No, we are NOT building the wall.

Stupidfuck Trump talks about continuing building his wall.

He does not know the wall is not being built?
DumbAss a wall is going up as we speak.

Need an example of a border wall that works?
Ask former President Barack Obama who, as Rep. Louie Gohmert recently pointed out, has just built a 10-foot wall around his new mansion. "Israel ... had a real problem with illegal immigrants coming in from the southern border, about 16,000 in one year. In two years, they constructed 143-mile fence, about $2.9 million per mile, and it cut that illegal immigration rate from about 16,000 to I think 18. Cut it by 99 percent, and we probably help pay for it with the money we send Isreal. The requested funds are the result of a $38 billion 10-year memorandum of understanding signed between Israel and the United States at the end of President Barack Obama’s term. Israel is expected to receive $3.3 billion in 2019.
The places where walls work.

The places where walls work - AEI

And we help build some of them with aid we provide.

Obama does not have a ten foot wall around his "mansion".

You ase lying fuck Like most of you dumbass Trumpettes.

Israel has a fucking fence, not a 40' concrete wall.

Fuck off you lying piece of shit.

Is this a wall or a fence?
Wow caught in one lie, so you switch to another. Gonna have to start calling you Pinnocchio I think with the Whoppers you are trying here.

Let's see. 75 months of job gains (yes Trump inherited the longest run of job growth in US recorded history).

Averaged 214k new jobs per month with Obama., More than Trump's average of 175k. Every single year under Obama the US added More jobs than any Trump year thus far.

0 net private sector jobs added from 2000-2009. 83 straight months of growth in private sector under Obama (longest on record).

2015 is still the us record for household median income growth since tracking started in 1968.

2014 was the largest 1 year poverty rate drop since it's been recorded in 1968

2012, us corporate profits as a % of gdp were highest in recorded us history.

Did this as average household reduced debt (the increase in gdp with increasing debt under bush led to the depression), and low interest and inflation rates.

226% increase in stock market.

In 5 years private sector hourly workers pay (they make up 80% of the private workforce) grew more than in the COMBINED 27 years before he took office.

Economy turned for the better under Obama, it's kept a similar or slowing pace since.

Reduced unemployment by 5%, cutting it in more than half in his first 4 years (trump has reduced by less than 1% cutting it by less than 20%)

And that's with inheriting a back to back negative growth gdp. You want to know why it was only the great recession and not another depression? Obama turned it around quickly you want to point out the Obama economic policies that "turned it around", Sand Squid? Give me some specific things that Barry did to stimulate economic growth in the US!

The ARRA. ACA. Raising fuel efficiency ^ bailing out GM, 2010 tax cuts, bank regulations, etc etc
The ACA helped the economy?


What the hell is ARRA?

When did Obama do to improve fuel efficiency?

Bailing out GM hurt all the stock holders and bond holders. It only helped a lot of fat, lazy, overpaid union thugs.

What 2010 tax cuts?

More banking regulations did not help the economy. It positively hurt the economy.

Etc., etc., etc..
Of course Obamacare helped the economy. Millions of Americans didn’t lose their jobs in the econmic disaster the Republicans predicted.
In fact, millions of jobs were created after Obamacare
Wrong. Obamacare hurt the economy big time. For one thing, if you worked 30 hours a week or more, then you were considered a full time employee, and your employer was forced to provide you with insurance. That meant a lot of people worked no more than 29 hours a week. My wife is one of those people. It also forced insurers to provide all kinds of coverage that no one wanted, like coverage for sex change operations or for drug abuse counseling. ACA was the biggest drain on the economy of the Obama administration.
30 hours. so your wife was such a worthless employee that her employer opted she work less?

The ACA made it feasible for people to start their own small businesses & afford to buy health insurance.
Stupidfuck Trump talks about continuing building his wall.

He does not know the wall is not being built?
DumbAss a wall is going up as we speak.

