Nobel laureate pounds home message: Focus on human rights abuses in Iran

Fine, whatever, let's focus on the human rights abuses from ALL countries in the middle east.

Why is Iran so special? Er... well.... the right want to invade because they're OPEC and have lots of oil.

Just like Iraq, Libya and Venezuela, what happened to them?

In 2001 the three leaders of those three countries aren't with us.

Two were deposed with US help or by the US, and the other suffered a coup d'etat the US helped, didn't work, but then he died.

Coincidences? No.

My, my, my. It certainly looks that if someone writes about the abuses in Iran, there are many who get on step about this. Strange, but it is a reason to wonder why. However, whomever can't stand to see anything written about abuses in Iran is free to ask the Iranians here in the U.S. their opinion about what is going on. There is nothing like getting it from the horse's mouth, so to speak.

I don't doubt human rights abuses in Iran, this isn't the point. The point is, why Iran and not all the other countries with human rights abuses? The answer is clear, some people have an agenda and are using the press to push that agenda.

Why is it that people like you seem to get so upset when Iran's human rights abuses are discussed in an article, but are very quiet when human rights abuses have been discussed here in Saudi Arabia and even Qatar? Do you have an agenda which includes nothing being said about Iran's human rights abuses?

Now nobody is stopping you from going to any of the various forums and talking about the human rights abuses going on in different parts of the world. Have at it.

I'm not upset that Iran's human rights abuses are being discussed. What I'm upset about is that it's ALWAYS Iran and never other countries.

If this were done on an equal basis, then fine, however the Saudis almost never get found out, while the Iranians, who aren't as bad as the Saudis, get it all the time.

Also, why is it people like you always get upset when people bring up human rights abuses in places like Saudi Arabia?

It appears that you are the one who got upset about the article from a Nobel Laureate about human rights abuses in Iran or else you wouldn't have made the comment that you did. This woman didn't win the prize for just sneezing. Let me reiterate. Human rights abuses have been discussed in Saudi Arabia and Qatar on this forum. I am sorry that you were too busy elsewhere to notice this. Meanwhile, is anyone stopping you here from posting an article about human rights abuses in Saudi Arabia? I certainly would have no problem, and I don't think the others would have either. I don't think anyone tied up your hands, thus preventing you from doing so. So go for it and post an article about what is happening in Saudi Arabia when it comes to human rights. This way you might feel better and not have such a hang-up when an article about Iran appears.

I didn't get upset in the slightest.

I'm making a point. Firstly, the title of the post is that someone says we should focus on human rights abuses in Iran.

I'm suggesting that we should focus on human rights abuses everywhere.

Then I pointed out that focusing on human rights abuses in specific countries is often used as a tool to target specific countries while ignoring other countries who have equal, or even worse, human rights abuses.

I'm also not saying that human rights abuses haven't been discussed elsewhere on the forum. I didn't make the claim that they have never been discussed here, so I'm not really sure what your point is there.

Yes, I can go discuss human rights abuses elsewhere. However the topic here is about this woman making this comment. And my opinion is that she's wrong. We shouldn't focus on human rights abuses in Iran. We should focus on HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSES. That means everywhere.

I'm sorry if you don't like my opinions, I'm sorry if you don't want to take on board what I'm saying, but hey, deal with it.
Because they only occur in Iran? What about China, DPRK, Saudi Arabia, and right here in the good ol' US of A?
Silly Sally doesn't care about other places.

She only has a hard-on for Iran......... :cool:


Who doesn't?
Fine, whatever, let's focus on the human rights abuses from ALL countries in the middle east.

Why is Iran so special? Er... well.... the right want to invade because they're OPEC and have lots of oil.

Just like Iraq, Libya and Venezuela, what happened to them?

In 2001 the three leaders of those three countries aren't with us.

Two were deposed with US help or by the US, and the other suffered a coup d'etat the US helped, didn't work, but then he died.

Coincidences? No.

My, my, my. It certainly looks that if someone writes about the abuses in Iran, there are many who get on step about this. Strange, but it is a reason to wonder why. However, whomever can't stand to see anything written about abuses in Iran is free to ask the Iranians here in the U.S. their opinion about what is going on. There is nothing like getting it from the horse's mouth, so to speak.

I don't doubt human rights abuses in Iran, this isn't the point. The point is, why Iran and not all the other countries with human rights abuses? The answer is clear, some people have an agenda and are using the press to push that agenda.

Why is it that people like you seem to get so upset when Iran's human rights abuses are discussed in an article, but are very quiet when human rights abuses have been discussed here in Saudi Arabia and even Qatar? Do you have an agenda which includes nothing being said about Iran's human rights abuses?

