No, we are NOT building the wall.

Hey dumb fuck ever here of right of way? They have to purchase it. This wall is far from being built. It will take years to purchase right of way and a million court battles. The only wall being built is where there already was one or where the right of way was already purchased which is next to no where. I am about to make a mint in expert testimoney. Before you go bitching about my spelling court battles over right of way mean big money for me. The tax payers are about to make a lot of people like me rich and you will still not likely get your wall. Testi money coming my way.
The government already owns most of the right of way along the border, dumbass. Only a handful of properties haven't been acquired.

1/3 of that land is federally owned. lol 1/3

This is great. You just spout it don't you.

The government purchased the rights of way for most of the privately owned part of the border in 2006, dumbass.

So the 2015 report from the United States Government Accountability Office is wrong. Got it. Tell me where your facts are that contradict theirs please.

If you are talking about the Secure fence act land grab, all told, the agency paid $18.2 million to accumulate a ribbon of land occupying almost half the length of the 120 miles of the Rio Grande Valley in southernmost Texas."

60 miles. I thought you said "most". Hmmm, care to prove that?
He would but you rabid liberals don't accept proof.

So prove it? I mean what else should I go on of what the gov't owns on the border than the Gov'ts own accountability office reporting on what the federal government owns on the border?

Care to show any proof that they are wildly inaccurate? Which sections are you saying they are wrong about?
Wow caught in one lie, so you switch to another. Gonna have to start calling you Pinnocchio I think with the Whoppers you are trying here.

Let's see. 75 months of job gains (yes Trump inherited the longest run of job growth in US recorded history).

Averaged 214k new jobs per month with Obama., More than Trump's average of 175k. Every single year under Obama the US added More jobs than any Trump year thus far.

0 net private sector jobs added from 2000-2009. 83 straight months of growth in private sector under Obama (longest on record).

2015 is still the us record for household median income growth since tracking started in 1968.

2014 was the largest 1 year poverty rate drop since it's been recorded in 1968

2012, us corporate profits as a % of gdp were highest in recorded us history.

Did this as average household reduced debt (the increase in gdp with increasing debt under bush led to the depression), and low interest and inflation rates.

226% increase in stock market.

In 5 years private sector hourly workers pay (they make up 80% of the private workforce) grew more than in the COMBINED 27 years before he took office.

Economy turned for the better under Obama, it's kept a similar or slowing pace since.

Reduced unemployment by 5%, cutting it in more than half in his first 4 years (trump has reduced by less than 1% cutting it by less than 20%)

And that's with inheriting a back to back negative growth gdp. You want to know why it was only the great recession and not another depression? Obama turned it around quickly you want to point out the Obama economic policies that "turned it around", Sand Squid? Give me some specific things that Barry did to stimulate economic growth in the US!

The ARRA. ACA. Raising fuel efficiency ^ bailing out GM, 2010 tax cuts, bank regulations, etc etc
The ACA helped the economy?


What the hell is ARRA?

When did Obama do to improve fuel efficiency?

Bailing out GM hurt all the stock holders and bond holders. It only helped a lot of fat, lazy, overpaid union thugs.

What 2010 tax cuts?

More banking regulations did not help the economy. It positively hurt the economy.

Etc., etc., etc..
Of course Obamacare helped the economy. Millions of Americans didn’t lose their jobs in the econmic disaster the Republicans predicted.
In fact, millions of jobs were created after Obamacare
Wrong. Obamacare hurt the economy big time. For one thing, if you worked 30 hours a week or more, then you were considered a full time employee, and your employer was forced to provide you with insurance. That meant a lot of people worked no more than 29 hours a week. My wife is one of those people. It also forced insurers to provide all kinds of coverage that no one wanted, like coverage for sex change operations or for drug abuse counseling. ACA was the biggest drain on the economy of the Obama administration.
The economy BOOMED under Obamacare

Republicans predicted an economic disaster if Obamacare passed

Boy were they wrong
I don't give a damn about the drug problem. The problem I want the government to solve is foreigners walking across our border.