Need an example of a border wall that works?
Ask former President Barack Obama who, as Rep. Louie Gohmert recently pointed out, has just built a 10-foot wall around his new mansion. "Israel ... had a real problem with illegal immigrants coming in from the southern border, about 16,000 in one year. In two years, they constructed 143-mile fence, about $2.9 million per mile, and it cut that illegal immigration rate from about 16,000 to I think 18. Cut it by 99 percent, and we probably help pay for it with the money we send Isreal. The requested funds are the result of a $38 billion 10-year memorandum of understanding signed between Israel and the United States at the end of President Barack Obama’s term. Israel is expected to receive $3.3 billion in 2019.
The places where walls work.

The places where walls work - AEI

And we help build some of them with aid we provide.

Obama does not have a ten foot wall around his "mansion".

You ase lying fuck Like most of you dumbass Trumpettes.

Israel has a fucking fence, not a 40' concrete wall.

Fuck off you lying piece of shit.

Is this a wall or a fence?

6% of the barrier is concrete wall. Mostly built to protect against sniper fire. We have Mexican snipers firing at us?
”Businesses make decisions based on what they think will happen in the future.”

Don’t just say it— prove it. Show some companies that changed their business models based on Cap & Trade, and show what changes they made.

”And if you're here claiming that the Obama Administration didn't start using "Jobs created or saved" to hide how few jobs they actually created with ARRA then it's you who are the bullshit artist...not I!”

Lying con tool, he was using that phrase before ARRA was even passed. That was always his target — he did not start saying it, as you falsely claim, because “few jobs” were saved or created. And as many as some 3 million jobs were saved or created.
I have to "prove" that businesses make decisions based on what they think will happen in the future? Really? Take a freaking business class...ANY BUSINESS CLASS...and you're going to be hearing about projections. Go to a bank and apply for a business loan without projections of what you think will occur down the road and see what kind of a response you get!

I don't care if "some 3 million jobs were saved or created", Faun because that number is FICTION! There is absolutely no way on god's green earth that you can validate a number of how many jobs were "saved"! It's impossible...which is EXACTLY why the Obama Administration started using it as their go to statistic on jobs!

You want to be honest? Tell me how many jobs the ARRA created!
You have to prove your claims. You’re a lying con tool with no credibility. You certainly can’t expect anyone to simply take you at your word. Prove any company altered their business model based on Cap & Trade....

As far as the ARRA, the nonpartisan CBO estimated as many as 3.6 million jobs were saved or created. You don’t have to like it, but yhat’s your problem, no one else’s.

You can't answer the question...can you, Faun? I didn't ask how many jobs were "saved" because that's a bullshit...made up number! I asked how many jobs were CREATED...which is a number that's verifiable! So why do you keep ducking that like crazy? Is it because you KNOW that the number of jobs created with all of that stimulus money Obama and the Democrats spent was shockingly small?
You know as well as I, I can only provide the numbers estimated by the CBO — which I already gave you.

Meanwhile, Obama had been using that phrase since the inception of ARRA, so you’re lying when you falsely claim he only started using it because ARRA produced too few jobs (according to you).

Since I never claimed that Obama only "started" using it because ARRA produced too few jobs, it's you who's bending the truth! What I pointed out was they started using it as their "go to" stat on job creation because they were embarrassed so few jobs were created by the Stimulus!

Funny how you can't provide me with the number of jobs created, Faun when that's a statistic that the government has been publishing for a long time (at the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)...through both Democratic and Republican administrations! So why is it that you CAN'T provide those hard numbers instead of the bullshit, made up ones that the Obama Administration gave us each time they quoted "jobs created or saved"?

The ignorant one is you.

We all know the ARRA saved some companies from bankruptcy. Unless you think an economy shrinking at a rate over 6% never causes companies to go under.

So, what is the difference if policies save a factory with 300 jobs or if it creates 300 jobs?

You are being the typical Trumpettes asshole here. We can't quantify every company where jobs were saved therefore these jobs can not be estimated as a success story of the ARRA.

The ARRA provided funding to States that prevented the layoffs of teachers, policemen, firemen. But hey, we can't talk about that Noooooooo.
Fucking moron, there was no depression. You're suffering from advanced delusionary schizophrenia with involuntary narcissistic rage again.

There was a recession ... a massive recession ... and it started 13 months before Obama became president -- while George W. Bush was president.
Obama made it several times worse.

