NOAAGate-"Ocean Acidification a huge con!!"

I highly recommend real scientist fight these motherfucker and not back down, don't be intimidated.
I can tell mamooth must be around even though I have him on ignore. I bet he is defending hiding the data, and/or slagging the character of the fellow who asked for it.
I can tell mamooth must be around even though I have him on ignore. I bet he is defending hiding the data, and/or slagging the character of the fellow who asked for it.

She's being her Nazi twat self and defending her fellow goose-steppers suppressing those who dare to question the Cult
Yes! Another notch to carve! Ian has officially classified himself "denier dickless wonder". He got called out on his Stalinism, he cuts and runs.

This is why I do it. If you call out the Stalinists, you can eventually send them packing.

Frank, if you can ever locate your balls, address why you think it's justified to jail any scientists who disagree with your political party. If that question makes you want to cut and run as well, I'll understand. Sissyboy Stalinists have to stick together.

Meanwhile, you thugs can keep boohooing because one of your targets fought back. You should try to gather a bigger denier mob. Do your usual denier thug-action things. You know, harass his email, threaten him at work, rave at his employer, all those usual things that deniers do.
I can tell mamooth must be around even though I have him on ignore. I bet he is defending hiding the data, and/or slagging the character of the fellow who asked for it.
basically the dude/dudette, has nothing of substance to add to the thread. Merely the name and insult fling that he/she does. Running around the board posting, tag you're it.
jc, please stop spamming the entire board with endless one-liners that mean absolutely nothing. You're literally the most worthless poster on all of USMB. You contribute nothing worthwhile to any conversation. Any thread you enter is worse for you having been there.

And also, please stop following me around. You reply to every nearly post I make with some pointless pouting, while I ignore almost all of your posts. I don't require your stalking services.
jc, please stop spamming the entire board with endless one-liners that mean absolutely nothing. You're literally the most worthless poster on all of USMB. You contribute nothing worthwhile to any conversation. Any thread you enter is worse for you having been there.

And also, please stop following me around. You reply to every nearly post I make with some pointless pouting, while I ignore almost all of your posts. I don't require your stalking services.
i'll stop when you stop and finally provide a post of substance. Still waiting on that lab experiment. Show it or shut up!

BTW, stop insulting the people on the board in the threads I go to! It's really quite simple.
Mamooth used to try to make logical arguments but he tripped himself up so often he found it was just easier to make hit-and-run character slurs instead.
I highly recommend real scientist fight these motherfucker and not back down, don't be intimidated.
Real scientists can't fight them because they won't allow the fight. The AGW propagandists and their subsidized minions refuse to allow for dissent. Richard Lindzen is referred to by AGW welfare cultists as 'Dick' Lindzen because his empirically based challenge to the AGW propaganda threatens to upset their gravy train.
Indeed we are dealing with fascists........those who seek to suppress anything that does not conform with their thinking >>

Fascism The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics Library of Economics and Liberty


Look at some of the threads up and running right now on PAGE 1 in this forum!!!:rock: When ANY alternative information is displayed and it doesn't conform with the established religion, what do we see on these threads? Heads exploding.........a mad dash into the threads to try and discredit in any way possible. If these people could, they would prohibit any and all research that doesn't conform to their narrative. We have even seen proponents of AGW say that any alternative views should result in jail for those espousing them. THAT my friends, is fascism.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::up:
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Mamooth used to try to make logical arguments but he tripped himself up so often he found it was just easier to make hit-and-run character slurs instead.

Ummm.........hate to break it to you but not a "he". Found out recently that we are dealing with a feminist bulldog.......should have known the first time I saw that ghey avatar!!:spinner:
Ummm.........hate to break it to you but not a "he".

So you're actually a woman?

Wow. And all this time everyone assumed you were just a particularly feminine gay male, due to your fixation on talking about gayness and your shrieking hysterics. I wouldn't have said you were closeted, being I didn't think the closet had been made that could hold you.

And to find you're a woman? What a disappointment. I didn't think women could act like such sissies.

Anyways, your girls ... or guys ... or whatever pronoun you gender-confused use for yourselves ... you all go on and have a good cry about me. Just let it all out, and you'll feel better. Possibly, you could even fall into each other's arms for some gender-ambiguous comfort.
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You'd think deniers would figure out by now how it's never a good idea to parrot WUWT conspiracy theories. But nope, they never learn. They always go running back for more humiliation.

We could carefully explain the science to them, but there's little point to doing so. They're too emotionally invested in not learning. The cult has commanded them to say all the mainstream science is fake, hence that's what they're going to say.

As always, not a speck of evidence to support your claims, only ad hominems.

It's about time you got a new shtick. This one is getting old.
Ummm.........hate to break it to you but not a "he".

