No, we are NOT building the wall.

Cap & trade had absolutely no effect on the economy. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you?

And you’re lying again when you falsely claim he started using the term, “jobs created or saved,” because “few jobs” were created by ARRA.

Do you ever stop lying?


Demonstrating how little you understand about how business operates again, Faun? Businesses make decisions based on what they think will happen in the future. That includes proposed legislation like Cap & Trade. That includes incoming administrations.

And if you're here claiming that the Obama Administration didn't start using "Jobs created or saved" to hide how few jobs they actually created with ARRA then it's you who are the bullshit artist...not I!
”Businesses make decisions based on what they think will happen in the future.”

Don’t just say it— prove it. Show some companies that changed their business models based on Cap & Trade, and show what changes they made.

”And if you're here claiming that the Obama Administration didn't start using "Jobs created or saved" to hide how few jobs they actually created with ARRA then it's you who are the bullshit artist...not I!”

Lying con tool, he was using that phrase before ARRA was even passed. That was always his target — he did not start saying it, as you falsely claim, because “few jobs” were saved or created. And as many as some 3 million jobs were saved or created.
I have to "prove" that businesses make decisions based on what they think will happen in the future? Really? Take a freaking business class...ANY BUSINESS CLASS...and you're going to be hearing about projections. Go to a bank and apply for a business loan without projections of what you think will occur down the road and see what kind of a response you get!

I don't care if "some 3 million jobs were saved or created", Faun because that number is FICTION! There is absolutely no way on god's green earth that you can validate a number of how many jobs were "saved"! It's impossible...which is EXACTLY why the Obama Administration started using it as their go to statistic on jobs!

You want to be honest? Tell me how many jobs the ARRA created!
You have to prove your claims. You’re a lying con tool with no credibility. You certainly can’t expect anyone to simply take you at your word. Prove any company altered their business model based on Cap & Trade....

As far as the ARRA, the nonpartisan CBO estimated as many as 3.6 million jobs were saved or created. You don’t have to like it, but yhat’s your problem, no one else’s.

You can't answer the question...can you, Faun? I didn't ask how many jobs were "saved" because that's a bullshit...made up number! I asked how many jobs were CREATED...which is a number that's verifiable! So why do you keep ducking that like crazy? Is it because you KNOW that the number of jobs created with all of that stimulus money Obama and the Democrats spent was shockingly small?

The ARRA did more than create / save jobs. Lets not pretend otherwise.
We had the longest economic recovery since the Great Depression. The was a direct result of his policies, like massive increases in regulation and like ACA.

Good point... You can't understate those record lengths of job creation, those records of how quickly poverty dropped, unemployment dropping, of wages rising. I agree, the length of the improvement was unprecedented.[/QUOTE]

You word comprehension is lacking, SS...the point that was being made is that the recovery from a economic downturn was the slowest since The Great Depression and that was because of Obama policies.

I'm curious...which do you think is economy that grows by 1% each year for 8 years without ever losing ground...or an economy that grows by 3% for 6 of the 8 years and declines by 1% for 2 of those years? Which would you rather have?[/QUOTE]

Lets see, would the worst recession since the Great Depression have rhe longest recovery since the Great Deroresssion?
And you want to ignore the depression he almost gave us? The wonderful economy he gave Obama?
Obama created the depression, shit for brains.
Fucking moron, there was no depression. You're suffering from advanced delusionary schizophrenia with involuntary narcissistic rage again.

There was a recession ... a massive recession ... and it started 13 months before Obama became president -- while George W. Bush was president.
Obama made it several times worse.

Wow caught in one lie, so you switch to another. Gonna have to start calling you Pinnocchio I think with the Whoppers you are trying here.

Let's see. 75 months of job gains (yes Trump inherited the longest run of job growth in US recorded history).

Averaged 214k new jobs per month with Obama., More than Trump's average of 175k. Every single year under Obama the US added More jobs than any Trump year thus far.

0 net private sector jobs added from 2000-2009. 83 straight months of growth in private sector under Obama (longest on record).

2015 is still the us record for household median income growth since tracking started in 1968.

2014 was the largest 1 year poverty rate drop since it's been recorded in 1968

2012, us corporate profits as a % of gdp were highest in recorded us history.

Did this as average household reduced debt (the increase in gdp with increasing debt under bush led to the depression), and low interest and inflation rates.

226% increase in stock market.

