No, we are NOT building the wall.

ROFL! It takes a special kind of stupid to equate the ancient wall around Jerusalem to the wall Israel built around the West bank. The wall is not around a city, dumbass. It's around the entire West Bank. There is no connection between the two.

I could go on all day about how utterly stupid you are, but plenty of other forum members have already weighed in on that subject.[/QUOTE]

Let me get your logic straight here. DHS and DEA are both saying our biggest openings for foreign drugs and illegal immigrants coming into the country is through ports of entry (not to mention the deadliest of all of them is overuse of prescription drugs that start and end in the USA).

So the solution you want is declaring a national emergency that instead builds a wall elsewhere other than the places DHS and the DEA says are our biggest threats?

It would be like me saying I want to get my broken down car running, so instead of fixing the blown engine, I’m going to make a new paint job my priority. Then a year later wonder why my beautiful car doesn’t run.

It would be like the Captain of the titanic with options to choose on what he could fix ignoring the gaping hole in his ship, to make sure dinner was served.
What? Are you brain dead? It takes about 5 seconds to realize his companies never were willing to use E-verify, the simplest way to ensure you don't hire immigrants. It takes 5 seconds to pull up the articles about the undocumented polish workers he hired to build Trump tower (then was sued until he paid).

Is your defense actually going to be to prove that you have no knowledge on the subject on which you speak?

I've got to try that with sports when talking to my friends. Patriots aren't the best NFL dynasty cause I can only think of them losing Superbowls and never saw them win one. lol

Please please please stop using this "I'm ignorant on the subject" excuse and EDUCATE YOURSELF. Even if you don't like what the facts show in the end.

Because going through life dumb and ignorant is not a way to live.
Who uses e-Verify?
I’ll wait.

My company does, #69,693 on the list and it has caught people with fake hiring documents for us. All federal contractors are required to use it (It appears Southern White Houses, and campaign headquarters are exempt).

Is this something new to you? Are you from outside the US maybe?

It's something we've had around for almost 25 years here in the states. In fact as of 12/31/2018 there were 584,917 companies in the US using E-verify. Walmart, Amazon, and Kroger are the top 3 employers in the US. All use it. In fact 9 of the top 10 employers in the US are included in that group.
I live in NYS and know many people who own food oriented businesses and others who own small software companies who use illegals to write programs.
My daughter lives in Florida and almost all building contractors use illegals.
Your honesty is appreciated but is unfortunately rare.

Agree, look at DHS numbers, and Farming and Construction are #1 and #2.

And they aren't willing to give that up. Heck it took the political fallout that Trumps companies hire and retain illegal immigrants to even get him to start using Everify for some of his companies on new hiring only.
Less than 2% of fruit and veggies are now picked by hand.
God knows what these farmers are using these illegals for.

Obviously don't live in a farming community I am guessing.
Stupidfuck Trump talks about continuing building his wall.

He does not know the wall is not being built?
1.37 Billion to build 55 miles...and he has over 5 billion more slated after he signs the bill.

Epic FAIL for you leftard...
Hey dumb fuck ever here of right of way? They have to purchase it. This wall is far from being built. It will take years to purchase right of way and a million court battles. The only wall being built is where there already was one or where the right of way was already purchased which is next to no where. I am about to make a mint in expert testimoney. Before you go bitching about my spelling court battles over right of way mean big money for me. The tax payers are about to make a lot of people like me rich and you will still not likely get your wall. Testi money coming my way.
The government already owns most of the right of way along the border, dumbass. Only a handful of properties haven't been acquired.

1/3 of that land is federally owned. lol 1/3

This is great. You just spout it don't you.

From the United States Government Accountability Office survey of land at the Southern border

"federal and tribal lands make up 632 miles, or approximately 33 percent, of the nearly 2,000 total border miles."

So based on tribal land ownership, federal ownership is less than 1/3
ROFL! It takes a special kind of stupid to equate the ancient wall around Jerusalem to the wall Israel built around the West bank. The wall is not around a city, dumbass. It's around the entire West Bank. There is no connection between the two.