So you're actually a woman?

Wow. And all this time everyone assumed you were just a particularly feminine gay male, due to your fixation on talking about gayness and your shrieking hysterics. I wouldn't have said you were closeted, being I didn't think the closet had been made that could hold you.

And to find you're a woman? What a disappointment. I didn't think women could act like such sissies.

Anyways, your girls ... or guys ... or whatever pronoun you gender-confused use for yourselves ... you all go on and have a good cry about me. Just let it all out, and you'll feel better. Possibly, you could even fall into each other's arms for some gender-ambiguous comfort.

More personal attacks.

The proof would be the direct pH measurements, dumbass.

Yes, we know you say the measurements are forged, because your cult commands you to say it. Just the ones you don't like, of course. If you find a measurement you like, you believe it without question.

The only pissdrinkers chugging this particular cup of fresh warm denier cult urine are the usual denier blogs, though McIntyre notably wouldn't touch it. Nobody outside of denierstan wants anything to do with it. The mainstream media is particularly gun shy about these things. They've been burned before when they fell for denier lies, and they know better now. Deniers are considered by everyone to be toxic, even by FOX. That's actually rather fortunate for the producers of the piss, as Dr. Feely would certainly have grounds for a libel suit if the slurs were widely disseminated.
Mamooth used to try to make logical arguments but he tripped himself up so often he found it was just easier to make hit-and-run character slurs instead.

Ummm.........hate to break it to you but not a "he". Found out recently that we are dealing with a feminist bulldog.......should have known the first time I saw that ghey avatar!!:spinner:

It's hard to believe a female has a mouth that dirty.
So according to the kook conspiracy graph Bri gives us, global ocean pH was constantly jumping between 7.8 to 8.4 over short time spans. Perhaps Bri can explain for us the physical processes that drive such massive pH fluctuations.

Those of normal intelligence simply point out that the old measurements are essentially crap. And that if you put the crap in, you get crap out. Deniers actively seek to get crap out, so they're putting the crap in. Fudging their little hearts out, they are.

Sadly for them, nobody outside of Denierstan is paying any attention to this latest denier fudgathon. And so they is butthurt.

And Bri, if you don't want to always be so butthurt, stop bending over in front of me. You know I can't resist that tushy of yours.
So according to the kook conspiracy graph Bri gives us, global ocean pH was constantly jumping between 7.8 to 8.4 over short time spans. Perhaps Bri can explain for us the physical processes that drive such massive pH fluctuations.

Those of normal intelligence simply point out that the old measurements are essentially crap. And that if you put the crap in, you get crap out. Deniers actively seek to get crap out, so they're putting the crap in. Fudging their little hearts out, they are.

Sadly for them, nobody outside of Denierstan is paying any attention to this latest denier fudgathon. And so they is butthurt.

And Bri, if you don't want to always be so butthurt, stop bending over in front of me. You know I can't resist that tushy of yours.

"Those of normal intelligence simply point out that the old measurements are essentially crap. And that if you put the crap in, you get crap out. Deniers actively seek to get crap out, so they're putting the crap in. Fudging their little hearts out, they are."

If old measurements are crap doesn't that mean that all the old temperature measurements are crap as well? You just threw the entire case for the AGW dogma into the trash can.

You really are too stupid to understand this stuff, aren't you?

You're a typical cult member.
So according to the kook conspiracy graph Bri gives us, global ocean pH was constantly jumping between 7.8 to 8.4 over short time spans. Perhaps Bri can explain for us the physical processes that drive such massive pH fluctuations.

Those of normal intelligence simply point out that the old measurements are essentially crap. And that if you put the crap in, you get crap out. Deniers actively seek to get crap out, so they're putting the crap in. Fudging their little hearts out, they are.

Sadly for them, nobody outside of Denierstan is paying any attention to this latest denier fudgathon. And so they is butthurt.

And Bri, if you don't want to always be so butthurt, stop bending over in front of me. You know I can't resist that tushy of yours.

"Those of normal intelligence simply point out that the old measurements are essentially crap. And that if you put the crap in, you get crap out. Deniers actively seek to get crap out, so they're putting the crap in. Fudging their little hearts out, they are."

If old measurements are crap doesn't that mean that all the old temperature measurements are crap as well? You just threw the entire case for the AGW dogma into the trash can.

You really are too stupid to understand this stuff, aren't you?

You're a typical cult member. this the funniest shit you've ever seen in this forum??!! I swear......when I saw it on DRUDGE, my eyes damn near popped the hell out of my head ( before the laughing my balls off part :woohoo::lmao::lmao:). And part of my laughing is......I know when I post this link up, the AGW nutters heads are going to explode ( and sure enough.....look at the hysterically bozo responses just on this page alone!!!)

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