In 5 years private sector hourly workers pay (they make up 80% of the private workforce) grew more than in the COMBINED 27 years before he took office.

Economy turned for the better under Obama, it's kept a similar or slowing pace since.

Reduced unemployment by 5%, cutting it in more than half in his first 4 years (trump has reduced by less than 1% cutting it by less than 20%)

And that's with inheriting a back to back negative growth gdp. You want to know why it was only the great recession and not another depression? Obama turned it around quickly you want to point out the Obama economic policies that "turned it around", Sand Squid? Give me some specific things that Barry did to stimulate economic growth in the US!

The ARRA. ACA. Raising fuel efficiency ^ bailing out GM, 2010 tax cuts, bank regulations, etc etc
And you want to ignore the depression he almost gave us? The wonderful economy he gave Obama?
Obama created the depression, shit for brains.
Fucking moron, there was no depression. You're suffering from advanced delusionary schizophrenia with involuntary narcissistic rage again.

There was a recession ... a massive recession ... and it started 13 months before Obama became president -- while George W. Bush was president.
Obama made it several times worse.
Lets see, we were losing 800,000jobs a month.
The economy was SHRINKING at a rate over 6 %
Deficit was oin a path to hit 1.5 trillion


Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession since FDR and The Great Depression. His total lack of understanding of how the economy worked...or how jobs are created...led to an economic recovery that tread water for the longest time.
Why did we need a recovery? Oh Wait, the Republicans nearly killed this country.
They add more to our economy than they take out
And yes, they pay taxes
I guess that’s why everyone I know disagrees with you...even the Democrat Nassau County Executive admits she’s a bleeding heart.
Let me know when you can live on $5.00/hour.
You live in $5 an hour because you have to support illegals?
Tell me babysitters and cleaning ladies and landscapers aren’t being paid $5.00/hour.
I don’t live in isolation; I am fully aware of what they get paid.

Give them working papers and they can receive real wages and legally pay taxes
I’ll give them walking papers to go home and make their actual country great.
We can give them working papers and they can legally build Trump golf courses
I guess that’s why everyone I know disagrees with you...even the Democrat Nassau County Executive admits she’s a bleeding heart.
Let me know when you can live on $5.00/hour.
You live in $5 an hour because you have to support illegals?
Tell me babysitters and cleaning ladies and landscapers aren’t being paid $5.00/hour.
I don’t live in isolation; I am fully aware of what they get paid.

Give them working papers and they can receive real wages and legally pay taxes
I’ll give them walking papers to go home and make their actual country great.
We can give them working papers and they can legally build Trump golf courses
That was Bush's plan.

Trump's employees didn't need papers.
You live in $5 an hour because you have to support illegals?
Tell me babysitters and cleaning ladies and landscapers aren’t being paid $5.00/hour.
I don’t live in isolation; I am fully aware of what they get paid.

Give them working papers and they can receive real wages and legally pay taxes
I’ll give them walking papers to go home and make their actual country great.
We can give them working papers and they can legally build Trump golf courses
That was Bush's plan.

Trump's employees didn't need papers.
Not like a Mexican can actually join one of Trumps golf courses but they are welcome to cut the grass or make beds
Doesn’t matter anyway

We will tear it down as soon as Trump leaves office
Because demolition doesn’t cost anything.

Don’t worry
Mexico will pay for it
I’m being taxed to the hilt to support illegals as it is.
I don’t want my kids to have to support them.

Please explain how you are being taxed for "illegals."
Please explain how they can buy food, rent an apartment, buy clothes, go to school and get medical care on $5.00/hour.
You can’t, so stick your repetitive bullshit up your bleeding heart ass.

We have a local ordinance in Gwinnett County where I live. It is illegal to pay any day laborer less than $10 an hour.

Immigrant day laborers find shelter in Duluth | Atlanta Creative Loafing

The county D.A. said he would prosecute anyone that hires an undocumented foreigner and pays less than $10 an hour. Enterprising people that can do something - like paint, build a deck, do basic plumbing, etc, can knock out an EASY $20 an hour all day long. Don't see this place being any different than any other place in America. You can't hire Americans to do the work.
Because demolition doesn’t cost anything.

Don’t worry
Mexico will pay for it
I’m being taxed to the hilt to support illegals as it is.
I don’t want my kids to have to support them.