I could go on all day about how utterly stupid you are, but plenty of other forum members have already weighed in on that subject.

Let me get your logic straight here. DHS and DEA are both saying our biggest openings for foreign drugs and illegal immigrants coming into the country is through ports of entry (not to mention the deadliest of all of them is overuse of prescription drugs that start and end in the USA).

No, they aren't saying that, dumbass.

So the solution you want is declaring a national emergency that instead builds a wall elsewhere other than the places DHS and the DEA says are our biggest threats?

I don't give a damn about the drug problem. The problem I want the government to solve is foreigners walking across our border.

It would be like me saying I want to get my broken down car running, so instead of fixing the blown engine, I’m going to make a new paint job my priority. Then a year later wonder why my beautiful car doesn’t run.

It would be like the Captain of the titanic with options to choose on what he could fix ignoring the gaping hole in his ship, to make sure dinner was served.

You constructed a straw man. No need for me to tear it down.
Stupidfuck Trump talks about continuing building his wall.

He does not know the wall is not being built?
1.37 Billion to build 55 miles...and he has over 5 billion more slated after he signs the bill.

Epic FAIL for you leftard...
Hey dumb fuck ever here of right of way? They have to purchase it. This wall is far from being built. It will take years to purchase right of way and a million court battles. The only wall being built is where there already was one or where the right of way was already purchased which is next to no where. I am about to make a mint in expert testimoney. Before you go bitching about my spelling court battles over right of way mean big money for me. The tax payers are about to make a lot of people like me rich and you will still not likely get your wall. Testi money coming my way.
The government already owns most of the right of way along the border, dumbass. Only a handful of properties haven't been acquired.

1/3 of that land is federally owned. lol 1/3

This is great. You just spout it don't you.

The government purchased the rights of way for most of the privately owned part of the border in 2006, dumbass.
Who uses e-Verify?
I’ll wait.

My company does, #69,693 on the list and it has caught people with fake hiring documents for us. All federal contractors are required to use it (It appears Southern White Houses, and campaign headquarters are exempt).

Is this something new to you? Are you from outside the US maybe?

It's something we've had around for almost 25 years here in the states. In fact as of 12/31/2018 there were 584,917 companies in the US using E-verify. Walmart, Amazon, and Kroger are the top 3 employers in the US. All use it. In fact 9 of the top 10 employers in the US are included in that group.
I live in NYS and know many people who own food oriented businesses and others who own small software companies who use illegals to write programs.
My daughter lives in Florida and almost all building contractors use illegals.
Your honesty is appreciated but is unfortunately rare.

Agree, look at DHS numbers, and Farming and Construction are #1 and #2.

And they aren't willing to give that up. Heck it took the political fallout that Trumps companies hire and retain illegal immigrants to even get him to start using Everify for some of his companies on new hiring only.
Less than 2% of fruit and veggies are now picked by hand.
God knows what these farmers are using these illegals for.

Obviously don't live in a farming community I am guessing.
You don't either, obviously.
I don't give a damn about the drug problem. The problem I want the government to solve is foreigners walking across our border.

You constructed a straw man. No need for me to tear it down.

But not the actual illegal immigrant problem. You want to spend on a wall where the smaller amount of illegal immigrants enter the US rather than actually work to solve the problem of illegal immigration.

Got it. Then a wall is the perfect choice. Still leaves open the biggest path for illegal immigrants to enter the US. Still allows those rich billionaires to employ them and reward them for coming over. Just takes a lot of land from Americans and makes a wall.

At least you are honest it isn't about illegal immigration. Thanks bud!
Who uses e-Verify?
I’ll wait.

My company does, #69,693 on the list and it has caught people with fake hiring documents for us. All federal contractors are required to use it (It appears Southern White Houses, and campaign headquarters are exempt).

Is this something new to you? Are you from outside the US maybe?

