No, we are NOT building the wall.

Yes, you certainly are. If you trolls can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen. We'll have a productive conversation or a conversation where you can try me, but may not like the outcome.

You get called on your B.S. and that's the best you can do??? More name calling to avoid a serious discussion? Another bri CLASSIC FAIL
The wall is being built even as you contemplate post your next falsehood.

You are a lying idiot. No matter how many times you tell a lie, it won't make it come true. You stupid mother fucker, any idiot with an IQ above their shoe size can see what I wrote in post # 100 on this very thread:

"Why do you whiners keep this up? The wall IS going to be built."

Those are my exact words in my FIRST posting on this thread.

You are a lying dirtbag to keep claiming otherwise.
Liberal liar. Traitor.
I think we're going to have another government shut down and I think that the people who work in government are going to be getting testier and testier with a Democratic leadership that won't compromise at all on the wall. Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer see the wall as a political test of wills against Trump and they're not going to blink. That's fine but Chuck and Nancy will have to explain to the government workers (who overwhelmingly vote Democratic!) why it is that they're getting screwed over yet again over a wall that the majority of Americans desire!

Trump is going to get his wall. The question much pain are Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer willing to subject THEIR government workers to prove a point?
"that the majority of Americans desire????" Please, turn off Faux News. They are killing you!

You're claiming that the majority of Americans don't want a secure border? Since when? You need to stop listening to MSNBC and CNN, Astrostar because THEY don't have a clue about what the average American wants nor do they care what the average American wants!
Who do you think YOU'RE fooling??? I don't have to make 1000 posts a day calling people a moron. I don't hide behind a keyboard trying to make board enemies. I tell people if you don't believe what happens here, meet me in town and let's go to some companies that are hiring; let's cut the shit and go into the real world.

Your broke ass can't because you spend all your time on the Internet instead of working. You got time to blow calling us names here, but not enough time to go out where people get hired and see just how wrong you are. I have an open challenge for anyone here to go with me and SEE for themselves the Help Wanted signs versus the AMERICANS standing in line for Uncle Scam freebies. Your lazy ass just don't want to work and you are only fooling YOURSELF.

Yes, you certainly are. If you trolls can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen. We'll have a productive conversation or a conversation where you can try me, but may not like the outcome.

You get called on your B.S. and that's the best you can do??? More name calling to avoid a serious discussion? Another bri CLASSIC FAIL
The wall is being built even as you contemplate post your next falsehood.

You are a lying idiot. No matter how many times you tell a lie, it won't make it come true. Check it out.
You need to have an IQ equal to or greater than your shoe size if you want to remain in this conversation.
Who says I do? My only interest is slapping you down every time you post one of your piles of horseshit.

You're the one on the floor looking up. You've been bitch slapped by more people than just me. You were outsmarted by me which is why you need 1000 more posts between the real conversation and your B.S. banter. You can't put enough posts between the truth and this kind of deflection you are using.
You outsmarted me? You have a vivid imagination.

I didn't have to use any imagination to outsmart you - just challenged to quit beating your chest and produce FACTS from non-partisan sources as I do. With your ego and limited knowledge of this subject, a third grader could tie you up in knots.
WTF does any of this have to do with building a border wall?

Most of bri's shit has NOTHING to do with a border wall. When he / she got the beat down, he / she resorted to name calling. Why ask me what his / her B.S has to do with a border wall? That dumb ass can't stay on point. It's challenges that mental midget's fragile ego to stay on point.
You get called on your B.S. and that's the best you can do??? More name calling to avoid a serious discussion? Another bri CLASSIC FAIL
You call that mindless blather "calling me on my BS?"

Support your claims, or shut the fuck up.

LMFAO. Every claim I've made has been proven. You have to move your cursor over the links and access them.
Liberal stains like you never prove anything. They boast, lie and run.

Guess that rules me out from being a liberal. Never supported one, but you have your head stuck so far up the Clinton's ass, if one of them farts, it might be the first breath of fresh air you have had in weeks. This wall shit was their baby before you got conned.
Sound much like a personal problem to me. :21: Go take your meds and wait 30 mins before you post anything else.

Ha ha ha. While America consumes over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply, you want to joke about meds - the most costly problem plaguing our country. You had to be a dope addict to think that was remotely funny.
Yes, you certainly are. If you trolls can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen. We'll have a productive conversation or a conversation where you can try me, but may not like the outcome.

