No, we are NOT building the wall.

You have a high opinion of yourself. I don't give a shit what you think. What we KNOW about you is that you are a chicken shit idiot that sits on the Internet all day long, calling people names. I bet that taxes that IQ of yours that is not quite as big as your shoe size.

When you aren't bloviating about topics you don't know squat about you are projecting and calling people morons. Most of the intelligent people are laughing your ass off at you because your fail safe is calling others a moron. I can't quite find a word to describe you because calling you a moron would be an insult to the word. You have been unable to rise to even that level. But, you keep repeating the same B.S. hoping it will come true. Who are you trying to convince? Us or yourself?
If you didn't care about what I think, you would respond to my posts. I call turds like you "morons" because that is what your are. You pretend that you understand economics, but you can't even use the correct terminology. You're an idiot. I keep proving that your BS is wrong. I know you get tired of hearing that, but what else can I do, agree with your bullshit?

You've proven nothing except that you are struggling for relevance. Anyone who follows my links can figure that one out.
What they can easily figure out is that despite your constant prattle about economics, you know nothing about the subject.

You don't understand the economics of your own country. Otherwise, you would not call everyone you disagree with a moron. You're an insecure child and I'm only humoring you because it's fun to watch a cockroach like you squirm.
You're humoring me? Really?

I would hope that I'm humoring you. The only people being entertained by the toxic back and forth banter seems to by you and a couple of people suffering from TDS.
No, enforcing immigration law won’t ruin farming. Most illegals do not work in agriculture — only about 4 percent of the illegal-immigrant population is employed in farming. In no state is farming the predominant occupation of illegal immigrants; even in places such as California, where labor-intensive fruit-and-vegetable farming attracts a relatively large illegal workforce, the main occupations of illegals are in hospitality (restaurants and hotels), services, and transportation. Americans already do three out of four farm jobs, and if there were no illegals doing the others, they might very well do those, too — but probably not at the wages that have prevailed among illegal workers. Again: So, what? Some of my dearest friends are criminals, but if your business model is such that you cannot turn a profit without violating federal law — and not some obscure, rococo EPA regulation but just regular old immigration law — then my heart does not bleed for you.

You are a complete and utter idiot. You need to hang with bri. In Georgia, farmers tried to get laborers one year, but the quota had been filled before the first of April.

Losses grow for Georgia farmers waiting on feds to OK foreign workers

You follow me around on one thread after another, hoping to find an audience to buy your B.S. that you couldn't defend in that other thread. I've responded to your lies and misrepresentations how many times???

Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

Checks out posts # 3475, 3476, 3613, 36699, 3731, 3875, 3934, 4462, 4572, 4581, 4585, 4597, 4603, 4605, 4609, and 4612

Asked and answered. Your lame points were dealt with and reintroducing them on this thread won't change the facts.
They can always hire American workers. Of course, they will have to pay them a decent wage.

I'd hire them if they would show up. They won't. They're all just like you, fucking with people on the Internet and bitching about how bad it is in America. You should try to contribute something because chickenshit name calling. That kind of behavior is for maggots afraid to go into the real world.
So you don't do name calling? Is that what your trying to tell us?

I tried over a dozen times to have a productive conversation with you. You resisted. I'm willing to get into the dirt with you and play at your level since you don't have the courage to have a legitimate conversation. When you're ready to ask realistic questions, leave the attitude behind and allow people to hear your facts versus mine AND MAKE THE OWN MINDS UP, I can accommodate you.
You definition of "legitimate" is where you dispense your "wisdom" and I mindlessly agree. Sorry, turd. Try proving your case for once instead of staging your infantile temper tantrums.
NOBODY claims that business is only labor. You still struggling for relevance by lying is almost humorous.
You just did, moron.

Who do you think you're fooling?

Who do you think YOU'RE fooling??? I don't have to make 1000 posts a day calling people a moron. I don't hide behind a keyboard trying to make board enemies. I tell people if you don't believe what happens here, meet me in town and let's go to some companies that are hiring; let's cut the shit and go into the real world.