Now nobody is stopping you from going to any of the various forums and talking about the human rights abuses going on in different parts of the world. Have at it.

I'm not upset that Iran's human rights abuses are being discussed. What I'm upset about is that it's ALWAYS Iran and never other countries.

If this were done on an equal basis, then fine, however the Saudis almost never get found out, while the Iranians, who aren't as bad as the Saudis, get it all the time.

Also, why is it people like you always get upset when people bring up human rights abuses in places like Saudi Arabia?

It appears that you are the one who got upset about the article from a Nobel Laureate about human rights abuses in Iran or else you wouldn't have made the comment that you did. This woman didn't win the prize for just sneezing. Let me reiterate. Human rights abuses have been discussed in Saudi Arabia and Qatar on this forum. I am sorry that you were too busy elsewhere to notice this. Meanwhile, is anyone stopping you here from posting an article about human rights abuses in Saudi Arabia? I certainly would have no problem, and I don't think the others would have either. I don't think anyone tied up your hands, thus preventing you from doing so. So go for it and post an article about what is happening in Saudi Arabia when it comes to human rights. This way you might feel better and not have such a hang-up when an article about Iran appears.

She was defending a Iranian Jew woman right, I'd be surprised if she is not an Iranian Jew herself, living in America , her history with Iran is not good.
My, my, my. It certainly looks that if someone writes about the abuses in Iran, there are many who get on step about this. Strange, but it is a reason to wonder why. However, whomever can't stand to see anything written about abuses in Iran is free to ask the Iranians here in the U.S. their opinion about what is going on. There is nothing like getting it from the horse's mouth, so to speak.

I don't doubt human rights abuses in Iran, this isn't the point. The point is, why Iran and not all the other countries with human rights abuses? The answer is clear, some people have an agenda and are using the press to push that agenda.

Why is it that people like you seem to get so upset when Iran's human rights abuses are discussed in an article, but are very quiet when human rights abuses have been discussed here in Saudi Arabia and even Qatar? Do you have an agenda which includes nothing being said about Iran's human rights abuses?

Now nobody is stopping you from going to any of the various forums and talking about the human rights abuses going on in different parts of the world. Have at it.

I'm not upset that Iran's human rights abuses are being discussed. What I'm upset about is that it's ALWAYS Iran and never other countries.

If this were done on an equal basis, then fine, however the Saudis almost never get found out, while the Iranians, who aren't as bad as the Saudis, get it all the time.

Also, why is it people like you always get upset when people bring up human rights abuses in places like Saudi Arabia?

It appears that you are the one who got upset about the article from a Nobel Laureate about human rights abuses in Iran or else you wouldn't have made the comment that you did. This woman didn't win the prize for just sneezing. Let me reiterate. Human rights abuses have been discussed in Saudi Arabia and Qatar on this forum. I am sorry that you were too busy elsewhere to notice this. Meanwhile, is anyone stopping you here from posting an article about human rights abuses in Saudi Arabia? I certainly would have no problem, and I don't think the others would have either. I don't think anyone tied up your hands, thus preventing you from doing so. So go for it and post an article about what is happening in Saudi Arabia when it comes to human rights. This way you might feel better and not have such a hang-up when an article about Iran appears.

She was defending a Iranian Jew woman right, I'd be surprised if she is not an Iranian Jew herself, living in America , her history with Iran is not good.

she is an Iranian Shiite-------unlike you she is not shit. I found the article that sally posted to be very interesting and -----actually, not surprising. Unlike Nazi shit in the USA like peneloop, I have socialized with Iranians -----both jews and muslims.--------
IRANIANS are RELUCTANT islamo Nazi pigs----unlike Penelope and sunni who
are eager islamo-nazi pigs. As for criminalization of BEING an islamo-nazi pig---- it is an interesting concept. In the USA being a communist was -----in the
pastm criminalized because the ideology of communism included a concept that
the USA with its capitalist economy should not exist and that capitalists are
CRIMINALS --------. "CAPITALIST" was a term used to describe
either a criminal or an insane person in communist Russia.