Wow caught in one lie, so you switch to another. Gonna have to start calling you Pinnocchio I think with the Whoppers you are trying here.

Let's see. 75 months of job gains (yes Trump inherited the longest run of job growth in US recorded history).

Averaged 214k new jobs per month with Obama., More than Trump's average of 175k. Every single year under Obama the US added More jobs than any Trump year thus far.

0 net private sector jobs added from 2000-2009. 83 straight months of growth in private sector under Obama (longest on record).

2015 is still the us record for household median income growth since tracking started in 1968.

2014 was the largest 1 year poverty rate drop since it's been recorded in 1968

2012, us corporate profits as a % of gdp were highest in recorded us history.

Did this as average household reduced debt (the increase in gdp with increasing debt under bush led to the depression), and low interest and inflation rates.

226% increase in stock market.

In 5 years private sector hourly workers pay (they make up 80% of the private workforce) grew more than in the COMBINED 27 years before he took office.

Economy turned for the better under Obama, it's kept a similar or slowing pace since.

Reduced unemployment by 5%, cutting it in more than half in his first 4 years (trump has reduced by less than 1% cutting it by less than 20%)

And that's with inheriting a back to back negative growth gdp. You want to know why it was only the great recession and not another depression? Obama turned it around quickly you want to point out the Obama economic policies that "turned it around", Sand Squid? Give me some specific things that Barry did to stimulate economic growth in the US!

The ARRA. ACA. Raising fuel efficiency ^ bailing out GM, 2010 tax cuts, bank regulations, etc etc
Dave...Dave...Dave! The Obama Stimulus was supposed to create jobs. It didn't. The Affordable Care Act didn't create economic growth! The uncertainty of what it consisted of and how it would be paid for handicapped the US economy! The tax cuts? Hell, Barry didn't want those! They were forced on him by moderate Democrats that knew if they didn't get them that the economy would flounder even worse than it was! Claiming credit for something you were against and were forced to do is pathetic! Of course Barry did the same thing with Energy! He was against fracking and the fossil fuel industries in general constantly hitting them with new regulations and delaying permits to drill but then when the energy boom created jobs and made us the leader in natural gas and oil production...good ole' Barry was there to take credit for it!
The CBO called. They said you are full of shit. They say the ARRA did what is was supposed to do.

Obama had tax cuts in his original plan'

Is all you do lie? You know you are pathetic when you claim the economy would have recovered on its own, totally ignoring how many more people would have lost their jobs & the length of the effects of the recession.

Obama never said he as against fracking. Oil production increased under Obama.

And God forbid we add to the regulations after the worst spill in US history. This is whart you get when you treust corporations to do the right thing.

Obama's policies helped us recover faster & build a string economy.

Now lets talk about YOUR party nearly killed America after starting with a balanced budget.
Fucking moron, there was no depression. You're suffering from advanced delusionary schizophrenia with involuntary narcissistic rage again.

There was a recession ... a massive recession ... and it started 13 months before Obama became president -- while George W. Bush was president.
Obama made it several times worse.
Lets see, we were losing 800,000jobs a month.
The economy was SHRINKING at a rate over 6 %
Deficit was oin a path to hit 1.5 trillion


Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession since FDR and The Great Depression. His total lack of understanding of how the economy worked...or how jobs are created...led to an economic recovery that tread water for the longest time.
Why did we need a recovery? Oh Wait, the Republicans nearly killed this country.
Oh, the Republicans did it? Well let's see...when W. was warning Congress that policies at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac needed to be changed or we could see a financial meltdown due to a crash of the real estate market...what was the response of Democrats like Barney Frank?

Don;t you think it odd that Bush's attempt to take over Fannie & Freddie was defeated by a Republican Congress?

Fannie & Freddie were just participants, not a major factor in the financial meltdown. Who deregulated the banking industry?

Qyuit blaming Democrats for your party's failures. Grow a pair for Christ's sake.
Stupidfuck Trump talks about continuing building his wall.

He does not know the wall is not being built?
DumbAss a wall is going up as we speak.

