No, we are NOT building the wall.

They want a porous border that people can cross with ease...they want asylum for anyone who requests it even if we can't verify that the people in question deserve asylum and anyone who calls them on it they'll label as "racists"!

Old argument with no basis in fact. See post # 450 and follow the links.
You're really claiming that the Democrats DON'T want a porous border? Your latest liberal poster child Beto has stated that if it were up to him he'd tear down the existing walls.

If you read post # 450 on this thread, access that link and read it, you will find out who started the whole nutty wall idea in the first place. We go from thread to thread, rehashing the same points. Why?

If you read that post, accessed the links and read them, you would realize how absolutely silly it is to infer that the wall is actually a left wing, liberal idea. Let's quit having the same conversation and move forward.

When did I ever claim that the wall was a liberal idea? I don't even know what you're babbling about, Porter! The left has been resisting a secure border from way back in Reagan's day! Reagan cut a deal with Tip O'Neal to get border security and then O'Neal reneged on that deal!
No one can tell what he's babbling about. He claims to be a conservative, believe it or not.

I've read his post #450. His stance is that the Supreme Court doesn't have the right to interpret the Constitution and I would argue that doing so is their primary reason for being! It's well established law that the Federal Government calls the shots on immigration...not the States. He for some unknown reason feels this is unconstitutional without explaining why that's so.
Look assfuck. Not wanting Trump's wall is NOT the same as not wanting border security.
Democrats just gave Trump 1.3 billion for border security. Ot a Truimp ewall;.

So quit lying. Quit being a dishonest fuck.

And give a shit about America for a change.

Democrats don't want a secure border, Dave because that means the illegals they're counting on to keep them in power in the future can't get in the country! That's what this whole fight is all about and always has been. Democrats don't want a wall because a wall would actually work and that's the last thing they want!
Oh? How is there currently roughly 700 miles of border walls and fences if Democrats oppose them?

So how much support for a wall is there currently from Democrats? Be honest for a change, Faun! Democrats now equate a secure border with racism. If you don't want to let EVERYONE're a racist!!!
You poor, lying con tool. Again.... Democrats support the current wall. Democrats support adding new walls where there are none. What they’re not supporting is rebuilding the existing walls. They offered that to Trump in exchange for a resolution on DACA, but the two sides failed to reach an agreement on that.

What a crock! Democrats DO NOT support adding walls...they fight that tooth and nail because they don't want to stop the flow of illegals into the United States because they see them as their ticket to more political power! You don't have the ability to admit that you, Faun! You can't admit that this is all about politics with the left because then you'd be revealed for what you really are...a party that doesn't care about average Americans...a party that cares about your liberal agenda and that's it!
Democrats have supported border fences. They do not support a 40' concrete wall.
Democrats don't want a secure border, Dave because that means the illegals they're counting on to keep them in power in the future can't get in the country! That's what this whole fight is all about and always has been. Democrats don't want a wall because a wall would actually work and that's the last thing they want!
Oh? How is there currently roughly 700 miles of border walls and fences if Democrats oppose them?

So how much support for a wall is there currently from Democrats? Be honest for a change, Faun! Democrats now equate a secure border with racism. If you don't want to let EVERYONE're a racist!!!
You poor, lying con tool. Again.... Democrats support the current wall. Democrats support adding new walls where there are none. What they’re not supporting is rebuilding the existing walls. They offered that to Trump in exchange for a resolution on DACA, but the two sides failed to reach an agreement on that.

What a crock! Democrats DO NOT support adding walls...they fight that tooth and nail because they don't want to stop the flow of illegals into the United States because they see them as their ticket to more political power! You don't have the ability to admit that you, Faun! You can't admit that this is all about politics with the left because then you'd be revealed for what you really are...a party that doesn't care about average Americans...a party that cares about your liberal agenda and that's it!
Democrats have supported border fences. They do not support a 40' concrete wall.

So you support a "fence" that won't stop anyone...but don't support a wall that will! Got it... (eye roll)
where on the border

Close to Mexico.

The border is close to Mexico? Who knew. So where is Trump's wall being built on the border close to mexico.
Between the USA and Mexico.
ho owns that land? Is Trump building his wall on the land between the US & Mexico?
No I don't think a Ho owns that land. There's a right of way, or whatever you call it, so you can cut your lying short.

There is a right of way between the US & Mexico & that is where are building a wall?
Oh? How is there currently roughly 700 miles of border walls and fences if Democrats oppose them?