You constructed a straw man. No need for me to tear it down.

But not the actual illegal immigrant problem. You want to spend on a wall where the smaller amount of illegal immigrants enter the US rather than actually work to solve the problem of illegal immigration.

You're spewing horseshit, dumbass. No one is buying it.

Got it. Then a wall is the perfect choice. Still leaves open the biggest path for illegal immigrants to enter the US. Still allows those rich billionaires to employ them and reward them for coming over. Just takes a lot of land from Americans and makes a wall.

At least you are honest it isn't about illegal immigration. Thanks bud!

Everything you posted is a lie.

Who do you think you're fooling?

So why is Trump having his DHS and DEA both lie to the American people? I mean what you are claiming I think is just horrible of him to do to this country.

If you are saying we can't believe Trump and his Homeland security dept on this saying the majority of illegals are overstaying visas on which they enter the US legally through ports of entry, that's your opinion.
Show where they said what you claim.

You made the cla
Hey dumb fuck ever here of right of way? They have to purchase it. This wall is far from being built. It will take years to purchase right of way and a million court battles. The only wall being built is where there already was one or where the right of way was already purchased which is next to no where. I am about to make a mint in expert testimoney. Before you go bitching about my spelling court battles over right of way mean big money for me. The tax payers are about to make a lot of people like me rich and you will still not likely get your wall. Testi money coming my way.
The government already owns most of the right of way along the border, dumbass. Only a handful of properties haven't been acquired.

1/3 of that land is federally owned. lol 1/3

This is great. You just spout it don't you.

The government purchased the rights of way for most of the privately owned part of the border in 2006, dumbass.

So the 2015 report from the United States Government Accountability Office is wrong. Got it. Tell me where your facts are that contradict theirs please.

If you are talking about the Secure fence act land grab, all told, the agency paid $18.2 million to accumulate a ribbon of land occupying almost half the length of the 120 miles of the Rio Grande Valley in southernmost Texas."

60 miles. I thought you said "most". Hmmm, care to prove that?
If a property is still "along the border," however the nebulous phrase is defined, even after it sold its right of way to the federal government. What part of that don't you get?

So no, no proof on your claims? The GAO report in it's section titled "Southwest Border Terrain and Land Ownership" says less than a third. You say otherwise. They even have a map of Federal vs. other lands at the border. Which sections are you saying are wrong?


It's been what? 3 pages of me sourcing and you not once. Really?

Ok I can play that game too.

The border is actually only 80 miles with mexico. Therefore the 2006 purchase using eminent domain to gain 60 miles of border made it so that the US Federal Gov't owned the majority of border land with mexico. Your maps that show the border to be nearly 2000 miles carry no weight with me.


Wow this is fun talking like you. you want to point out the Obama economic policies that "turned it around", Sand Squid? Give me some specific things that Barry did to stimulate economic growth in the US!

The ARRA. ACA. Raising fuel efficiency ^ bailing out GM, 2010 tax cuts, bank regulations, etc etc
The ACA helped the economy?


What the hell is ARRA?

When did Obama do to improve fuel efficiency?

Bailing out GM hurt all the stock holders and bond holders. It only helped a lot of fat, lazy, overpaid union thugs.

What 2010 tax cuts?

More banking regulations did not help the economy. It positively hurt the economy.

Etc., etc., etc..
Of course Obamacare helped the economy. Millions of Americans didn’t lose their jobs in the econmic disaster the Republicans predicted.
In fact, millions of jobs were created after Obamacare
Wrong. Obamacare hurt the economy big time. For one thing, if you worked 30 hours a week or more, then you were considered a full time employee, and your employer was forced to provide you with insurance. That meant a lot of people worked no more than 29 hours a week. My wife is one of those people. It also forced insurers to provide all kinds of coverage that no one wanted, like coverage for sex change operations or for drug abuse counseling. ACA was the biggest drain on the economy of the Obama administration.
The economy BOOMED under Obamacare

Republicans predicted an economic disaster if Obamacare passed

Boy were they wrong
That's why so many oilfields closed under black jesus and we had record unemployment.
I don't give a damn about the drug problem. The problem I want the government to solve is foreigners walking across our border.

