‘No way out without bloodshed’: the right believe the US is under threat and are mobilizing

Its disturbing for a denocratic country to have a fringe group promoting this. Even more disturbing to have the party leader at the centre of it.

America is lucky that they have never had a Civil War with hundreds of thousands of dead people.

This trump maina is beyond a joke now. Th first civil war was to end slavery. The second will be to stop being mean to an obese grifting celebrity.. These halfwits will kill your kids and trump doesnt give a shit

Load your muskets indeed .
Take two aspirin and call Dr. Soros in the morning.

Your newcomers are here to help. They'll protect you.


Its disturbing for a denocratic country to have a fringe group promoting this. Even more disturbing to have the party leader at the centre of it.

America is lucky that they have never had a Civil War with hundreds of thousands of dead people.

This trump maina is beyond a joke now. Th first civil war was to end slavery. The second will be to stop being mean to an obese grifting celebrity.. These halfwits will kill your kids and trump doesnt give a shit

Load your muskets indeed .

Take a deep breath, Ahmed.

Its disturbing for a denocratic country to have a fringe group promoting this. Even more disturbing to have the party leader at the centre of it.

America is lucky that they have never had a Civil War with hundreds of thousands of dead people.

This trump maina is beyond a joke now. Th first civil war was to end slavery. The second will be to stop being mean to an obese grifting celebrity.. These halfwits will kill your kids and trump doesnt give a shit

Load your muskets indeed .
Don't worry about their domestic battles Tommy. Just focus on Trump being our best chance of avoiding a nuclear war with Russia.
Biden is granted one presidential war at least by Americans and it might be needed just in time. It could be a real 'come to jesus' moment for them!
Violence is all these people know, hence January 6th, but we're ready for them this time.

The Right is mobilizing. I can't tell you how much safer I feel knowing ''we'' are ready.

Who's 'we'?
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In the big picture, this is the manifestation of about three decades of right wing media propaganda, beginning with talk radio and Rush Limbaugh. It has led to incredible paranoia, misinformation, isolation and rage.

There won't be a "war" in the traditional sense. However, we certainly could see many right wing terrorist attacks like Tim McVeigh's Oklahoma City bombing.

These people are miserable in their lives, and their media has made it acceptable to play the victim and blame everyone else for their troubles. And they think that a vulgar, juvenile, emotionally damaged NY City billionaire is going to save them.

I am calling it four, four decades of right wing media. It has been toxic to say the least.

I railed against it way back when. Christmas break, 1979, getting ready to usher in the 80's. Good-bye 70's, good times. Church always had what they called Senior Sunday, and most years a young seminary student would give the sermon. But not this year, that privilege was given to me, a high school senior. Albeit it, one well recognized in both High School Forensics and competitive speech making, notched a state win with the American Legion, with a speech opposing draft registration. Sell that to a bunch of vets. I bought the house down.

I controlled the entire service, from the hymns to the scripture reading. And then it came time for me to deliver the message. I cracked the whole congregation up with a warmup joke, self-deprecating humor. But then, I lit in. I mean it was a barrage, bible verse, message linking it to the present, rinse, repeat. Rapid fire. And I am not in the pulpit, I blew out of there from the getgo.

I am at the front of the church, my voice is booming across the sanctuary, my target, the "moral majority", Jerry Falwell. His political positions were in direct opposition to the very foundation of the Methodist church.

Honestly, I don't think my Dad was ever more proud of me. But that walk, after the service ended, with the preacher beside me. He looked like he wanted to hide under a rock. And, as customary, I stood there and greeted the parishioners as they stepped out of the church.
Oh man, did I get some icy handshakes. I got some condemning looks, I mean damn right scary looks. But I got my share of high fives too. Big hugs, thumbing me on my back, and the preacher, dumbfounded.
This nation was at a crossroad, we chose the wrong path.

Its disturbing for a denocratic country to have a fringe group promoting this. Even more disturbing to have the party leader at the centre of it.

America is lucky that they have never had a Civil War with hundreds of thousands of dead people.

This trump maina is beyond a joke now. Th first civil war was to end slavery. The second will be to stop being mean to an obese grifting celebrity.. These halfwits will kill your kids and trump doesnt give a shit

Load your muskets indeed .

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