So how much support for a wall is there currently from Democrats? Be honest for a change, Faun! Democrats now equate a secure border with racism. If you don't want to let EVERYONE're a racist!!!
You poor, lying con tool. Again.... Democrats support the current wall. Democrats support adding new walls where there are none. What they’re not supporting is rebuilding the existing walls. They offered that to Trump in exchange for a resolution on DACA, but the two sides failed to reach an agreement on that.

What a crock! Democrats DO NOT support adding walls...they fight that tooth and nail because they don't want to stop the flow of illegals into the United States because they see them as their ticket to more political power! You don't have the ability to admit that you, Faun! You can't admit that this is all about politics with the left because then you'd be revealed for what you really are...a party that doesn't care about average Americans...a party that cares about your liberal agenda and that's it!
Democrats have supported border fences. They do not support a 40' concrete wall.

So you support a "fence" that won't stop anyone...but don't support a wall that will! Got it... (eye roll)

No fences don't stop anyone you you think 55 miles of a 40' concrete wall will? So the higher the wall, the more difficult to tunnel under it?
So how much support for a wall is there currently from Democrats? Be honest for a change, Faun! Democrats now equate a secure border with racism. If you don't want to let EVERYONE're a racist!!!
You poor, lying con tool. Again.... Democrats support the current wall. Democrats support adding new walls where there are none. What they’re not supporting is rebuilding the existing walls. They offered that to Trump in exchange for a resolution on DACA, but the two sides failed to reach an agreement on that.

What a crock! Democrats DO NOT support adding walls...they fight that tooth and nail because they don't want to stop the flow of illegals into the United States because they see them as their ticket to more political power! You don't have the ability to admit that you, Faun! You can't admit that this is all about politics with the left because then you'd be revealed for what you really are...a party that doesn't care about average Americans...a party that cares about your liberal agenda and that's it!
Democrats have supported border fences. They do not support a 40' concrete wall.

So you support a "fence" that won't stop anyone...but don't support a wall that will! Got it... (eye roll)

No fences don't stop anyone you you think 55 miles of a 40' concrete wall will? So the higher the wall, the more difficult to tunnel under it?

Yeah, I actually DO think a tall concrete wall will stop people! So do your Democratic leaders which is the entire reason they won't fund it!
Your answer makes no sense by the way, Dave...why would you support a fence that won't stop people if you're convinced that a wall won't stop them either? Duh?
Look assfuck. Not wanting Trump's wall is NOT the same as not wanting border security.
Democrats just gave Trump 1.3 billion for border security. Ot a Truimp ewall;.

So quit lying. Quit being a dishonest fuck.

And give a shit about America for a change.

Democrats don't want a secure border, Dave because that means the illegals they're counting on to keep them in power in the future can't get in the country! That's what this whole fight is all about and always has been. Democrats don't want a wall because a wall would actually work and that's the last thing they want!
Oh? How is there currently roughly 700 miles of border walls and fences if Democrats oppose them?

So how much support for a wall is there currently from Democrats? Be honest for a change, Faun! Democrats now equate a secure border with racism. If you don't want to let EVERYONE're a racist!!!
You poor, lying con tool. Again.... Democrats support the current wall. Democrats support adding new walls where there are none. What they’re not supporting is rebuilding the existing walls. They offered that to Trump in exchange for a resolution on DACA, but the two sides failed to reach an agreement on that.
"Support the current wall?" What the fuck does that even mean. The definitely don't support adding new wall.
Fucking moron, Democrats just gave Crazy Donald $1.3 billion to construct new wall.

Don’t you know anything besides the KKK marched In “Madison, Wisconsin” in the 1924 Klanbake?

Look assfuck. Not wanting Trump's wall is NOT the same as not wanting border security.
Democrats just gave Trump 1.3 billion for border security. Ot a Truimp ewall;.

So quit lying. Quit being a dishonest fuck.

And give a shit about America for a change.

Democrats don't want a secure border, Dave because that means the illegals they're counting on to keep them in power in the future can't get in the country! That's what this whole fight is all about and always has been. Democrats don't want a wall because a wall would actually work and that's the last thing they want!
Oh? How is there currently roughly 700 miles of border walls and fences if Democrats oppose them?