You constructed a straw man. No need for me to tear it down.

But not the actual illegal immigrant problem. You want to spend on a wall where the smaller amount of illegal immigrants enter the US rather than actually work to solve the problem of illegal immigration.

You're spewing horseshit, dumbass. No one is buying it.

Got it. Then a wall is the perfect choice. Still leaves open the biggest path for illegal immigrants to enter the US. Still allows those rich billionaires to employ them and reward them for coming over. Just takes a lot of land from Americans and makes a wall.

At least you are honest it isn't about illegal immigration. Thanks bud!

Everything you posted is a lie.

Who do you think you're fooling?

So why is Trump having his DHS and DEA both lie to the American people? I mean what you are claiming I think is just horrible of him to do to this country.

If you are saying we can't believe Trump and his Homeland security dept on this saying the majority of illegals are overstaying visas on which they enter the US legally through ports of entry, that's your opinion.
Show where they said what you claim.

You made the cla
The government already owns most of the right of way along the border, dumbass. Only a handful of properties haven't been acquired.

1/3 of that land is federally owned. lol 1/3

This is great. You just spout it don't you.

The government purchased the rights of way for most of the privately owned part of the border in 2006, dumbass.

So the 2015 report from the United States Government Accountability Office is wrong. Got it. Tell me where your facts are that contradict theirs please.

If you are talking about the Secure fence act land grab, all told, the agency paid $18.2 million to accumulate a ribbon of land occupying almost half the length of the 120 miles of the Rio Grande Valley in southernmost Texas."

60 miles. I thought you said "most". Hmmm, care to prove that?
If a property is still "along the border," however the nebulous phrase is defined, even after it sold its right of way to the federal government. What part of that don't you get?

So no, no proof on your claims? The GAO report in it's section titled "Southwest Border Terrain and Land Ownership" says less than a third. You say otherwise. They even have a map of Federal vs. other lands at the border. Which sections are you saying are wrong?

Why do you beg for sources when you know you will just deny them all? Bottom line here troll is that the wall is being built and all you can do is cry and wail on a message board lol
But not the actual illegal immigrant problem. You want to spend on a wall where the smaller amount of illegal immigrants enter the US rather than actually work to solve the problem of illegal immigration.

You're spewing horseshit, dumbass. No one is buying it.

Got it. Then a wall is the perfect choice. Still leaves open the biggest path for illegal immigrants to enter the US. Still allows those rich billionaires to employ them and reward them for coming over. Just takes a lot of land from Americans and makes a wall.

At least you are honest it isn't about illegal immigration. Thanks bud!

Everything you posted is a lie.

Who do you think you're fooling?

So why is Trump having his DHS and DEA both lie to the American people? I mean what you are claiming I think is just horrible of him to do to this country.

If you are saying we can't believe Trump and his Homeland security dept on this saying the majority of illegals are overstaying visas on which they enter the US legally through ports of entry, that's your opinion.
Show where they said what you claim.

You made the cla
1/3 of that land is federally owned. lol 1/3

This is great. You just spout it don't you.

The government purchased the rights of way for most of the privately owned part of the border in 2006, dumbass.

So the 2015 report from the United States Government Accountability Office is wrong. Got it. Tell me where your facts are that contradict theirs please.

If you are talking about the Secure fence act land grab, all told, the agency paid $18.2 million to accumulate a ribbon of land occupying almost half the length of the 120 miles of the Rio Grande Valley in southernmost Texas."

60 miles. I thought you said "most". Hmmm, care to prove that?
If a property is still "along the border," however the nebulous phrase is defined, even after it sold its right of way to the federal government. What part of that don't you get?

So no, no proof on your claims? The GAO report in it's section titled "Southwest Border Terrain and Land Ownership" says less than a third. You say otherwise. They even have a map of Federal vs. other lands at the border. Which sections are you saying are wrong?

