‘No way out without bloodshed’: the right believe the US is under threat and are mobilizing

In the big picture, this is the manifestation of about three decades of right wing media propaganda, beginning with talk radio and Rush Limbaugh. It has led to incredible paranoia, misinformation, isolation and rage.

There won't be a "war" in the traditional sense. However, we certainly could see many right wing terrorist attacks like Tim McVeigh's Oklahoma City bombing.

These people are miserable in their lives, and their media has made it acceptable to play the victim and blame everyone else for their troubles. And they think that a vulgar, juvenile, emotionally damaged NY City billionaire is going to save them.


^ Oakland CA

Looks like the favelas in Rio
Paranoid nonsense, typical right wing batshittery
Who won ?
Not anything like it.
Too bad they don't make Kevlar vests in XXXXXXXXL.
There are many sheep on the left side of the isle, they have bought into the political propaganda about Biden.
And yes you are right there are more on the right side of the isle who have bought the political propaganda from Trump.
We have HUGE problems with our unwillingness to look at both sides and draw our conclusions from as much FACT as fiction.
Wanting better for AMERICA, not just winning for your team.
lol you people are such idiot drama queens
I do wonder who these brilliant souls plan on murdering, exactly.

Maybe they'll blow up buildings like McVeigh or fly planes into them like Al Qaeda. Maybe they'll just stop people on the street and shoot them like ISIS. Or I guess they could target anyone they think is evil, like journalists, Dem politicians and FBI agents. Certain judges. Maybe DNC offices. College students & graduates.

Details would be helpful. These thinly-veiled threats have become pretty boring.
I do wonder who these brilliant souls plan on murdering, exactly.

Maybe they'll blow up buildings like McVeigh or fly planes into them like Al Qaeda. Maybe they'll just stop people on the street and shoot them like ISIS. Or I guess they could target anyone they think is evil, like journalists, Dem politicians and FBI agents. Certain judges. Maybe DNC offices. College students & graduates.

Details would be helpful. These thinly-veiled threats have become pretty boring.
You missed out lib celebrities
I do wonder who these brilliant souls plan on murdering, exactly.

Maybe they'll blow up buildings like McVeigh or fly planes into them like Al Qaeda. Maybe they'll just stop people on the street and shoot them like ISIS. Or I guess they could target anyone they think is evil, like journalists, Dem politicians and FBI agents. Certain judges. Maybe DNC offices. College students & graduates.

Details would be helpful. These thinly-veiled threats have become pretty boring.
You missed out lib celebs.
Its a relief that there are no wars planned at the moment. And that the angry right are not plotting another sedition.
There has to be a first “sedition” in order for there to be “another” sedition. The first never happened. But of course, that doesn’t stop the lying left from spreading misinformation 24x7.

No Tommy, 200 unarmed people did not try to overthrow the most powerful government in the history of planet Earth 😂
There has to be a first “sedition” in order for there to be “another” sedition. The first never happened. But of course, that doesn’t stop the lying left from spreading misinformation 24x7.

No Tommy, 200 unarmed people did not try to overthrow the most powerful government in the history of planet Earth 😂
That's exactly what you're doing when you're trying to stop the peaceful transfer of power. Just because most were life long particpation trophy winners who've only LARPed their entire lives doesn't mean it wasn't an attempt. It only made it a hilariously frail one.
Tim mcveigh was a LEFTIST.

Double dumb ass on you pal.

"Who is Timothy McVeigh?" This question opens "American Terrorist: Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma City Bombing," by two Buffalo News reporters, Lou Michel and Dan Herbeck. Their heavily promoted new book, based on years of research into the case and more than 75 hours of interviews with McVeigh himself, provides the answer we already knew: He is a quintessential product of America's right-wing subculture of hatred. The only surprising thing about "American Terrorist" is that there is nothing surprising in it: McVeigh is exactly the person we all figured he was."

He is a prototypical extreme-right zealot: He hates and fears the federal government, worships guns, fetishizes "liberty" (defined in almost purely negative terms, as freedom from external interference of any kind), embraces survivalism and sees himself as having acted in a proud American tradition of resistance to tyranny that goes back to the Founders. Throw in belief in the gold standard, certainty that a U.N.-run "New World Order" is poised to take over the world, racial resentment and an obsessive fixation on Ruby Ridge and Waco as proof that federal agents are jackbooted thugs waiting to make their final move, and the all-too-familiar portrait is complete."
The violence of the rabid right and what they are capable of is nothing new. That they are the leadership of the Neo-GOP is.

View attachment 958331
Tim mcveigh was a LEFTIST.

Double dumb ass on you pal.

"Who is Timothy McVeigh?" This question opens "American Terrorist: Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma City Bombing," by two Buffalo News reporters, Lou Michel and Dan Herbeck. Their heavily promoted new book, based on years of research into the case and more than 75 hours of interviews with McVeigh himself, provides the answer we already knew: He is a quintessential product of America's right-wing subculture of hatred. The only surprising thing about "American Terrorist" is that there is nothing surprising in it: McVeigh is exactly the person we all figured he was."

He is a prototypical extreme-right zealot: He hates and fears the federal government, worships guns, fetishizes "liberty" (defined in almost purely negative terms, as freedom from external interference of any kind), embraces survivalism and sees himself as having acted in a proud American tradition of resistance to tyranny that goes back to the Founders. Throw in belief in the gold standard, certainty that a U.N.-run "New World Order" is poised to take over the world, racial resentment and an obsessive fixation on Ruby Ridge and Waco as proof that federal agents are jackbooted thugs waiting to make their final move, and the all-too-familiar portrait is complete."
Yeah he loved him his nazis, who are leftists.

Your wiki article is a bunch of propaganda.

That's why wiki isn't a legit source for anything.
Hey, you found one. I guess a blind squirrel finds a nut every now and then. That doesn't, moreover, negate all the hate and violence on the left.
How many buildings with child day care centers have the Loonie Left been inspired to blow up? The radical left in the 60's used bombs to make political statements but they always warned the authorities where they were going to set one off. The only people killed were themselves.
Yeah he loved him his nazis, who are leftists.
The Fascists authoritarians he loved were not liberals at all. The Fascist Nazis outlawed all opposing political parties, shut down the oppositions press and repressed all but the party loyalists. Just like Benedict Donald's party aspires to do. Donnie Dangerously would probable give Timmy a medal.
How many buildings with child day care centers have the Loonie Left been inspired to blow up? The radical left in the 60's used bombs to make political statements but they always warned the authorities where they were going to set one off. The only people killed were themselves.
Like I said, you found a nut. Congratulations. I could ask the same question, how many buildings with child day care centers have the Ranting Right been inspired to blow up? Answer, 1. Meanwhile, we can ask, how many police stations has the Right set on fire with officers inside?

The 60's were a long time ago. Today's left doesn't have much of a conscience when they unleash their hate. Face reality, you're not going to be able to make much of a case that the right is more violent than the left. Nuts have fallen from both sides of the tree.
The Fascists authoritarians he loved were not liberals at all. The Fascist Nazis outlawed all opposing political parties, shut down the oppositions press and repressed all but the party loyalists. Just like Benedict Donald's party aspires to do. Donnie Dangerously would probable give Timmy a medal.
No shit. Neither are the "liberals" you love. You love STATISTS.

Liberals were all about individual rights. Not states rights.

Liberal meant "Liberty FROM government ".

Learn the context before you make an ass of yourself.

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