Please explain how you are being taxed for "illegals."
Please explain how they can buy food, rent an apartment, buy clothes, go to school and get medical care on $5.00/hour.
You can’t, so stick your repetitive bullshit up your bleeding heart ass.

We have a local ordinance in Gwinnett County where I live. It is illegal to pay any day laborer less than $10 an hour.

Immigrant day laborers find shelter in Duluth | Atlanta Creative Loafing

The county D.A. said he would prosecute anyone that hires an undocumented foreigner and pays less than $10 an hour. Enterprising people that can do something - like paint, build a deck, do basic plumbing, etc, can knock out an EASY $20 an hour all day long. Don't see this place being any different than any other place in America. You can't hire Americans to do the work.
Are you a fucking moron?
It’s illegal to pay illegals below minimum wage!
It’s illegal to pay illegals!
Obama created the depression, shit for brains.
Fucking moron, there was no depression. You're suffering from advanced delusionary schizophrenia with involuntary narcissistic rage again.

There was a recession ... a massive recession ... and it started 13 months before Obama became president -- while George W. Bush was president.
Obama made it several times worse.

Wow caught in one lie, so you switch to another. Gonna have to start calling you Pinnocchio I think with the Whoppers you are trying here.

Let's see. 75 months of job gains (yes Trump inherited the longest run of job growth in US recorded history).

Averaged 214k new jobs per month with Obama., More than Trump's average of 175k. Every single year under Obama the US added More jobs than any Trump year thus far.

0 net private sector jobs added from 2000-2009. 83 straight months of growth in private sector under Obama (longest on record).

2015 is still the us record for household median income growth since tracking started in 1968.

2014 was the largest 1 year poverty rate drop since it's been recorded in 1968

2012, us corporate profits as a % of gdp were highest in recorded us history.

Did this as average household reduced debt (the increase in gdp with increasing debt under bush led to the depression), and low interest and inflation rates.

226% increase in stock market.

In 5 years private sector hourly workers pay (they make up 80% of the private workforce) grew more than in the COMBINED 27 years before he took office.

Economy turned for the better under Obama, it's kept a similar or slowing pace since.

Reduced unemployment by 5%, cutting it in more than half in his first 4 years (trump has reduced by less than 1% cutting it by less than 20%)

And that's with inheriting a back to back negative growth gdp. You want to know why it was only the great recession and not another depression? Obama turned it around quickly you want to point out the Obama economic policies that "turned it around", Sand Squid? Give me some specific things that Barry did to stimulate economic growth in the US!

The ARRA. ACA. Raising fuel efficiency ^ bailing out GM, 2010 tax cuts, bank regulations, etc etc
The ACA helped the economy?


What the hell is ARRA?

When did Obama do to improve fuel efficiency?

Bailing out GM hurt all the stock holders and bond holders. It only helped a lot of fat, lazy, overpaid union thugs.

What 2010 tax cuts?

More banking regulations did not help the economy. It positively hurt the economy.

Etc., etc., etc..
Don’t worry
Mexico will pay for it
I’m being taxed to the hilt to support illegals as it is.
I don’t want my kids to have to support them.

Please explain how you are being taxed for "illegals."
Please explain how they can buy food, rent an apartment, buy clothes, go to school and get medical care on $5.00/hour.
You can’t, so stick your repetitive bullshit up your bleeding heart ass.

We have a local ordinance in Gwinnett County where I live. It is illegal to pay any day laborer less than $10 an hour.

Immigrant day laborers find shelter in Duluth | Atlanta Creative Loafing

The county D.A. said he would prosecute anyone that hires an undocumented foreigner and pays less than $10 an hour. Enterprising people that can do something - like paint, build a deck, do basic plumbing, etc, can knock out an EASY $20 an hour all day long. Don't see this place being any different than any other place in America. You can't hire Americans to do the work.
Are you a fucking moron?
It’s illegal to pay illegals below minimum wage!
It’s illegal to pay illegals!

No, I'm not a fucking moron; I leave that to you and bri. Do you have TDS?

It's not illegal to pay an illegal because you cannot become a citizen without the right papers, background checks, etc. You no habla Ingles? As you describe it, there is no such creature. Adding insult to injury, even if one did exist, they would have a presumption of innocence.

You have access to the link. Why don't you read it instead of asking questions that are more projection than an indictment.
Fucking moron, there was no depression. You're suffering from advanced delusionary schizophrenia with involuntary narcissistic rage again.