Why do you beg for sources when you know you will just deny them all? Bottom line here troll is that the wall is being built and all you can do is cry and wail on a message board lol

So no? You don't have sources?

I beg for them because on basic parts of this you seem quite uninformed. So I'd like to see if you have sources or if you have to talk in circles to try and defend not being able to source your made up facts that contradict with actual facts straight from the groups in the US responsible for collecting that data.

And yes, it seems you want to talk your way out of providing sources. Got it.
The ARRA. ACA. Raising fuel efficiency ^ bailing out GM, 2010 tax cuts, bank regulations, etc etc
The ACA helped the economy?


What the hell is ARRA?

When did Obama do to improve fuel efficiency?

Bailing out GM hurt all the stock holders and bond holders. It only helped a lot of fat, lazy, overpaid union thugs.

What 2010 tax cuts?

More banking regulations did not help the economy. It positively hurt the economy.

Etc., etc., etc..
Of course Obamacare helped the economy. Millions of Americans didn’t lose their jobs in the econmic disaster the Republicans predicted.
In fact, millions of jobs were created after Obamacare
Wrong. Obamacare hurt the economy big time. For one thing, if you worked 30 hours a week or more, then you were considered a full time employee, and your employer was forced to provide you with insurance. That meant a lot of people worked no more than 29 hours a week. My wife is one of those people. It also forced insurers to provide all kinds of coverage that no one wanted, like coverage for sex change operations or for drug abuse counseling. ACA was the biggest drain on the economy of the Obama administration.
The economy BOOMED under Obamacare

Republicans predicted an economic disaster if Obamacare passed

Boy were they wrong
That's why so many oilfields closed under black jesus and we had record unemployment.
Yeah what was that? longest run of positive job growth in US history?
The ACA helped the economy?


What the hell is ARRA?

When did Obama do to improve fuel efficiency?

Bailing out GM hurt all the stock holders and bond holders. It only helped a lot of fat, lazy, overpaid union thugs.

What 2010 tax cuts?

More banking regulations did not help the economy. It positively hurt the economy.

Etc., etc., etc..
Of course Obamacare helped the economy. Millions of Americans didn’t lose their jobs in the econmic disaster the Republicans predicted.
In fact, millions of jobs were created after Obamacare
Wrong. Obamacare hurt the economy big time. For one thing, if you worked 30 hours a week or more, then you were considered a full time employee, and your employer was forced to provide you with insurance. That meant a lot of people worked no more than 29 hours a week. My wife is one of those people. It also forced insurers to provide all kinds of coverage that no one wanted, like coverage for sex change operations or for drug abuse counseling. ACA was the biggest drain on the economy of the Obama administration.
The economy BOOMED under Obamacare

Republicans predicted an economic disaster if Obamacare passed

Boy were they wrong
That's why so many oilfields closed under black jesus and we had record unemployment.
Yeah what was that? longest run of positive job growth in US history?
Sure was.. For Part-Time, LOW WAGE jobs... Why do you liars always omit that part?
Of course Obamacare helped the economy. Millions of Americans didn’t lose their jobs in the econmic disaster the Republicans predicted.
In fact, millions of jobs were created after Obamacare
Wrong. Obamacare hurt the economy big time. For one thing, if you worked 30 hours a week or more, then you were considered a full time employee, and your employer was forced to provide you with insurance. That meant a lot of people worked no more than 29 hours a week. My wife is one of those people. It also forced insurers to provide all kinds of coverage that no one wanted, like coverage for sex change operations or for drug abuse counseling. ACA was the biggest drain on the economy of the Obama administration.
The economy BOOMED under Obamacare

Republicans predicted an economic disaster if Obamacare passed

Boy were they wrong
That's why so many oilfields closed under black jesus and we had record unemployment.
Yeah what was that? longest run of positive job growth in US history?
Sure was.. For Part-Time, LOW WAGE jobs... Why do you liars always omit that part?

