No, we are NOT building the wall.

OMG a wannabe comedian with no jokes.

I think that if labor were to be considered a product of commerce rather than immigration, it would reach a broad spectrum of workers both blue collar and white collar. The free market system also shows (throughout history) that competition is good for wages.

I don't know what world you live in, but the Hispanics I end up hiring are making an average of $23 an hour. They damn sure don't need my pity. But, I still might be a racist. Getting tired of white guys laying on their ass, living off mommy and getting money from Uncle Scam for food when there isn't a damn thing wrong with them.
Cool story...
Illegals in NY ain’t making $23.00/hour.
And in NY it’s the African Americans sitting on the porches.

The American people don't want to work. Passing it off on people you don't like and calling those people "illegals" hasn't been very productive for your side over the past two decades. I can't speak to New York's issues which is why the whole subject of Guest Workers needs to remain a STATE issue.

IF the African Americans where you live don't have a job, the picking season is coming up. Employers here pay $11 an hour PLUS room and board. They can work here for four months picking fruit and vegetables and go to the next job or use their money to get an education or maybe invest in starting their own business.

If you're in America and you don't have a job, you either don't want one OR you got locked out of the market by the dip wads that obsess over a freaking wall.
Americans don't want to work, priceless.

Instead of pretending why don't you invest some time and come down and see for yourself.

A local newsman was here one year. More than 100 jobs were posted on Craigslist, the local paper and with the state employment department for fruit pickers - $11 an hour plus room and board. FOUR Americans showed up and two of those did not last a half a day.

Come to my neighborhood. I'll show you at least a hundred people in MY OWN NEIGHBORHOOD of white guys 20 and above that don't want to work and will NOT work. Priceless my ass. You just spew shit because the truth hurts.
I don't believe a word of that.

You have a high opinion of yourself. I don't give a shit what you think. What we KNOW about you is that you are a chicken shit idiot that sits on the Internet all day long, calling people names. I bet that taxes that IQ of yours that is not quite as big as your shoe size.

When you aren't bloviating about topics you don't know squat about you are projecting and calling people morons. Most of the intelligent people are laughing their ass off at you because your fail safe is calling others a moron. I can't quite find a word to describe you because calling you a moron would be an insult to the word. You have been unable to rise to even that level. But, you keep repeating the same B.S. hoping it will come true. Who are you trying to convince? Us or yourself?
OMG a wannabe comedian with no jokes.

I think that if labor were to be considered a product of commerce rather than immigration,

That is utterly meaningless. There's nothing worse than ignorant blowhards spouting off on subjects on which they are ignorant.

it would reach a broad spectrum of workers both blue collar and white collar. The free market system also shows (throughout history) that competition is good for wages.

I don't know what world you live in, but the Hispanics I end up hiring are making an average of $23 an hour. They damn sure don't need my pity. But, I still might be a racist. Getting tired of white guys laying on their ass, living off mommy and getting money from Uncle Scam for food when there isn't a damn thing wrong with them.
You obviously don't know shit about economics. Competition between laborers is not good for wages. It drives wages down. Flooding this country with cheap labor is not good for American workers.

Just because you cannot find any meaning in the English language does not make it meaningless. And I agree with you. You definitely are a blowhard spouting off about a subject you don't know jack shit about. That worthless bloviating on your part causes you to talk smack on the Internet that is idiotic and indefensible. So, you resort to name calling while I'll stick to the facts.

Competition is always good for business

5 Reasons Why Competition Is Good For Your Business

Why Competition May Be the Best Thing for Your Business

Forbes disagrees with you; the FTC disagrees with you; disagrees with you. So yeah, you are definitely a blowhard that needs to leave these discussions to people that have actually read something about competitive markets.

Furthermore, if foreign labor was treated as a commerce issue you wouldn't have this constant bickering over people allegedly "stealing jobs" (as if the public owns private sector jobs), no arguments about taxes, no "anchor baby" B.S. to squeal over and no threat of having millions of new citizens every year. Since commerce can be regulated, there if little chance that the country would be flooded by foreigners.

If we solved the problems, you wouldn't have a full time position bitching about so - called "illegal immigration." It's apparently your meal ticket so you have an ulterior motive in NOT looking for viable solutions.
"Competition" between whom, moron? You post claims that are out of context, and then believe you have proven something. Note: I said competition between laborers is not good for their wages. It drives wages down. Of course, you couldn't disprove that, so you blathered something idiotic about competition between business.

What the hell does "treating foreign labor as a commerce issue" even mean? The words you use are meaningless in terms of economics.

