No, we are NOT building the wall.

And the number of people Obama forced onto welfare... Is Stunning...


5.7 million employed people were removed from the work force due to your socialist constructs.. They went on to the hand out rolls.. And you Idiots celebrated this..

While that is an interesting graph but had nothing to do with your claim on full time/part time which the US Bureau of Labor completely shot down. And seeing you use them as a source, you believe their reports, which debunk your myth. So next time admit you were wrong and move on. It looks better than you trying to move the goalposts and change your definition when you are proven wrong.

I agree the work force participation as baby boomers retire is going to be something that will need to be addressed. And not sure that more families working two part time jobs turning into one parent working full time as the other partner leaves the work force and isn't needed to work is a bad thing.
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Show where they said what you claim.

You made the cla
If a property is still "along the border," however the nebulous phrase is defined, even after it sold its right of way to the federal government. What part of that don't you get?

So no, no proof on your claims? The GAO report in it's section titled "Southwest Border Terrain and Land Ownership" says less than a third. You say otherwise. They even have a map of Federal vs. other lands at the border. Which sections are you saying are wrong?

Why do you beg for sources when you know you will just deny them all? Bottom line here troll is that the wall is being built and all you can do is cry and wail on a message board lol
No Trump's wall is not being built. You people are dumber than shit.
It's being built as you lie.

Prove it. Show me that 40' concrete wall.
Even your request is sheathed in a lie. But you forget, you don't accept proof.
Maybe Obama does not have a 10ft wall but the point is that his home is secure. Unlike the border, no one can enter him home and have never entered his home without his permission.
The neighbor explains that the Obamas did add “a couple of feet of retaining wall in front to what was already there.”
They also installed black mesh along the back yard’s retaining wall, for privacy, the neighbor says.
Maybe Obama does not have a 10ft wall but the point is that his home is secure. Unlike the border, no one can enter him home and have never entered his home without his permission.
The neighbor explains that the Obamas did add “a couple of feet of retaining wall in front to what was already there.”
They also installed black mesh along the back yard’s retaining wall, for privacy, the neighbor says.

WE need a privacy mesh at the border!!! lol

But nice job calling out the 10' wall lie as a lie.
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What? Are you brain dead? It takes about 5 seconds to realize his companies never were willing to use E-verify, the simplest way to ensure you don't hire immigrants. It takes 5 seconds to pull up the articles about the undocumented polish workers he hired to build Trump tower (then was sued until he paid).

Is your defense actually going to be to prove that you have no knowledge on the subject on which you speak?

I've got to try that with sports when talking to my friends. Patriots aren't the best NFL dynasty cause I can only think of them losing Superbowls and never saw them win one. lol

Please please please stop using this "I'm ignorant on the subject" excuse and EDUCATE YOURSELF. Even if you don't like what the facts show in the end.

Because going through life dumb and ignorant is not a way to live.
Who uses e-Verify?
I’ll wait.

My company does, #69,693 on the list and it has caught people with fake hiring documents for us. All federal contractors are required to use it (It appears Southern White Houses, and campaign headquarters are exempt).

Is this something new to you? Are you from outside the US maybe?

It's something we've had around for almost 25 years here in the states. In fact as of 12/31/2018 there were 584,917 companies in the US using E-verify. Walmart, Amazon, and Kroger are the top 3 employers in the US. All use it. In fact 9 of the top 10 employers in the US are included in that group.
I live in NYS and know many people who own food oriented businesses and others who own small software companies who use illegals to write programs.
My daughter lives in Florida and almost all building contractors use illegals.
Your honesty is appreciated but is unfortunately rare.

Agree, look at DHS numbers, and Farming and Construction are #1 and #2.

And they aren't willing to give that up. Heck it took the political fallout that Trumps companies hire and retain illegal immigrants to even get him to start using Everify for some of his companies on new hiring only.
Less than 2% of fruit and veggies are now picked by hand.
God knows what these farmers are using these illegals for.
Still a lot of menial labor in farming
You were projecting there. Never ask a question and then assume the person you're asking is stupid.