So how much support for a wall is there currently from Democrats? Be honest for a change, Faun! Democrats now equate a secure border with racism. If you don't want to let EVERYONE're a racist!!!
You poor, lying con tool. Again.... Democrats support the current wall. Democrats support adding new walls where there are none. What they’re not supporting is rebuilding the existing walls. They offered that to Trump in exchange for a resolution on DACA, but the two sides failed to reach an agreement on that.

What a crock! Democrats DO NOT support adding walls...they fight that tooth and nail because they don't want to stop the flow of illegals into the United States because they see them as their ticket to more political power! You don't have the ability to admit that you, Faun! You can't admit that this is all about politics with the left because then you'd be revealed for what you really are...a party that doesn't care about average Americans...a party that cares about your liberal agenda and that's it!
“Democrats DO NOT support adding walls...”

Lying con tool, Democrats just gave Crazy Donald $1.3 billion to construct new walls. You can’t lie your way out of a paper bag, no less, this.
Oh? How is there currently roughly 700 miles of border walls and fences if Democrats oppose them?

So how much support for a wall is there currently from Democrats? Be honest for a change, Faun! Democrats now equate a secure border with racism. If you don't want to let EVERYONE're a racist!!!
You poor, lying con tool. Again.... Democrats support the current wall. Democrats support adding new walls where there are none. What they’re not supporting is rebuilding the existing walls. They offered that to Trump in exchange for a resolution on DACA, but the two sides failed to reach an agreement on that.

What a crock! Democrats DO NOT support adding walls...they fight that tooth and nail because they don't want to stop the flow of illegals into the United States because they see them as their ticket to more political power! You don't have the ability to admit that you, Faun! You can't admit that this is all about politics with the left because then you'd be revealed for what you really are...a party that doesn't care about average Americans...a party that cares about your liberal agenda and that's it!
Faux is in denial.

To be quite blunt...Faun is lying through his teeth and he knows it!
Lying con tool, tell that to the Democrats who just handed Crazy Donald $1.3 billion to construct new walls.
Democrats don't want a secure border, Dave because that means the illegals they're counting on to keep them in power in the future can't get in the country! That's what this whole fight is all about and always has been. Democrats don't want a wall because a wall would actually work and that's the last thing they want!
Oh? How is there currently roughly 700 miles of border walls and fences if Democrats oppose them?

So how much support for a wall is there currently from Democrats? Be honest for a change, Faun! Democrats now equate a secure border with racism. If you don't want to let EVERYONE're a racist!!!
You poor, lying con tool. Again.... Democrats support the current wall. Democrats support adding new walls where there are none. What they’re not supporting is rebuilding the existing walls. They offered that to Trump in exchange for a resolution on DACA, but the two sides failed to reach an agreement on that.

What a crock! Democrats DO NOT support adding walls...they fight that tooth and nail because they don't want to stop the flow of illegals into the United States because they see them as their ticket to more political power! You don't have the ability to admit that you, Faun! You can't admit that this is all about politics with the left because then you'd be revealed for what you really are...a party that doesn't care about average Americans...a party that cares about your liberal agenda and that's it!
Democrats have supported border fences. They do not support a 40' concrete wall.
Trump proposed a 30' wall, so no problem.
They want a porous border that people can cross with ease...they want asylum for anyone who requests it even if we can't verify that the people in question deserve asylum and anyone who calls them on it they'll label as "racists"!

Old argument with no basis in fact. See post # 450 and follow the links.
You're really claiming that the Democrats DON'T want a porous border? Your latest liberal poster child Beto has stated that if it were up to him he'd tear down the existing walls.

If you read post # 450 on this thread, access that link and read it, you will find out who started the whole nutty wall idea in the first place. We go from thread to thread, rehashing the same points. Why?

If you read that post, accessed the links and read them, you would realize how absolutely silly it is to infer that the wall is actually a left wing, liberal idea. Let's quit having the same conversation and move forward.

When did I ever claim that the wall was a liberal idea? I don't even know what you're babbling about, Porter! The left has been resisting a secure border from way back in Reagan's day! Reagan cut a deal with Tip O'Neal to get border security and then O'Neal reneged on that deal!
No one can tell what he's babbling about. He claims to be a conservative, believe it or not.

You are a comedian. I'm neither conservative nor liberal. I'm a constitutionalist.
They want a porous border that people can cross with ease...they want asylum for anyone who requests it even if we can't verify that the people in question deserve asylum and anyone who calls them on it they'll label as "racists"!