You spew a series of unrelated incoherent rants, and then believe you've proven something.

You lack of the economics of your own country is not anyone's fault on this forum except YOURS. You don't understand concepts such as business being composed of labor so you call others moron?

You are the most uneducated dumb fuck on this board.
"Businesses are composed of labor?" Once again you post a complete absurdity. No, businesses are not composed solely of labor.

Unless a company is completely run by robotics, it relies on human labor. WTF? Are you for real?
Cool story...
Illegals in NY ain’t making $23.00/hour.
And in NY it’s the African Americans sitting on the porches.

The American people don't want to work. Passing it off on people you don't like and calling those people "illegals" hasn't been very productive for your side over the past two decades. I can't speak to New York's issues which is why the whole subject of Guest Workers needs to remain a STATE issue.

IF the African Americans where you live don't have a job, the picking season is coming up. Employers here pay $11 an hour PLUS room and board. They can work here for four months picking fruit and vegetables and go to the next job or use their money to get an education or maybe invest in starting their own business.

If you're in America and you don't have a job, you either don't want one OR you got locked out of the market by the dip wads that obsess over a freaking wall.
Americans don't want to work, priceless.

Instead of pretending why don't you invest some time and come down and see for yourself.

A local newsman was here one year. More than 100 jobs were posted on Craigslist, the local paper and with the state employment department for fruit pickers - $11 an hour plus room and board. FOUR Americans showed up and two of those did not last a half a day.

Come to my neighborhood. I'll show you at least a hundred people in MY OWN NEIGHBORHOOD of white guys 20 and above that don't want to work and will NOT work. Priceless my ass. You just spew shit because the truth hurts.
I don't believe a word of that.

You have a high opinion of yourself. I don't give a shit what you think. What we KNOW about you is that you are a chicken shit idiot that sits on the Internet all day long, calling people names. I bet that taxes that IQ of yours that is not quite as big as your shoe size.

When you aren't bloviating about topics you don't know squat about you are projecting and calling people morons. Most of the intelligent people are laughing your ass off at you because your fail safe is calling others a moron. I can't quite find a word to describe you because calling you a moron would be an insult to the word. You have been unable to rise to even that level. But, you keep repeating the same B.S. hoping it will come true. Who are you trying to convince? Us or yourself?
If you didn't care about what I think, you would respond to my posts. I call turds like you "morons" because that is what your are. You pretend that you understand economics, but you can't even use the correct terminology. You're an idiot. I keep proving that your BS is wrong. I know you get tired of hearing that, but what else can I do, agree with your bullshit?
That is utterly meaningless. There's nothing worse than ignorant blowhards spouting off on subjects on which they are ignorant.

You obviously don't know shit about economics. Competition between laborers is not good for wages. It drives wages down. Flooding this country with cheap labor is not good for American workers.

Just because you cannot find any meaning in the English language does not make it meaningless. And I agree with you. You definitely are a blowhard spouting off about a subject you don't know jack shit about. That worthless bloviating on your part causes you to talk smack on the Internet that is idiotic and indefensible. So, you resort to name calling while I'll stick to the facts.

Competition is always good for business

5 Reasons Why Competition Is Good For Your Business

Why Competition May Be the Best Thing for Your Business

Forbes disagrees with you; the FTC disagrees with you; disagrees with you. So yeah, you are definitely a blowhard that needs to leave these discussions to people that have actually read something about competitive markets.

Furthermore, if foreign labor was treated as a commerce issue you wouldn't have this constant bickering over people allegedly "stealing jobs" (as if the public owns private sector jobs), no arguments about taxes, no "anchor baby" B.S. to squeal over and no threat of having millions of new citizens every year. Since commerce can be regulated, there if little chance that the country would be flooded by foreigners.

If we solved the problems, you wouldn't have a full time position bitching about so - called "illegal immigration." It's apparently your meal ticket so you have an ulterior motive in NOT looking for viable solutions.
"Competition" between whom, moron? You post claims that are out of context, and then believe you have proven something. Note: I said competition between laborers is not good for their wages. It drives wages down. Of course, you couldn't disprove that, so you blathered something idiotic about competition between business.

What the hell does "treating foreign labor as a commerce issue" even mean? The words you use are meaningless in terms of economics.

You spew a series of unrelated incoherent rants, and then believe you've proven something.

You lack of the economics of your own country is not anyone's fault on this forum except YOURS. You don't understand concepts such as business being composed of labor so you call others moron?

You are the most uneducated dumb fuck on this board.
"Businesses are composed of labor?" Once again you post a complete absurdity. No, businesses are not composed solely of labor.

