NOAAGate-"Ocean Acidification a huge con!!"

Frank, it must be difficult for you to type these things, being you have to pull your lips off of the rectum of Stalin's corpse to do so. We all know how much you hate not be able to suck dead Stalin's assjelly.

You, Frank (along with jc), personally want the heavy hand of government to jail climate scientists. That makes you a proud Stalinist thug.

Meanwhile, here on the rational side, nobody is calling for anyone to be jailed or censored. It's about liberty, Frank, so you wouldn't understand.

Now, if you'd like to demonstrate you're not the proud Stalinist thug that you appear to be, simply condemn the denier tactic of trying to get climate scientists jailed.

If you won't -- and we all know you won't -- then your Stalinist thug status is confirmed.

And yes, I know you don't consider yourself to be only a Stalinist thug. It's a of matter of daily fashion choice for you, whether you wear your Mao jacket, your Stormtrooper outfit or your Che beret.

One more thing. Did you ever see Stormtroopers squealing? No. Then stop squealing. You're dishonoring your heritage. The only thing worse than an authoritarian thug is a historically inaccurate authoritarian thug.
and yet you have nothing. mumbo jumbo lines of words that mean absolutely nothing. Herr Koch is great, he provided an actual scientific experiment that shows your warmist denialism wrong. Booo hoo to you...LoSiNg...........
Frank, it must be difficult for you to type these things, being you have to pull your lips off of the rectum of Stalin's corpse to do so. We all know how much you hate not be able to suck dead Stalin's assjelly.

You, Frank (along with jc), personally want the heavy hand of government to jail climate scientists. That makes you a proud Stalinist thug.

Meanwhile, here on the rational side, nobody is calling for anyone to be jailed or censored. It's about liberty, Frank, so you wouldn't understand.

Now, if you'd like to demonstrate you're not the proud Stalinist thug that you appear to be, simply condemn the denier tactic of trying to get climate scientists jailed.

If you won't -- and we all know you won't -- then your Stalinist thug status is confirmed.

And yes, I know you don't consider yourself to be only a Stalinist thug. It's a of matter of daily fashion choice for you, whether you wear your Mao jacket, your Stormtrooper outfit or your Che beret.

One more thing. Did you ever see Stormtroopers squealing? No. Then stop squealing. You're dishonoring your heritage. The only thing worse than an authoritarian thug is a historically inaccurate authoritarian thug.

Said it before, you're a Nazi AND a Pathological Liar.

Unlike your fascist Cult I never mentioned jailing you fuckers, I would just zero out all government funding for you. If you can get Soros or Gore to fund your cult, fantastic.
Frank, fraud I believe is a crime. So if there is fraud, then there is a crime. And if the sentence is jailtime, hmmm..., but you're correct, take the government funding away now.
The Progressives Lie so much they believe their own lies


And some are too gutless to confront other Progressives, no matter how obvious the lie... ("ISIS is not Islamic")

And this:
"The deniers first deceive themselves that they are sincere in their adherence to falsehoods. Thus they cannot be faulted for acting on genuinely held views. But in truth, they have cultivated an ignorance of the facts, what Thomas Aquinas calledignorantia affectata.An ignorance so useful that one protects it at all costs, in order to continue using it in one’s own self interest. This ignorance is not exculpatory, but inculpatory. Forgive them not, for they know full well what they do.' RICHARD BADALAMENTE

Exactly what I mean, they lie so much they believe their own bullcrap

Ask an AGWCultists for data or an explanation and they threaten your livelihood
Yes! Another notch to carve! Ian has officially classified himself "denier dickless wonder". He got called out on his Stalinism, he cuts and runs.

This is why I do it. If you call out the Stalinists, you can eventually send them packing.

Frank, if you can ever locate your balls, address why you think it's justified to jail any scientists who disagree with your political party. If that question makes you want to cut and run as well, I'll understand. Sissyboy Stalinists have to stick together.

Meanwhile, you thugs can keep boohooing because one of your targets fought back. You should try to gather a bigger denier mob. Do your usual denier thug-action things. You know, harass his email, threaten him at work, rave at his employer, all those usual things that deniers do.

