NOAAGate-"Ocean Acidification a huge con!!"

So according to the kook conspiracy graph Bri gives us, global ocean pH was constantly jumping between 7.8 to 8.4 over short time spans. Perhaps Bri can explain for us the physical processes that drive such massive pH fluctuations.

Those of normal intelligence simply point out that the old measurements are essentially crap. And that if you put the crap in, you get crap out. Deniers actively seek to get crap out, so they're putting the crap in. Fudging their little hearts out, they are.

Sadly for them, nobody outside of Denierstan is paying any attention to this latest denier fudgathon. And so they is butthurt.

And Bri, if you don't want to always be so butthurt, stop bending over in front of me. You know I can't resist that tushy of yours.

"Those of normal intelligence simply point out that the old measurements are essentially crap. And that if you put the crap in, you get crap out. Deniers actively seek to get crap out, so they're putting the crap in. Fudging their little hearts out, they are."

If old measurements are crap doesn't that mean that all the old temperature measurements are crap as well? You just threw the entire case for the AGW dogma into the trash can.

You really are too stupid to understand this stuff, aren't you?

You're a typical cult member. this the funniest shit you've ever seen in this forum??!! I swear......when I saw it on DRUDGE, my eyes damn near popped the hell out of my head ( before the laughing my balls off part :woohoo::lmao::lmao:). And part of my laughing is......I know when I post this link up, the AGW nutters heads are going to explode ( and sure enough.....look at the hysterically bozo responses just on this page alone!!!)

Lately personal attacks is all they seem to be able to muster. They've totally given up the pretence that they have any facts on their side.
And as skook and Bri step up the tempo of their mutual stroking, their kook conspiracy theories are still being completely ignored outside of Denierstan. Result: Meltdown.

It wasn't supposed to be like that. Their cult told them they'd soon be given accolades by everyone, and that the dirty hippies who always made them look so dumb would pay. Instead, after having wasted years of their lives on the barking insanity, everyone is just ignoring them. That's when they're lucky. When they're less lucky, everyone is pointing and laughing.

So kooks, following the complete collapse of plan A, what's plan B? Whine even louder? Ramp up your intellectual thuggery to openly physical thuggery? Group suicide?
And as skook and Bri step up the tempo of their mutual stroking, their kook conspiracy theories are still being completely ignored outside of Denierstan. Result: Meltdown.

It wasn't supposed to be like that. Their cult told them they'd soon be given accolades by everyone, and that the dirty hippies who always made them look so dumb would pay. Instead, after having wasted years of their lives on the barking insanity, everyone is just ignoring them. That's when they're lucky. When they're less lucky, everyone is pointing and laughing.

So kooks, following the complete collapse of plan A, what's plan B? Whine even louder? Ramp up your intellectual thuggery to openly physical thuggery? Group suicide?

Your world is entirely delusional, isn't it?
And as skook and Bri step up the tempo of their mutual stroking, their kook conspiracy theories are still being completely ignored outside of Denierstan. Result: Meltdown.

It wasn't supposed to be like that. Their cult told them they'd soon be given accolades by everyone, and that the dirty hippies who always made them look so dumb would pay. Instead, after having wasted years of their lives on the barking insanity, everyone is just ignoring them. That's when they're lucky. When they're less lucky, everyone is pointing and laughing.

So kooks, following the complete collapse of plan A, what's plan B? Whine even louder? Ramp up your intellectual thuggery to openly physical thuggery? Group suicide?

Are you insane? Truly. Your posts are off the wall crazy. Unfreaking real.

ETA: I know it's crazy. Mamooth has been getting crazier by the day.
So according to the kook conspiracy graph Bri gives us, global ocean pH was constantly jumping between 7.8 to 8.4 over short time spans. Perhaps Bri can explain for us the physical processes that drive such massive pH fluctuations.

Those of normal intelligence simply point out that the old measurements are essentially crap. And that if you put the crap in, you get crap out. Deniers actively seek to get crap out, so they're putting the crap in. Fudging their little hearts out, they are.

Sadly for them, nobody outside of Denierstan is paying any attention to this latest denier fudgathon. And so they is butthurt.

And Bri, if you don't want to always be so butthurt, stop bending over in front of me. You know I can't resist that tushy of yours.