You get called on your B.S. and that's the best you can do??? More name calling to avoid a serious discussion? Another bri CLASSIC FAIL
The wall is being built even as you contemplate post your next falsehood.

You are a lying idiot. No matter how many times you tell a lie, it won't make it come true. You stupid mother fucker, any idiot with an IQ above their shoe size can see what I wrote in post # 100 on this very thread:

"Why do you whiners keep this up? The wall IS going to be built."

Those are my exact words in my FIRST posting on this thread.

You are a lying dirtbag to keep claiming otherwise.
Liberal liar. Traitor.

I'd say that is a pretty accurate portrayal of who you are. You are a traitor and if I were the Attorney General, your ass would be up shit creek without a paddle.
Who do you think YOU'RE fooling??? I don't have to make 1000 posts a day calling people a moron. I don't hide behind a keyboard trying to make board enemies. I tell people if you don't believe what happens here, meet me in town and let's go to some companies that are hiring; let's cut the shit and go into the real world.

Your broke ass can't because you spend all your time on the Internet instead of working. You got time to blow calling us names here, but not enough time to go out where people get hired and see just how wrong you are. I have an open challenge for anyone here to go with me and SEE for themselves the Help Wanted signs versus the AMERICANS standing in line for Uncle Scam freebies. Your lazy ass just don't want to work and you are only fooling YOURSELF.

Yes, you certainly are. If you trolls can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen. We'll have a productive conversation or a conversation where you can try me, but may not like the outcome.

You get called on your B.S. and that's the best you can do??? More name calling to avoid a serious discussion? Another bri CLASSIC FAIL
The wall is being built even as you contemplate post your next falsehood.

You are a lying idiot. No matter how many times you tell a lie, it won't make it come true. Check it out. In post # 100 the posters can see you are a complete and total liar. That was my FIRST posting on this thread.
Yes, you certainly are. If you trolls can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen. We'll have a productive conversation or a conversation where you can try me, but may not like the outcome.

You get called on your B.S. and that's the best you can do??? More name calling to avoid a serious discussion? Another bri CLASSIC FAIL
The wall is being built even as you contemplate post your next falsehood.
No, it isn't
Sure it is liar. What lies will you post after it is completed? Will you hang yourself in protest?
Has construction 'already started' on Trump's wall?
I think we're going to have another government shut down and I think that the people who work in government are going to be getting testier and testier with a Democratic leadership that won't compromise at all on the wall. Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer see the wall as a political test of wills against Trump and they're not going to blink. That's fine but Chuck and Nancy will have to explain to the government workers (who overwhelmingly vote Democratic!) why it is that they're getting screwed over yet again over a wall that the majority of Americans desire!

Trump is going to get his wall. The question much pain are Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer willing to subject THEIR government workers to prove a point?
"that the majority of Americans desire????" Please, turn off Faux News. They are killing you!

You're claiming that the majority of Americans don't want a secure border? Since when? You need to stop listening to MSNBC and CNN, Astrostar because THEY don't have a clue about what the average American wants nor do they care what the average American wants!
Look assfuck. Not wanting Trump's wall is NOT the same as not wanting border security.
Democrats just gave Trump 1.3 billion for border security. Ot a Truimp ewall;.

So quit lying. Quit being a dishonest fuck.

And give a shit about America for a change.
I think we're going to have another government shut down and I think that the people who work in government are going to be getting testier and testier with a Democratic leadership that won't compromise at all on the wall. Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer see the wall as a political test of wills against Trump and they're not going to blink. That's fine but Chuck and Nancy will have to explain to the government workers (who overwhelmingly vote Democratic!) why it is that they're getting screwed over yet again over a wall that the majority of Americans desire!

Trump is going to get his wall. The question much pain are Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer willing to subject THEIR government workers to prove a point?
"that the majority of Americans desire????" Please, turn off Faux News. They are killing you!

You're claiming that the majority of Americans don't want a secure border? Since when? You need to stop listening to MSNBC and CNN, Astrostar because THEY don't have a clue about what the average American wants nor do they care what the average American wants!
Look assfuck. Not wanting Trump's wall is NOT the same as not wanting border security..

Yeah, it pretty much is.
I think we're going to have another government shut down and I think that the people who work in government are going to be getting testier and testier with a Democratic leadership that won't compromise at all on the wall. Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer see the wall as a political test of wills against Trump and they're not going to blink. That's fine but Chuck and Nancy will have to explain to the government workers (who overwhelmingly vote Democratic!) why it is that they're getting screwed over yet again over a wall that the majority of Americans desire!