Shut the fuck up, Nazi fuckface. The AGWCult has NOTHING to do with science at all. How you justify the Fascist treatment of anyone daring to question the cult can only mean that you're a jackbootlicker.

Seriously, just shut the fuck up
Frank, he/she is a cross poster.
Frank, it must be difficult for you to type these things, being you have to pull your lips off of the rectum of Stalin's corpse to do so. We all know how much you hate not be able to suck dead Stalin's assjelly.

You, Frank (along with jc), personally want the heavy hand of government to jail climate scientists. That makes you a proud Stalinist thug.

Meanwhile, here on the rational side, nobody is calling for anyone to be jailed or censored. It's about liberty, Frank, so you wouldn't understand.

Now, if you'd like to demonstrate you're not the proud Stalinist thug that you appear to be, simply condemn the denier tactic of trying to get climate scientists jailed.

If you won't -- and we all know you won't -- then your Stalinist thug status is confirmed.

And yes, I know you don't consider yourself to be only a Stalinist thug. It's a of matter of daily fashion choice for you, whether you wear your Mao jacket, your Stormtrooper outfit or your Che beret.

One more thing. Did you ever see Stormtroopers squealing? No. Then stop squealing. You're dishonoring your heritage. The only thing worse than an authoritarian thug is a historically inaccurate authoritarian thug.

Said it before, you're a Nazi AND a Pathological Liar.

Unlike your fascist Cult I never mentioned jailing you fuckers, I would just zero out all government funding for you. If you can get Soros or Gore to fund your cult, fantastic.
Frank, fraud I believe is a crime. So if there is fraud, then there is a crime. And if the sentence is jailtime, hmmm..., but you're correct, take the government funding away now.

As a fraud, the AGW Scam is bigger than anything Bernie Madoff or Enron ever dared to dream, so jail should not be out of the question. It's more a set of ridiculous beliefs that they're allowed to maintain, just stop asking me to pay their tuition
Yes! Another notch to carve! Ian has officially classified himself "denier dickless wonder". He got called out on his Stalinism, he cuts and runs.

This is why I do it. If you call out the Stalinists, you can eventually send them packing.

Frank, if you can ever locate your balls, address why you think it's justified to jail any scientists who disagree with your political party. If that question makes you want to cut and run as well, I'll understand. Sissyboy Stalinists have to stick together.

Meanwhile, you thugs can keep boohooing because one of your targets fought back. You should try to gather a bigger denier mob. Do your usual denier thug-action things. You know, harass his email, threaten him at work, rave at his employer, all those usual things that deniers do.

Shut the fuck up, Nazi fuckface. The AGWCult has NOTHING to do with science at all. How you justify the Fascist treatment of anyone daring to question the cult can only mean that you're a jackbootlicker.

Seriously, just shut the fuck up
Frank, he/she is a cross poster.

It may be more than one person accessing the account, or a schizophrenic.
Yes! Another notch to carve! Ian has officially classified himself "denier dickless wonder". He got called out on his Stalinism, he cuts and runs.

This is why I do it. If you call out the Stalinists, you can eventually send them packing.

Frank, if you can ever locate your balls, address why you think it's justified to jail any scientists who disagree with your political party. If that question makes you want to cut and run as well, I'll understand. Sissyboy Stalinists have to stick together.

Meanwhile, you thugs can keep boohooing because one of your targets fought back. You should try to gather a bigger denier mob. Do your usual denier thug-action things. You know, harass his email, threaten him at work, rave at his employer, all those usual things that deniers do.

Shut the fuck up, Nazi fuckface. The AGWCult has NOTHING to do with science at all. How you justify the Fascist treatment of anyone daring to question the cult can only mean that you're a jackbootlicker.

Seriously, just shut the fuck up
Frank, he/she is a cross poster.

It may be more than one person accessing the account, or a schizophrenic.
maybe!!!!! LOL. Maybe they are all just one person. Crick, Manmouth, Old scrocks and the others, just one person. They certainly skate around together.
Yes! Another notch to carve! Ian has officially classified himself "denier dickless wonder". He got called out on his Stalinism, he cuts and runs.

This is why I do it. If you call out the Stalinists, you can eventually send them packing.