"Those of normal intelligence simply point out that the old measurements are essentially crap. And that if you put the crap in, you get crap out. Deniers actively seek to get crap out, so they're putting the crap in. Fudging their little hearts out, they are."

If old measurements are crap doesn't that mean that all the old temperature measurements are crap as well? You just threw the entire case for the AGW dogma into the trash can.

You really are too stupid to understand this stuff, aren't you?

You're a typical cult member. this the funniest shit you've ever seen in this forum??!! I swear......when I saw it on DRUDGE, my eyes damn near popped the hell out of my head ( before the laughing my balls off part :woohoo::lmao::lmao:). And part of my laughing is......I know when I post this link up, the AGW nutters heads are going to explode ( and sure enough.....look at the hysterically bozo responses just on this page alone!!!)

Lately personal attacks is all they seem to be able to muster. They've totally given up the pretence that they have any facts on their side.

I'm working on all the links of cash flow to the AGW official organizations.

I'm tracking via tax returns. And I'm not alone. Always follow the money.

And you want to see crazy? Go to anti Keystone websites. The lunatics actually put on their websites that if they can stop the pipeline they can shut down the oil sands.


Oh and send money so we can stop Canada drilling for oil. Yes. They are that crazy.
And as skook and Bri step up the tempo of their mutual stroking, their kook conspiracy theories are still being completely ignored outside of Denierstan. Result: Meltdown.

It wasn't supposed to be like that. Their cult told them they'd soon be given accolades by everyone, and that the dirty hippies who always made them look so dumb would pay. Instead, after having wasted years of their lives on the barking insanity, everyone is just ignoring them. That's when they're lucky. When they're less lucky, everyone is pointing and laughing.

So kooks, following the complete collapse of plan A, what's plan B? Whine even louder? Ramp up your intellectual thuggery to openly physical thuggery? Group suicide?

I've said it before and I'll say it again. I have no science creds to my name. Just smarts.

On the other hand my husband is a graduate of U of T yes University of Toronto in the sciences. Would you like Chemistry? Biology? What science do you want? You know him as Traveller on different boards. He doesn't waste his time here with you fools. Fools like Mamooth make him want to bazooka barf.

But when I run into idiots like Mamooth who only play the boards I have to ask myself...

Why are they here? And who pays them?
Tiny, you have neither science cred or common-sense smarts. You're just chanting denier conspiracy cult mantras, because that's what your cult wants you to do.

I take it the sad deniers here must have put out a call for help. I think they're going to try dogpiling me. If they can get 10 to 1 odds, I might even notice. Do you think the lion worries that the nearby jackals are howling?

Remember, kooks, when you leave the computer, the world will still be ignoring you. When you lay down to sleep, the same. When you wake up tomorrow, you'll still be irrelevant. No wonder you're all so bitter.
And as skook and Bri step up the tempo of their mutual stroking, their kook conspiracy theories are still being completely ignored outside of Denierstan. Result: Meltdown.

It wasn't supposed to be like that. Their cult told them they'd soon be given accolades by everyone, and that the dirty hippies who always made them look so dumb would pay. Instead, after having wasted years of their lives on the barking insanity, everyone is just ignoring them. That's when they're lucky. When they're less lucky, everyone is pointing and laughing.

So kooks, following the complete collapse of plan A, what's plan B? Whine even louder? Ramp up your intellectual thuggery to openly physical thuggery? Group suicide?

I've said it before and I'll say it again. I have no science creds to my name. Just smarts.

On the other hand my husband is a graduate of U of T yes University of Toronto in the sciences. Would you like Chemistry? Biology? What science do you want? You know him as Traveller on different boards. He doesn't waste his time here with you fools. Fools like Mamooth make him want to bazooka barf.

But when I run into idiots like Mamooth who only play the boards I have to ask myself...

Why are they here? And who pays them?

Why Prancer, so good to agree on something. One should listen to those with scientific credentials concerning a scientfic subject.