What your pea brain fails to realize is that many of the millions of foreigners are not citizens and do not want to become citizens. Since you didn't wait for the answer, that would make YOU the moron.

The word immigration refers to people who come here to become permanent residents. The antiquated immigration laws do not apply to millions in this country without papers. Since the legislators are not addressing that fact, the courts are legislating from the bench to help you make important distinctions.
I guess you don’t know what goes on in any other part of the country except where you live.
99% of illegals never apply for citizenship in Blue (Sanctuary) States.
In fact, ex-NYC Michael Bloomberg used Illegals instead of union workers for construction projects for years and bragged about it.
Restaurants in NYC and Long Island use illegals and pay cash.
No authorities ever come around to check because the food establishments belong to the local Small Business Authorities and contribute to the local politicians to leave them alone.

You are living in your own Private Idaho.

You will never know how much of an idiot you really are. So, you WANT people that you call names to become citizens, vote and relegate you to the pages of history where you belong?
You might say I am in favor of people living in the US actually being citizens rather than underpaid inter-generational slaves.
You see, I believe that many of these people and their progeny have the potential to be more than vegetable pickers.
You, on the other hand, are a racist who truly feels that Brown people are helpless without your pity.

OMG a wannabe comedian with no jokes.

I think that if labor were to be considered a product of commerce rather than immigration,

That is utterly meaningless. There's nothing worse than ignorant blowhards spouting off on subjects on which they are ignorant.

it would reach a broad spectrum of workers both blue collar and white collar. The free market system also shows (throughout history) that competition is good for wages.

I don't know what world you live in, but the Hispanics I end up hiring are making an average of $23 an hour. They damn sure don't need my pity. But, I still might be a racist. Getting tired of white guys laying on their ass, living off mommy and getting money from Uncle Scam for food when there isn't a damn thing wrong with them.
You obviously don't know shit about economics. Competition between laborers is not good for wages. It drives wages down. Flooding this country with cheap labor is not good for American workers.

Just because you cannot find any meaning in the English language does not make it meaningless. And I agree with you. You definitely are a blowhard spouting off about a subject you don't know jack shit about. That worthless bloviating on your part causes you to talk smack on the Internet that is idiotic and indefensible. So, you resort to name calling while I'll stick to the facts.

Competition is always good for business

5 Reasons Why Competition Is Good For Your Business

Why Competition May Be the Best Thing for Your Business

Forbes disagrees with you; the FTC disagrees with you; disagrees with you. So yeah, you are definitely a blowhard that needs to leave these discussions to people that have actually read something about competitive markets.

Furthermore, if foreign labor was treated as a commerce issue you wouldn't have this constant bickering over people allegedly "stealing jobs" (as if the public owns private sector jobs), no arguments about taxes, no "anchor baby" B.S. to squeal over and no threat of having millions of new citizens every year. Since commerce can be regulated, there if little chance that the country would be flooded by foreigners.

If we solved the problems, you wouldn't have a full time position bitching about so - called "illegal immigration." It's apparently your meal ticket so you have an ulterior motive in NOT looking for viable solutions.
Who uses e-Verify?
I’ll wait.

My company does, #69,693 on the list and it has caught people with fake hiring documents for us. All federal contractors are required to use it (It appears Southern White Houses, and campaign headquarters are exempt).

Is this something new to you? Are you from outside the US maybe?

It's something we've had around for almost 25 years here in the states. In fact as of 12/31/2018 there were 584,917 companies in the US using E-verify. Walmart, Amazon, and Kroger are the top 3 employers in the US. All use it. In fact 9 of the top 10 employers in the US are included in that group.
I live in NYS and know many people who own food oriented businesses and others who own small software companies who use illegals to write programs.
My daughter lives in Florida and almost all building contractors use illegals.
Your honesty is appreciated but is unfortunately rare.

Agree, look at DHS numbers, and Farming and Construction are #1 and #2.

And they aren't willing to give that up. Heck it took the political fallout that Trumps companies hire and retain illegal immigrants to even get him to start using Everify for some of his companies on new hiring only.
Less than 2% of fruit and veggies are now picked by hand.
God knows what these farmers are using these illegals for.
Still a lot of menial labor in farming

Yes there sure is. And as farms grow and grow, the ability to run a family farm without needing outside labor has fallen.