Unless a company is completely run by robotics, it relies on human labor. WTF? Are you for real?

That isn't the only thing it relies on, moron. WTF? Are you for real?
OMG a wannabe comedian with no jokes.

I think that if labor were to be considered a product of commerce rather than immigration, it would reach a broad spectrum of workers both blue collar and white collar. The free market system also shows (throughout history) that competition is good for wages.

I don't know what world you live in, but the Hispanics I end up hiring are making an average of $23 an hour. They damn sure don't need my pity. But, I still might be a racist. Getting tired of white guys laying on their ass, living off mommy and getting money from Uncle Scam for food when there isn't a damn thing wrong with them.
Cool story...
Illegals in NY ain’t making $23.00/hour.
And in NY it’s the African Americans sitting on the porches.

The American people don't want to work. Passing it off on people you don't like and calling those people "illegals" hasn't been very productive for your side over the past two decades. I can't speak to New York's issues which is why the whole subject of Guest Workers needs to remain a STATE issue.

IF the African Americans where you live don't have a job, the picking season is coming up. Employers here pay $11 an hour PLUS room and board. They can work here for four months picking fruit and vegetables and go to the next job or use their money to get an education or maybe invest in starting their own business.

If you're in America and you don't have a job, you either don't want one OR you got locked out of the market by the dip wads that obsess over a freaking wall.
Americans don't want to work, priceless.

Instead of pretending why don't you invest some time and come down and see for yourself.

A local newsman was here one year. More than 100 jobs were posted on Craigslist, the local paper and with the state employment department for fruit pickers - $11 an hour plus room and board. FOUR Americans showed up and two of those did not last a half a day.

Come to my neighborhood. I'll show you at least a hundred people in MY OWN NEIGHBORHOOD of white guys 20 and above that don't want to work and will NOT work. Priceless my ass. You just spew shit because the truth hurts.
No, enforcing immigration law won’t ruin farming. Most illegals do not work in agriculture — only about 4 percent of the illegal-immigrant population is employed in farming. In no state is farming the predominant occupation of illegal immigrants; even in places such as California, where labor-intensive fruit-and-vegetable farming attracts a relatively large illegal workforce, the main occupations of illegals are in hospitality (restaurants and hotels), services, and transportation. Americans already do three out of four farm jobs, and if there were no illegals doing the others, they might very well do those, too — but probably not at the wages that have prevailed among illegal workers. Again: So, what? Some of my dearest friends are criminals, but if your business model is such that you cannot turn a profit without violating federal law — and not some obscure, rococo EPA regulation but just regular old immigration law — then my heart does not bleed for you.

You are a complete and utter idiot. You need to hang with bri. In Georgia, farmers tried to get laborers one year, but the quota had been filled before the first of April.

Losses grow for Georgia farmers waiting on feds to OK foreign workers

You follow me around on one thread after another, hoping to find an audience to buy your B.S. that you couldn't defend in that other thread. I've responded to your lies and misrepresentations how many times???

Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

Checks out posts # 3475, 3476, 3613, 36699, 3731, 3875, 3934, 4462, 4572, 4581, 4585, 4597, 4603, 4605, 4609, and 4612

Asked and answered. Your lame points were dealt with and reintroducing them on this thread won't change the facts.
The American people don't want to work. Passing it off on people you don't like and calling those people "illegals" hasn't been very productive for your side over the past two decades. I can't speak to New York's issues which is why the whole subject of Guest Workers needs to remain a STATE issue.

IF the African Americans where you live don't have a job, the picking season is coming up. Employers here pay $11 an hour PLUS room and board. They can work here for four months picking fruit and vegetables and go to the next job or use their money to get an education or maybe invest in starting their own business.

If you're in America and you don't have a job, you either don't want one OR you got locked out of the market by the dip wads that obsess over a freaking wall.
Americans don't want to work, priceless.

Instead of pretending why don't you invest some time and come down and see for yourself.

A local newsman was here one year. More than 100 jobs were posted on Craigslist, the local paper and with the state employment department for fruit pickers - $11 an hour plus room and board. FOUR Americans showed up and two of those did not last a half a day.

Come to my neighborhood. I'll show you at least a hundred people in MY OWN NEIGHBORHOOD of white guys 20 and above that don't want to work and will NOT work. Priceless my ass. You just spew shit because the truth hurts.
I don't believe a word of that.

You have a high opinion of yourself. I don't give a shit what you think. What we KNOW about you is that you are a chicken shit idiot that sits on the Internet all day long, calling people names. I bet that taxes that IQ of yours that is not quite as big as your shoe size.