American Chemical Society

However, comprehensive scientific assessments of our current and potential future climates clearly indicate that climate change is real, largely attributable to emissions from human activities, and potentially a very serious problem. This sober conclusion has been recently reconfirmed by an in-depth set of studies focused on “America’s Climate Choices” (ACC) conducted by the U.S. National Academies (NRC, 2010a, b, c, d). The ACC studies, performed by independent and highly respected teams of scientists, engineers, and other skilled professionals, reached the same general conclusions that were published in the latest comprehensive assessment conducted by the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 2007). Recently, some errors in the IPCC (2007) reports have been acknowledged and questions about the transparency of the IPCC process have been raised. An independent review by the InterAcademy Council (IAC), a collaboration of the world’s leading national science academies, found “that the IPCC assessment process has been successful overall and has served society well,” and that “through its unique partnership between scientists and governments, the IPCC has heightened public awareness of climate change, raised the level of scientific debate, and influenced the science agendas of many nations.” (IAC, 2010) The IAC also recommended managerial and procedural improvements that would strengthen future assessments.

The Climate Change Consensus Fresh Air. The Scent of Pine.

The list contains scientific organizations around the world that acknowledge the global impact of rising atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations from human activities. While many more organizations could likely be added, the list is limited to those that have either issued a singular statement of their own or signed in agreement to a collective statement regarding the anthropogenic impact of rising emissions on global climate and the global biosphere.

All statements have been issued since 2001.

At present, there are 173 organizations on the list that span all continents outside of Antarctica.

Now one can supply statements from the American, Canadian, European, Asian, and African Scientific Societies stating that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. It is up to our denialists to find one Scientific Society that says otherwise.
Mamooth used to try to make logical arguments but he tripped himself up so often he found it was just easier to make hit-and-run character slurs instead.
the dude/dudeter has been challenged so frequently and lost, he/she can't figure out a next move other than follow the skeptics around on thread after thread and throw out insult after insult with no level of substance at all. Sad!!!! But hey, when the facts can't be argued against, then there is nothing left for the leftist denial teams to do, but insult. Again, sad!!!!!
And as skook and Bri step up the tempo of their mutual stroking, their kook conspiracy theories are still being completely ignored outside of Denierstan. Result: Meltdown.

It wasn't supposed to be like that. Their cult told them they'd soon be given accolades by everyone, and that the dirty hippies who always made them look so dumb would pay. Instead, after having wasted years of their lives on the barking insanity, everyone is just ignoring them. That's when they're lucky. When they're less lucky, everyone is pointing and laughing.

So kooks, following the complete collapse of plan A, what's plan B? Whine even louder? Ramp up your intellectual thuggery to openly physical thuggery? Group suicide?
and still it goes on!!! tsk, tsk, embarrassing to watch the implossion. But when the facts ain't there and the challenge complete, the warmer deniers must attempt deceit.
Mamooth used to try to make logical arguments but he tripped himself up so often he found it was just easier to make hit-and-run character slurs instead.

Ummm.........hate to break it to you but not a "he". Found out recently that we are dealing with a feminist bulldog.......should have known the first time I saw that ghey avatar!!:spinner:
skooks, I don't think he/ she even knows anymore. he/she has been a he and been a she on here so frequently, it ain't funny. It is why i address her/him in the manner I do.
Yes! Another notch to carve! Ian has officially classified himself "denier dickless wonder". He got called out on his Stalinism, he cuts and runs.

This is why I do it. If you call out the Stalinists, you can eventually send them packing.

Frank, if you can ever locate your balls, address why you think it's justified to jail any scientists who disagree with your political party. If that question makes you want to cut and run as well, I'll understand. Sissyboy Stalinists have to stick together.

Meanwhile, you thugs can keep boohooing because one of your targets fought back. You should try to gather a bigger denier mob. Do your usual denier thug-action things. You know, harass his email, threaten him at work, rave at his employer, all those usual things that deniers do.

Shut the fuck up, Nazi fuckface. The AGWCult has NOTHING to do with science at all. How you justify the Fascist treatment of anyone daring to question the cult can only mean that you're a jackbootlicker.

Seriously, just shut the fuck up
Mamooth used to try to make logical arguments but he tripped himself up so often he found it was just easier to make hit-and-run character slurs instead.

