NOAAGate-"Ocean Acidification a huge con!!"

Oh please disprove the greenhouse effect. I'm on the edge of my seat.

Below are two rates of warming from the Hadcrut3 lower troposphere. One is from the period 1900 through 1950 and the the other is 1951 through 2000. Below each is the rate of warming.


The trend for the period 1900-1950 is 0.51 deg C or 0.103/decade

This trend occurred before CO2 became a rapidly increasing according to the IPCC and is near or is the Natural Variational rate.

The trend for 1951-2000 is 0.50 deg C or 0.100 deg C/decade.

This means that the two rates of warming are statistically insignificant DESPITE the rapid rise in CO2 and equal to NATURAL VARIATION..


So by simple observation we can see the problem with the hypothesis of runaway temp caused by CO2. During the time they claim runway rise it was nothing of the sort and even given the rise in CO2 there was no discernible increase in that natural rise.

Given the information from empirical evidence there is no warming that can be attributed to CO2. A sensitivity rating of ZERO in your AGW models.

Where is your green house? it certainly isn't on earth.

But but but but but what about Mann's Tree rings?!!! And those Oregon Oysters that are melting because CO2 is turning the ocean to acid?!
Northern Hemisphere Sea Ice Area

See the little yellow squiggle on the upper left? Just proves no warming at all, right?

Know what's NOT on that chart?

"Wider and wider swings with an overall warming trend"


While the 0 latitude to 60 degrees lat has seen record cold while the areas above 80 degrees lat have seen some warming but only due to the cooling that is being pushed southward. Its rather funny how the alarmist misinterpret what its happening. IN a warming world there would not be these massive cold waves pushing south. The pole would be tightly contained with warmth intrusion. But hey they dont have a clue about atmospheric physics.
Well, our budding Phd candidate in Atmospheric Physics, with a Masters in Law Enforcement for qualifications (sic) seems to have forgotten that we have access to real scientists that not only understand what is going on at present, but predicted it.

December, by Dr. Spencer's estimation, ranked 0.32. Bet January's numbers are similiar or higher.

The global, hemispheric, and tropical LT anomalies from the 30-year (1981-2010) average for the last 12 months are:

Note that is higher than any month prior to 1997. But is lower than many since then. And Dr. Spencer is considered to be a skeptic.
Here's the actual NOAA global temperature data graph, from the NOAA website. It looks absolutely nothing like Billy's graph that supposedly came from NOAA. Billy is using faked data again.


Billy, why did you use faked data?

If you claim you only blindly parroted and didn't fake the data deliberately, you need to tell everyone what source fed you the faked data, so that everyone knows to avoid such a dishonest source.

I dont think Arctic ice (or Antarctic ice) is a particularly good proxy for global warming.

you have to ask yourself when a sudden drop in Arctic ice happens in the cold dark winter, "did it melt? or is there another reason?". obviously it didnt melt so there is an alternate reason. I dont know what it is but a likely scenario is that winds have shifted, or increased, and piled the floating ice up against a coastline, or even blown it out an egress.

but its not melting at this time of year.
Ian, you are being silly again. Nobody said it was melting. It just is not freezing as fast as it used to. Therefore, less ice at this time of year. And much less ice come summer. And as that cycle continues, at some point, a period in the summer with no ice. And the resultant consequences of that.
Well, our budding Phd candidate in Atmospheric Physics, with a Masters in Law Enforcement for qualifications (sic) seems to have forgotten that we have access to real scientists that not only understand what is going on at present, but predicted it.

December, by Dr. Spencer's estimation, ranked 0.32. Bet January's numbers are similiar or higher.

The global, hemispheric, and tropical LT anomalies from the 30-year (1981-2010) average for the last 12 months are:

Note that is higher than any month prior to 1997. But is lower than many since then. And Dr. Spencer is considered to be a skeptic.

so I have but one comment to make to this. Coming out of an ice age=warming. then one question:

How freakin hard is it to predict that the earth will warm when it has been warming up for 100,000s of years and now takes a Physics expert to predict that right? Daaaaaaaaa........ Nice call from the expert. :woohoo::woohoo:
Here's the actual NOAA global temperature data graph, from the NOAA website. It looks absolutely nothing like Billy's graph that supposedly came from NOAA. Billy is using faked data again.


Billy, why did you use faked data?

If you claim you only blindly parroted and didn't fake the data deliberately, you need to tell everyone what source fed you the faked data, so that everyone knows to avoid such a dishonest source.
cough cough bullshit cough................cough cough bullshit cough.........:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Well, our budding Phd candidate in Atmospheric Physics, with a Masters in Law Enforcement for qualifications (sic) seems to have forgotten that we have access to real scientists that not only understand what is going on at present, but predicted it.

December, by Dr. Spencer's estimation, ranked 0.32. Bet January's numbers are similiar or higher.

The global, hemispheric, and tropical LT anomalies from the 30-year (1981-2010) average for the last 12 months are:

Note that is higher than any month prior to 1997. But is lower than many since then. And Dr. Spencer is considered to be a skeptic.

