NOAAGate-"Ocean Acidification a huge con!!"

It may be more than one person accessing the account, or a schizophrenic.
or it could be people are just laughing at your dumb ass.

It's funny how you, Old Rocks and Wry (aka: Freddo) are always the ones calling other people dumb and trying to impress us with how smart you think you are.

It says a lot about you, more than you realize

It says we are smart enough to laugh at dumbasses like you. Dumbass.
hmmm... how did that phrase use to go? oh takes one to know one!!!!

Well, at least your responses have advanced to a third graders level........progress. Dumbass.
nice to know my ass is smarter than you!!!!
So many Leftist frauds......

PC, would you care to be the first denier cultist here to condemn the denier tactic of trying to use oppressive government to get climate scientists jailed?

Now, given your long history here of emulating all of Stalin's tactics, plus those of his heir Alinsky, I don't have high hopes. But I thought I'd ask. Maybe somewhere in this world, I'll be able to find a single denier cultist who isn't a proud Stalinist thug. I'll let everyone know when such a remarkable thing happens.

Are you using "Stalinist" as though it were some sort of pejorative?

You....a Leftist....whose political philosophy is both simpatico with and an iteration of communism?

But....lying rigueur for Leftists, could explain your absurd post.

Now let's dispense with the fabrication, 'global warming,' straight from environmental activist Wallace Kaufman, former president of several environmental groups:

"In No Turning Back, Kaufman addresses assorted other environmental topics. I asked him about one much-contested topic in the debate over the future of the planet — warming,and what we should do about it. “Science is not a democratic process where we all vote on what we think the right answer is,” he replied. “Science is the hard job of pinning down facts. We do know that there is more carbon dioxide in the air; that’s a fact.

“Let’s assume that there is a warming of the planet. First question is, what are the most economically efficient ways of cutting back on carbon-dioxide production? The Kyoto protocols have certainly not produced, from what I’ve seen, economically efficient ways. We’ve spent billions of dollars, and we cut back on a very tiny proportion of carbon dioxide — and, in terms of what effect this might have on actual temperature rise, it’s almost nil.

But it’s very sexy, politically, for Al Gore to say, ‘I went to Kyoto and I got an agreement, and we’re going to cut back X percent of CO<->2<-> emissions.’ What he’s not saying is how much this will affect world temperature. Because the effect is tiny.

I don’t pretend to know how to make a real reduction in CO<->2<->, but we have time to make that decision.Sea level is not going to riseand consume New York City tomorrow. I think most scientists and climatologists think we don’t have enough data to determine how we make the reductions, and they believe we have the time to find those solutions.”

One myth down the drain.

He was interviewed at Mountain Xpress, @
PC, you could have just simply said "Yes, I enthusiastically support the denier Stalinist thug tactic of trying to get scientists jailed." No need to make it so wordy.
PC, you could have just simply said "Yes, I enthusiastically support the denier Stalinist thug tactic of trying to get scientists jailed." No need to make it so wordy.
dude/ dudetter, who flippin cares other than you?
or it could be people are just laughing at your dumb ass.

It's funny how you, Old Rocks and Wry (aka: Freddo) are always the ones calling other people dumb and trying to impress us with how smart you think you are.

It says a lot about you, more than you realize

It says we are smart enough to laugh at dumbasses like you. Dumbass.
hmmm... how did that phrase use to go? oh takes one to know one!!!!

Well, at least your responses have advanced to a third graders level........progress. Dumbass.
nice to know my ass is smarter than you!!!!

If you say so. Your head ain't winning any awards.
It's funny how you, Old Rocks and Wry (aka: Freddo) are always the ones calling other people dumb and trying to impress us with how smart you think you are.

It says a lot about you, more than you realize

It says we are smart enough to laugh at dumbasses like you. Dumbass.
hmmm... how did that phrase use to go? oh takes one to know one!!!!

Well, at least your responses have advanced to a third graders level........progress. Dumbass.
nice to know my ass is smarter than you!!!!

If you say so. Your head ain't winning any awards.
and yet here you are!!!hmmmm.. what's that you say?
It says we are smart enough to laugh at dumbasses like you. Dumbass.
hmmm... how did that phrase use to go? oh takes one to know one!!!!

Well, at least your responses have advanced to a third graders level........progress. Dumbass.
nice to know my ass is smarter than you!!!!

If you say so. Your head ain't winning any awards.
and yet here you are!!!hmmmm.. what's that you say?

I didn't come here expecting much. Just the opportunity to laugh at a few crazies, and perhaps a chance to poke a couple of them. It's great fun. You are fulfilling all my expectations on that front.
hmmm... how did that phrase use to go? oh takes one to know one!!!!

Well, at least your responses have advanced to a third graders level........progress. Dumbass.
nice to know my ass is smarter than you!!!!

If you say so. Your head ain't winning any awards.
and yet here you are!!!hmmmm.. what's that you say?