Need an example of a border wall that works?
Ask former President Barack Obama who, as Rep. Louie Gohmert recently pointed out, has just built a 10-foot wall around his new mansion. "Israel ... had a real problem with illegal immigrants coming in from the southern border, about 16,000 in one year. In two years, they constructed 143-mile fence, about $2.9 million per mile, and it cut that illegal immigration rate from about 16,000 to I think 18. Cut it by 99 percent, and we probably help pay for it with the money we send Isreal. The requested funds are the result of a $38 billion 10-year memorandum of understanding signed between Israel and the United States at the end of President Barack Obama’s term. Israel is expected to receive $3.3 billion in 2019.
The places where walls work.

The places where walls work - AEI

And we help build some of them with aid we provide.

Obama does not have a ten foot wall around his "mansion".

You ase lying fuck Like most of you dumbass Trumpettes.

Israel has a fucking fence, not a 40' concrete wall.

Fuck off you lying piece of shit.

Is this a wall or a fence?

Please tell me that's Jerusalem, A city walled off for millenia that also happens to have been overrun more times (44 of them) than any other city in the world.

That would be hypocritical wouldn't it? Trying to make your example a city which has used walls for millenia as proof that they just don't work for any length of time?
So what you are saying is that we have hundreds of cases of Trump owned businesses breaking the law, so badly so that we had to declare a national emergency because they keep giving illegals a reason to come here?

Damn, what a scumbag.. Deserves to be in jail for that huh?
Trump hire 300 business visas for 3 months.
We also found out he had 1 illegal working for one of his businesses.
Then you utilize your emotional disturbance to insist that he has thousands of illegals working for him.

You know why you’re a chump?
Trump can’t fart without it making the headlines and yet all you mentally disturbed people have after two years is one illegal.

What? Are you brain dead? It takes about 5 seconds to realize his companies never were willing to use E-verify, the simplest way to ensure you don't hire immigrants. It takes 5 seconds to pull up the articles about the undocumented polish workers he hired to build Trump tower (then was sued until he paid).

Is your defense actually going to be to prove that you have no knowledge on the subject on which you speak?

I've got to try that with sports when talking to my friends. Patriots aren't the best NFL dynasty cause I can only think of them losing Superbowls and never saw them win one. lol

Please please please stop using this "I'm ignorant on the subject" excuse and EDUCATE YOURSELF. Even if you don't like what the facts show in the end.

Because going through life dumb and ignorant is not a way to live.
Who uses e-Verify?
I’ll wait.

My company does, #69,693 on the list and it has caught people with fake hiring documents for us. All federal contractors are required to use it (It appears Southern White Houses, and campaign headquarters are exempt).

Is this something new to you? Are you from outside the US maybe?

It's something we've had around for almost 25 years here in the states. In fact as of 12/31/2018 there were 584,917 companies in the US using E-verify. Walmart, Amazon, and Kroger are the top 3 employers in the US. All use it. In fact 9 of the top 10 employers in the US are included in that group.
I live in NYS and know many people who own food oriented businesses and others who own small software companies who use illegals to write programs.
My daughter lives in Florida and almost all building contractors use illegals.
Your honesty is appreciated but is unfortunately rare.

Agree, look at DHS numbers, and Farming and Construction are #1 and #2.

And they aren't willing to give that up. Heck it took the political fallout that Trumps companies hire and retain illegal immigrants to even get him to start using Everify for some of his companies on new hiring only.
No, I'm not a fucking moron; I leave that to you and bri. Do you have TDS?

It's not illegal to pay an illegal because you cannot become a citizen without the right papers, background checks, etc. You no habla Ingles? As you describe it, there is no such creature. Adding insult to injury, even if one did exist, they would have a presumption of innocence.

You have access to the link. Why don't you read it instead of asking questions that are more projection than an indictment.
So you are naive enough to think that the millions of illegals in the North East have applied for US citizenship.
You’re a moron.

You were projecting there. Never ask a question and then assume the person you're asking is stupid.

What your pea brain fails to realize is that many of the millions of foreigners are not citizens and do not want to become citizens. Since you didn't wait for the answer, that would make YOU the moron.