^ Altered data still refuses to show "Wider and wider swings"

I dont think Arctic ice (or Antarctic ice) is a particularly good proxy for global warming.

you have to ask yourself when a sudden drop in Arctic ice happens in the cold dark winter, "did it melt? or is there another reason?". obviously it didnt melt so there is an alternate reason. I dont know what it is but a likely scenario is that winds have shifted, or increased, and piled the floating ice up against a coastline, or even blown it out an egress.

but its not melting at this time of year.
Ian, sure it is. At -50 degrees don't you expect ice to melt? I'm just saying..

BTW, I posted on some thread in here about the people who live on the Canada Arctic and how the tides go out and come back. 40 feet of water that completely goes out during a six hour tide and then comes back in. Hmmm seems that would have some difficulty freezing don't you think if it is always moving? The Inuit people see link from the BBC New site. How do we know there aren't more locations there that have this happen?
Ian, you are being silly again. Nobody said it was melting. It just is not freezing as fast as it used to. Therefore, less ice at this time of year. And much less ice come summer. And as that cycle continues, at some point, a period in the summer with no ice. And the resultant consequences of that.
so why do you suppose it isn't freezing as fast?
Well, our budding Phd candidate in Atmospheric Physics, with a Masters in Law Enforcement for qualifications (sic) seems to have forgotten that we have access to real scientists that not only understand what is going on at present, but predicted it.

December, by Dr. Spencer's estimation, ranked 0.32. Bet January's numbers are similiar or higher.

The global, hemispheric, and tropical LT anomalies from the 30-year (1981-2010) average for the last 12 months are:

Note that is higher than any month prior to 1997. But is lower than many since then. And Dr. Spencer is considered to be a skeptic.

so I have but one comment to make to this. Coming out of an ice age=warming. then one question:

How freakin hard is it to predict that the earth will warm when it has been warming up for 100,000s of years and now takes a Physics expert to predict that right? Daaaaaaaaa........ Nice call from the expert. :woohoo::woohoo:

I'm impressed. You, a self taught expert with your extensive study of right wing climate rhetoric, know more than most of the experts in the world. It should be easy for someone as smart as you to convince all those experts, and then you will have all the support you need. Let me know how that works out for you.
Well, our budding Phd candidate in Atmospheric Physics, with a Masters in Law Enforcement for qualifications (sic) seems to have forgotten that we have access to real scientists that not only understand what is going on at present, but predicted it.

December, by Dr. Spencer's estimation, ranked 0.32. Bet January's numbers are similiar or higher.

The global, hemispheric, and tropical LT anomalies from the 30-year (1981-2010) average for the last 12 months are:

Note that is higher than any month prior to 1997. But is lower than many since then. And Dr. Spencer is considered to be a skeptic.

so I have but one comment to make to this. Coming out of an ice age=warming. then one question:

How freakin hard is it to predict that the earth will warm when it has been warming up for 100,000s of years and now takes a Physics expert to predict that right? Daaaaaaaaa........ Nice call from the expert. :woohoo::woohoo:

I'm impressed. You, a self taught expert with your extensive study of right wing climate rhetoric, know more than most of the experts in the world. It should be easy for someone as smart as you to convince all those experts, and then you will have all the support you need. Let me know how that works out for you.

you should be, brilliance at work is always worth admiration!!! Just remember, the experts already know what I know. They just like telling you and your friends lies so you can go half cocked on message boards and make fools out of yourselves. See, you follow the money and I follow the facts.
Well, our budding Phd candidate in Atmospheric Physics, with a Masters in Law Enforcement for qualifications (sic) seems to have forgotten that we have access to real scientists that not only understand what is going on at present, but predicted it.

December, by Dr. Spencer's estimation, ranked 0.32. Bet January's numbers are similiar or higher.

The global, hemispheric, and tropical LT anomalies from the 30-year (1981-2010) average for the last 12 months are:

Note that is higher than any month prior to 1997. But is lower than many since then. And Dr. Spencer is considered to be a skeptic.

so I have but one comment to make to this. Coming out of an ice age=warming. then one question:

How freakin hard is it to predict that the earth will warm when it has been warming up for 100,000s of years and now takes a Physics expert to predict that right? Daaaaaaaaa........ Nice call from the expert. :woohoo::woohoo:

I'm impressed. You, a self taught expert with your extensive study of right wing climate rhetoric, know more than most of the experts in the world. It should be easy for someone as smart as you to convince all those experts, and then you will have all the support you need. Let me know how that works out for you.

you should be, brilliance at work is always worth admiration!!! Just remember, the experts already know what I know. They just like telling you and your friends lies so you can go half cocked on message boards and make fools out of yourselves. See, you follow the money and I follow the facts.