I think it's menopause that tripped her up, oh, and being outed as a liar and a Nazi
I highly recommend real scientist fight these motherfucker and not back down, don't be intimidated.
Real scientists can't fight them because they won't allow the fight. The AGW propagandists and their subsidized minions refuse to allow for dissent. Richard Lindzen is referred to by AGW welfare cultists as 'Dick' Lindzen because his empirically based challenge to the AGW propaganda threatens to upset their gravy train.

Real scientists better circle their wagons because the AGWCult will drag down the reputation of whatever institution allows them to continue to perpetrate their obvious fraud. Think of them as the Piltdown Man Cult, they need to be booted to the curb because whatever revenue they bring in is tainted, blood money.
Frank, it must be difficult for you to type these things, being you have to pull your lips off of the rectum of Stalin's corpse to do so. We all know how much you hate not be able to suck dead Stalin's assjelly.

You, Frank (along with jc), personally want the heavy hand of government to jail climate scientists. That makes you a proud Stalinist thug.

Meanwhile, here on the rational side, nobody is calling for anyone to be jailed or censored. It's about liberty, Frank, so you wouldn't understand.

Now, if you'd like to demonstrate you're not the proud Stalinist thug that you appear to be, simply condemn the denier tactic of trying to get climate scientists jailed.

If you won't -- and we all know you won't -- then your Stalinist thug status is confirmed.

And yes, I know you don't consider yourself to be only a Stalinist thug. It's a of matter of daily fashion choice for you, whether you wear your Mao jacket, your Stormtrooper outfit or your Che beret.

One more thing. Did you ever see Stormtroopers squealing? No. Then stop squealing. You're dishonoring your heritage. The only thing worse than an authoritarian thug is a historically inaccurate authoritarian thug.
Frank, it must be difficult for you to type these things, being you have to pull your lips off of the rectum of Stalin's corpse to do so. We all know how much you hate not be able to suck dead Stalin's assjelly.

You, Frank (along with jc), personally want the heavy hand of government to jail climate scientists. That makes you a proud Stalinist thug.

Meanwhile, here on the rational side, nobody is calling for anyone to be jailed or censored. It's about liberty, Frank, so you wouldn't understand.

Now, if you'd like to demonstrate you're not the proud Stalinist thug that you appear to be, simply condemn the denier tactic of trying to get climate scientists jailed.

If you won't -- and we all know you won't -- then your Stalinist thug status is confirmed.

And yes, I know you don't consider yourself to be only a Stalinist thug. It's a of matter of daily fashion choice for you, whether you wear your Mao jacket, your Stormtrooper outfit or your Che beret.

One more thing. Did you ever see Stormtroopers squealing? No. Then stop squealing. You're dishonoring your heritage. The only thing worse than an authoritarian thug is a historically inaccurate authoritarian thug.

Said it before, you're a Nazi AND a Pathological Liar.

Unlike your fascist Cult I never mentioned jailing you fuckers, I would just zero out all government funding for you. If you can get Soros or Gore to fund your cult, fantastic.
I highly recommend real scientist fight these motherfucker and not back down, don't be intimidated.
Real scientists can't fight them because they won't allow the fight. The AGW propagandists and their subsidized minions refuse to allow for dissent. Richard Lindzen is referred to by AGW welfare cultists as 'Dick' Lindzen because his empirically based challenge to the AGW propaganda threatens to upset their gravy train.

Real scientists better circle their wagons because the AGWCult will drag down the reputation of whatever institution allows them to continue to perpetrate their obvious fraud. Think of them as the Piltdown Man Cult, they need to be booted to the curb because whatever revenue they bring in is tainted, blood money.

So many Leftist frauds......such as Haeckel's faked drawing that showed miraculous similarities between all vertbrate embryos.....designed to support Darwin's theory.

They still appear in biology textbooks.
The Progressives Lie so much they believe their own lies


And some are too gutless to confront other Progressives, no matter how obvious the lie... ("ISIS is not Islamic")

And this:
"The deniers first deceive themselves that they are sincere in their adherence to falsehoods. Thus they cannot be faulted for acting on genuinely held views. But in truth, they have cultivated an ignorance of the facts, what Thomas Aquinas calledignorantia affectata.An ignorance so useful that one protects it at all costs, in order to continue using it in one’s own self interest. This ignorance is not exculpatory, but inculpatory. Forgive them not, for they know full well what they do.' RICHARD BADALAMENTE

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