I remember single milk trucks that would hit 3 dairies on their same trip and not bring a full tanker. Now it's all 10 loads from a single farm or more in a day.

In the 90's and 2000's we added all this border security and number of immigrants actually rose despite it being harder and more dangerous to get into the US.

But no politician is going to hurt their base by coming down on farming and construction heavy communities and push a true impactful fining and deportation plan. Instead we get more of the same failed attempts that we've done before. So sad.
You were projecting there. Never ask a question and then assume the person you're asking is stupid.

What your pea brain fails to realize is that many of the millions of foreigners are not citizens and do not want to become citizens. Since you didn't wait for the answer, that would make YOU the moron.

The word immigration refers to people who come here to become permanent residents. The antiquated immigration laws do not apply to millions in this country without papers. Since the legislators are not addressing that fact, the courts are legislating from the bench to help you make important distinctions.
I guess you don’t know what goes on in any other part of the country except where you live.
99% of illegals never apply for citizenship in Blue (Sanctuary) States.
In fact, ex-NYC Michael Bloomberg used Illegals instead of union workers for construction projects for years and bragged about it.
Restaurants in NYC and Long Island use illegals and pay cash.
No authorities ever come around to check because the food establishments belong to the local Small Business Authorities and contribute to the local politicians to leave them alone.

You are living in your own Private Idaho.

You will never know how much of an idiot you really are. So, you WANT people that you call names to become citizens, vote and relegate you to the pages of history where you belong?
You might say I am in favor of people living in the US actually being citizens rather than underpaid inter-generational slaves.
You see, I believe that many of these people and their progeny have the potential to be more than vegetable pickers.
You, on the other hand, are a racist who truly feels that Brown people are helpless without your pity.

OMG a wannabe comedian with no jokes.

I think that if labor were to be considered a product of commerce rather than immigration, it would reach a broad spectrum of workers both blue collar and white collar. The free market system also shows (throughout history) that competition is good for wages.

I don't know what world you live in, but the Hispanics I end up hiring are making an average of $23 an hour. They damn sure don't need my pity. But, I still might be a racist. Getting tired of white guys laying on their ass, living off mommy and getting money from Uncle Scam for food when there isn't a damn thing wrong with them.
Cool story...
Illegals in NY ain’t making $23.00/hour.
And in NY it’s the African Americans sitting on the porches.

The American people don't want to work. Passing it off on people you don't like and calling those people "illegals" hasn't been very productive for your side over the past two decades. I can't speak to New York's issues which is why the whole subject of Guest Workers needs to remain a STATE issue.

IF the African Americans where you live don't have a job, the picking season is coming up. Employers here pay $11 an hour PLUS room and board. They can work here for four months picking fruit and vegetables and go to the next job or use their money to get an education or maybe invest in starting their own business.

If you're in America and you don't have a job, you either don't want one OR you got locked out of the market by the dip wads that obsess over a freaking wall.
Stupidfuck Trump talks about continuing building his wall.

He does not know the wall is not being built?
1.37 Billion to build 55 miles...and he has over 5 billion more slated after he signs the bill.

Epic FAIL for you leftard...
Hey dumb fuck ever here of right of way? They have to purchase it. This wall is far from being built. It will take years to purchase right of way and a million court battles. The only wall being built is where there already was one or where the right of way was already purchased which is next to no where. I am about to make a mint in expert testimoney. Before you go bitching about my spelling court battles over right of way mean big money for me. The tax payers are about to make a lot of people like me rich and you will still not likely get your wall. Testi money coming my way.
The government already owns most of the right of way along the border, dumbass. Only a handful of properties haven't been acquired.

Define handful in terms of miles.
I guess you don’t know what goes on in any other part of the country except where you live.
99% of illegals never apply for citizenship in Blue (Sanctuary) States.
In fact, ex-NYC Michael Bloomberg used Illegals instead of union workers for construction projects for years and bragged about it.
Restaurants in NYC and Long Island use illegals and pay cash.
No authorities ever come around to check because the food establishments belong to the local Small Business Authorities and contribute to the local politicians to leave them alone.