Your broke ass can't because you spend all your time on the Internet instead of working. You got time to blow calling us names here, but not enough time to go out where people get hired and see just how wrong you are. I have an open challenge for anyone here to go with me and SEE for themselves the Help Wanted signs versus the AMERICANS standing in line for Uncle Scam freebies. Your lazy ass just don't want to work and you are only fooling YOURSELF.

Yes, you certainly are. If you trolls can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen. We'll have a productive conversation or a conversation where you can try me, but may not like the outcome.

You need to have an IQ equal to or greater than your shoe size if you want to remain in this conversation.
If you didn't care about what I think, you would respond to my posts. I call turds like you "morons" because that is what your are. You pretend that you understand economics, but you can't even use the correct terminology. You're an idiot. I keep proving that your BS is wrong. I know you get tired of hearing that, but what else can I do, agree with your bullshit?

You've proven nothing except that you are struggling for relevance. Anyone who follows my links can figure that one out.
What they can easily figure out is that despite your constant prattle about economics, you know nothing about the subject.

You don't understand the economics of your own country. Otherwise, you would not call everyone you disagree with a moron. You're an insecure child and I'm only humoring you because it's fun to watch a cockroach like you squirm.
You're humoring me? Really?

I would hope that I'm humoring you. The only people being entertained by the toxic back and forth banter seems to by you and a couple of people suffering from TDS.
You're humoring yourself with the belief that you're capable of committing logic.
Who do you think YOU'RE fooling??? I don't have to make 1000 posts a day calling people a moron. I don't hide behind a keyboard trying to make board enemies. I tell people if you don't believe what happens here, meet me in town and let's go to some companies that are hiring; let's cut the shit and go into the real world.

Your broke ass can't because you spend all your time on the Internet instead of working. You got time to blow calling us names here, but not enough time to go out where people get hired and see just how wrong you are. I have an open challenge for anyone here to go with me and SEE for themselves the Help Wanted signs versus the AMERICANS standing in line for Uncle Scam freebies. Your lazy ass just don't want to work and you are only fooling YOURSELF.

Yes, you certainly are. If you trolls can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen. We'll have a productive conversation or a conversation where you can try me, but may not like the outcome.

You get called on your B.S. and that's the best you can do??? More name calling to avoid a serious discussion? Another bri CLASSIC FAIL
The wall is being built even as you contemplate post your next falsehood.

WTF are you talking about? I promised the people that Trump would get his wall built. Are you deaf, dumb, blind and stupid or just plain old stupid?
You just did, moron.

Who do you think you're fooling?

Who do you think YOU'RE fooling??? I don't have to make 1000 posts a day calling people a moron. I don't hide behind a keyboard trying to make board enemies. I tell people if you don't believe what happens here, meet me in town and let's go to some companies that are hiring; let's cut the shit and go into the real world.

Your broke ass can't because you spend all your time on the Internet instead of working. You got time to blow calling us names here, but not enough time to go out where people get hired and see just how wrong you are. I have an open challenge for anyone here to go with me and SEE for themselves the Help Wanted signs versus the AMERICANS standing in line for Uncle Scam freebies. Your lazy ass just don't want to work and you are only fooling YOURSELF.

Yes, you certainly are. If you trolls can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen. We'll have a productive conversation or a conversation where you can try me, but may not like the outcome.

You need to have an IQ equal to or greater than your shoe size if you want to remain in this conversation.
Who says I do? My only interest is slapping you down every time you post one of your piles of horseshit.
NOBODY claims that business is only labor. You still struggling for relevance by lying is almost humorous.
You just did, moron.

Who do you think you're fooling?

Who do you think YOU'RE fooling??? I don't have to make 1000 posts a day calling people a moron. I don't hide behind a keyboard trying to make board enemies.

No, yo just call them liars or dumb or a dozen other things.

Who do you think you're fooling?

I tell people if you don't believe what happens here, meet me in town and let's go to some companies that are hiring; let's cut the shit and go into the real world.

Your broke ass can't because you spend all your time on the Internet instead of working. You got time to blow calling us names here, but not enough time to go out where people get hired and see just how wrong you are. I have an open challenge for anyone here to go with me and SEE for themselves the Help Wanted signs versus the AMERICANS standing in line for Uncle Scam freebies. Your lazy ass just don't want to work and you are only fooling YOURSELF.