When you aren't bloviating about topics you don't know squat about you are projecting and calling people morons. Most of the intelligent people are laughing your ass off at you because your fail safe is calling others a moron. I can't quite find a word to describe you because calling you a moron would be an insult to the word. You have been unable to rise to even that level. But, you keep repeating the same B.S. hoping it will come true. Who are you trying to convince? Us or yourself?
If you didn't care about what I think, you would respond to my posts. I call turds like you "morons" because that is what your are. You pretend that you understand economics, but you can't even use the correct terminology. You're an idiot. I keep proving that your BS is wrong. I know you get tired of hearing that, but what else can I do, agree with your bullshit?

You've proven nothing except that you are struggling for relevance. Anyone who follows my links can figure that one out.
Cool story...
Illegals in NY ain’t making $23.00/hour.
And in NY it’s the African Americans sitting on the porches.

The American people don't want to work. Passing it off on people you don't like and calling those people "illegals" hasn't been very productive for your side over the past two decades. I can't speak to New York's issues which is why the whole subject of Guest Workers needs to remain a STATE issue.

IF the African Americans where you live don't have a job, the picking season is coming up. Employers here pay $11 an hour PLUS room and board. They can work here for four months picking fruit and vegetables and go to the next job or use their money to get an education or maybe invest in starting their own business.

If you're in America and you don't have a job, you either don't want one OR you got locked out of the market by the dip wads that obsess over a freaking wall.
Americans don't want to work, priceless.

Instead of pretending why don't you invest some time and come down and see for yourself.

A local newsman was here one year. More than 100 jobs were posted on Craigslist, the local paper and with the state employment department for fruit pickers - $11 an hour plus room and board. FOUR Americans showed up and two of those did not last a half a day.

Come to my neighborhood. I'll show you at least a hundred people in MY OWN NEIGHBORHOOD of white guys 20 and above that don't want to work and will NOT work. Priceless my ass. You just spew shit because the truth hurts.
No, enforcing immigration law won’t ruin farming. Most illegals do not work in agriculture — only about 4 percent of the illegal-immigrant population is employed in farming. In no state is farming the predominant occupation of illegal immigrants; even in places such as California, where labor-intensive fruit-and-vegetable farming attracts a relatively large illegal workforce, the main occupations of illegals are in hospitality (restaurants and hotels), services, and transportation. Americans already do three out of four farm jobs, and if there were no illegals doing the others, they might very well do those, too — but probably not at the wages that have prevailed among illegal workers. Again: So, what? Some of my dearest friends are criminals, but if your business model is such that you cannot turn a profit without violating federal law — and not some obscure, rococo EPA regulation but just regular old immigration law — then my heart does not bleed for you.

You are a complete and utter idiot. You need to hang with bri. In Georgia, farmers tried to get laborers one year, but the quota had been filled before the first of April.

Losses grow for Georgia farmers waiting on feds to OK foreign workers

You follow me around on one thread after another, hoping to find an audience to buy your B.S. that you couldn't defend in that other thread. I've responded to your lies and misrepresentations how many times???

Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

Checks out posts # 3475, 3476, 3613, 36699, 3731, 3875, 3934, 4462, 4572, 4581, 4585, 4597, 4603, 4605, 4609, and 4612

Asked and answered. Your lame points were dealt with and reintroducing them on this thread won't change the facts.
They can always hire American workers. Of course, they will have to pay them a decent wage.
Americans don't want to work, priceless.

Instead of pretending why don't you invest some time and come down and see for yourself.

A local newsman was here one year. More than 100 jobs were posted on Craigslist, the local paper and with the state employment department for fruit pickers - $11 an hour plus room and board. FOUR Americans showed up and two of those did not last a half a day.

Come to my neighborhood. I'll show you at least a hundred people in MY OWN NEIGHBORHOOD of white guys 20 and above that don't want to work and will NOT work. Priceless my ass. You just spew shit because the truth hurts.
I don't believe a word of that.

You have a high opinion of yourself. I don't give a shit what you think. What we KNOW about you is that you are a chicken shit idiot that sits on the Internet all day long, calling people names. I bet that taxes that IQ of yours that is not quite as big as your shoe size.

When you aren't bloviating about topics you don't know squat about you are projecting and calling people morons. Most of the intelligent people are laughing your ass off at you because your fail safe is calling others a moron. I can't quite find a word to describe you because calling you a moron would be an insult to the word. You have been unable to rise to even that level. But, you keep repeating the same B.S. hoping it will come true. Who are you trying to convince? Us or yourself?
If you didn't care about what I think, you would respond to my posts. I call turds like you "morons" because that is what your are. You pretend that you understand economics, but you can't even use the correct terminology. You're an idiot. I keep proving that your BS is wrong. I know you get tired of hearing that, but what else can I do, agree with your bullshit?