There was a recession ... a massive recession ... and it started 13 months before Obama became president -- while George W. Bush was president.
Obama made it several times worse.

Wow caught in one lie, so you switch to another. Gonna have to start calling you Pinnocchio I think with the Whoppers you are trying here.

Let's see. 75 months of job gains (yes Trump inherited the longest run of job growth in US recorded history).

Averaged 214k new jobs per month with Obama., More than Trump's average of 175k. Every single year under Obama the US added More jobs than any Trump year thus far.

0 net private sector jobs added from 2000-2009. 83 straight months of growth in private sector under Obama (longest on record).

2015 is still the us record for household median income growth since tracking started in 1968.

2014 was the largest 1 year poverty rate drop since it's been recorded in 1968

2012, us corporate profits as a % of gdp were highest in recorded us history.

Did this as average household reduced debt (the increase in gdp with increasing debt under bush led to the depression), and low interest and inflation rates.

226% increase in stock market.

In 5 years private sector hourly workers pay (they make up 80% of the private workforce) grew more than in the COMBINED 27 years before he took office.

Economy turned for the better under Obama, it's kept a similar or slowing pace since.

Reduced unemployment by 5%, cutting it in more than half in his first 4 years (trump has reduced by less than 1% cutting it by less than 20%)

And that's with inheriting a back to back negative growth gdp. You want to know why it was only the great recession and not another depression? Obama turned it around quickly you want to point out the Obama economic policies that "turned it around", Sand Squid? Give me some specific things that Barry did to stimulate economic growth in the US!

The ARRA. ACA. Raising fuel efficiency ^ bailing out GM, 2010 tax cuts, bank regulations, etc etc
The ACA helped the economy?


What the hell is ARRA?

When did Obama do to improve fuel efficiency?

Bailing out GM hurt all the stock holders and bond holders. It only helped a lot of fat, lazy, overpaid union thugs.

What 2010 tax cuts?

More banking regulations did not help the economy. It positively hurt the economy.

Etc., etc., etc..

And that overwhelming majority of economists are all wrong because party trumps knowledge and fact lol
Don’t worry
Mexico will pay for it
I’m being taxed to the hilt to support illegals as it is.
I don’t want my kids to have to support them.

Please explain how you are being taxed for "illegals."
Please explain how they can buy food, rent an apartment, buy clothes, go to school and get medical care on $5.00/hour.
You can’t, so stick your repetitive bullshit up your bleeding heart ass.

We have a local ordinance in Gwinnett County where I live. It is illegal to pay any day laborer less than $10 an hour.

The county D.A. said he would prosecute anyone that hires an undocumented foreigner and pays less than $10 an hour. Enterprising people that can do something - like paint, build a deck, do basic plumbing, etc, can knock out an EASY $20 an hour all day long. Don't see this place being any different than any other place in America. You can't hire Americans to do the work.
Are you a fucking moron?
It’s illegal to pay illegals below minimum wage!
It’s illegal to pay illegals!

So what you are saying is that we have hundreds of cases of Trump owned businesses breaking the law, so badly so that we had to declare a national emergency because they keep giving illegals a reason to come here?

Damn, what a scumbag.. Deserves to be in jail for that huh?
I’m being taxed to the hilt to support illegals as it is.
I don’t want my kids to have to support them.

Please explain how you are being taxed for "illegals."
Please explain how they can buy food, rent an apartment, buy clothes, go to school and get medical care on $5.00/hour.
You can’t, so stick your repetitive bullshit up your bleeding heart ass.

We have a local ordinance in Gwinnett County where I live. It is illegal to pay any day laborer less than $10 an hour.

Immigrant day laborers find shelter in Duluth | Atlanta Creative Loafing

The county D.A. said he would prosecute anyone that hires an undocumented foreigner and pays less than $10 an hour. Enterprising people that can do something - like paint, build a deck, do basic plumbing, etc, can knock out an EASY $20 an hour all day long. Don't see this place being any different than any other place in America. You can't hire Americans to do the work.
Are you a fucking moron?
It’s illegal to pay illegals below minimum wage!
It’s illegal to pay illegals!

No, I'm not a fucking moron; I leave that to you and bri. Do you have TDS?

It's not illegal to pay an illegal because you cannot become a citizen without the right papers, background checks, etc. You no habla Ingles? As you describe it, there is no such creature. Adding insult to injury, even if one did exist, they would have a presumption of innocence.