Becaise it is noit true???
Of course Obamacare helped the economy. Millions of Americans didn’t lose their jobs in the econmic disaster the Republicans predicted.
In fact, millions of jobs were created after Obamacare
Wrong. Obamacare hurt the economy big time. For one thing, if you worked 30 hours a week or more, then you were considered a full time employee, and your employer was forced to provide you with insurance. That meant a lot of people worked no more than 29 hours a week. My wife is one of those people. It also forced insurers to provide all kinds of coverage that no one wanted, like coverage for sex change operations or for drug abuse counseling. ACA was the biggest drain on the economy of the Obama administration.
The economy BOOMED under Obamacare

Republicans predicted an economic disaster if Obamacare passed

Boy were they wrong
That's why so many oilfields closed under black jesus and we had record unemployment.
Yeah what was that? longest run of positive job growth in US history?
Sure was.. For Part-Time, LOW WAGE jobs... Why do you liars always omit that part?
You are lying about part time. You are lying about low wage jobs.

How good were the 10.9 million jobs under Obama?
But not the actual illegal immigrant problem. You want to spend on a wall where the smaller amount of illegal immigrants enter the US rather than actually work to solve the problem of illegal immigration.

You're spewing horseshit, dumbass. No one is buying it.

Got it. Then a wall is the perfect choice. Still leaves open the biggest path for illegal immigrants to enter the US. Still allows those rich billionaires to employ them and reward them for coming over. Just takes a lot of land from Americans and makes a wall.

At least you are honest it isn't about illegal immigration. Thanks bud!

Everything you posted is a lie.

Who do you think you're fooling?

So why is Trump having his DHS and DEA both lie to the American people? I mean what you are claiming I think is just horrible of him to do to this country.

If you are saying we can't believe Trump and his Homeland security dept on this saying the majority of illegals are overstaying visas on which they enter the US legally through ports of entry, that's your opinion.
Show where they said what you claim.

You made the cla
1/3 of that land is federally owned. lol 1/3

This is great. You just spout it don't you.

The government purchased the rights of way for most of the privately owned part of the border in 2006, dumbass.

So the 2015 report from the United States Government Accountability Office is wrong. Got it. Tell me where your facts are that contradict theirs please.

If you are talking about the Secure fence act land grab, all told, the agency paid $18.2 million to accumulate a ribbon of land occupying almost half the length of the 120 miles of the Rio Grande Valley in southernmost Texas."

60 miles. I thought you said "most". Hmmm, care to prove that?
If a property is still "along the border," however the nebulous phrase is defined, even after it sold its right of way to the federal government. What part of that don't you get?

So no, no proof on your claims? The GAO report in it's section titled "Southwest Border Terrain and Land Ownership" says less than a third. You say otherwise. They even have a map of Federal vs. other lands at the border. Which sections are you saying are wrong?

Why do you beg for sources when you know you will just deny them all? Bottom line here troll is that the wall is being built and all you can do is cry and wail on a message board lol
Squidward doesn't understand Eminent Domain and a National Security emergency designation allows us to bypass all the environmental laws and build on lands that are already 'right of way' designated. Even your attempt at getting locals to over-rule the determinations will not trump the executive authority of the President of the US..

You may get a temporary win in the 9th Circus court but you will lose when it gets to the Supreme Court of the US. And Trump will be building the wall at a furious rate already.
But not the actual illegal immigrant problem. You want to spend on a wall where the smaller amount of illegal immigrants enter the US rather than actually work to solve the problem of illegal immigration.

You're spewing horseshit, dumbass. No one is buying it.

Got it. Then a wall is the perfect choice. Still leaves open the biggest path for illegal immigrants to enter the US. Still allows those rich billionaires to employ them and reward them for coming over. Just takes a lot of land from Americans and makes a wall.

At least you are honest it isn't about illegal immigration. Thanks bud!

Everything you posted is a lie.

Who do you think you're fooling?