I didn't come here expecting much. Just the opportunity to laugh at a few crazies, and perhaps a chance to poke a couple of them. It's great fun. You are fulfilling all my expectations on that front.
yes, I do the same. you, manmouth, crick, old scrocks and other warmer deniers. The fact that none of you can submit one lab experiment is really pathetic. And here I thought this was about science. hahahahahahaahaha you're such a lucky loser.
hmmm... how did that phrase use to go? oh takes one to know one!!!!

Well, at least your responses have advanced to a third graders level........progress. Dumbass.
nice to know my ass is smarter than you!!!!

If you say so. Your head ain't winning any awards.
and yet here you are!!!hmmmm.. what's that you say?

I didn't come here expecting much. Just the opportunity to laugh at a few crazies, and perhaps a chance to poke a couple of them. It's great fun. You are fulfilling all my expectations on that front.
BTW, my ass is still smarter than you!
Well, at least your responses have advanced to a third graders level........progress. Dumbass.
nice to know my ass is smarter than you!!!!

If you say so. Your head ain't winning any awards.
and yet here you are!!!hmmmm.. what's that you say?

I didn't come here expecting much. Just the opportunity to laugh at a few crazies, and perhaps a chance to poke a couple of them. It's great fun. You are fulfilling all my expectations on that front.
yes, I do the same. you, manmouth, crick, old scrocks and other warmer deniers. The fact that none of you can submit one lab experiment is really pathetic. And here I thought this was about science. hahahahahahaahaha you're such a lucky loser.

There have been plenty of simple repeatable experiments that you can do yourself presented on this board. The fact that you refuse to accept what the results mean doesn't make you right. I guess there is one scientific standard for the world , and another one for teabaggers which doesn't match anything else in the world. Doesn't it get tiring for you, being so wrong so often, about everything?
Well, at least your responses have advanced to a third graders level........progress. Dumbass.
nice to know my ass is smarter than you!!!!

If you say so. Your head ain't winning any awards.
and yet here you are!!!hmmmm.. what's that you say?

I didn't come here expecting much. Just the opportunity to laugh at a few crazies, and perhaps a chance to poke a couple of them. It's great fun. You are fulfilling all my expectations on that front.
BTW, my ass is still smarter than you!

Then why don't you listen to it every once in a while, instead of making so many laughably batshit crazy posts?
nice to know my ass is smarter than you!!!!

If you say so. Your head ain't winning any awards.
and yet here you are!!!hmmmm.. what's that you say?

I didn't come here expecting much. Just the opportunity to laugh at a few crazies, and perhaps a chance to poke a couple of them. It's great fun. You are fulfilling all my expectations on that front.
yes, I do the same. you, manmouth, crick, old scrocks and other warmer deniers. The fact that none of you can submit one lab experiment is really pathetic. And here I thought this was about science. hahahahahahaahaha you're such a lucky loser.

There have been plenty of simple repeatable experiments that you can do yourself presented on this board. The fact that you refuse to accept what the results mean doesn't make you right. I guess there is one scientific standard for the world , and another one for teabaggers which doesn't match anything else in the world. Doesn't it get tiring for you, being so wrong so often, about everything?
except...ahem...none that actually prove that adding CO2 causes a temperature increase. The only one again, is Herr Koch's in 1901. ive me one that disproves his!!! Just as I thought, you ain't got one.
nice to know my ass is smarter than you!!!!

If you say so. Your head ain't winning any awards.
and yet here you are!!!hmmmm.. what's that you say?

I didn't come here expecting much. Just the opportunity to laugh at a few crazies, and perhaps a chance to poke a couple of them. It's great fun. You are fulfilling all my expectations on that front.
BTW, my ass is still smarter than you!

Then why don't you listen to it every once in a while, instead of making so many laughably batshit crazy posts?
my ass speaks and you reply!!!! Seems it is much smarter than you!
nice to know my ass is smarter than you!!!!

If you say so. Your head ain't winning any awards.
and yet here you are!!!hmmmm.. what's that you say?

I didn't come here expecting much. Just the opportunity to laugh at a few crazies, and perhaps a chance to poke a couple of them. It's great fun. You are fulfilling all my expectations on that front.
yes, I do the same. you, manmouth, crick, old scrocks and other warmer deniers. The fact that none of you can submit one lab experiment is really pathetic. And here I thought this was about science. hahahahahahaahaha you're such a lucky loser.

There have been plenty of simple repeatable experiments that you can do yourself presented on this board. The fact that you refuse to accept what the results mean doesn't make you right. I guess there is one scientific standard for the world , and another one for teabaggers which doesn't match anything else in the world. Doesn't it get tiring for you, being so wrong so often, about everything?

You should stop making stuff up. The AGWCult tells us they're not able to replicate a lab experiment controlling for 120PPM of CO2 because you'd need a lab the size of the solar system, or the size of planet Earth, they stopped posting once they realized how stupid they sounded

So, how about it. Where's the experiment that controls for a wisp of CO2?
If you say so. Your head ain't winning any awards.
and yet here you are!!!hmmmm.. what's that you say?