The word immigration refers to people who come here to become permanent residents. The antiquated immigration laws do not apply to millions in this country without papers. Since the legislators are not addressing that fact, the courts are legislating from the bench to help you make important distinctions.
I guess you don’t know what goes on in any other part of the country except where you live.
99% of illegals never apply for citizenship in Blue (Sanctuary) States.
In fact, ex-NYC Michael Bloomberg used Illegals instead of union workers for construction projects for years and bragged about it.
Restaurants in NYC and Long Island use illegals and pay cash.
No authorities ever come around to check because the food establishments belong to the local Small Business Authorities and contribute to the local politicians to leave them alone.

You are living in your own Private Idaho.

You will never know how much of an idiot you really are. So, you WANT people that you call names to become citizens, vote and relegate you to the pages of history where you belong?
You might say I am in favor of people living in the US actually being citizens rather than underpaid inter-generational slaves.
You see, I believe that many of these people and their progeny have the potential to be more than vegetable pickers.
You, on the other hand, are a racist who truly feels that Brown people are helpless without your pity.

OMG a wannabe comedian with no jokes.

I think that if labor were to be considered a product of commerce rather than immigration, it would reach a broad spectrum of workers both blue collar and white collar. The free market system also shows (throughout history) that competition is good for wages.

I don't know what world you live in, but the Hispanics I end up hiring are making an average of $23 an hour. They damn sure don't need my pity. But, I still might be a racist. Getting tired of white guys laying on their ass, living off mommy and getting money from Uncle Scam for food when there isn't a damn thing wrong with them.
Are you a fucking moron?
It’s illegal to pay illegals below minimum wage!
It’s illegal to pay illegals!

So what you are saying is that we have hundreds of cases of Trump owned businesses breaking the law, so badly so that we had to declare a national emergency because they keep giving illegals a reason to come here?

Damn, what a scumbag.. Deserves to be in jail for that huh?
Trump hire 300 business visas for 3 months.
We also found out he had 1 illegal working for one of his businesses.
Then you utilize your emotional disturbance to insist that he has thousands of illegals working for him.

You know why you’re a chump?
Trump can’t fart without it making the headlines and yet all you mentally disturbed people have after two years is one illegal.

What? Are you brain dead? It takes about 5 seconds to realize his companies never were willing to use E-verify, the simplest way to ensure you don't hire immigrants. It takes 5 seconds to pull up the articles about the undocumented polish workers he hired to build Trump tower (then was sued until he paid).

Is your defense actually going to be to prove that you have no knowledge on the subject on which you speak?

I've got to try that with sports when talking to my friends. Patriots aren't the best NFL dynasty cause I can only think of them losing Superbowls and never saw them win one. lol

Please please please stop using this "I'm ignorant on the subject" excuse and EDUCATE YOURSELF. Even if you don't like what the facts show in the end.

Because going through life dumb and ignorant is not a way to live.
Who uses e-Verify?
I’ll wait.

My company does, #69,693 on the list and it has caught people with fake hiring documents for us. All federal contractors are required to use it (It appears Southern White Houses, and campaign headquarters are exempt).

Is this something new to you? Are you from outside the US maybe?

It's something we've had around for almost 25 years here in the states. In fact as of 12/31/2018 there were 584,917 companies in the US using E-verify. Walmart, Amazon, and Kroger are the top 3 employers in the US. All use it. In fact 9 of the top 10 employers in the US are included in that group.

Screw E-Verify
So you are naive enough to think that the millions of illegals in the North East have applied for US citizenship.
You’re a moron.

You were projecting there. Never ask a question and then assume the person you're asking is stupid.

What your pea brain fails to realize is that many of the millions of foreigners are not citizens and do not want to become citizens. Since you didn't wait for the answer, that would make YOU the moron.

The word immigration refers to people who come here to become permanent residents. The antiquated immigration laws do not apply to millions in this country without papers. Since the legislators are not addressing that fact, the courts are legislating from the bench to help you make important distinctions.
I guess you don’t know what goes on in any other part of the country except where you live.
99% of illegals never apply for citizenship in Blue (Sanctuary) States.
In fact, ex-NYC Michael Bloomberg used Illegals instead of union workers for construction projects for years and bragged about it.
Restaurants in NYC and Long Island use illegals and pay cash.
No authorities ever come around to check because the food establishments belong to the local Small Business Authorities and contribute to the local politicians to leave them alone.