It's something we've had around for almost 25 years here in the states. In fact as of 12/31/2018 there were 584,917 companies in the US using E-verify. Walmart, Amazon, and Kroger are the top 3 employers in the US. All use it. In fact 9 of the top 10 employers in the US are included in that group.
I live in NYS and know many people who own food oriented businesses and others who own small software companies who use illegals to write programs.
My daughter lives in Florida and almost all building contractors use illegals.
Your honesty is appreciated but is unfortunately rare.

Agree, look at DHS numbers, and Farming and Construction are #1 and #2.

And they aren't willing to give that up. Heck it took the political fallout that Trumps companies hire and retain illegal immigrants to even get him to start using Everify for some of his companies on new hiring only.
Less than 2% of fruit and veggies are now picked by hand.
God knows what these farmers are using these illegals for.

Obviously don't live in a farming community I am guessing.
I obvioulsy also don’t care as long as they don’t go home after picking season.
Stupidfuck Trump talks about continuing building his wall.

He does not know the wall is not being built?
1.37 Billion to build 55 miles...and he has over 5 billion more slated after he signs the bill.

Epic FAIL for you leftard...
Hey dumb fuck ever here of right of way? They have to purchase it. This wall is far from being built. It will take years to purchase right of way and a million court battles. The only wall being built is where there already was one or where the right of way was already purchased which is next to no where. I am about to make a mint in expert testimoney. Before you go bitching about my spelling court battles over right of way mean big money for me. The tax payers are about to make a lot of people like me rich and you will still not likely get your wall. Testi money coming my way.
The government already owns most of the right of way along the border, dumbass. Only a handful of properties haven't been acquired.

1/3 of that land is federally owned. lol 1/3

This is great. You just spout it don't you.

From the United States Government Accountability Office survey of land at the Southern border

"federal and tribal lands make up 632 miles, or approximately 33 percent, of the nearly 2,000 total border miles."

So based on tribal land ownership, federal ownership is less than 1/3
Still likely over 100k in parcels. You spout go fuck your self. It will not be built before trump leaves office. Buying right of way is not all that goes into it. This is worse thatn a bridge to no where. Piece of shit twit.
My company does, #69,693 on the list and it has caught people with fake hiring documents for us. All federal contractors are required to use it (It appears Southern White Houses, and campaign headquarters are exempt).

Is this something new to you? Are you from outside the US maybe?

It's something we've had around for almost 25 years here in the states. In fact as of 12/31/2018 there were 584,917 companies in the US using E-verify. Walmart, Amazon, and Kroger are the top 3 employers in the US. All use it. In fact 9 of the top 10 employers in the US are included in that group.
I live in NYS and know many people who own food oriented businesses and others who own small software companies who use illegals to write programs.
My daughter lives in Florida and almost all building contractors use illegals.
Your honesty is appreciated but is unfortunately rare.

Agree, look at DHS numbers, and Farming and Construction are #1 and #2.

And they aren't willing to give that up. Heck it took the political fallout that Trumps companies hire and retain illegal immigrants to even get him to start using Everify for some of his companies on new hiring only.
Less than 2% of fruit and veggies are now picked by hand.
God knows what these farmers are using these illegals for.

Obviously don't live in a farming community I am guessing.
You don't either, obviously.

Actually I just moved from one. Where over half our community was hispanic. Some of the best restaurants around too.

Haha, you are a riot.
I live in NYS and know many people who own food oriented businesses and others who own small software companies who use illegals to write programs.
My daughter lives in Florida and almost all building contractors use illegals.
Your honesty is appreciated but is unfortunately rare.

Agree, look at DHS numbers, and Farming and Construction are #1 and #2.

And they aren't willing to give that up. Heck it took the political fallout that Trumps companies hire and retain illegal immigrants to even get him to start using Everify for some of his companies on new hiring only.
Less than 2% of fruit and veggies are now picked by hand.
God knows what these farmers are using these illegals for.

Obviously don't live in a farming community I am guessing.
You don't either, obviously.

Actually I just moved from one. Where over half our community was hispanic. Some of the best restaurants around too.

Haha, you are a riot.
You know so much about all this you must be donald trump.
Stupidfuck Trump talks about continuing building his wall.

He does not know the wall is not being built?
1.37 Billion to build 55 miles...and he has over 5 billion more slated after he signs the bill.