How does that prove me wrong and you right?

Who do you think YOU are fooling???

Seeing is believing. Screw allegations by either side. Let me show it to you in live, living color.
Seeing what is believing? You can't show many anything that proves the laws of economics are wrong.

You are grasping at straws. You are the straw man argument KING.

You don't know anything about any laws of economics as I've not argued any... except that competition is good for business and most economists disagreed with your position... except socialists.
Who do you think YOU'RE fooling??? I don't have to make 1000 posts a day calling people a moron. I don't hide behind a keyboard trying to make board enemies. I tell people if you don't believe what happens here, meet me in town and let's go to some companies that are hiring; let's cut the shit and go into the real world.

Your broke ass can't because you spend all your time on the Internet instead of working. You got time to blow calling us names here, but not enough time to go out where people get hired and see just how wrong you are. I have an open challenge for anyone here to go with me and SEE for themselves the Help Wanted signs versus the AMERICANS standing in line for Uncle Scam freebies. Your lazy ass just don't want to work and you are only fooling YOURSELF.

Yes, you certainly are. If you trolls can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen. We'll have a productive conversation or a conversation where you can try me, but may not like the outcome.

You get called on your B.S. and that's the best you can do??? More name calling to avoid a serious discussion? Another bri CLASSIC FAIL
You call that mindless blather "calling me on my BS?"

Support your claims, or shut the fuck up.

LMFAO. Every claim I've made has been proven. You have to move your cursor over the links and access them.
Every time someone asks for an image of the new wall that is being built on the southern border we only see images of replacement or repaired wall. Is this a reason Ann Colter is calling the Trump wall dupes the dumbest people in his base of support. Why are so many of them members here on USMB?
You've proven nothing except that you are struggling for relevance. Anyone who follows my links can figure that one out.
What they can easily figure out is that despite your constant prattle about economics, you know nothing about the subject.

You don't understand the economics of your own country. Otherwise, you would not call everyone you disagree with a moron. You're an insecure child and I'm only humoring you because it's fun to watch a cockroach like you squirm.
You're humoring me? Really?

I would hope that I'm humoring you. The only people being entertained by the toxic back and forth banter seems to by you and a couple of people suffering from TDS.
You're humoring yourself with the belief that you're capable of committing logic.

I can't be logical with a illogical dolt like you.
You are a complete and utter idiot. You need to hang with bri. In Georgia, farmers tried to get laborers one year, but the quota had been filled before the first of April.

Losses grow for Georgia farmers waiting on feds to OK foreign workers

You follow me around on one thread after another, hoping to find an audience to buy your B.S. that you couldn't defend in that other thread. I've responded to your lies and misrepresentations how many times???

Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

Checks out posts # 3475, 3476, 3613, 36699, 3731, 3875, 3934, 4462, 4572, 4581, 4585, 4597, 4603, 4605, 4609, and 4612

Asked and answered. Your lame points were dealt with and reintroducing them on this thread won't change the facts.
They can always hire American workers. Of course, they will have to pay them a decent wage.

I'd hire them if they would show up. They won't. They're all just like you, fucking with people on the Internet and bitching about how bad it is in America. You should try to contribute something because chickenshit name calling. That kind of behavior is for maggots afraid to go into the real world.
So you don't do name calling? Is that what your trying to tell us?

I tried over a dozen times to have a productive conversation with you. You resisted. I'm willing to get into the dirt with you and play at your level since you don't have the courage to have a legitimate conversation. When you're ready to ask realistic questions, leave the attitude behind and allow people to hear your facts versus mine AND MAKE THE OWN MINDS UP, I can accommodate you.
You definition of "legitimate" is where you dispense your "wisdom" and I mindlessly agree. Sorry, turd. Try proving your case for once instead of staging your infantile temper tantrums.

My temper tantrums? You're the one who has failed to provide a single link to your worn out, repetitive communist talking points. You're the one demanding attention with 1000 posts a day you expect a response to.
Who do you think YOU'RE fooling??? I don't have to make 1000 posts a day calling people a moron. I don't hide behind a keyboard trying to make board enemies. I tell people if you don't believe what happens here, meet me in town and let's go to some companies that are hiring; let's cut the shit and go into the real world.