You've proven nothing except that you are struggling for relevance. Anyone who follows my links can figure that one out.
What they can easily figure out is that despite your constant prattle about economics, you know nothing about the subject.
Just because you cannot find any meaning in the English language does not make it meaningless. And I agree with you. You definitely are a blowhard spouting off about a subject you don't know jack shit about. That worthless bloviating on your part causes you to talk smack on the Internet that is idiotic and indefensible. So, you resort to name calling while I'll stick to the facts.

Competition is always good for business

5 Reasons Why Competition Is Good For Your Business

Why Competition May Be the Best Thing for Your Business

Forbes disagrees with you; the FTC disagrees with you; disagrees with you. So yeah, you are definitely a blowhard that needs to leave these discussions to people that have actually read something about competitive markets.

Furthermore, if foreign labor was treated as a commerce issue you wouldn't have this constant bickering over people allegedly "stealing jobs" (as if the public owns private sector jobs), no arguments about taxes, no "anchor baby" B.S. to squeal over and no threat of having millions of new citizens every year. Since commerce can be regulated, there if little chance that the country would be flooded by foreigners.

If we solved the problems, you wouldn't have a full time position bitching about so - called "illegal immigration." It's apparently your meal ticket so you have an ulterior motive in NOT looking for viable solutions.
"Competition" between whom, moron? You post claims that are out of context, and then believe you have proven something. Note: I said competition between laborers is not good for their wages. It drives wages down. Of course, you couldn't disprove that, so you blathered something idiotic about competition between business.

What the hell does "treating foreign labor as a commerce issue" even mean? The words you use are meaningless in terms of economics.

You spew a series of unrelated incoherent rants, and then believe you've proven something.

You lack of the economics of your own country is not anyone's fault on this forum except YOURS. You don't understand concepts such as business being composed of labor so you call others moron?

You are the most uneducated dumb fuck on this board.
"Businesses are composed of labor?" Once again you post a complete absurdity. No, businesses are not composed solely of labor.

Unless a company is completely run by robotics, it relies on human labor. WTF? Are you for real?

That isn't the only thing it relies on, moron. WTF? Are you for real?

NOBODY claims that business is only labor. You still struggling for relevance by lying is almost humorous.
"Competition" between whom, moron? You post claims that are out of context, and then believe you have proven something. Note: I said competition between laborers is not good for their wages. It drives wages down. Of course, you couldn't disprove that, so you blathered something idiotic about competition between business.

What the hell does "treating foreign labor as a commerce issue" even mean? The words you use are meaningless in terms of economics.

You spew a series of unrelated incoherent rants, and then believe you've proven something.

You lack of the economics of your own country is not anyone's fault on this forum except YOURS. You don't understand concepts such as business being composed of labor so you call others moron?

You are the most uneducated dumb fuck on this board.
"Businesses are composed of labor?" Once again you post a complete absurdity. No, businesses are not composed solely of labor.

Unless a company is completely run by robotics, it relies on human labor. WTF? Are you for real?

That isn't the only thing it relies on, moron. WTF? Are you for real?

NOBODY claims that business is only labor. You still struggling for relevance by lying is almost humorous.
You just did, moron.

Who do you think you're fooling?
Instead of pretending why don't you invest some time and come down and see for yourself.

A local newsman was here one year. More than 100 jobs were posted on Craigslist, the local paper and with the state employment department for fruit pickers - $11 an hour plus room and board. FOUR Americans showed up and two of those did not last a half a day.

Come to my neighborhood. I'll show you at least a hundred people in MY OWN NEIGHBORHOOD of white guys 20 and above that don't want to work and will NOT work. Priceless my ass. You just spew shit because the truth hurts.
I don't believe a word of that.

You have a high opinion of yourself. I don't give a shit what you think. What we KNOW about you is that you are a chicken shit idiot that sits on the Internet all day long, calling people names. I bet that taxes that IQ of yours that is not quite as big as your shoe size.

When you aren't bloviating about topics you don't know squat about you are projecting and calling people morons. Most of the intelligent people are laughing your ass off at you because your fail safe is calling others a moron. I can't quite find a word to describe you because calling you a moron would be an insult to the word. You have been unable to rise to even that level. But, you keep repeating the same B.S. hoping it will come true. Who are you trying to convince? Us or yourself?
If you didn't care about what I think, you would respond to my posts. I call turds like you "morons" because that is what your are. You pretend that you understand economics, but you can't even use the correct terminology. You're an idiot. I keep proving that your BS is wrong. I know you get tired of hearing that, but what else can I do, agree with your bullshit?

