon Howell) and visited Mt. Carmel many times.
He saw when the Feds massacred the Branch Davidians and decided to retaliate. ie: blow up a federal building.

I doubt that he even voted, one way, or the other.
In the big picture, this is the manifestation of about three decades of right wing media propaganda, beginning with talk radio and Rush Limbaugh. It has led to incredible paranoia, misinformation, isolation and rage.

There won't be a "war" in the traditional sense. However, we certainly could see many right wing terrorist attacks like Tim McVeigh's Oklahoma City bombing.

These people are miserable in their lives, and their media has made it acceptable to play the victim and blame everyone else for their troubles. And they think that a vulgar, juvenile, emotionally damaged NY City billionaire is going to save them.

What's even worse is that maggot scum like Hannity, Carlson, the gang of Fox & Fiends, Laura etc who are egging these paople on will hide out in their Ivory Towers & beachfront homes if violence breaks out. And the millions will keep hitting their bank accounts no matter what.
What's even worse is that maggot scum like Hannity, Carlson, the gang of Fox & Fiends, Laura etc who are egging these paople on will hide out in their Ivory Towers & beachfront homes if violence breaks out. And the millions will keep hitting their bank accounts no matter what.
I blame the enablers -- media and congressional -- for pretty much all of this.

This has never been about Trump. It never IS about people like this. It's about those who enable them.
I think they thought Trump would be found NG and then roll to victory and everything would be lollipops and roses.

It is not over until its over, so let's work hard for his defeat.
He's running to stay out of prison & thinks he'll win & then thumb his nose at the rule of law like all mob bosses do.

We HAVE to prove him wrong.
The two-party fear machine has people on the verge of making very stupid decisions. Whichever party loses will go into hysterical denial, possibly resorting to violence.
We pissed at both parties. RINOs the dang same as a Dem.

Dems stick together, RINOs always fold like a cheap suit. Tired of both of them.

Would say something about Libertardians but they dont matter
I blame the enablers -- media and congressional -- for pretty much all of this.

This has never been about Trump. It never IS about people like this. It's about those who enable them.
There are Trump stooges in the HOR & Senate who have skin in the game considering they were in on the plot to overthrow the election.

Why Ron Johnson is not under a Senate investigation is beyond me.
I do wonder who these brilliant souls plan on murdering, exactly.

Maybe they'll blow up buildings like McVeigh or fly planes into them like Al Qaeda. Maybe they'll just stop people on the street and shoot them like ISIS. Or I guess they could target anyone they think is evil, like journalists, Dem politicians and FBI agents. Certain judges. Maybe DNC offices. College students & graduates.

Details would be helpful. These thinly-veiled threats have become pretty boring.
But dey haz 10 guns per person!

The morons haven't figured out they only have two hands, yet.
But dey haz 10 guns per person!

The morons haven't figured out they only have two hands, yet.
If the worse happens here economically the cities will suffer the worse. The inner-city locusts will not get their resources sent to them from the taxpayer and then start eating to those who still have comforts. Spreading outward they will consume the cities and then move out to the suburbs and consume them. then they will move on to semi-rural and rural areas. That is where they will be met with massive pushback. It will be a shooting gallery with the bodies piling up. Most from the cities. Know your enemies. The civil war you are in is near all from your side.
If the worse happens here economically the cities will suffer the worse. The inner-city locusts will not get their resources sent to them from the taxpayer and then start eating to those who still have comforts. Spreading outward they will consume the cities and then move out to the suburbs and consume them. then they will move on to semi-rural and rural areas. That is where they will be met with massive pushback. It will be a shooting gallery with the bodies piling up. Most from the cities. Know your enemies. The civil war you are in is near all from your side.
What freakish delusions. A true glimpse into a dissociated mind.

Its disturbing for a denocratic country to have a fringe group promoting this. Even more disturbing to have the party leader at the centre of it.

America is lucky that they have never had a Civil War with hundreds of thousands of dead people.

This trump maina is beyond a joke now. Th first civil war was to end slavery. The second will be to stop being mean to an obese grifting celebrity.. These halfwits will kill your kids and trump doesnt give a shit

Load your muskets indeed .

"America is lucky that they have never had a Civil War with hundreds of thousands of dead people."

Are you really this stupid fat man?
This is SOP for conservatives now.

They call for violence and killing.

Then, when it happens, they declare it's a false flag.

Remember that Trump cult conservatives murdered 2 cops during the BLM protests, in an attempt to start their holy race war, and that the Trump cult has shown zero remorse over encouraging that.

That means they will try again. More cop-killing, that is. Having a criminal mentality, the right now really hates law-enforcement.

My god you people are deranged.
Says the JustAGuy1, who is the most deranged of all. We really can't have such people running around free as if they are real Americans.

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