Your broke ass can't because you spend all your time on the Internet instead of working. You got time to blow calling us names here, but not enough time to go out where people get hired and see just how wrong you are. I have an open challenge for anyone here to go with me and SEE for themselves the Help Wanted signs versus the AMERICANS standing in line for Uncle Scam freebies. Your lazy ass just don't want to work and you are only fooling YOURSELF.

Yes, you certainly are. If you trolls can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen. We'll have a productive conversation or a conversation where you can try me, but may not like the outcome.

You need to have an IQ equal to or greater than your shoe size if you want to remain in this conversation.
Who says I do? My only interest is slapping you down every time you post one of your piles of horseshit.

You're the one on the floor looking up. You've been bitch slapped by more people than just me. You were outsmarted by me which is why you need 1000 more posts between the real conversation and your B.S. banter. You can't put enough posts between the truth and this kind of deflection you are using.

Yes, you certainly are. If you trolls can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen. We'll have a productive conversation or a conversation where you can try me, but may not like the outcome.

You need to have an IQ equal to or greater than your shoe size if you want to remain in this conversation.
Who says I do? My only interest is slapping you down every time you post one of your piles of horseshit.

You're the one on the floor looking up. You've been bitch slapped by more people than just me. You were outsmarted by me which is why you need 1000 more posts between the real conversation and your B.S. banter. You can't put enough posts between the truth and this kind of deflection you are using.
You outsmarted me? You have a vivid imagination.

Yes, you certainly are. If you trolls can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen. We'll have a productive conversation or a conversation where you can try me, but may not like the outcome.

You get called on your B.S. and that's the best you can do??? More name calling to avoid a serious discussion? Another bri CLASSIC FAIL
You call that mindless blather "calling me on my BS?"

Support your claims, or shut the fuck up.

LMFAO. Every claim I've made has been proven. You have to move your cursor over the links and access them.
Liberal stains like you never prove anything. They boast, lie and run.
Every time someone asks for an image of the new wall that is being built on the southern border we only see images of replacement or repaired wall. Is this a reason Ann Colter is calling the Trump wall dupes the dumbest people in his base of support. Why are so many of them members here on USMB?

Welcome to the home of Trump Derangement Syndrome, Aka TDS.

Those who obsess over the wall want to stick their fingers in their ears, scream and post horseshit, not thinking that those who want both sides will access the many links I leave behind.

Since I'm not on the left or the right, I get to call B.S. on both sides when they say stuff that does not square with the facts. Those suffering from TDS cannot tell you how we became the world's greatest nation without a wall; they refuse to explain whether or not we were ever a sovereign nation since they define sovereign nations as those with walls around them. Since we've never had a wall around the U.S. by their words, we could never have been a sovereign nation - the silence on that while bri plays his / her silly ass name calling game is used as a deflection. The right realizes the gig is up. They cannot afford a productive conversation and you have entered their turf.
Yes, you certainly are. If you trolls can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen. We'll have a productive conversation or a conversation where you can try me, but may not like the outcome.

You get called on your B.S. and that's the best you can do??? More name calling to avoid a serious discussion? Another bri CLASSIC FAIL
You call that mindless blather "calling me on my BS?"

Support your claims, or shut the fuck up.

LMFAO. Every claim I've made has been proven. You have to move your cursor over the links and access them.
Liberal stains like you never prove anything. They boast, lie and run.

Guess that rules me out from being a liberal. Never supported one, but you have your head stuck so far up the Clinton's ass, if one of them farts, it might be the first breath of fresh air you have had in weeks. This wall shit was their baby before you got conned.
Every time someone asks for an image of the new wall that is being built on the southern border we only see images of replacement or repaired wall. Is this a reason Ann Colter is calling the Trump wall dupes the dumbest people in his base of support. Why are so many of them members here on USMB?

Welcome to the home of Trump Derangement Syndrome, Aka TDS.

Those who obsess over the wall want to stick their fingers in their ears, scream and post horseshit, not thinking that those who want both sides will access the many links I leave behind.