You've proven nothing except that you are struggling for relevance. Anyone who follows my links can figure that one out.
What they can easily figure out is that despite your constant prattle about economics, you know nothing about the subject.

You don't understand the economics of your own country. Otherwise, you would not call everyone you disagree with a moron. You're an insecure child and I'm only humoring you because it's fun to watch a cockroach like you squirm.
The American people don't want to work. Passing it off on people you don't like and calling those people "illegals" hasn't been very productive for your side over the past two decades. I can't speak to New York's issues which is why the whole subject of Guest Workers needs to remain a STATE issue.

IF the African Americans where you live don't have a job, the picking season is coming up. Employers here pay $11 an hour PLUS room and board. They can work here for four months picking fruit and vegetables and go to the next job or use their money to get an education or maybe invest in starting their own business.

If you're in America and you don't have a job, you either don't want one OR you got locked out of the market by the dip wads that obsess over a freaking wall.
Americans don't want to work, priceless.

Instead of pretending why don't you invest some time and come down and see for yourself.

A local newsman was here one year. More than 100 jobs were posted on Craigslist, the local paper and with the state employment department for fruit pickers - $11 an hour plus room and board. FOUR Americans showed up and two of those did not last a half a day.

Come to my neighborhood. I'll show you at least a hundred people in MY OWN NEIGHBORHOOD of white guys 20 and above that don't want to work and will NOT work. Priceless my ass. You just spew shit because the truth hurts.
No, enforcing immigration law won’t ruin farming. Most illegals do not work in agriculture — only about 4 percent of the illegal-immigrant population is employed in farming. In no state is farming the predominant occupation of illegal immigrants; even in places such as California, where labor-intensive fruit-and-vegetable farming attracts a relatively large illegal workforce, the main occupations of illegals are in hospitality (restaurants and hotels), services, and transportation. Americans already do three out of four farm jobs, and if there were no illegals doing the others, they might very well do those, too — but probably not at the wages that have prevailed among illegal workers. Again: So, what? Some of my dearest friends are criminals, but if your business model is such that you cannot turn a profit without violating federal law — and not some obscure, rococo EPA regulation but just regular old immigration law — then my heart does not bleed for you.

You are a complete and utter idiot. You need to hang with bri. In Georgia, farmers tried to get laborers one year, but the quota had been filled before the first of April.

Losses grow for Georgia farmers waiting on feds to OK foreign workers

You follow me around on one thread after another, hoping to find an audience to buy your B.S. that you couldn't defend in that other thread. I've responded to your lies and misrepresentations how many times???

Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

Checks out posts # 3475, 3476, 3613, 36699, 3731, 3875, 3934, 4462, 4572, 4581, 4585, 4597, 4603, 4605, 4609, and 4612

Asked and answered. Your lame points were dealt with and reintroducing them on this thread won't change the facts.
They can always hire American workers. Of course, they will have to pay them a decent wage.

I'd hire them if they would show up. They won't. They're all just like you, fucking with people on the Internet and bitching about how bad it is in America. You should try to contribute something because chickenshit name calling. That kind of behavior is for maggots afraid to go into the real world.
You lack of the economics of your own country is not anyone's fault on this forum except YOURS. You don't understand concepts such as business being composed of labor so you call others moron?

You are the most uneducated dumb fuck on this board.
"Businesses are composed of labor?" Once again you post a complete absurdity. No, businesses are not composed solely of labor.

Unless a company is completely run by robotics, it relies on human labor. WTF? Are you for real?

That isn't the only thing it relies on, moron. WTF? Are you for real?

NOBODY claims that business is only labor. You still struggling for relevance by lying is almost humorous.
You just did, moron.

Who do you think you're fooling?

Who do you think YOU'RE fooling??? I don't have to make 1000 posts a day calling people a moron. I don't hide behind a keyboard trying to make board enemies. I tell people if you don't believe what happens here, meet me in town and let's go to some companies that are hiring; let's cut the shit and go into the real world.

Your broke ass can't because you spend all your time on the Internet instead of working. You got time to blow calling us names here, but not enough time to go out where people get hired and see just how wrong you are. I have an open challenge for anyone here to go with me and SEE for themselves the Help Wanted signs versus the AMERICANS standing in line for Uncle Scam freebies. Your lazy ass just don't want to work and you are only fooling YOURSELF.
"Businesses are composed of labor?" Once again you post a complete absurdity. No, businesses are not composed solely of labor.

