‘No way out without bloodshed’: the right believe the US is under threat and are mobilizing

Its disturbing for a denocratic country to have a fringe group promoting this. Even more disturbing to have the party leader at the centre of it.

America is lucky that they have never had a Civil War with hundreds of thousands of dead people.

This trump maina is beyond a joke now. Th first civil war was to end slavery. The second will be to stop being mean to an obese grifting celebrity.. These halfwits will kill your kids and trump doesnt give a shit

Load your muskets indeed .
I hate to see it happen and come to this but this is very similar to the Revolutionary War period where a tyrannical government needed to be overthrown.

Its disturbing for a denocratic country to have a fringe group promoting this. Even more disturbing to have the party leader at the centre of it.

America is lucky that they have never had a Civil War with hundreds of thousands of dead people.

This trump maina is beyond a joke now. Th first civil war was to end slavery. The second will be to stop being mean to an obese grifting celebrity.. These halfwits will kill your kids and trump doesnt give a shit

Load your muskets indeed .
It will be a sad thing for America to watch these fat fucks stop bullets.

Its disturbing for a denocratic country to have a fringe group promoting this. Even more disturbing to have the party leader at the centre of it.

America is lucky that they have never had a Civil War with hundreds of thousands of dead people.

This trump maina is beyond a joke now. Th first civil war was to end slavery. The second will be to stop being mean to an obese grifting celebrity.. These halfwits will kill your kids and trump doesnt give a shit

Load your muskets indeed .
Don't worry about their domestic battles Tommy. Just focus on Trump being our best chance of avoiding a nuclear war with Russia.
Biden is granted one presidential war at least by Americans and it might be needed just in time. It could be a real 'come to jesus' moment for them!
YOU do understand that nuclear war means total destruction, for the side that sends out the first nuke?
And PUTIN may be an evil dictator, but he is not dumb.
Nope. I wish it weren't the case

There are many sheep on the left side of the isle, they have bought into the political propaganda about Biden.
And yes you are right there are more on the right side of the isle who have bought the political propaganda from Trump.
We have HUGE problems with our unwillingness to look at both sides and draw our conclusions from as much FACT as fiction.
Wanting better for AMERICA, not just winning for your team.

Its disturbing for a denocratic country to have a fringe group promoting this. Even more disturbing to have the party leader at the centre of it.

America is lucky that they have never had a Civil War with hundreds of thousands of dead people.

This trump maina is beyond a joke now. Th first civil war was to end slavery. The second will be to stop being mean to an obese grifting celebrity.. These halfwits will kill your kids and trump doesnt give a shit

Load your muskets indeed .
You do understand that one comment on a radio show isn't the whole 'right'? This isn't some podunk Welsh village where one guy says a thing and ten sheep baaa in agreement and create a majority opinion.
There are many sheep on the left side of the isle, they have bought into the political propaganda about Biden.
And yes you are right there are more on the right side of the isle who have bought the political propaganda from Trump.
We have HUGE problems with our unwillingness to look at both sides and draw our conclusions from as much FACT as fiction.
Wanting better for AMERICA, not just winning for your team.
Make America Great Again.

So simple a moron can understand.

So why can't you?

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