So why is Trump having his DHS and DEA both lie to the American people? I mean what you are claiming I think is just horrible of him to do to this country.

If you are saying we can't believe Trump and his Homeland security dept on this saying the majority of illegals are overstaying visas on which they enter the US legally through ports of entry, that's your opinion.
Show where they said what you claim.

You made the cla
1/3 of that land is federally owned. lol 1/3

This is great. You just spout it don't you.

The government purchased the rights of way for most of the privately owned part of the border in 2006, dumbass.

So the 2015 report from the United States Government Accountability Office is wrong. Got it. Tell me where your facts are that contradict theirs please.

If you are talking about the Secure fence act land grab, all told, the agency paid $18.2 million to accumulate a ribbon of land occupying almost half the length of the 120 miles of the Rio Grande Valley in southernmost Texas."

60 miles. I thought you said "most". Hmmm, care to prove that?
If a property is still "along the border," however the nebulous phrase is defined, even after it sold its right of way to the federal government. What part of that don't you get?

So no, no proof on your claims? The GAO report in it's section titled "Southwest Border Terrain and Land Ownership" says less than a third. You say otherwise. They even have a map of Federal vs. other lands at the border. Which sections are you saying are wrong?

Why do you beg for sources when you know you will just deny them all? Bottom line here troll is that the wall is being built and all you can do is cry and wail on a message board lol
No Trump's wall is not being built. You people are dumber than shit.
You're spewing horseshit, dumbass. No one is buying it.

Everything you posted is a lie.

Who do you think you're fooling?

So why is Trump having his DHS and DEA both lie to the American people? I mean what you are claiming I think is just horrible of him to do to this country.

If you are saying we can't believe Trump and his Homeland security dept on this saying the majority of illegals are overstaying visas on which they enter the US legally through ports of entry, that's your opinion.
Show where they said what you claim.

You made the cla
The government purchased the rights of way for most of the privately owned part of the border in 2006, dumbass.

So the 2015 report from the United States Government Accountability Office is wrong. Got it. Tell me where your facts are that contradict theirs please.

If you are talking about the Secure fence act land grab, all told, the agency paid $18.2 million to accumulate a ribbon of land occupying almost half the length of the 120 miles of the Rio Grande Valley in southernmost Texas."

60 miles. I thought you said "most". Hmmm, care to prove that?
If a property is still "along the border," however the nebulous phrase is defined, even after it sold its right of way to the federal government. What part of that don't you get?

So no, no proof on your claims? The GAO report in it's section titled "Southwest Border Terrain and Land Ownership" says less than a third. You say otherwise. They even have a map of Federal vs. other lands at the border. Which sections are you saying are wrong?

Why do you beg for sources when you know you will just deny them all? Bottom line here troll is that the wall is being built and all you can do is cry and wail on a message board lol
No Trump's wall is not being built. You people are dumber than shit.
It's being built as you lie.
Of course Obamacare helped the economy. Millions of Americans didn’t lose their jobs in the econmic disaster the Republicans predicted.
In fact, millions of jobs were created after Obamacare
Wrong. Obamacare hurt the economy big time. For one thing, if you worked 30 hours a week or more, then you were considered a full time employee, and your employer was forced to provide you with insurance. That meant a lot of people worked no more than 29 hours a week. My wife is one of those people. It also forced insurers to provide all kinds of coverage that no one wanted, like coverage for sex change operations or for drug abuse counseling. ACA was the biggest drain on the economy of the Obama administration.
The economy BOOMED under Obamacare

Republicans predicted an economic disaster if Obamacare passed

Boy were they wrong
That's why so many oilfields closed under black jesus and we had record unemployment.
Yeah what was that? longest run of positive job growth in US history?
Sure was.. For Part-Time, LOW WAGE jobs... Why do you liars always omit that part?

Hmm, most don't bring that up because according to

"from the month ACA was enacted in March 2010 to the end of the Obama presidency, full-time employment increased 12.5%, voluntary part-time employment (those who normally seek part-time work) declined 1.0%, and involuntary part-time employment (those who want full-time work but must settle for part-time) declined 35.4%."