Epic FAIL for you leftard...
Hey dumb fuck ever here of right of way? They have to purchase it. This wall is far from being built. It will take years to purchase right of way and a million court battles. The only wall being built is where there already was one or where the right of way was already purchased which is next to no where. I am about to make a mint in expert testimoney. Before you go bitching about my spelling court battles over right of way mean big money for me. The tax payers are about to make a lot of people like me rich and you will still not likely get your wall. Testi money coming my way.
The government already owns most of the right of way along the border, dumbass. Only a handful of properties haven't been acquired.

1/3 of that land is federally owned. lol 1/3

This is great. You just spout it don't you.

The government purchased the rights of way for most of the privately owned part of the border in 2006, dumbass.

So the 2015 report from the United States Government Accountability Office is wrong. Got it. Tell me where your facts are that contradict theirs please.

If you are talking about the Secure fence act land grab, all told, the agency paid $18.2 million to accumulate a ribbon of land occupying almost half the length of the 120 miles of the Rio Grande Valley in southernmost Texas."

60 miles. I thought you said "most". Hmmm, care to prove that?
I don't give a damn about the drug problem. The problem I want the government to solve is foreigners walking across our border.

You constructed a straw man. No need for me to tear it down.

But not the actual illegal immigrant problem. You want to spend on a wall where the smaller amount of illegal immigrants enter the US rather than actually work to solve the problem of illegal immigration.

You're spewing horseshit, dumbass. No one is buying it.

Got it. Then a wall is the perfect choice. Still leaves open the biggest path for illegal immigrants to enter the US. Still allows those rich billionaires to employ them and reward them for coming over. Just takes a lot of land from Americans and makes a wall.

At least you are honest it isn't about illegal immigration. Thanks bud!

Everything you posted is a lie.

Who do you think you're fooling?
Agree, look at DHS numbers, and Farming and Construction are #1 and #2.

And they aren't willing to give that up. Heck it took the political fallout that Trumps companies hire and retain illegal immigrants to even get him to start using Everify for some of his companies on new hiring only.
Less than 2% of fruit and veggies are now picked by hand.
God knows what these farmers are using these illegals for.

Obviously don't live in a farming community I am guessing.
You don't either, obviously.

Actually I just moved from one. Where over half our community was hispanic. Some of the best restaurants around too.

Haha, you are a riot.
You know so much about all this you must be donald trump.

Nope just I would rather use facts to support my argument than argue from a position of ignorance and spout things that just aren't factually true.

So kinda the opposite of trump.
1.37 Billion to build 55 miles...and he has over 5 billion more slated after he signs the bill.

Epic FAIL for you leftard...
Hey dumb fuck ever here of right of way? They have to purchase it. This wall is far from being built. It will take years to purchase right of way and a million court battles. The only wall being built is where there already was one or where the right of way was already purchased which is next to no where. I am about to make a mint in expert testimoney. Before you go bitching about my spelling court battles over right of way mean big money for me. The tax payers are about to make a lot of people like me rich and you will still not likely get your wall. Testi money coming my way.
The government already owns most of the right of way along the border, dumbass. Only a handful of properties haven't been acquired.

1/3 of that land is federally owned. lol 1/3

This is great. You just spout it don't you.

The government purchased the rights of way for most of the privately owned part of the border in 2006, dumbass.

So the 2015 report from the United States Government Accountability Office is wrong. Got it. Tell me where your facts are that contradict theirs please.

If you are talking about the Secure fence act land grab, all told, the agency paid $18.2 million to accumulate a ribbon of land occupying almost half the length of the 120 miles of the Rio Grande Valley in southernmost Texas."

60 miles. I thought you said "most". Hmmm, care to prove that?
He would but you rabid liberals don't accept proof.
I don't give a damn about the drug problem. The problem I want the government to solve is foreigners walking across our border.

You constructed a straw man. No need for me to tear it down.

But not the actual illegal immigrant problem. You want to spend on a wall where the smaller amount of illegal immigrants enter the US rather than actually work to solve the problem of illegal immigration.