In the post world II era------countries damaged by the filth of islamo Nazism
recognized its danger and also recognized that the persons who DENIED
THE HOLOCAUST did so because they are ISLAMO NAZI SCUM.
Holocaust denial did not begin at the close of world war II------it began in the
1930s when the islamo Nazi scum were just BEGINNING to enjoy the murder
of millions for the glory or allah and adolf. As a child-----circa 1960-----I read
the propaganda promulgated right here in the USA by panelope and sunni
doppelgangers ------during the mid-thirties. It DENIED the actions and intentions of the ADOLF HITLER (PBUH) of which jews were very much aware.
This very same filth is still considered more holy than the koran by shit like Penelope and sunni and still taught as fact in mosques and in the brothels
of Penelope. I did not hear it much as a child----but as a young adult----when
suddenly in contact with lots of muslims (from south east asia and iran)--------young
doctors educated in the ISLAMIC STYLE------I heard it quoted like "HOLY"
passages from the koran-----chapter and verse. "Nazi" was a horror to the civilized world-------therefore---since holocaust deniers are Nazis------holocaust
denial became criminalized. Sunni and Penelope are offended
My, my, my. It certainly looks that if someone writes about the abuses in Iran, there are many who get on step about this. Strange, but it is a reason to wonder why. However, whomever can't stand to see anything written about abuses in Iran is free to ask the Iranians here in the U.S. their opinion about what is going on. There is nothing like getting it from the horse's mouth, so to speak.

I don't doubt human rights abuses in Iran, this isn't the point. The point is, why Iran and not all the other countries with human rights abuses? The answer is clear, some people have an agenda and are using the press to push that agenda.

Why is it that people like you seem to get so upset when Iran's human rights abuses are discussed in an article, but are very quiet when human rights abuses have been discussed here in Saudi Arabia and even Qatar? Do you have an agenda which includes nothing being said about Iran's human rights abuses?

Now nobody is stopping you from going to any of the various forums and talking about the human rights abuses going on in different parts of the world. Have at it.

I'm not upset that Iran's human rights abuses are being discussed. What I'm upset about is that it's ALWAYS Iran and never other countries.

If this were done on an equal basis, then fine, however the Saudis almost never get found out, while the Iranians, who aren't as bad as the Saudis, get it all the time.

Also, why is it people like you always get upset when people bring up human rights abuses in places like Saudi Arabia?

It appears that you are the one who got upset about the article from a Nobel Laureate about human rights abuses in Iran or else you wouldn't have made the comment that you did. This woman didn't win the prize for just sneezing. Let me reiterate. Human rights abuses have been discussed in Saudi Arabia and Qatar on this forum. I am sorry that you were too busy elsewhere to notice this. Meanwhile, is anyone stopping you here from posting an article about human rights abuses in Saudi Arabia? I certainly would have no problem, and I don't think the others would have either. I don't think anyone tied up your hands, thus preventing you from doing so. So go for it and post an article about what is happening in Saudi Arabia when it comes to human rights. This way you might feel better and not have such a hang-up when an article about Iran appears.

She was defending a Iranian Jew woman right, I'd be surprised if she is not an Iranian Jew herself, living in America , her history with Iran is not good.

You really are a stupid, Jew hating person. Since her father's name was Mohammed Ali Ebadi, he must have been an orthodox Jew according to you even though her biography states that she was born to a family of practicing Muslims. While you sit on your rear end all day long looking for an opportunity to bash the Jews, at least this woman was doing something purposeful in her life and she was recognized for doing so. Why not get back to us when you win an important prize. I don't think the brownie points given to you by your local Bund leader count for anything.
My, my, my. It certainly looks that if someone writes about the abuses in Iran, there are many who get on step about this. Strange, but it is a reason to wonder why. However, whomever can't stand to see anything written about abuses in Iran is free to ask the Iranians here in the U.S. their opinion about what is going on. There is nothing like getting it from the horse's mouth, so to speak.

I don't doubt human rights abuses in Iran, this isn't the point. The point is, why Iran and not all the other countries with human rights abuses? The answer is clear, some people have an agenda and are using the press to push that agenda.

Why is it that people like you seem to get so upset when Iran's human rights abuses are discussed in an article, but are very quiet when human rights abuses have been discussed here in Saudi Arabia and even Qatar? Do you have an agenda which includes nothing being said about Iran's human rights abuses?

Now nobody is stopping you from going to any of the various forums and talking about the human rights abuses going on in different parts of the world. Have at it.

I'm not upset that Iran's human rights abuses are being discussed. What I'm upset about is that it's ALWAYS Iran and never other countries.

If this were done on an equal basis, then fine, however the Saudis almost never get found out, while the Iranians, who aren't as bad as the Saudis, get it all the time.

Also, why is it people like you always get upset when people bring up human rights abuses in places like Saudi Arabia?