You are living in your own Private Idaho.

You will never know how much of an idiot you really are. So, you WANT people that you call names to become citizens, vote and relegate you to the pages of history where you belong?
You might say I am in favor of people living in the US actually being citizens rather than underpaid inter-generational slaves.
You see, I believe that many of these people and their progeny have the potential to be more than vegetable pickers.
You, on the other hand, are a racist who truly feels that Brown people are helpless without your pity.

OMG a wannabe comedian with no jokes.

I think that if labor were to be considered a product of commerce rather than immigration,

That is utterly meaningless. There's nothing worse than ignorant blowhards spouting off on subjects on which they are ignorant.

it would reach a broad spectrum of workers both blue collar and white collar. The free market system also shows (throughout history) that competition is good for wages.

I don't know what world you live in, but the Hispanics I end up hiring are making an average of $23 an hour. They damn sure don't need my pity. But, I still might be a racist. Getting tired of white guys laying on their ass, living off mommy and getting money from Uncle Scam for food when there isn't a damn thing wrong with them.
You obviously don't know shit about economics. Competition between laborers is not good for wages. It drives wages down. Flooding this country with cheap labor is not good for American workers.
Stupidfuck Trump talks about continuing building his wall.

He does not know the wall is not being built?
DumbAss a wall is going up as we speak.

Need an example of a border wall that works?
Ask former President Barack Obama who, as Rep. Louie Gohmert recently pointed out, has just built a 10-foot wall around his new mansion. "Israel ... had a real problem with illegal immigrants coming in from the southern border, about 16,000 in one year. In two years, they constructed 143-mile fence, about $2.9 million per mile, and it cut that illegal immigration rate from about 16,000 to I think 18. Cut it by 99 percent, and we probably help pay for it with the money we send Isreal. The requested funds are the result of a $38 billion 10-year memorandum of understanding signed between Israel and the United States at the end of President Barack Obama’s term. Israel is expected to receive $3.3 billion in 2019.
The places where walls work.

The places where walls work - AEI

And we help build some of them with aid we provide.

Obama does not have a ten foot wall around his "mansion".

You ase lying fuck Like most of you dumbass Trumpettes.

Israel has a fucking fence, not a 40' concrete wall.

Fuck off you lying piece of shit.

Is this a wall or a fence?

Please tell me that's Jerusalem, A city walled off for millenia that also happens to have been overrun more times (44 of them) than any other city in the world.

That would be hypocritical wouldn't it? Trying to make your example a city which has used walls for millenia as proof that they just don't work for any length of time?
ROFL! It takes a special kind of stupid to equate the ancient wall around Jerusalem to the wall Israel built around the West bank. The wall is not around a city, dumbass. It's around the entire West Bank. There is no connection between the two.

I could go on all day about how utterly stupid you are, but plenty of other forum members have already weighed in on that subject.
Stupidfuck Trump talks about continuing building his wall.

He does not know the wall is not being built?
DumbAss a wall is going up as we speak.

Need an example of a border wall that works?
Ask former President Barack Obama who, as Rep. Louie Gohmert recently pointed out, has just built a 10-foot wall around his new mansion. "Israel ... had a real problem with illegal immigrants coming in from the southern border, about 16,000 in one year. In two years, they constructed 143-mile fence, about $2.9 million per mile, and it cut that illegal immigration rate from about 16,000 to I think 18. Cut it by 99 percent, and we probably help pay for it with the money we send Isreal. The requested funds are the result of a $38 billion 10-year memorandum of understanding signed between Israel and the United States at the end of President Barack Obama’s term. Israel is expected to receive $3.3 billion in 2019.
The places where walls work.

The places where walls work - AEI

And we help build some of them with aid we provide.

Obama does not have a ten foot wall around his "mansion".

You ase lying fuck Like most of you dumbass Trumpettes.

Israel has a fucking fence, not a 40' concrete wall.

Fuck off you lying piece of shit.

Is this a wall or a fence?

Please tell me that's Jerusalem, A city walled off for millenia that also happens to have been overrun more times (44 of them) than any other city in the world.