You are living in your own Private Idaho.

You will never know how much of an idiot you really are. So, you WANT people that you call names to become citizens, vote and relegate you to the pages of history where you belong?
You might say I am in favor of people living in the US actually being citizens rather than underpaid inter-generational slaves.
You see, I believe that many of these people and their progeny have the potential to be more than vegetable pickers.
You, on the other hand, are a racist who truly feels that Brown people are helpless without your pity.

OMG a wannabe comedian with no jokes.

I think that if labor were to be considered a product of commerce rather than immigration, it would reach a broad spectrum of workers both blue collar and white collar. The free market system also shows (throughout history) that competition is good for wages.

I don't know what world you live in, but the Hispanics I end up hiring are making an average of $23 an hour. They damn sure don't need my pity. But, I still might be a racist. Getting tired of white guys laying on their ass, living off mommy and getting money from Uncle Scam for food when there isn't a damn thing wrong with them.
Cool story...
Illegals in NY ain’t making $23.00/hour.
And in NY it’s the African Americans sitting on the porches.

The American people don't want to work. Passing it off on people you don't like and calling those people "illegals" hasn't been very productive for your side over the past two decades. I can't speak to New York's issues which is why the whole subject of Guest Workers needs to remain a STATE issue.

IF the African Americans where you live don't have a job, the picking season is coming up. Employers here pay $11 an hour PLUS room and board. They can work here for four months picking fruit and vegetables and go to the next job or use their money to get an education or maybe invest in starting their own business.

If you're in America and you don't have a job, you either don't want one OR you got locked out of the market by the dip wads that obsess over a freaking wall.
Americans don't want to work, priceless.
I guess you don’t know what goes on in any other part of the country except where you live.
99% of illegals never apply for citizenship in Blue (Sanctuary) States.
In fact, ex-NYC Michael Bloomberg used Illegals instead of union workers for construction projects for years and bragged about it.
Restaurants in NYC and Long Island use illegals and pay cash.
No authorities ever come around to check because the food establishments belong to the local Small Business Authorities and contribute to the local politicians to leave them alone.

You are living in your own Private Idaho.

You will never know how much of an idiot you really are. So, you WANT people that you call names to become citizens, vote and relegate you to the pages of history where you belong?
You might say I am in favor of people living in the US actually being citizens rather than underpaid inter-generational slaves.
You see, I believe that many of these people and their progeny have the potential to be more than vegetable pickers.
You, on the other hand, are a racist who truly feels that Brown people are helpless without your pity.

OMG a wannabe comedian with no jokes.

I think that if labor were to be considered a product of commerce rather than immigration,

That is utterly meaningless. There's nothing worse than ignorant blowhards spouting off on subjects on which they are ignorant.

it would reach a broad spectrum of workers both blue collar and white collar. The free market system also shows (throughout history) that competition is good for wages.

I don't know what world you live in, but the Hispanics I end up hiring are making an average of $23 an hour. They damn sure don't need my pity. But, I still might be a racist. Getting tired of white guys laying on their ass, living off mommy and getting money from Uncle Scam for food when there isn't a damn thing wrong with them.
You obviously don't know shit about economics. Competition between laborers is not good for wages. It drives wages down. Flooding this country with cheap labor is not good for American workers.

Just because you cannot find any meaning in the English language does not make it meaningless. And I agree with you. You definitely are a blowhard spouting off about a subject you don't know jack shit about. That worthless bloviating on your part causes you to talk smack on the Internet that is idiotic and indefensible. So, you resort to name calling while I'll stick to the facts.

Competition is always good for business

5 Reasons Why Competition Is Good For Your Business

Why Competition May Be the Best Thing for Your Business

Forbes disagrees with you; the FTC disagrees with you; disagrees with you. So yeah, you are definitely a blowhard that needs to leave these discussions to people that have actually read something about competitive markets.

Furthermore, if foreign labor was treated as a commerce issue you wouldn't have this constant bickering over people allegedly "stealing jobs" (as if the public owns private sector jobs), no arguments about taxes, no "anchor baby" B.S. to squeal over and no threat of having millions of new citizens every year. Since commerce can be regulated, there if little chance that the country would be flooded by foreigners.