It appears that you are the one who got upset about the article from a Nobel Laureate about human rights abuses in Iran or else you wouldn't have made the comment that you did. This woman didn't win the prize for just sneezing. Let me reiterate. Human rights abuses have been discussed in Saudi Arabia and Qatar on this forum. I am sorry that you were too busy elsewhere to notice this. Meanwhile, is anyone stopping you here from posting an article about human rights abuses in Saudi Arabia? I certainly would have no problem, and I don't think the others would have either. I don't think anyone tied up your hands, thus preventing you from doing so. So go for it and post an article about what is happening in Saudi Arabia when it comes to human rights. This way you might feel better and not have such a hang-up when an article about Iran appears.

I didn't get upset in the slightest.

I'm making a point. Firstly, the title of the post is that someone says we should focus on human rights abuses in Iran.

I'm suggesting that we should focus on human rights abuses everywhere.

Then I pointed out that focusing on human rights abuses in specific countries is often used as a tool to target specific countries while ignoring other countries who have equal, or even worse, human rights abuses.

I'm also not saying that human rights abuses haven't been discussed elsewhere on the forum. I didn't make the claim that they have never been discussed here, so I'm not really sure what your point is there.

Yes, I can go discuss human rights abuses elsewhere. However the topic here is about this woman making this comment. And my opinion is that she's wrong. We shouldn't focus on human rights abuses in Iran. We should focus on HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSES. That means everywhere.

I'm sorry if you don't like my opinions, I'm sorry if you don't want to take on board what I'm saying, but hey, deal with it.

I'm sorry, but I disagree with you here, and evidently the Nobel committee had no problem with her work.

When I read Letters to the Editors concerning an article published about animal abuse at shelters, I don't see people writing in saying we have to concentrate on all animal abuse all over the world. It's the same when I see Letters concerning an article published about abuses to illegal immigrants at our border, I don't see people writing in saying we have to concentrate on all abuses of illegal immigrants all over the world. People have the privilege of concerning themselves with what they want to, and this Iraniab Nobel Laureate concerns herself with Iran. Perhaps if you had been born in Iran and lived the majority of your life there, this would be the most important thing you would be concerned with.
I don't doubt human rights abuses in Iran, this isn't the point. The point is, why Iran and not all the other countries with human rights abuses? The answer is clear, some people have an agenda and are using the press to push that agenda.

Why is it that people like you seem to get so upset when Iran's human rights abuses are discussed in an article, but are very quiet when human rights abuses have been discussed here in Saudi Arabia and even Qatar? Do you have an agenda which includes nothing being said about Iran's human rights abuses?

Now nobody is stopping you from going to any of the various forums and talking about the human rights abuses going on in different parts of the world. Have at it.

I'm not upset that Iran's human rights abuses are being discussed. What I'm upset about is that it's ALWAYS Iran and never other countries.

If this were done on an equal basis, then fine, however the Saudis almost never get found out, while the Iranians, who aren't as bad as the Saudis, get it all the time.

Also, why is it people like you always get upset when people bring up human rights abuses in places like Saudi Arabia?

It appears that you are the one who got upset about the article from a Nobel Laureate about human rights abuses in Iran or else you wouldn't have made the comment that you did. This woman didn't win the prize for just sneezing. Let me reiterate. Human rights abuses have been discussed in Saudi Arabia and Qatar on this forum. I am sorry that you were too busy elsewhere to notice this. Meanwhile, is anyone stopping you here from posting an article about human rights abuses in Saudi Arabia? I certainly would have no problem, and I don't think the others would have either. I don't think anyone tied up your hands, thus preventing you from doing so. So go for it and post an article about what is happening in Saudi Arabia when it comes to human rights. This way you might feel better and not have such a hang-up when an article about Iran appears.

She was defending a Iranian Jew woman right, I'd be surprised if she is not an Iranian Jew herself, living in America , her history with Iran is not good.

You really are a stupid, Jew hating person. Since her father's name was Mohammed Ali Ebadi, he must have been an orthodox Jew according to you even though her biography states that she was born to a family of practicing Muslims. While you sit on your rear end all day long looking for an opportunity to bash the Jews, at least this woman was doing something purposeful in her life and she was recognized for doing so. Why not get back to us when you win an important prize. I don't think the brownie points given to you by your local Bund leader count for anything.

sally-----do not let the sow distress you-------islamo Nazi sows and pigs have
been ASSIGNING muslim identity to famous people who achieved great things
in science and art since the inception of islam and Nazism -----and deciding that persons they want to denigrate are jews for the same period of time.
In general-----the vast majority of GREAT MUSLIM SCIENTISTS and ARTISTS
and PHILOSOPHERS were either jews or Assyrian Christians. Natural disasters are also attributed to jews. ------and plagues. It is how the mind of
an islamo Nazi fucntions-----as a matter of nurture

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