Trump is going to get his wall. The question much pain are Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer willing to subject THEIR government workers to prove a point?
"that the majority of Americans desire????" Please, turn off Faux News. They are killing you!

You're claiming that the majority of Americans don't want a secure border? Since when? You need to stop listening to MSNBC and CNN, Astrostar because THEY don't have a clue about what the average American wants nor do they care what the average American wants!
Look assfuck. Not wanting Trump's wall is NOT the same as not wanting border security.
Democrats just gave Trump 1.3 billion for border security. Ot a Truimp ewall;.

So quit lying. Quit being a dishonest fuck.

And give a shit about America for a change.

We keep having the same discussion day after day, but if you want to see the people with TDS getting totally destroyed and all these issues addressed you should check this out:

Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

Check out posts 4612, 4616, 4631, and 4633 (the most recent - I can cite many more on just that thread) as examples of why people like bri abandoned that thread hastily and came here to restart an argument they consistently lose - over and over and over again.
I think we're going to have another government shut down and I think that the people who work in government are going to be getting testier and testier with a Democratic leadership that won't compromise at all on the wall. Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer see the wall as a political test of wills against Trump and they're not going to blink. That's fine but Chuck and Nancy will have to explain to the government workers (who overwhelmingly vote Democratic!) why it is that they're getting screwed over yet again over a wall that the majority of Americans desire!

Trump is going to get his wall. The question much pain are Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer willing to subject THEIR government workers to prove a point?
"that the majority of Americans desire????" Please, turn off Faux News. They are killing you!

You're claiming that the majority of Americans don't want a secure border? Since when? You need to stop listening to MSNBC and CNN, Astrostar because THEY don't have a clue about what the average American wants nor do they care what the average American wants!
Look assfuck. Not wanting Trump's wall is NOT the same as not wanting border security.
Democrats just gave Trump 1.3 billion for border security. Ot a Truimp ewall;.

So quit lying. Quit being a dishonest fuck.

And give a shit about America for a change.

Democrats don't want a secure border, Dave because that means the illegals they're counting on to keep them in power in the future can't get in the country! That's what this whole fight is all about and always has been. Democrats don't want a wall because a wall would actually work and that's the last thing they want!
They want a porous border that people can cross with ease...they want asylum for anyone who requests it even if we can't verify that the people in question deserve asylum and anyone who calls them on it they'll label as "racists"!
I think we're going to have another government shut down and I think that the people who work in government are going to be getting testier and testier with a Democratic leadership that won't compromise at all on the wall. Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer see the wall as a political test of wills against Trump and they're not going to blink. That's fine but Chuck and Nancy will have to explain to the government workers (who overwhelmingly vote Democratic!) why it is that they're getting screwed over yet again over a wall that the majority of Americans desire!

Trump is going to get his wall. The question much pain are Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer willing to subject THEIR government workers to prove a point?
"that the majority of Americans desire????" Please, turn off Faux News. They are killing you!

You're claiming that the majority of Americans don't want a secure border? Since when? You need to stop listening to MSNBC and CNN, Astrostar because THEY don't have a clue about what the average American wants nor do they care what the average American wants!
Look assfuck. Not wanting Trump's wall is NOT the same as not wanting border security.
Democrats just gave Trump 1.3 billion for border security. Ot a Truimp ewall;.

So quit lying. Quit being a dishonest fuck.

And give a shit about America for a change.

Democrats don't want a secure border, Dave because that means the illegals they're counting on to keep them in power in the future can't get in the country! That's what this whole fight is all about and always has been. Democrats don't want a wall because a wall would actually work and that's the last thing they want!
The illegals are used by corporate America to keep labor low priced. Who loves corporate America - YOU & your party.

A 40' concrete wall would do little more than fencing. Money would have more effect is spend on other methods of border security.

The only reason yiou want a wall is because Trump duped you.
They want a porous border that people can cross with ease...they want asylum for anyone who requests it even if we can't verify that the people in question deserve asylum and anyone who calls them on it they'll label as "racists"!
Actually, the LAW says people have a legal right to come here to seek asylum.