Since I'm not on the left or the right, I get to call B.S. on both sides when they say stuff that does not square with the facts. Those suffering from TDS cannot tell you how we became the world's greatest nation without a wall; they refuse to explain whether or not we were ever a sovereign nation since they define sovereign nations as those with walls around them. Since we've never had a wall around the U.S. by their words, we could never have been a sovereign nation - the silence on that while bri plays his / her silly ass name calling game is used as a deflection. The right realizes the gig is up. They cannot afford a productive conversation and you have entered their turf.
You are a leftist troll. Period. The wall is being built, but to debate that fact with you traitors is a total waste of time because you don't accept fact, reason or logic. All you are capable of is, Duh, I proved my point and you are a dum dum and I beat you and my ice cream is melting.
Yes, you certainly are. If you trolls can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen. We'll have a productive conversation or a conversation where you can try me, but may not like the outcome.

You need to have an IQ equal to or greater than your shoe size if you want to remain in this conversation.
Who says I do? My only interest is slapping you down every time you post one of your piles of horseshit.

You're the one on the floor looking up. You've been bitch slapped by more people than just me. You were outsmarted by me which is why you need 1000 more posts between the real conversation and your B.S. banter. You can't put enough posts between the truth and this kind of deflection you are using.
You outsmarted me? You have a vivid imagination.

I didn't have to use any imagination to outsmart you - just challenged to quit beating your chest and produce FACTS from non-partisan sources as I do. With your ego and limited knowledge of this subject, a third grader could tie you up in knots.
Every time someone asks for an image of the new wall that is being built on the southern border we only see images of replacement or repaired wall. Is this a reason Ann Colter is calling the Trump wall dupes the dumbest people in his base of support. Why are so many of them members here on USMB?

Welcome to the home of Trump Derangement Syndrome, Aka TDS.

Those who obsess over the wall want to stick their fingers in their ears, scream and post horseshit, not thinking that those who want both sides will access the many links I leave behind.

Since I'm not on the left or the right, I get to call B.S. on both sides when they say stuff that does not square with the facts. Those suffering from TDS cannot tell you how we became the world's greatest nation without a wall; they refuse to explain whether or not we were ever a sovereign nation since they define sovereign nations as those with walls around them. Since we've never had a wall around the U.S. by their words, we could never have been a sovereign nation - the silence on that while bri plays his / her silly ass name calling game is used as a deflection. The right realizes the gig is up. They cannot afford a productive conversation and you have entered their turf.
You are a leftist troll. Period. The wall is being built, but to debate that fact with you traitors is a total waste of time because you don't accept fact, reason or logic. All you are capable of is, Duh, I proved my point and you are a dum dum and I beat you and my ice cream is melting.

You're a fucking idiot to make such an outrageous claim. I have more fights - face to face with liberals than you and your entire cheering section COMBINED! You're the one spewing socialist solutions that the Clintons were parroting BEFORE your dumb ass got involved in this.

You are, in fact, the TRAITOR here. You spit on the Rule of Law, and stand behind losers that sell this country out for ten cents on the dollar. The founders would have tried you for treason and you know it. You can't play the liberal card with me. I've not been flipped as you were.
Every time someone asks for an image of the new wall that is being built on the southern border we only see images of replacement or repaired wall. Is this a reason Ann Colter is calling the Trump wall dupes the dumbest people in his base of support. Why are so many of them members here on USMB?

Welcome to the home of Trump Derangement Syndrome, Aka TDS.

Those who obsess over the wall want to stick their fingers in their ears, scream and post horseshit, not thinking that those who want both sides will access the many links I leave behind.

Since I'm not on the left or the right, I get to call B.S. on both sides when they say stuff that does not square with the facts. Those suffering from TDS cannot tell you how we became the world's greatest nation without a wall; they refuse to explain whether or not we were ever a sovereign nation since they define sovereign nations as those with walls around them. Since we've never had a wall around the U.S. by their words, we could never have been a sovereign nation - the silence on that while bri plays his / her silly ass name calling game is used as a deflection. The right realizes the gig is up. They cannot afford a productive conversation and you have entered their turf.
What I can't figure out is just what you're trying to prove.

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