‘No way out without bloodshed’: the right believe the US is under threat and are mobilizing

You need to subscribe to the nutty right wing sites,
I'll pass. I have much better things to do with my time.

Any media/ social networking site that is propagating any type of garbage (rubbish for you British people) like this deserves to lose any and all sources of income to the point they close shop permanently. Whoever "writes" the stories should be embarrassed for starting rumors and telling lies.
Violence is all these people know, hence January 6th, but we're ready for them this time.
This is more so with the Left hence the insurrections in hundreds of USA cities during the Summer of 2020. Thanks to the Left's thugs; AntiFa and BLM.

Actually, the Lef has been source of about 90+% of domestic political violence for about five decades+ now.
I'll pass. I have much better things to do with my time.

Any media/ social networking site that is propagating any type of garbage (rubbish for you British people) like this deserves to lose any and all sources of income to the point they close shop permanently. Whoever "writes" the stories should be embarrassed for starting rumors and telling lies.
As usual it is the LWNJs creating and spreading these false rumors, pravda.
In another thread I mentioned that one of the factors attributing to the fall of an empire was: I put the dissolution of the citizenry. My bad, I meant division. We're just not seeing enough of that to be considered a factor at this time. It's concentrated here on USMB, but almost never shows up out and about in real life.

Its disturbing for a denocratic country to have a fringe group promoting this. Even more disturbing to have the party leader at the centre of it.

America is lucky that they have never had a Civil War with hundreds of thousands of dead people.

This trump maina is beyond a joke now. Th first civil war was to end slavery. The second will be to stop being mean to an obese grifting celebrity.. These halfwits will kill your kids and trump doesnt give a shit

Load your muskets indeed .
Better get back under your bed
It’s funny when some far leftwing dopey blowhard in Great Britain tries to tell us what our “right” “believes.”

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