That would be hypocritical wouldn't it? Trying to make your example a city which has used walls for millenia as proof that they just don't work for any length of time?
ROFL! It takes a special kind of stupid to equate the ancient wall around Jerusalem to the wall Israel built around the West bank. The wall is not around a city, dumbass. It's around the entire West Bank. There is no connection between the two.

So yes... You are using the example of the most heavily walled city in world history that just happens to be the most heavily overrun city in world history.

This is fucking Brilliant.

Next up maybe take some pictures of the Maginot line and Germany's northern sea wall to show how really long walls prevent people that want across from coming across.. That would be an awesome next step for you.

This has got to be the funniest thing I've seen though. Literally use the worlds shiningest example throughout history of wall failure. Bravo. That took some balls to try that one...
DumbAss a wall is going up as we speak.

Need an example of a border wall that works?
Ask former President Barack Obama who, as Rep. Louie Gohmert recently pointed out, has just built a 10-foot wall around his new mansion. "Israel ... had a real problem with illegal immigrants coming in from the southern border, about 16,000 in one year. In two years, they constructed 143-mile fence, about $2.9 million per mile, and it cut that illegal immigration rate from about 16,000 to I think 18. Cut it by 99 percent, and we probably help pay for it with the money we send Isreal. The requested funds are the result of a $38 billion 10-year memorandum of understanding signed between Israel and the United States at the end of President Barack Obama’s term. Israel is expected to receive $3.3 billion in 2019.
The places where walls work.

The places where walls work - AEI

And we help build some of them with aid we provide.

Obama does not have a ten foot wall around his "mansion".

You ase lying fuck Like most of you dumbass Trumpettes.

Israel has a fucking fence, not a 40' concrete wall.

Fuck off you lying piece of shit.

Is this a wall or a fence?

Please tell me that's Jerusalem, A city walled off for millenia that also happens to have been overrun more times (44 of them) than any other city in the world.

That would be hypocritical wouldn't it? Trying to make your example a city which has used walls for millenia as proof that they just don't work for any length of time?
ROFL! It takes a special kind of stupid to equate the ancient wall around Jerusalem to the wall Israel built around the West bank. The wall is not around a city, dumbass. It's around the entire West Bank. There is no connection between the two.

So yes... You are using the example of the most heavily walled city in world history that just happens to be the most heavily overrun city in world history.

This is fucking Brilliant.

Next up maybe take some pictures of the Maginot line and Germany's northern sea wall to show how really long walls prevent people that want across from coming across.. That would be an awesome next step for you.

This has got to be the funniest thing I've seen though. Literally use the worlds shiningest example throughout history of wall failure. Bravo. That took some balls to try that one...
What am I using it for? I proved your claim that it wasn't a wall is wrong.You claimed it was a fence. What does your imbecile rant have to do with whether walls work? Are you actually trying to tell us that Israel's wall works because it's 40 centuries old? That is so fucking stupid that it's hard to believe anyone posted it.
Trump hire 300 business visas for 3 months.
We also found out he had 1 illegal working for one of his businesses.
Then you utilize your emotional disturbance to insist that he has thousands of illegals working for him.

You know why you’re a chump?
Trump can’t fart without it making the headlines and yet all you mentally disturbed people have after two years is one illegal.

What? Are you brain dead? It takes about 5 seconds to realize his companies never were willing to use E-verify, the simplest way to ensure you don't hire immigrants. It takes 5 seconds to pull up the articles about the undocumented polish workers he hired to build Trump tower (then was sued until he paid).

Is your defense actually going to be to prove that you have no knowledge on the subject on which you speak?

I've got to try that with sports when talking to my friends. Patriots aren't the best NFL dynasty cause I can only think of them losing Superbowls and never saw them win one. lol

Please please please stop using this "I'm ignorant on the subject" excuse and EDUCATE YOURSELF. Even if you don't like what the facts show in the end.

Because going through life dumb and ignorant is not a way to live.
Who uses e-Verify?
I’ll wait.

My company does, #69,693 on the list and it has caught people with fake hiring documents for us. All federal contractors are required to use it (It appears Southern White Houses, and campaign headquarters are exempt).

Is this something new to you? Are you from outside the US maybe?