Please tell me again why all those scientists in all those countries decided to join a conspiracy to hide the truth? Exactly who do you think is paying them off?
Well, our budding Phd candidate in Atmospheric Physics, with a Masters in Law Enforcement for qualifications (sic) seems to have forgotten that we have access to real scientists that not only understand what is going on at present, but predicted it.

December, by Dr. Spencer's estimation, ranked 0.32. Bet January's numbers are similiar or higher.

The global, hemispheric, and tropical LT anomalies from the 30-year (1981-2010) average for the last 12 months are:

Note that is higher than any month prior to 1997. But is lower than many since then. And Dr. Spencer is considered to be a skeptic.

so I have but one comment to make to this. Coming out of an ice age=warming. then one question:

How freakin hard is it to predict that the earth will warm when it has been warming up for 100,000s of years and now takes a Physics expert to predict that right? Daaaaaaaaa........ Nice call from the expert. :woohoo::woohoo:

I'm impressed. You, a self taught expert with your extensive study of right wing climate rhetoric, know more than most of the experts in the world. It should be easy for someone as smart as you to convince all those experts, and then you will have all the support you need. Let me know how that works out for you.

you should be, brilliance at work is always worth admiration!!! Just remember, the experts already know what I know. They just like telling you and your friends lies so you can go half cocked on message boards and make fools out of yourselves. See, you follow the money and I follow the facts.

Please tell me again why all those scientists in all those countries decided to join a conspiracy to hide the truth? Exactly who do you think is paying them off?

holy crap are you really that dumb? So, put your thinking cap on and think!, money,
Well, our budding Phd candidate in Atmospheric Physics, with a Masters in Law Enforcement for qualifications (sic) seems to have forgotten that we have access to real scientists that not only understand what is going on at present, but predicted it.

December, by Dr. Spencer's estimation, ranked 0.32. Bet January's numbers are similiar or higher.

The global, hemispheric, and tropical LT anomalies from the 30-year (1981-2010) average for the last 12 months are:

Note that is higher than any month prior to 1997. But is lower than many since then. And Dr. Spencer is considered to be a skeptic.

so I have but one comment to make to this. Coming out of an ice age=warming. then one question:

How freakin hard is it to predict that the earth will warm when it has been warming up for 100,000s of years and now takes a Physics expert to predict that right? Daaaaaaaaa........ Nice call from the expert. :woohoo::woohoo:

I'm impressed. You, a self taught expert with your extensive study of right wing climate rhetoric, know more than most of the experts in the world. It should be easy for someone as smart as you to convince all those experts, and then you will have all the support you need. Let me know how that works out for you.

you should be, brilliance at work is always worth admiration!!! Just remember, the experts already know what I know. They just like telling you and your friends lies so you can go half cocked on message boards and make fools out of yourselves. See, you follow the money and I follow the facts.

Please tell me again why all those scientists in all those countries decided to join a conspiracy to hide the truth? Exactly who do you think is paying them off?

holy crap are you really that dumb? So, put your thinking cap on and think!, money,

I guess you didn't read my entire post. Who is paying all that money? Specifically who, please.
so I have but one comment to make to this. Coming out of an ice age=warming. then one question:

How freakin hard is it to predict that the earth will warm when it has been warming up for 100,000s of years and now takes a Physics expert to predict that right? Daaaaaaaaa........ Nice call from the expert. :woohoo::woohoo:

I'm impressed. You, a self taught expert with your extensive study of right wing climate rhetoric, know more than most of the experts in the world. It should be easy for someone as smart as you to convince all those experts, and then you will have all the support you need. Let me know how that works out for you.
you should be, brilliance at work is always worth admiration!!! Just remember, the experts already know what I know. They just like telling you and your friends lies so you can go half cocked on message boards and make fools out of yourselves. See, you follow the money and I follow the facts.

Please tell me again why all those scientists in all those countries decided to join a conspiracy to hide the truth? Exactly who do you think is paying them off?
holy crap are you really that dumb? So, put your thinking cap on and think!, money,

I guess you didn't read my entire post. Who is paying all that money? Specifically who, please.
nope, i read it. BTW, I don't play simon says.
I'm impressed. You, a self taught expert with your extensive study of right wing climate rhetoric, know more than most of the experts in the world. It should be easy for someone as smart as you to convince all those experts, and then you will have all the support you need. Let me know how that works out for you.
you should be, brilliance at work is always worth admiration!!! Just remember, the experts already know what I know. They just like telling you and your friends lies so you can go half cocked on message boards and make fools out of yourselves. See, you follow the money and I follow the facts.

Please tell me again why all those scientists in all those countries decided to join a conspiracy to hide the truth? Exactly who do you think is paying them off?
holy crap are you really that dumb? So, put your thinking cap on and think!, money,

I guess you didn't read my entire post. Who is paying all that money? Specifically who, please.
nope, i read it. BTW, I don't play simon says.

Of course you read it. Where? Without listing who you think might be willing to spend the hundreds of millions of dollars it would take to bribe all those scientists, your claim is pretty much crap. Are you finally admitting they are crap?

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