You have access to the link. Why don't you read it instead of asking questions that are more projection than an indictment.
So you are naive enough to think that the millions of illegals in the North East have applied for US citizenship.
You’re a moron.
I’m being taxed to the hilt to support illegals as it is.
I don’t want my kids to have to support them.

Please explain how you are being taxed for "illegals."
Please explain how they can buy food, rent an apartment, buy clothes, go to school and get medical care on $5.00/hour.
You can’t, so stick your repetitive bullshit up your bleeding heart ass.

We have a local ordinance in Gwinnett County where I live. It is illegal to pay any day laborer less than $10 an hour.

The county D.A. said he would prosecute anyone that hires an undocumented foreigner and pays less than $10 an hour. Enterprising people that can do something - like paint, build a deck, do basic plumbing, etc, can knock out an EASY $20 an hour all day long. Don't see this place being any different than any other place in America. You can't hire Americans to do the work.
Are you a fucking moron?
It’s illegal to pay illegals below minimum wage!
It’s illegal to pay illegals!

So what you are saying is that we have hundreds of cases of Trump owned businesses breaking the law, so badly so that we had to declare a national emergency because they keep giving illegals a reason to come here?

Damn, what a scumbag.. Deserves to be in jail for that huh?
Trump hire 300 business visas for 3 months.
We also found out he had 1 illegal working for one of his businesses.
Then you utilize your emotional disturbance to insist that he has thousands of illegals working for him.

You know why you’re a chump?
Trump can’t fart without it making the headlines and yet all you mentally disturbed people have after two years is one illegal.
Please explain how you are being taxed for "illegals."
Please explain how they can buy food, rent an apartment, buy clothes, go to school and get medical care on $5.00/hour.
You can’t, so stick your repetitive bullshit up your bleeding heart ass.

We have a local ordinance in Gwinnett County where I live. It is illegal to pay any day laborer less than $10 an hour.

Immigrant day laborers find shelter in Duluth | Atlanta Creative Loafing

The county D.A. said he would prosecute anyone that hires an undocumented foreigner and pays less than $10 an hour. Enterprising people that can do something - like paint, build a deck, do basic plumbing, etc, can knock out an EASY $20 an hour all day long. Don't see this place being any different than any other place in America. You can't hire Americans to do the work.
Are you a fucking moron?
It’s illegal to pay illegals below minimum wage!
It’s illegal to pay illegals!

No, I'm not a fucking moron; I leave that to you and bri. Do you have TDS?

It's not illegal to pay an illegal because you cannot become a citizen without the right papers, background checks, etc. You no habla Ingles? As you describe it, there is no such creature. Adding insult to injury, even if one did exist, they would have a presumption of innocence.

You have access to the link. Why don't you read it instead of asking questions that are more projection than an indictment.
So you are naive enough to think that the millions of illegals in the North East have applied for US citizenship.
You’re a moron.

You were projecting there. Never ask a question and then assume the person you're asking is stupid.

What your pea brain fails to realize is that many of the millions of foreigners are not citizens and do not want to become citizens. Since you didn't wait for the answer, that would make YOU the moron.

The word immigration refers to people who come here to become permanent residents. The antiquated immigration laws do not apply to millions in this country without papers. Since the legislators are not addressing that fact, the courts are legislating from the bench to help you make important distinctions.
Please explain how you are being taxed for "illegals."
Please explain how they can buy food, rent an apartment, buy clothes, go to school and get medical care on $5.00/hour.
You can’t, so stick your repetitive bullshit up your bleeding heart ass.

We have a local ordinance in Gwinnett County where I live. It is illegal to pay any day laborer less than $10 an hour.

The county D.A. said he would prosecute anyone that hires an undocumented foreigner and pays less than $10 an hour. Enterprising people that can do something - like paint, build a deck, do basic plumbing, etc, can knock out an EASY $20 an hour all day long. Don't see this place being any different than any other place in America. You can't hire Americans to do the work.
Are you a fucking moron?
It’s illegal to pay illegals below minimum wage!
It’s illegal to pay illegals!

So what you are saying is that we have hundreds of cases of Trump owned businesses breaking the law, so badly so that we had to declare a national emergency because they keep giving illegals a reason to come here?

Damn, what a scumbag.. Deserves to be in jail for that huh?
Trump hire 300 business visas for 3 months.
We also found out he had 1 illegal working for one of his businesses.
Then you utilize your emotional disturbance to insist that he has thousands of illegals working for him.