If we solved the problems, you wouldn't have a full time position bitching about so - called "illegal immigration." It's apparently your meal ticket so you have an ulterior motive in NOT looking for viable solutions.

I am cracking up at the guy saying competition between
I guess you don’t know what goes on in any other part of the country except where you live.
99% of illegals never apply for citizenship in Blue (Sanctuary) States.
In fact, ex-NYC Michael Bloomberg used Illegals instead of union workers for construction projects for years and bragged about it.
Restaurants in NYC and Long Island use illegals and pay cash.
No authorities ever come around to check because the food establishments belong to the local Small Business Authorities and contribute to the local politicians to leave them alone.

You are living in your own Private Idaho.

You will never know how much of an idiot you really are. So, you WANT people that you call names to become citizens, vote and relegate you to the pages of history where you belong?
You might say I am in favor of people living in the US actually being citizens rather than underpaid inter-generational slaves.
You see, I believe that many of these people and their progeny have the potential to be more than vegetable pickers.
You, on the other hand, are a racist who truly feels that Brown people are helpless without your pity.

OMG a wannabe comedian with no jokes.

I think that if labor were to be considered a product of commerce rather than immigration, it would reach a broad spectrum of workers both blue collar and white collar. The free market system also shows (throughout history) that competition is good for wages.

I don't know what world you live in, but the Hispanics I end up hiring are making an average of $23 an hour. They damn sure don't need my pity. But, I still might be a racist. Getting tired of white guys laying on their ass, living off mommy and getting money from Uncle Scam for food when there isn't a damn thing wrong with them.
Cool story...
Illegals in NY ain’t making $23.00/hour.
And in NY it’s the African Americans sitting on the porches.

The American people don't want to work. Passing it off on people you don't like and calling those people "illegals" hasn't been very productive for your side over the past two decades. I can't speak to New York's issues which is why the whole subject of Guest Workers needs to remain a STATE issue.

IF the African Americans where you live don't have a job, the picking season is coming up. Employers here pay $11 an hour PLUS room and board. They can work here for four months picking fruit and vegetables and go to the next job or use their money to get an education or maybe invest in starting their own business.

If you're in America and you don't have a job, you either don't want one OR you got locked out of the market by the dip wads that obsess over a freaking wall.

I would agree. Took a look with our local dept of labor here, and 10 years ago there were 10 applicants per job opening. Now that number is 0.5. I'm working on a multi-million dollar wage adjustment just to get bodies in the door and two of the other 5 major employers in the area I've used for a comparison are doing the same this year, as two others did last year.

If you want a job, they are there. Sure you might not get the job you want while living in the exact place you want. You might struggle working in downtown San fran with no degree and wanting to live in walking distance to work.

At times I truly wish we did not have E-verify, because there are times when an interview just hits the candidate you are looking for. Then comes back the results and you have to pass and keep looking when the people just aren't there.
There's probably a Trump golf course near the wall in the works, probably on government money.
You will never know how much of an idiot you really are. So, you WANT people that you call names to become citizens, vote and relegate you to the pages of history where you belong?
You might say I am in favor of people living in the US actually being citizens rather than underpaid inter-generational slaves.
You see, I believe that many of these people and their progeny have the potential to be more than vegetable pickers.
You, on the other hand, are a racist who truly feels that Brown people are helpless without your pity.

OMG a wannabe comedian with no jokes.

I think that if labor were to be considered a product of commerce rather than immigration, it would reach a broad spectrum of workers both blue collar and white collar. The free market system also shows (throughout history) that competition is good for wages.

I don't know what world you live in, but the Hispanics I end up hiring are making an average of $23 an hour. They damn sure don't need my pity. But, I still might be a racist. Getting tired of white guys laying on their ass, living off mommy and getting money from Uncle Scam for food when there isn't a damn thing wrong with them.
Cool story...
Illegals in NY ain’t making $23.00/hour.
And in NY it’s the African Americans sitting on the porches.