You're spewing horseshit, dumbass. No one is buying it.

Got it. Then a wall is the perfect choice. Still leaves open the biggest path for illegal immigrants to enter the US. Still allows those rich billionaires to employ them and reward them for coming over. Just takes a lot of land from Americans and makes a wall.

At least you are honest it isn't about illegal immigration. Thanks bud!

Everything you posted is a lie.

Who do you think you're fooling?

So why is Trump having his DHS and DEA both lie to the American people? I mean what you are claiming I think is just horrible of him to do to this country.

If you are saying we can't believe Trump and his Homeland security dept on this saying the majority of illegals are overstaying visas on which they enter the US legally through ports of entry, that's your opinion.
Less than 2% of fruit and veggies are now picked by hand.
God knows what these farmers are using these illegals for.

Obviously don't live in a farming community I am guessing.
You don't either, obviously.

Actually I just moved from one. Where over half our community was hispanic. Some of the best restaurants around too.

Haha, you are a riot.
You know so much about all this you must be donald trump.

Nope just I would rather use facts to support my argument than argue from a position of ignorance and spout things that just aren't factually true.

So kinda the opposite of trump.
When are going to use facts instead of media links?
Less than 2% of fruit and veggies are now picked by hand.
God knows what these farmers are using these illegals for.

Obviously don't live in a farming community I am guessing.
You don't either, obviously.

Actually I just moved from one. Where over half our community was hispanic. Some of the best restaurants around too.

Haha, you are a riot.
You know so much about all this you must be donald trump.

Nope just I would rather use facts to support my argument than argue from a position of ignorance and spout things that just aren't factually true.

So kinda the opposite of trump.
The facts being that the US needs illegals?
1.37 Billion to build 55 miles...and he has over 5 billion more slated after he signs the bill.

Epic FAIL for you leftard...
Hey dumb fuck ever here of right of way? They have to purchase it. This wall is far from being built. It will take years to purchase right of way and a million court battles. The only wall being built is where there already was one or where the right of way was already purchased which is next to no where. I am about to make a mint in expert testimoney. Before you go bitching about my spelling court battles over right of way mean big money for me. The tax payers are about to make a lot of people like me rich and you will still not likely get your wall. Testi money coming my way.
The government already owns most of the right of way along the border, dumbass. Only a handful of properties haven't been acquired.

1/3 of that land is federally owned. lol 1/3

This is great. You just spout it don't you.

The government purchased the rights of way for most of the privately owned part of the border in 2006, dumbass.

So the 2015 report from the United States Government Accountability Office is wrong. Got it. Tell me where your facts are that contradict theirs please.

If you are talking about the Secure fence act land grab, all told, the agency paid $18.2 million to accumulate a ribbon of land occupying almost half the length of the 120 miles of the Rio Grande Valley in southernmost Texas."

60 miles. I thought you said "most". Hmmm, care to prove that?
If a property is still "along the border," however the nebulous phrase is defined, even after it sold its right of way to the federal government. What part of that don't you get?
I don't give a damn about the drug problem. The problem I want the government to solve is foreigners walking across our border.

You constructed a straw man. No need for me to tear it down.

But not the actual illegal immigrant problem. You want to spend on a wall where the smaller amount of illegal immigrants enter the US rather than actually work to solve the problem of illegal immigration.

You're spewing horseshit, dumbass. No one is buying it.

Got it. Then a wall is the perfect choice. Still leaves open the biggest path for illegal immigrants to enter the US. Still allows those rich billionaires to employ them and reward them for coming over. Just takes a lot of land from Americans and makes a wall.

At least you are honest it isn't about illegal immigration. Thanks bud!

Everything you posted is a lie.

Who do you think you're fooling?

So why is Trump having his DHS and DEA both lie to the American people? I mean what you are claiming I think is just horrible of him to do to this country.

If you are saying we can't believe Trump and his Homeland security dept on this saying the majority of illegals are overstaying visas on which they enter the US legally through ports of entry, that's your opinion.
Show where they said what you claim.

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