You know why you’re a chump?
Trump can’t fart without it making the headlines and yet all you mentally disturbed people have after two years is one illegal.

You don't get out much and you suffer TDS

"The Post interviewed roughly twenty people working on construction for Trump’s new luxury hotel in Washington, D.C., and found that a number of them were there in the country illegally."

Donald Trump hired illegal immigrants to build his new luxury hotel because of course he did - AMERICAblog News

Trump Hires Illegal Aliens for His Businesses | MovieChat

We Googled 'Trump Polish workers.' Here's what we found

Trump Tower Got Its Start With Undocumented Foreign Workers

Donald Trump Admits Hiring Illegal Immigrants | HuffPost

3 Trump properties posted 144 openings for seasonal jobs. Only one went to a US worker.

‘This golf course was built by illegals.’ Trump’s N.J. club hired undocumented workers for years, report says

I could probably do 20 more just like that and those suffering from TDS would make excuses, deflect, deny, and lie to you about the obvious.

Yeah, Trump's going to build the wall, knowing full well the son of a bitch is coming down and the precedents he sets will destroy EVERY FREEDOM AND LIBERTY OUR FOREFATHERS FOUGHT, BLED AND DIED IN ORDER TO SECURE FOR THEIR POSTERITY.

He's no different than any other politician except some really stupid people think his shit don't stink just because he eats caviar. His history shows that he don't give two hoots in Hell about those on the right... those that, like Esau, sold their birthright for a bowl of stew. He considers them to be useful idiots. At the expense of National Gun Control and the POLICE STATE, Trump will have his wall and the precedents he leaves behind will destroy the Republic forever.

For that matter, it's already gone and his supporters should start kissing their asses good bye.
Please explain how they can buy food, rent an apartment, buy clothes, go to school and get medical care on $5.00/hour.
You can’t, so stick your repetitive bullshit up your bleeding heart ass.

We have a local ordinance in Gwinnett County where I live. It is illegal to pay any day laborer less than $10 an hour.

The county D.A. said he would prosecute anyone that hires an undocumented foreigner and pays less than $10 an hour. Enterprising people that can do something - like paint, build a deck, do basic plumbing, etc, can knock out an EASY $20 an hour all day long. Don't see this place being any different than any other place in America. You can't hire Americans to do the work.
Are you a fucking moron?
It’s illegal to pay illegals below minimum wage!
It’s illegal to pay illegals!

So what you are saying is that we have hundreds of cases of Trump owned businesses breaking the law, so badly so that we had to declare a national emergency because they keep giving illegals a reason to come here?

Damn, what a scumbag.. Deserves to be in jail for that huh?
Trump hire 300 business visas for 3 months.
We also found out he had 1 illegal working for one of his businesses.
Then you utilize your emotional disturbance to insist that he has thousands of illegals working for him.

You know why you’re a chump?
Trump can’t fart without it making the headlines and yet all you mentally disturbed people have after two years is one illegal.

You don't get out much and you suffer TDS

"The Post interviewed roughly twenty people working on construction for Trump’s new luxury hotel in Washington, D.C., and found that a number of them were there in the country illegally."

Donald Trump hired illegal immigrants to build his new luxury hotel because of course he did - AMERICAblog News

Trump Hires Illegal Aliens for His Businesses | MovieChat

We Googled 'Trump Polish workers.' Here's what we found

Trump Tower Got Its Start With Undocumented Foreign Workers

Donald Trump Admits Hiring Illegal Immigrants | HuffPost

3 Trump properties posted 144 openings for seasonal jobs. Only one went to a US worker.

‘This golf course was built by illegals.’ Trump’s N.J. club hired undocumented workers for years, report says

I could probably do 20 more just like that and those suffering from TDS would make excuses, deflect, deny, and lie to you about the obvious.

Yeah, Trump's going to build the wall, knowing full well the son of a bitch is coming down and the precedents he sets will destroy EVERY FREEDOM AND LIBERTY OUR FOREFATHERS FOUGHT, BLED AND DIED IN ORDER TO SECURE FOR THEIR POSTERITY.

He's no different than any other politician except some really stupid people think his shit don't stink just because he eats caviar. His history shows that he don't give two hoots in Hell about those on the right... those that, like Esau, sold their birthright for a bowl of stew. He considers them to be useful idiots. At the expense of National Gun Control and the POLICE STATE, Trump will have his wall and the precedents he leaves behind will destroy the Republic forever.