The American people don't want to work. Passing it off on people you don't like and calling those people "illegals" hasn't been very productive for your side over the past two decades. I can't speak to New York's issues which is why the whole subject of Guest Workers needs to remain a STATE issue.

IF the African Americans where you live don't have a job, the picking season is coming up. Employers here pay $11 an hour PLUS room and board. They can work here for four months picking fruit and vegetables and go to the next job or use their money to get an education or maybe invest in starting their own business.

If you're in America and you don't have a job, you either don't want one OR you got locked out of the market by the dip wads that obsess over a freaking wall.
Americans don't want to work, priceless.

Certain jobs absolutely.

Listen to ANY farmer. Ag labor is one of the highest rising wages in the US, (50% increase in 15 years) and they still can't get American's to take those jobs. They've got ones trying anything, offering 401k's, paid vacations, and guess what they are left with showing up? 9 in 10 foreign born and over half not legal.
You made the cla
So no, no proof on your claims? The GAO report in it's section titled "Southwest Border Terrain and Land Ownership" says less than a third. You say otherwise. They even have a map of Federal vs. other lands at the border. Which sections are you saying are wrong?

Why do you beg for sources when you know you will just deny them all? Bottom line here troll is that the wall is being built and all you can do is cry and wail on a message board lol
No Trump's wall is not being built. You people are dumber than shit.
It's being built as you lie.

Prove it. Show me that 40' concrete wall.
Even your request is sheathed in a lie. But you forget, you don't accept proof.
So you don't have any.
You might say I am in favor of people living in the US actually being citizens rather than underpaid inter-generational slaves.
You see, I believe that many of these people and their progeny have the potential to be more than vegetable pickers.
You, on the other hand, are a racist who truly feels that Brown people are helpless without your pity.

OMG a wannabe comedian with no jokes.

I think that if labor were to be considered a product of commerce rather than immigration, it would reach a broad spectrum of workers both blue collar and white collar. The free market system also shows (throughout history) that competition is good for wages.

I don't know what world you live in, but the Hispanics I end up hiring are making an average of $23 an hour. They damn sure don't need my pity. But, I still might be a racist. Getting tired of white guys laying on their ass, living off mommy and getting money from Uncle Scam for food when there isn't a damn thing wrong with them.
Cool story...
Illegals in NY ain’t making $23.00/hour.
And in NY it’s the African Americans sitting on the porches.

The American people don't want to work. Passing it off on people you don't like and calling those people "illegals" hasn't been very productive for your side over the past two decades. I can't speak to New York's issues which is why the whole subject of Guest Workers needs to remain a STATE issue.

IF the African Americans where you live don't have a job, the picking season is coming up. Employers here pay $11 an hour PLUS room and board. They can work here for four months picking fruit and vegetables and go to the next job or use their money to get an education or maybe invest in starting their own business.

If you're in America and you don't have a job, you either don't want one OR you got locked out of the market by the dip wads that obsess over a freaking wall.
Americans don't want to work, priceless.

Certain jobs absolutely.

Listen to ANY farmer. Ag labor is one of the highest rising wages in the US, (50% increase in 15 years) and they still can't get American's to take those jobs. They've got ones trying anything, offering 401k's, paid vacations, and guess what they are left with showing up? 9 in 10 foreign born and over half not legal.
Farmers are people; they love cheap slave labor.
Why do you beg for sources when you know you will just deny them all? Bottom line here troll is that the wall is being built and all you can do is cry and wail on a message board lol
No Trump's wall is not being built. You people are dumber than shit.
It's being built as you lie.

Prove it. Show me that 40' concrete wall.
Even your request is sheathed in a lie. But you forget, you don't accept proof.
So you don't have any.
You don't accept proof, you prove it all the time.
A sure way to secure the border. Lease the public land along the border or give the land to corporations to build their businesses like manufacturing, warehouses and storage and THEY will secure their businesses and at the same time secure the border. Over 40 percent of lands along the southern U.S. border are federally designated as National Forests, National Parks, ...Some of the most dangerous areas along the southern border are the 20.7 million acres of Department of the Interior (DOI) and U.S. Forest Service (USFS) land.No cost to taxpayers. Just an idea.

A bad one.

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