FRED Graph | FRED | St. Louis Fed

Supporting graphs pulled from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Care to source your lie?
The ARRA. ACA. Raising fuel efficiency ^ bailing out GM, 2010 tax cuts, bank regulations, etc etc
The ACA helped the economy?


What the hell is ARRA?

When did Obama do to improve fuel efficiency?

Bailing out GM hurt all the stock holders and bond holders. It only helped a lot of fat, lazy, overpaid union thugs.

What 2010 tax cuts?

More banking regulations did not help the economy. It positively hurt the economy.

Etc., etc., etc..
Of course Obamacare helped the economy. Millions of Americans didn’t lose their jobs in the econmic disaster the Republicans predicted.
In fact, millions of jobs were created after Obamacare
Wrong. Obamacare hurt the economy big time. For one thing, if you worked 30 hours a week or more, then you were considered a full time employee, and your employer was forced to provide you with insurance. That meant a lot of people worked no more than 29 hours a week. My wife is one of those people. It also forced insurers to provide all kinds of coverage that no one wanted, like coverage for sex change operations or for drug abuse counseling. ACA was the biggest drain on the economy of the Obama administration.
The economy BOOMED under Obamacare

Republicans predicted an economic disaster if Obamacare passed

Boy were they wrong
That's why so many oilfields closed under black jesus and we had record unemployment.

U.S. Crude Oil Production - Historical Chart

Now what Assfuck
Wrong. Obamacare hurt the economy big time. For one thing, if you worked 30 hours a week or more, then you were considered a full time employee, and your employer was forced to provide you with insurance. That meant a lot of people worked no more than 29 hours a week. My wife is one of those people. It also forced insurers to provide all kinds of coverage that no one wanted, like coverage for sex change operations or for drug abuse counseling. ACA was the biggest drain on the economy of the Obama administration.
The economy BOOMED under Obamacare

Republicans predicted an economic disaster if Obamacare passed

Boy were they wrong
That's why so many oilfields closed under black jesus and we had record unemployment.
Yeah what was that? longest run of positive job growth in US history?
Sure was.. For Part-Time, LOW WAGE jobs... Why do you liars always omit that part?

Becaise it is noit true???
Wrong. Obamacare hurt the economy big time. For one thing, if you worked 30 hours a week or more, then you were considered a full time employee, and your employer was forced to provide you with insurance. That meant a lot of people worked no more than 29 hours a week. My wife is one of those people. It also forced insurers to provide all kinds of coverage that no one wanted, like coverage for sex change operations or for drug abuse counseling. ACA was the biggest drain on the economy of the Obama administration.
The economy BOOMED under Obamacare

Republicans predicted an economic disaster if Obamacare passed

Boy were they wrong
That's why so many oilfields closed under black jesus and we had record unemployment.
Yeah what was that? longest run of positive job growth in US history?
Sure was.. For Part-Time, LOW WAGE jobs... Why do you liars always omit that part?
You are lying about part time. You are lying about low wage jobs.

How good were the 10.9 million jobs under Obama?
Love the CNN bullshit...

"Average hourly wages increased 2.9% in 2016. That’s better than 2015 (2.3%) and 2014 (2.1%). But wage growth of 2% is essentially no wage growth at all once inflation is factored in. Wages generally grow 3% to 4% during normal (non-recession) years. According to the Economic Policy Institute, if wages had grown at a consistent 3.5% annually since the Great Recession, the average worker would be making $29.07 per hour, versus the actual average of $26 an hour today."

Way to go Obama.... NOT!

Wages fell drastically under Mobama...
So why is Trump having his DHS and DEA both lie to the American people? I mean what you are claiming I think is just horrible of him to do to this country.

If you are saying we can't believe Trump and his Homeland security dept on this saying the majority of illegals are overstaying visas on which they enter the US legally through ports of entry, that's your opinion.
Show where they said what you claim.