For that matter, it's already gone and his supporters should start kissing their asses good bye.
Holy cow!
A whole 20 illegals got through the system many decades?
300 visas for 3 months and Trump never once testified before congress in over 4 decades that the US needs business visas.
Feeling stupid yet?
Please explain how they can buy food, rent an apartment, buy clothes, go to school and get medical care on $5.00/hour.
You can’t, so stick your repetitive bullshit up your bleeding heart ass.

We have a local ordinance in Gwinnett County where I live. It is illegal to pay any day laborer less than $10 an hour.

Immigrant day laborers find shelter in Duluth | Atlanta Creative Loafing

The county D.A. said he would prosecute anyone that hires an undocumented foreigner and pays less than $10 an hour. Enterprising people that can do something - like paint, build a deck, do basic plumbing, etc, can knock out an EASY $20 an hour all day long. Don't see this place being any different than any other place in America. You can't hire Americans to do the work.
Are you a fucking moron?
It’s illegal to pay illegals below minimum wage!
It’s illegal to pay illegals!

No, I'm not a fucking moron; I leave that to you and bri. Do you have TDS?

It's not illegal to pay an illegal because you cannot become a citizen without the right papers, background checks, etc. You no habla Ingles? As you describe it, there is no such creature. Adding insult to injury, even if one did exist, they would have a presumption of innocence.

You have access to the link. Why don't you read it instead of asking questions that are more projection than an indictment.
So you are naive enough to think that the millions of illegals in the North East have applied for US citizenship.
You’re a moron.

You were projecting there. Never ask a question and then assume the person you're asking is stupid.

What your pea brain fails to realize is that many of the millions of foreigners are not citizens and do not want to become citizens. Since you didn't wait for the answer, that would make YOU the moron.

The word immigration refers to people who come here to become permanent residents. The antiquated immigration laws do not apply to millions in this country without papers. Since the legislators are not addressing that fact, the courts are legislating from the bench to help you make important distinctions.
I guess you don’t know what goes on in any other part of the country except where you live.
99% of illegals never apply for citizenship in Blue (Sanctuary) States.
In fact, ex-NYC Michael Bloomberg used Illegals instead of union workers for construction projects for years and bragged about it.
Restaurants in NYC and Long Island use illegals and pay cash.
No authorities ever come around to check because the food establishments belong to the local Small Business Authorities and contribute to the local politicians to leave them alone.

You are living in your own Private Idaho.
Please explain how they can buy food, rent an apartment, buy clothes, go to school and get medical care on $5.00/hour.
You can’t, so stick your repetitive bullshit up your bleeding heart ass.

We have a local ordinance in Gwinnett County where I live. It is illegal to pay any day laborer less than $10 an hour.

Immigrant day laborers find shelter in Duluth | Atlanta Creative Loafing

The county D.A. said he would prosecute anyone that hires an undocumented foreigner and pays less than $10 an hour. Enterprising people that can do something - like paint, build a deck, do basic plumbing, etc, can knock out an EASY $20 an hour all day long. Don't see this place being any different than any other place in America. You can't hire Americans to do the work.
Are you a fucking moron?
It’s illegal to pay illegals below minimum wage!
It’s illegal to pay illegals!

No, I'm not a fucking moron; I leave that to you and bri. Do you have TDS?

It's not illegal to pay an illegal because you cannot become a citizen without the right papers, background checks, etc. You no habla Ingles? As you describe it, there is no such creature. Adding insult to injury, even if one did exist, they would have a presumption of innocence.

You have access to the link. Why don't you read it instead of asking questions that are more projection than an indictment.
So you are naive enough to think that the millions of illegals in the North East have applied for US citizenship.
You’re a moron.

You were projecting there. Never ask a question and then assume the person you're asking is stupid.

What your pea brain fails to realize is that many of the millions of foreigners are not citizens and do not want to become citizens. Since you didn't wait for the answer, that would make YOU the moron.

The word immigration refers to people who come here to become permanent residents. The antiquated immigration laws do not apply to millions in this country without papers. Since the legislators are not addressing that fact, the courts are legislating from the bench to help you make important distinctions.
Why the hell so you think I want to pay more taxes to support people who don’t want to become citizens?
And here we are, spending 10s of millions of dollars a year for Spanish signs for non-citizens and you’re cool with that.

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