noam chomsky vs milton friedman

Conservatives are, because our crumbling infrastructure is impeding economic growth in some areas, .

dear lack of growth is caused by housing crisis and highest taxes in world driving 30 millions corporate jobs off shore, not the lack of road building. Too stupid for words!
, but no one sees you as more than an uneducated and unintelligent annoyance.

dear if you think conservatism is uneducated please present your best example or admit you lack the IQ to defend what you say!!
You're an example of someone who is uneducated and stupid, and who promotes stupidity as a conservative value.

so then why so afriad to present your best example for whole world to see? What does your fear teach us?
Conservatives are, because our crumbling infrastructure is impeding economic growth in some areas, .

dear lack of growth is caused by housing crisis and highest taxes in world driving 30 millions corporate jobs off shore, not the lack of road building. Too stupid for words!
The housing crisis is just about done. And the US is effectively a low taxation developed nation.

Learn facts before proving to us all you're ignorant.
, but no one sees you as more than an uneducated and unintelligent annoyance.

dear if you think conservatism is uneducated please present your best example or admit you lack the IQ to defend what you say!!
You're an example of someone who is uneducated and stupid, and who promotes stupidity as a conservative value.

so then why so afriad to present your best example for whole world to see? What does your fear teach us?
I just provided you with one. He'll, on economics, conservatives are uneducated. They keep pushing for economic policies that hurt economic growth, and cannot allow facts to get into their myopic view of the world.
Without the roads and rest of the economy that relies on infrastructure, computer chips would be worthless.

yes dear and every human being on earth agrees.
Thanks for admitting you were wrong.

dear all human being have always thought we needed roads, and most would know that new microchip inventions stimulate the economy more than new roads.
Princess, you've already conceded I'm right about the roads. I'm not arguing against computer chips, while you went from arguing against infrastructure to agreeing with me.

Moving the goal posts isn't keeping you from losing the debate.
I'm saying the proof has been that stimulus works, as proven by the Great Depression, and in the last recession....

Whatever you're smoking, you'd better ease up on it.
Why would you be so afraid of facts?

Liberal stimulus worked so well the Great Depression lasted 15 years until FDR finally died!! If Obama could make this last 15 years he would be a liberal hero too!! See why we are 100% positive liberalism is based in pure ignorance
They keep pushing for economic policies that hurt economic growth, .

you mean by supporting new inventions like micro chips rather than roads??
No. They don't. They actually harm the economy and then reduce the demand for computer chips. Republicans suck at economics.

when a depression hits liberals want to build roads rather than world class technology industries to get the economy going!! Slow?

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