You made the cla

So the 2015 report from the United States Government Accountability Office is wrong. Got it. Tell me where your facts are that contradict theirs please.

If you are talking about the Secure fence act land grab, all told, the agency paid $18.2 million to accumulate a ribbon of land occupying almost half the length of the 120 miles of the Rio Grande Valley in southernmost Texas."

60 miles. I thought you said "most". Hmmm, care to prove that?
If a property is still "along the border," however the nebulous phrase is defined, even after it sold its right of way to the federal government. What part of that don't you get?

So no, no proof on your claims? The GAO report in it's section titled "Southwest Border Terrain and Land Ownership" says less than a third. You say otherwise. They even have a map of Federal vs. other lands at the border. Which sections are you saying are wrong?

Why do you beg for sources when you know you will just deny them all? Bottom line here troll is that the wall is being built and all you can do is cry and wail on a message board lol
No Trump's wall is not being built. You people are dumber than shit.
It's being built as you lie.

Prove it. Show me that 40' concrete wall.
And the number of people Obama forced onto welfare... Is Stunning...


5.7 million employed people were removed from the work force due to your socialist constructs.. They went on to the hand out rolls.. And you Idiots celebrated this..
A sure way to secure the border. Lease the public land along the border or give the land to corporations to build their businesses like manufacturing, warehouses and storage and THEY will secure their businesses and at the same time secure the border. Over 40 percent of lands along the southern U.S. border are federally designated as National Forests, National Parks, ...Some of the most dangerous areas along the southern border are the 20.7 million acres of Department of the Interior (DOI) and U.S. Forest Service (USFS) land.No cost to taxpayers. Just an idea.
Show where they said what you claim.

You made the cla
If a property is still "along the border," however the nebulous phrase is defined, even after it sold its right of way to the federal government. What part of that don't you get?

So no, no proof on your claims? The GAO report in it's section titled "Southwest Border Terrain and Land Ownership" says less than a third. You say otherwise. They even have a map of Federal vs. other lands at the border. Which sections are you saying are wrong?

Why do you beg for sources when you know you will just deny them all? Bottom line here troll is that the wall is being built and all you can do is cry and wail on a message board lol
No Trump's wall is not being built. You people are dumber than shit.
It's being built as you lie.

Prove it. Show me that 40' concrete wall.

They literally renamed Obama's Bollard Steel Slat Fence, as Trumps Bollard steel slat wall and tried passing it off as something different. It's beautiful
You're spewing horseshit, dumbass. No one is buying it.

Everything you posted is a lie.

Who do you think you're fooling?

So why is Trump having his DHS and DEA both lie to the American people? I mean what you are claiming I think is just horrible of him to do to this country.

If you are saying we can't believe Trump and his Homeland security dept on this saying the majority of illegals are overstaying visas on which they enter the US legally through ports of entry, that's your opinion.
Show where they said what you claim.

You made the cla
The government purchased the rights of way for most of the privately owned part of the border in 2006, dumbass.

So the 2015 report from the United States Government Accountability Office is wrong. Got it. Tell me where your facts are that contradict theirs please.

If you are talking about the Secure fence act land grab, all told, the agency paid $18.2 million to accumulate a ribbon of land occupying almost half the length of the 120 miles of the Rio Grande Valley in southernmost Texas."

60 miles. I thought you said "most". Hmmm, care to prove that?
If a property is still "along the border," however the nebulous phrase is defined, even after it sold its right of way to the federal government. What part of that don't you get?

So no, no proof on your claims? The GAO report in it's section titled "Southwest Border Terrain and Land Ownership" says less than a third. You say otherwise. They even have a map of Federal vs. other lands at the border. Which sections are you saying are wrong?

Why do you beg for sources when you know you will just deny them all? Bottom line here troll is that the wall is being built and all you can do is cry and wail on a message board lol
No Trump's wall is not being built. You people are dumber than shit.
Say it again.
It's funny. You think that by saying it over and over again, you're accomplishing something other than making yourself look like a retard.

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