Frank, if you can ever locate your balls, address why you think it's justified to jail any scientists who disagree with your political party. If that question makes you want to cut and run as well, I'll understand. Sissyboy Stalinists have to stick together.

Meanwhile, you thugs can keep boohooing because one of your targets fought back. You should try to gather a bigger denier mob. Do your usual denier thug-action things. You know, harass his email, threaten him at work, rave at his employer, all those usual things that deniers do.

Shut the fuck up, Nazi fuckface. The AGWCult has NOTHING to do with science at all. How you justify the Fascist treatment of anyone daring to question the cult can only mean that you're a jackbootlicker.

Seriously, just shut the fuck up
Frank, he/she is a cross poster.

It may be more than one person accessing the account, or a schizophrenic.
or it could be people are just laughing at your dumb ass.
Yes! Another notch to carve! Ian has officially classified himself "denier dickless wonder". He got called out on his Stalinism, he cuts and runs.

This is why I do it. If you call out the Stalinists, you can eventually send them packing.

Frank, if you can ever locate your balls, address why you think it's justified to jail any scientists who disagree with your political party. If that question makes you want to cut and run as well, I'll understand. Sissyboy Stalinists have to stick together.

Meanwhile, you thugs can keep boohooing because one of your targets fought back. You should try to gather a bigger denier mob. Do your usual denier thug-action things. You know, harass his email, threaten him at work, rave at his employer, all those usual things that deniers do.

Shut the fuck up, Nazi fuckface. The AGWCult has NOTHING to do with science at all. How you justify the Fascist treatment of anyone daring to question the cult can only mean that you're a jackbootlicker.

Seriously, just shut the fuck up
Frank, he/she is a cross poster.

It may be more than one person accessing the account, or a schizophrenic.
or it could be people are just laughing at your dumb ass.
name them!!!
Yes! Another notch to carve! Ian has officially classified himself "denier dickless wonder". He got called out on his Stalinism, he cuts and runs.

This is why I do it. If you call out the Stalinists, you can eventually send them packing.

Frank, if you can ever locate your balls, address why you think it's justified to jail any scientists who disagree with your political party. If that question makes you want to cut and run as well, I'll understand. Sissyboy Stalinists have to stick together.

Meanwhile, you thugs can keep boohooing because one of your targets fought back. You should try to gather a bigger denier mob. Do your usual denier thug-action things. You know, harass his email, threaten him at work, rave at his employer, all those usual things that deniers do.

Shut the fuck up, Nazi fuckface. The AGWCult has NOTHING to do with science at all. How you justify the Fascist treatment of anyone daring to question the cult can only mean that you're a jackbootlicker.

Seriously, just shut the fuck up
Frank, he/she is a cross poster.

It may be more than one person accessing the account, or a schizophrenic.
or it could be people are just laughing at your dumb ass.
name them!!!

ME you silly Goober.
Yes! Another notch to carve! Ian has officially classified himself "denier dickless wonder". He got called out on his Stalinism, he cuts and runs.

This is why I do it. If you call out the Stalinists, you can eventually send them packing.

Frank, if you can ever locate your balls, address why you think it's justified to jail any scientists who disagree with your political party. If that question makes you want to cut and run as well, I'll understand. Sissyboy Stalinists have to stick together.

Meanwhile, you thugs can keep boohooing because one of your targets fought back. You should try to gather a bigger denier mob. Do your usual denier thug-action things. You know, harass his email, threaten him at work, rave at his employer, all those usual things that deniers do.

Shut the fuck up, Nazi fuckface. The AGWCult has NOTHING to do with science at all. How you justify the Fascist treatment of anyone daring to question the cult can only mean that you're a jackbootlicker.

Seriously, just shut the fuck up
Frank, he/she is a cross poster.

It may be more than one person accessing the account, or a schizophrenic.
or it could be people are just laughing at your dumb ass.

It's funny how you, Old Rocks and Wry (aka: Freddo) are always the ones calling other people dumb and trying to impress us with how smart you think you are.

It says a lot about you, more than you realize
Yes! Another notch to carve! Ian has officially classified himself "denier dickless wonder". He got called out on his Stalinism, he cuts and runs.

This is why I do it. If you call out the Stalinists, you can eventually send them packing.