Unless a company is completely run by robotics, it relies on human labor. WTF? Are you for real?

That isn't the only thing it relies on, moron. WTF? Are you for real?

NOBODY claims that business is only labor. You still struggling for relevance by lying is almost humorous.
You just did, moron.

Who do you think you're fooling?

Who do you think YOU'RE fooling??? I don't have to make 1000 posts a day calling people a moron. I don't hide behind a keyboard trying to make board enemies. I tell people if you don't believe what happens here, meet me in town and let's go to some companies that are hiring; let's cut the shit and go into the real world.

Your broke ass can't because you spend all your time on the Internet instead of working. You got time to blow calling us names here, but not enough time to go out where people get hired and see just how wrong you are. I have an open challenge for anyone here to go with me and SEE for themselves the Help Wanted signs versus the AMERICANS standing in line for Uncle Scam freebies. Your lazy ass just don't want to work and you are only fooling YOURSELF.
Unless a company is completely run by robotics, it relies on human labor. WTF? Are you for real?

That isn't the only thing it relies on, moron. WTF? Are you for real?

NOBODY claims that business is only labor. You still struggling for relevance by lying is almost humorous.
You just did, moron.

Who do you think you're fooling?

Who do you think YOU'RE fooling??? I don't have to make 1000 posts a day calling people a moron. I don't hide behind a keyboard trying to make board enemies. I tell people if you don't believe what happens here, meet me in town and let's go to some companies that are hiring; let's cut the shit and go into the real world.

Your broke ass can't because you spend all your time on the Internet instead of working. You got time to blow calling us names here, but not enough time to go out where people get hired and see just how wrong you are. I have an open challenge for anyone here to go with me and SEE for themselves the Help Wanted signs versus the AMERICANS standing in line for Uncle Scam freebies. Your lazy ass just don't want to work and you are only fooling YOURSELF.

Yes, you certainly are. If you trolls can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen. We'll have a productive conversation or a conversation where you can try me, but may not like the outcome.
The wall is being built as we speak.

You've seen it? Or you've been told?

Currently being built.... Enjoy!

Mexico is paying finally? awesome
It sure wasn't the ACA! That monstrosity was a drag on the economy. His proposed Cap & Trade legislation? Good thing the Democrats lost big in the 2010 midterms or that bit of progressive legislation would have totally FUBARed any recovery we'd had to that point! His stimulus? You liberals spent nearly a trillion dollars and created so few jobs that the Obama Administration had to start using that "Jobs created or saved" number to hide how few jobs you actually DID create! Was it his energy policies that drove the energy boom in the middle of his two terms? Not so much. He opposed fracking and used the Gulf oil spill to shut down drilling permits all over the place.
Cap & trade had absolutely no effect on the economy. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you?

And you’re lying again when you falsely claim he started using the term, “jobs created or saved,” because “few jobs” were created by ARRA.

Do you ever stop lying?


Demonstrating how little you understand about how business operates again, Faun? Businesses make decisions based on what they think will happen in the future. That includes proposed legislation like Cap & Trade. That includes incoming administrations.

And if you're here claiming that the Obama Administration didn't start using "Jobs created or saved" to hide how few jobs they actually created with ARRA then it's you who are the bullshit artist...not I!
”Businesses make decisions based on what they think will happen in the future.”

Don’t just say it— prove it. Show some companies that changed their business models based on Cap & Trade, and show what changes they made.

”And if you're here claiming that the Obama Administration didn't start using "Jobs created or saved" to hide how few jobs they actually created with ARRA then it's you who are the bullshit artist...not I!”

Lying con tool, he was using that phrase before ARRA was even passed. That was always his target — he did not start saying it, as you falsely claim, because “few jobs” were saved or created. And as many as some 3 million jobs were saved or created.
I have to "prove" that businesses make decisions based on what they think will happen in the future? Really? Take a freaking business class...ANY BUSINESS CLASS...and you're going to be hearing about projections. Go to a bank and apply for a business loan without projections of what you think will occur down the road and see what kind of a response you get!

I don't care if "some 3 million jobs were saved or created", Faun because that number is FICTION! There is absolutely no way on god's green earth that you can validate a number of how many jobs were "saved"! It's impossible...which is EXACTLY why the Obama Administration started using it as their go to statistic on jobs!

You want to be honest? Tell me how many jobs the ARRA created!
So, if the ARRA prevented rthe closing of a facility with 200 employees, they did no credit? It is not a worthy?