Old argument with no basis in fact. See post # 450 and follow the links.
You're really claiming that the Democrats DON'T want a porous border? Your latest liberal poster child Beto has stated that if it were up to him he'd tear down the existing walls.

If you read post # 450 on this thread, access that link and read it, you will find out who started the whole nutty wall idea in the first place. We go from thread to thread, rehashing the same points. Why?

If you read that post, accessed the links and read them, you would realize how absolutely silly it is to infer that the wall is actually a left wing, liberal idea. Let's quit having the same conversation and move forward.

When did I ever claim that the wall was a liberal idea? I don't even know what you're babbling about, Porter! The left has been resisting a secure border from way back in Reagan's day! Reagan cut a deal with Tip O'Neal to get border security and then O'Neal reneged on that deal!

You are a hoot buddy. I said the wall was and IS a liberal idea. If you don't know what I'm talking about, let me walk you through this ONE MORE TIME:

Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

That above is a link. You take your cursor and click on it. Now pay attention to posts # 4612, 4616, 4631, and 4633. The post numbers are in the upper right hand corner just before the response begins. If you're REAL lazy, just read the last post cited (# 4633) and pretend that the objections you think you have are new and have never been answered.
Old argument with no basis in fact. See post # 450 and follow the links.
You're really claiming that the Democrats DON'T want a porous border? Your latest liberal poster child Beto has stated that if it were up to him he'd tear down the existing walls.

If you read post # 450 on this thread, access that link and read it, you will find out who started the whole nutty wall idea in the first place. We go from thread to thread, rehashing the same points. Why?

If you read that post, accessed the links and read them, you would realize how absolutely silly it is to infer that the wall is actually a left wing, liberal idea. Let's quit having the same conversation and move forward.

When did I ever claim that the wall was a liberal idea? I don't even know what you're babbling about, Porter! The left has been resisting a secure border from way back in Reagan's day! Reagan cut a deal with Tip O'Neal to get border security and then O'Neal reneged on that deal!
No one can tell what he's babbling about. He claims to be a conservative, believe it or not.

I've read his post #450. His stance is that the Supreme Court doesn't have the right to interpret the Constitution and I would argue that doing so is their primary reason for being! It's well established law that the Federal Government calls the shots on immigration...not the States. He for some unknown reason feels this is unconstitutional without explaining why that's so.

You are a liar and an idiot. My post says absolutely no such thing. The United States Supreme Court is limited to interpreting the Constitution. What the Hell is wrong with you? Besides, do you think that people are so stupid that they cannot read the link for themselves?

If they read it, they will find out you are a lying mother fucker. You're an egotist to boot. So you read for those suffering from TDS because you think they're too stupid to do their own reading? If they do, they figure that you are among the lowest of the low around here.
Last edited:
Democrats don't want a secure border, Dave because that means the illegals they're counting on to keep them in power in the future can't get in the country! That's what this whole fight is all about and always has been. Democrats don't want a wall because a wall would actually work and that's the last thing they want!
Oh? How is there currently roughly 700 miles of border walls and fences if Democrats oppose them?

So how much support for a wall is there currently from Democrats? Be honest for a change, Faun! Democrats now equate a secure border with racism. If you don't want to let EVERYONE're a racist!!!
You poor, lying con tool. Again.... Democrats support the current wall. Democrats support adding new walls where there are none. What they’re not supporting is rebuilding the existing walls. They offered that to Trump in exchange for a resolution on DACA, but the two sides failed to reach an agreement on that.

What a crock! Democrats DO NOT support adding walls...they fight that tooth and nail because they don't want to stop the flow of illegals into the United States because they see them as their ticket to more political power! You don't have the ability to admit that you, Faun! You can't admit that this is all about politics with the left because then you'd be revealed for what you really are...a party that doesn't care about average Americans...a party that cares about your liberal agenda and that's it!
Democrats have supported border fences. They do not support a 40' concrete wall.

The whole concept was still the Dems idea before the Republicans started trying to mimic it and claiming it.
They want a porous border that people can cross with ease...they want asylum for anyone who requests it even if we can't verify that the people in question deserve asylum and anyone who calls them on it they'll label as "racists"!

Old argument with no basis in fact. See post # 450 and follow the links.
You're really claiming that the Democrats DON'T want a porous border? Your latest liberal poster child Beto has stated that if it were up to him he'd tear down the existing walls.

If you read post # 450 on this thread, access that link and read it, you will find out who started the whole nutty wall idea in the first place. We go from thread to thread, rehashing the same points. Why?