You get called a racist when you post & say racist shit.
I think we're going to have another government shut down and I think that the people who work in government are going to be getting testier and testier with a Democratic leadership that won't compromise at all on the wall. Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer see the wall as a political test of wills against Trump and they're not going to blink. That's fine but Chuck and Nancy will have to explain to the government workers (who overwhelmingly vote Democratic!) why it is that they're getting screwed over yet again over a wall that the majority of Americans desire!

Trump is going to get his wall. The question much pain are Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer willing to subject THEIR government workers to prove a point?
"that the majority of Americans desire????" Please, turn off Faux News. They are killing you!

You're claiming that the majority of Americans don't want a secure border? Since when? You need to stop listening to MSNBC and CNN, Astrostar because THEY don't have a clue about what the average American wants nor do they care what the average American wants!
Look assfuck. Not wanting Trump's wall is NOT the same as not wanting border security.
Democrats just gave Trump 1.3 billion for border security. Ot a Truimp ewall;.

So quit lying. Quit being a dishonest fuck.

And give a shit about America for a change.

Democrats don't want a secure border, Dave because that means the illegals they're counting on to keep them in power in the future can't get in the country! That's what this whole fight is all about and always has been. Democrats don't want a wall because a wall would actually work and that's the last thing they want!

As I've stated before, this is an old argument, blown away in the last thread I participated on. Check out post # 450. Following those links will completely disprove your position. Even Donald Trump disagrees with you. The whole wall idea was the Democrats to begin with. It's not about border security; it's about control.
They want a porous border that people can cross with ease...they want asylum for anyone who requests it even if we can't verify that the people in question deserve asylum and anyone who calls them on it they'll label as "racists"!

Old argument with no basis in fact. See post # 450 and follow the links.

You get called on your B.S. and that's the best you can do??? More name calling to avoid a serious discussion? Another bri CLASSIC FAIL
The wall is being built even as you contemplate post your next falsehood.
No, it isn't
Sure it is liar. What lies will you post after it is completed? Will you hang yourself in protest?
Has construction 'already started' on Trump's wall?
Yes it has.
The recession started 4th quarter of 2007.

It was the worst because of George W Bush & your Republican Party.
When it started doesn't determine how bad it was. How long it lasted determines that, and Obama is the one who was in office the entire time.
Obama was not Prersident in the 4th quater of 2007. He did not take office until January of 2009 & within two months, things started tio improve.

If you did not like how long it took, maybe you should have created such a severe recession in the first place.
Yeah, yeah, we know he didn't start the recession. No one ever claimed otherwise. You're constructing a straw man. What Obama did is make it last 8 years instead of 1 or 2.
The recession didn’t last 8 years, fucking moron.
Sure it did.

Even the NBER thinks you’re a fucking moron, they say it lasted 18 months...

... and here’s the email address to where you, a confirmed fucking moron, can personally notify the NBER that you know better than them as to how long the Great Recession lasted...

[email protected]
You get called on your B.S. and that's the best you can do??? More name calling to avoid a serious discussion? Another bri CLASSIC FAIL
The wall is being built even as you contemplate post your next falsehood.
No, it isn't
Sure it is liar. What lies will you post after it is completed? Will you hang yourself in protest?
Has construction 'already started' on Trump's wall?
Yes it has.
I think we're going to have another government shut down and I think that the people who work in government are going to be getting testier and testier with a Democratic leadership that won't compromise at all on the wall. Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer see the wall as a political test of wills against Trump and they're not going to blink. That's fine but Chuck and Nancy will have to explain to the government workers (who overwhelmingly vote Democratic!) why it is that they're getting screwed over yet again over a wall that the majority of Americans desire!

Trump is going to get his wall. The question much pain are Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer willing to subject THEIR government workers to prove a point?
"that the majority of Americans desire????" Please, turn off Faux News. They are killing you!

You're claiming that the majority of Americans don't want a secure border? Since when? You need to stop listening to MSNBC and CNN, Astrostar because THEY don't have a clue about what the average American wants nor do they care what the average American wants!
Look assfuck. Not wanting Trump's wall is NOT the same as not wanting border security.
Democrats just gave Trump 1.3 billion for border security. Ot a Truimp ewall;.

So quit lying. Quit being a dishonest fuck.

And give a shit about America for a change.

Democrats don't want a secure border, Dave because that means the illegals they're counting on to keep them in power in the future can't get in the country! That's what this whole fight is all about and always has been. Democrats don't want a wall because a wall would actually work and that's the last thing they want!
Oh? How is there currently roughly 700 miles of border walls and fences if Democrats oppose them?

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