Why not consider this as important as adding 200 jobs?

Because there is no way to validate whether a job was saved, Dave! It's why the Obama Administration started using that "Jobs created or saved" as their go to jobs statistic...because they could CLAIM that they "saved" hundreds of thousands of jobs and nobody could prove they did or didn't!

The reason that creating jobs is important is that it's something that's a real number...not something that an administration made up to make their use of stimulus money look better than it really was!
I have to "prove" that businesses make decisions based on what they think will happen in the future? Really? Take a freaking business class...ANY BUSINESS CLASS...and you're going to be hearing about projections. Go to a bank and apply for a business loan without projections of what you think will occur down the road and see what kind of a response you get!

I don't care if "some 3 million jobs were saved or created", Faun because that number is FICTION! There is absolutely no way on god's green earth that you can validate a number of how many jobs were "saved"! It's impossible...which is EXACTLY why the Obama Administration started using it as their go to statistic on jobs!

You want to be honest? Tell me how many jobs the ARRA created!
You have to prove your claims. You’re a lying con tool with no credibility. You certainly can’t expect anyone to simply take you at your word. Prove any company altered their business model based on Cap & Trade....

As far as the ARRA, the nonpartisan CBO estimated as many as 3.6 million jobs were saved or created. You don’t have to like it, but yhat’s your problem, no one else’s.

You can't answer the question...can you, Faun? I didn't ask how many jobs were "saved" because that's a bullshit...made up number! I asked how many jobs were CREATED...which is a number that's verifiable! So why do you keep ducking that like crazy? Is it because you KNOW that the number of jobs created with all of that stimulus money Obama and the Democrats spent was shockingly small?
You know as well as I, I can only provide the numbers estimated by the CBO — which I already gave you.

Meanwhile, Obama had been using that phrase since the inception of ARRA, so you’re lying when you falsely claim he only started using it because ARRA produced too few jobs (according to you).

Since I never claimed that Obama only "started" using it because ARRA produced too few jobs, it's you who's bending the truth! What I pointed out was they started using it as their "go to" stat on job creation because they were embarrassed so few jobs were created by the Stimulus!

Funny how you can't provide me with the number of jobs created, Faun when that's a statistic that the government has been publishing for a long time (at the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)...through both Democratic and Republican administrations! So why is it that you CAN'T provide those hard numbers instead of the bullshit, made up ones that the Obama Administration gave us each time they quoted "jobs created or saved"?

The ignorant one is you.

We all know the ARRA saved some companies from bankruptcy. Unless you think an economy shrinking at a rate over 6% never causes companies to go under.

So, what is the difference if policies save a factory with 300 jobs or if it creates 300 jobs?

You are being the typical Trumpettes asshole here. We can't quantify every company where jobs were saved therefore these jobs can not be estimated as a success story of the ARRA.

The ARRA provided funding to States that prevented the layoffs of teachers, policemen, firemen. But hey, we can't talk about that Noooooooo.
How do you determine that a job was "saved", Dave? Did you want me to give you examples of jobs that Democrats say were "saved" that were never in danger of being lost? The truth is..."jobs created or saved" was ALWAYS nothing more than a way to put a positive spin on a terrible use of stimulus funds that didn't produce what Democrats said it would! In a period of time when we LOST a million and a half jobs...the Obama Administration declared that we'd actually "created or saved" 150,000 jobs! And how did they arrive at that figure? They simply made it up!
"Businesses are composed of labor?" Once again you post a complete absurdity. No, businesses are not composed solely of labor.

Unless a company is completely run by robotics, it relies on human labor. WTF? Are you for real?

That isn't the only thing it relies on, moron. WTF? Are you for real?

NOBODY claims that business is only labor. You still struggling for relevance by lying is almost humorous.
You just did, moron.

Who do you think you're fooling?

Who do you think YOU'RE fooling??? I don't have to make 1000 posts a day calling people a moron. I don't hide behind a keyboard trying to make board enemies.

No, yo just call them liars or dumb or a dozen other things.

Who do you think you're fooling?

I tell people if you don't believe what happens here, meet me in town and let's go to some companies that are hiring; let's cut the shit and go into the real world.

Your broke ass can't because you spend all your time on the Internet instead of working. You got time to blow calling us names here, but not enough time to go out where people get hired and see just how wrong you are. I have an open challenge for anyone here to go with me and SEE for themselves the Help Wanted signs versus the AMERICANS standing in line for Uncle Scam freebies. Your lazy ass just don't want to work and you are only fooling YOURSELF.

How does that prove me wrong and you right?

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