noam chomsky vs milton friedman

, Princess, spending multipliers exist for large scale spending programs by governments..

so spending is magical when the libturd bureaucrats do it with taxed money but not when the folks who earned it spend it??
When demand is reduced in the private sector, government can help boost demand with public dollars until the economy recovers. Then, the recovered economy pays for the deficit spending.
So, infrastructure spent for with government funding has created opportunities for wealth creation. No movement of people and goods, smaller economy.

too stupid by 1000% Intel produces ingenious microchips while libturds build roads and you focus on roads as the source of economic progress. See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance.
I've already pointed to Republican obstruction of economic recovery to end recessions..

cut the lliberal BS and tell us exactly what obstruction
Take off your fucking dunce cap, Princess and go back to the other thread. I told you to do that in that thread, and you even quoted the post. If you want to play games, you can go get bent. I already provided the examples and you want to act like I didn't post the examples. It's on you to read my words, and not for me to teach you to read, ya dope.
I've already pointed to Republican obstruction of economic recovery to end recessions..

cut the lliberal BS and tell us exactly what obstruction
Take off your fucking dunce cap, Princess and go back to the other thread. I told you to do that in that thread, and you even quoted the post. If you want to play games, you can go get bent. I already provided the examples and you want to act like I didn't post the examples. It's on you to read my words, and not for me to teach you to read, ya dope.

cut the lliberal BS and tell us exactly what Republican obstruction or admit you are too afraid!!
So, infrastructure spent for with government funding has created opportunities for wealth creation. No movement of people and goods, smaller economy.

too stupid by 1000% Intel produces ingenious microchips while libturds build roads and you focus on roads as the source of economic progress. See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance.
Intel doesn't do shit unless they can ship the chips around the world. He'll, the chips are merely wasted investment if they can't get them to markets within the US.

I'll suggest you learn the difference between supply and demand, and access to markets. You're really at a kindergarten level of knowledge, Princess.
. No infrastructure, no wealth creation.

too stupid by 10000% the idiot liberal is pretending to himself that someone wants no infrastructure!!
You're the dope who keeps arguing against government spending.

conservatives argue against roads helping the economy more than new private sector inventions!!
Road construction creates jobs, so that the investments have a) willing buyers and b) a means to get the goods to markets.

Again, learn what supply and demand. No access to markets means no supply to meet potential demands.
I've already pointed to Republican obstruction of economic recovery to end recessions..

cut the lliberal BS and tell us exactly what obstruction
Take off your fucking dunce cap, Princess and go back to the other thread. I told you to do that in that thread, and you even quoted the post. If you want to play games, you can go get bent. I already provided the examples and you want to act like I didn't post the examples. It's on you to read my words, and not for me to teach you to read, ya dope.

cut the lliberal BS and tell us exactly what Republican obstruction or admit you are too afraid!!
Cut the fucking lying scumbag bullshit you rely on and read the fucking examples I posted, ya dope.
Why won't you admit you read the examples? What does your fear tell you about your inability to be honest?
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Intel doesn't do shit unless they can ship the chips around the world.

dear, the genius who builds the chip is 1000 times more important than the slug who builds the road. When times are tough you help the genius, not the lowly slug because the genius causes huge economic growth while the liberal slug does not.

Get it, you need the garbarge man but they are a dime a dozen compared to genius innovators. See why we say slow?
Cut the fucking lying scumbag bullshit you rely on and read the fucking examples I posted, ya dope.

dear, for 4th time please give us your best example of Republicans obstructing economic growth or admit you are afraid to try!! What does your fear teach us?
Intel doesn't do shit unless they can ship the chips around the world.

dear, the genius who builds the chip is 1000 times more important than the slug who builds the road. When times are tough you help the genius, not the lowly slug because the genius causes huge economic growth while the liberal slug does not.

Get it, you need the garbarge man but they are a dime a dozen compared to genius innovators. See why we say slow?

The chip is shipped across the ocean using GPS (government created global positioning systems), then offloaded for transport by truck or rail to the computer assembly factory, then shipped by rail or truck to distribution centers, or back to ships to other parts of the world the raw materials used to make the chips rely on infrastructure to get the materials to where they can be processed for usable component materials to be made into chips. The purchaser or business uses infrastructure to go to the store, or have a delivery to the place of business, to buy the completed product.

With your kind of thinking, silicon should be the product for you to make your castle, Princess. Only to be washed away by wind and water. Or a big foot walking across your princess sand castle, Princess.
Road construction creates jobs,.

so did the invention of the micro chip!! So we'll tax and impede the wealthy who invent micro chips to built roads to create make-work libturd jobs?? Exactly how FDR made the depression last 10 years!!. Slow?
Quoting yourself so often shows a disturbed mind, Princess. I'm here to tell you that you can act like a Princess all you want, but no one sees you as more than an uneducated and unintelligent annoyance.

And you don't even bother to know what Cole and Ohanian said, let alone how they were proven wrong.

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