I didn't come here expecting much. Just the opportunity to laugh at a few crazies, and perhaps a chance to poke a couple of them. It's great fun. You are fulfilling all my expectations on that front.
yes, I do the same. you, manmouth, crick, old scrocks and other warmer deniers. The fact that none of you can submit one lab experiment is really pathetic. And here I thought this was about science. hahahahahahaahaha you're such a lucky loser.

There have been plenty of simple repeatable experiments that you can do yourself presented on this board. The fact that you refuse to accept what the results mean doesn't make you right. I guess there is one scientific standard for the world , and another one for teabaggers which doesn't match anything else in the world. Doesn't it get tiring for you, being so wrong so often, about everything?
except...ahem...none that actually prove that adding CO2 causes a temperature increase. The only one again, is Herr Koch's in 1901. ive me one that disproves his!!! Just as I thought, you ain't got one.

Oh please disprove the greenhouse effect. I'm on the edge of my seat.
If you say so. Your head ain't winning any awards.
and yet here you are!!!hmmmm.. what's that you say?

I didn't come here expecting much. Just the opportunity to laugh at a few crazies, and perhaps a chance to poke a couple of them. It's great fun. You are fulfilling all my expectations on that front.
BTW, my ass is still smarter than you!

Then why don't you listen to it every once in a while, instead of making so many laughably batshit crazy posts?
my ass speaks and you reply!!!! Seems it is much smarter than you!

I figured most of your posts came right out of your ass. Again, I'm here to laugh at crazies, no matter which end they claim to speak from.
If you say so. Your head ain't winning any awards.
and yet here you are!!!hmmmm.. what's that you say?

I didn't come here expecting much. Just the opportunity to laugh at a few crazies, and perhaps a chance to poke a couple of them. It's great fun. You are fulfilling all my expectations on that front.
yes, I do the same. you, manmouth, crick, old scrocks and other warmer deniers. The fact that none of you can submit one lab experiment is really pathetic. And here I thought this was about science. hahahahahahaahaha you're such a lucky loser.

There have been plenty of simple repeatable experiments that you can do yourself presented on this board. The fact that you refuse to accept what the results mean doesn't make you right. I guess there is one scientific standard for the world , and another one for teabaggers which doesn't match anything else in the world. Doesn't it get tiring for you, being so wrong so often, about everything?

You should stop making stuff up. The AGWCult tells us they're not able to replicate a lab experiment controlling for 120PPM of CO2 because you'd need a lab the size of the solar system, or the size of planet Earth, they stopped posting once they realized how stupid they sounded

So, how about it. Where's the experiment that controls for a wisp of CO2?

Wow....You won't accept all the other scientific evidence produced in countless other experiments, but are holding out for one that is physically impossible to build. How convenient for you.
and yet here you are!!!hmmmm.. what's that you say?

I didn't come here expecting much. Just the opportunity to laugh at a few crazies, and perhaps a chance to poke a couple of them. It's great fun. You are fulfilling all my expectations on that front.
yes, I do the same. you, manmouth, crick, old scrocks and other warmer deniers. The fact that none of you can submit one lab experiment is really pathetic. And here I thought this was about science. hahahahahahaahaha you're such a lucky loser.

There have been plenty of simple repeatable experiments that you can do yourself presented on this board. The fact that you refuse to accept what the results mean doesn't make you right. I guess there is one scientific standard for the world , and another one for teabaggers which doesn't match anything else in the world. Doesn't it get tiring for you, being so wrong so often, about everything?
except...ahem...none that actually prove that adding CO2 causes a temperature increase. The only one again, is Herr Koch's in 1901. ive me one that disproves his!!! Just as I thought, you ain't got one.

Oh please disprove the greenhouse effect. I'm on the edge of my seat.

What is the Greenhouse Effect US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
and yet here you are!!!hmmmm.. what's that you say?

I didn't come here expecting much. Just the opportunity to laugh at a few crazies, and perhaps a chance to poke a couple of them. It's great fun. You are fulfilling all my expectations on that front.
yes, I do the same. you, manmouth, crick, old scrocks and other warmer deniers. The fact that none of you can submit one lab experiment is really pathetic. And here I thought this was about science. hahahahahahaahaha you're such a lucky loser.

There have been plenty of simple repeatable experiments that you can do yourself presented on this board. The fact that you refuse to accept what the results mean doesn't make you right. I guess there is one scientific standard for the world , and another one for teabaggers which doesn't match anything else in the world. Doesn't it get tiring for you, being so wrong so often, about everything?

You should stop making stuff up. The AGWCult tells us they're not able to replicate a lab experiment controlling for 120PPM of CO2 because you'd need a lab the size of the solar system, or the size of planet Earth, they stopped posting once they realized how stupid they sounded

So, how about it. Where's the experiment that controls for a wisp of CO2?

Wow....You won't accept all the other scientific evidence produced in countless other experiments, but are holding out for one that is physically impossible to build. How convenient for you.

Post one experiment.

Just one that shows a link between a 120PPM increase on CO2 and temperature

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