If you read that post, accessed the links and read them, you would realize how absolutely silly it is to infer that the wall is actually a left wing, liberal idea. Let's quit having the same conversation and move forward.

When did I ever claim that the wall was a liberal idea? I don't even know what you're babbling about, Porter! The left has been resisting a secure border from way back in Reagan's day! Reagan cut a deal with Tip O'Neal to get border security and then O'Neal reneged on that deal!

You are a hoot buddy. I said the wall was and IS a liberal idea. If you don't know what I'm talking about, let me walk you through this ONE MORE TIME:

Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

That above is a link. You take your cursor and click on it. Now pay attention to posts # 4612, 4616, 4631, and 4633. The post numbers are in the upper right hand corner just before the response begins. If you're REAL lazy, just read the last post cited (# 4633) and pretend that the objections you think you have are new and have never been answered.

Why do you keep sending me back to something I've already read...and not been impressed by AT ALL! I don't happen to agree with your view that the Supreme Court can't interpret the Constitution.
Old argument with no basis in fact. See post # 450 and follow the links.
You're really claiming that the Democrats DON'T want a porous border? Your latest liberal poster child Beto has stated that if it were up to him he'd tear down the existing walls.

If you read post # 450 on this thread, access that link and read it, you will find out who started the whole nutty wall idea in the first place. We go from thread to thread, rehashing the same points. Why?

If you read that post, accessed the links and read them, you would realize how absolutely silly it is to infer that the wall is actually a left wing, liberal idea. Let's quit having the same conversation and move forward.

When did I ever claim that the wall was a liberal idea? I don't even know what you're babbling about, Porter! The left has been resisting a secure border from way back in Reagan's day! Reagan cut a deal with Tip O'Neal to get border security and then O'Neal reneged on that deal!

You are a hoot buddy. I said the wall was and IS a liberal idea. If you don't know what I'm talking about, let me walk you through this ONE MORE TIME:

Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

That above is a link. You take your cursor and click on it. Now pay attention to posts # 4612, 4616, 4631, and 4633. The post numbers are in the upper right hand corner just before the response begins. If you're REAL lazy, just read the last post cited (# 4633) and pretend that the objections you think you have are new and have never been answered.

Why do you keep sending me back to something I've already read...and not been impressed by AT ALL! I don't happen to agree with your view that the Supreme Court can't interpret the Constitution.

You guys suffering from TDS are either pathological liars OR you're the dumbest people on planet earth.

The United States Supreme Court IS empowered to interpret the Constitution, but ONLY interpret the Constitution. You are LYING about what I've said.

The United States Supreme Court cannot, constitutionally, legislate from the bench NOR can they empower any other branch of government with any additional powers.

You're really claiming that the Democrats DON'T want a porous border? Your latest liberal poster child Beto has stated that if it were up to him he'd tear down the existing walls.

If you read post # 450 on this thread, access that link and read it, you will find out who started the whole nutty wall idea in the first place. We go from thread to thread, rehashing the same points. Why?

If you read that post, accessed the links and read them, you would realize how absolutely silly it is to infer that the wall is actually a left wing, liberal idea. Let's quit having the same conversation and move forward.

When did I ever claim that the wall was a liberal idea? I don't even know what you're babbling about, Porter! The left has been resisting a secure border from way back in Reagan's day! Reagan cut a deal with Tip O'Neal to get border security and then O'Neal reneged on that deal!
No one can tell what he's babbling about. He claims to be a conservative, believe it or not.

I've read his post #450. His stance is that the Supreme Court doesn't have the right to interpret the Constitution and I would argue that doing so is their primary reason for being! It's well established law that the Federal Government calls the shots on immigration...not the States. He for some unknown reason feels this is unconstitutional without explaining why that's so.

You are a liar and an idiot. My post says absolutely no such thing. The United States Supreme Court is limited to interpreting the Constitution. What the Hell is wrong with you? Besides, do you think that people are so stupid that they cannot read the link for themselves?

If they read it, they will find out you are a lying mother fucker. You're an egotist to boot. So you read for those suffering from TDS because you think they're too stupid to do their own reading? If they do, they figure that you are among the lowest of the low around here.

Well now...someone's got their panties in a twist! You're one of those pompous asses that thinks if you link something that everyone should instantly agree with you...aren't you? I don't. I think your view is incorrect. You call me a lying mother fucker because I don't agree with your world view? Go screw yourself!

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