Frank, if you can ever locate your balls, address why you think it's justified to jail any scientists who disagree with your political party. If that question makes you want to cut and run as well, I'll understand. Sissyboy Stalinists have to stick together.

Meanwhile, you thugs can keep boohooing because one of your targets fought back. You should try to gather a bigger denier mob. Do your usual denier thug-action things. You know, harass his email, threaten him at work, rave at his employer, all those usual things that deniers do.

Shut the fuck up, Nazi fuckface. The AGWCult has NOTHING to do with science at all. How you justify the Fascist treatment of anyone daring to question the cult can only mean that you're a jackbootlicker.

Seriously, just shut the fuck up
Frank, he/she is a cross poster.

It may be more than one person accessing the account, or a schizophrenic.
or it could be people are just laughing at your dumb ass.

It's funny how you, Old Rocks and Wry (aka: Freddo) are always the ones calling other people dumb and trying to impress us with how smart you think you are.

It says a lot about you, more than you realize

It says we are smart enough to laugh at dumbasses like you. Dumbass.
So many Leftist frauds......

PC, would you care to be the first denier cultist here to condemn the denier tactic of trying to use oppressive government to get climate scientists jailed?

Now, given your long history here of emulating all of Stalin's tactics, plus those of his heir Alinsky, I don't have high hopes. But I thought I'd ask. Maybe somewhere in this world, I'll be able to find a single denier cultist who isn't a proud Stalinist thug. I'll let everyone know when such a remarkable thing happens.
Shut the fuck up, Nazi fuckface. The AGWCult has NOTHING to do with science at all. How you justify the Fascist treatment of anyone daring to question the cult can only mean that you're a jackbootlicker.

Seriously, just shut the fuck up
Frank, he/she is a cross poster.

It may be more than one person accessing the account, or a schizophrenic.
or it could be people are just laughing at your dumb ass.
name them!!!

ME you silly Goober.
you know the word people is plural right? holy crap batman. WiNNiNg
Shut the fuck up, Nazi fuckface. The AGWCult has NOTHING to do with science at all. How you justify the Fascist treatment of anyone daring to question the cult can only mean that you're a jackbootlicker.

Seriously, just shut the fuck up
Frank, he/she is a cross poster.

It may be more than one person accessing the account, or a schizophrenic.
or it could be people are just laughing at your dumb ass.

It's funny how you, Old Rocks and Wry (aka: Freddo) are always the ones calling other people dumb and trying to impress us with how smart you think you are.

It says a lot about you, more than you realize

It says we are smart enough to laugh at dumbasses like you. Dumbass.
hmmm... how did that phrase use to go? oh takes one to know one!!!!
For the denier Stalinist thugs here, a lesson.

So many Leftist frauds......

PC, would you care to be the first denier cultist here to condemn the denier tactic of trying to use oppressive government to get climate scientists jailed?

Now, given your long history here of emulating all of Stalin's tactics, plus those of his heir Alinsky, I don't have high hopes. But I thought I'd ask. Maybe somewhere in this world, I'll be able to find a single denier cultist who isn't a proud Stalinist thug. I'll let everyone know when such a remarkable thing happens.

^ Pathological Liar, Nazi and Nutburger
So many Leftist frauds......

PC, would you care to be the first denier cultist here to condemn the denier tactic of trying to use oppressive government to get climate scientists jailed?

Now, given your long history here of emulating all of Stalin's tactics, plus those of his heir Alinsky, I don't have high hopes. But I thought I'd ask. Maybe somewhere in this world, I'll be able to find a single denier cultist who isn't a proud Stalinist thug. I'll let everyone know when such a remarkable thing happens.
dude/ dudetter your question was answered. What is your point anyway?
Frank, he/she is a cross poster.

It may be more than one person accessing the account, or a schizophrenic.
or it could be people are just laughing at your dumb ass.

It's funny how you, Old Rocks and Wry (aka: Freddo) are always the ones calling other people dumb and trying to impress us with how smart you think you are.

It says a lot about you, more than you realize

It says we are smart enough to laugh at dumbasses like you. Dumbass.
hmmm... how did that phrase use to go? oh takes one to know one!!!!

Well, at least your responses have advanced to a third graders level........progress. Dumbass.

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