It's something we've had around for almost 25 years here in the states. In fact as of 12/31/2018 there were 584,917 companies in the US using E-verify. Walmart, Amazon, and Kroger are the top 3 employers in the US. All use it. In fact 9 of the top 10 employers in the US are included in that group.
I live in NYS and know many people who own food oriented businesses and others who own small software companies who use illegals to write programs.
My daughter lives in Florida and almost all building contractors use illegals.
Your honesty is appreciated but is unfortunately rare.

Agree, look at DHS numbers, and Farming and Construction are #1 and #2.

And they aren't willing to give that up. Heck it took the political fallout that Trumps companies hire and retain illegal immigrants to even get him to start using Everify for some of his companies on new hiring only.
Less than 2% of fruit and veggies are now picked by hand.
God knows what these farmers are using these illegals for.
Stupidfuck Trump talks about continuing building his wall.

He does not know the wall is not being built?
1.37 Billion to build 55 miles...and he has over 5 billion more slated after he signs the bill.

Epic FAIL for you leftard...
Hey dumb fuck ever here of right of way? They have to purchase it. This wall is far from being built. It will take years to purchase right of way and a million court battles. The only wall being built is where there already was one or where the right of way was already purchased which is next to no where. I am about to make a mint in expert testimoney. Before you go bitching about my spelling court battles over right of way mean big money for me. The tax payers are about to make a lot of people like me rich and you will still not likely get your wall. Testi money coming my way.
So you are naive enough to think that the millions of illegals in the North East have applied for US citizenship.
You’re a moron.

You were projecting there. Never ask a question and then assume the person you're asking is stupid.

What your pea brain fails to realize is that many of the millions of foreigners are not citizens and do not want to become citizens. Since you didn't wait for the answer, that would make YOU the moron.

The word immigration refers to people who come here to become permanent residents. The antiquated immigration laws do not apply to millions in this country without papers. Since the legislators are not addressing that fact, the courts are legislating from the bench to help you make important distinctions.
I guess you don’t know what goes on in any other part of the country except where you live.
99% of illegals never apply for citizenship in Blue (Sanctuary) States.
In fact, ex-NYC Michael Bloomberg used Illegals instead of union workers for construction projects for years and bragged about it.
Restaurants in NYC and Long Island use illegals and pay cash.
No authorities ever come around to check because the food establishments belong to the local Small Business Authorities and contribute to the local politicians to leave them alone.

You are living in your own Private Idaho.

You will never know how much of an idiot you really are. So, you WANT people that you call names to become citizens, vote and relegate you to the pages of history where you belong?
You might say I am in favor of people living in the US actually being citizens rather than underpaid inter-generational slaves.
You see, I believe that many of these people and their progeny have the potential to be more than vegetable pickers.
You, on the other hand, are a racist who truly feels that Brown people are helpless without your pity.

OMG a wannabe comedian with no jokes.

I think that if labor were to be considered a product of commerce rather than immigration, it would reach a broad spectrum of workers both blue collar and white collar. The free market system also shows (throughout history) that competition is good for wages.

I don't know what world you live in, but the Hispanics I end up hiring are making an average of $23 an hour. They damn sure don't need my pity. But, I still might be a racist. Getting tired of white guys laying on their ass, living off mommy and getting money from Uncle Scam for food when there isn't a damn thing wrong with them.
Cool story...
Illegals in NY ain’t making $23.00/hour.
And in NY it’s the African Americans sitting on the porches.
Stupidfuck Trump talks about continuing building his wall.

He does not know the wall is not being built?
1.37 Billion to build 55 miles...and he has over 5 billion more slated after he signs the bill.

Epic FAIL for you leftard...
Hey dumb fuck ever here of right of way? They have to purchase it. This wall is far from being built. It will take years to purchase right of way and a million court battles. The only wall being built is where there already was one or where the right of way was already purchased which is next to no where. I am about to make a mint in expert testimoney. Before you go bitching about my spelling court battles over right of way mean big money for me. The tax payers are about to make a lot of people like me rich and you will still not likely get your wall. Testi money coming my way.
The government already owns most of the right of way along the border, dumbass. Only a handful of properties haven't been acquired.

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