NOBEL Prize Winners Say NO to AGW........

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36 out of 65 signed the Mainau Declaration, 2015. You think maybe those in physiology and medicine may not have felt qualified to sign it?

The Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings Interdisciplinary Meeting with Nobel Laureates from the fields of physics physiology or medicine and chemistry

Mainau Declaration 2015

On 3 July 2015, the final day of the 65th Lindau Meeting, 36 Nobel laureates signed the Mainau Declaration 2015 on Climate Change, an emphatic appeal for climate protection. It states “that the nations of the world must take the opportunity at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris in December 2015 to take decisive action to limit future global emissions.”

65th Meeting
A record number of 65 laureates and more than 650 young scientists from about 90 countries are participating in the 65th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting. It is the fourth interdisciplinary meeting, bringing together Nobel Laureates and young scientists from the fields of physiology and medicine, physics, and chemistry.
IT WAS AN APPEAL TO AUTHORITY AND A LIE. Nothing more and nothing less, he didn't even read his links. He just cut and pasted it from SKS without attribution or study. This is how alarmist are. They will post up anything and not use any cognitive thinking skills.

Very unlike the Nobel prize winners who refused to sign their lie ridden petition and used their brains.
and you are making an appeal to what ?...the Science is there on my side ...who the hell is on your side...your is an appeal to conspiratorial truthyness... you keep accusing others of corruption fact you accuse the Scientific establishment of being corrupt but present nothing at all to back that up...go to the Pentagon and tell them there is no global warming issue ...that you know better ...tell them to take your word for it ..chumps
The Pentagon Recognizes Climate Change As A Threat ...
The Pentagon has released the 2014 Quadrennial Defense Review, a brisk read at 64 pages, and it has highlighted climate change as a serious threat to national security. This is the latest report to reach the same conclusion, so when are we going to start listening?

The Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) is put out every four years, hence quadrennial, and provides an outline of American military strategy and threats posed to that strategy on a global scale. Interesting stuff, if you’re into that sort of thing (I am), and thanks to the wonders of the internet you can get the full PDF of the document right there.

Within the 2014 QDR are the negative impacts pf climate change, and the danger to American military strategy is mentioned eight times. The previous QDR released in 2010 actually had an entire section dedicated to the dangers of climate change showing that climate change is an ongoing headache for the world’s strongest military power.

The left-wing envirowacko nutter spin is hilarious....

Now huge amounts of pressure are being applied to those who told them no.. I will bet that there are threats galore too... Too Funny; the left is becoming unhinged...

:blowup: :blowup: :blowup: :blowup:
These flying wingnuts who post here need to contact this Pentagon Officer and just tell him he is dead wrong that they know more than he does...

Rear Adm. Jonathan White, the Navy's chief oceanographer and head of its climate-change task force, is one of the most knowledgeable people in the military about what's actually happening on our rapidly heating planet. Whenever another officer or a congressperson corners White and presses him about why he spends so much time thinking about climate change, he doesn't even try to explain thermal expansion of the oceans or ice dynamics in the Arctic. "I just take them down to Norfolk," White says. "When you see what's going on down there, it gives you a sense of what climate change means to the Navy — and to America. And you can see why we're concerned."

Read more: The Pentagon and Climate Change Is National Security at Risk
can I get his/ her number? I'd be happy to.
Only the flying wing nuts have reliable truthful links...only THEY KNOW WHAT OTHERS don't...its called Wingnutism...Its called being full of shit...
Do you have something that is related to the op?
do you ?
I presented already. You rambling isn't related. Can you challenge the op or not? Who gives a shot about your opinions about us!
I presented too and all you have done is repeat the same old shit about the whole scientific consensus being wrong...
IT WAS AN APPEAL TO AUTHORITY AND A LIE. Nothing more and nothing less, he didn't even read his links. He just cut and pasted it from SKS without attribution or study. This is how alarmist are. They will post up anything and not use any cognitive thinking skills.

Very unlike the Nobel prize winners who refused to sign their lie ridden petition and used their brains.
and you are making an appeal to what ?...the Science is there on my side ...who the hell is on your side...your is an appeal to conspiratorial truthyness... you keep accusing others of corruption fact you accuse the Scientific establishment of being corrupt but present nothing at all to back that up...go to the Pentagon and tell them there is no global warming issue ...that you know better ...tell them to take your word for it ..chumps
Show me your science friend!
Only the flying wing nuts have reliable truthful links...only THEY KNOW WHAT OTHERS don't...its called Wingnutism...Its called being full of shit...
Do you have something that is related to the op?
do you ?
I presented already. You rambling isn't related. Can you challenge the op or not? Who gives a shot about your opinions about us!
I presented too and all you have done is repeat the same old shit about the whole scientific consensus being wrong...
The post I committed on was flames only. Sorry friend nothing about the op.
These flying wingnuts who post here need to contact this Pentagon Officer and just tell him he is dead wrong that they know more than he does...

Rear Adm. Jonathan White, the Navy's chief oceanographer and head of its climate-change task force, is one of the most knowledgeable people in the military about what's actually happening on our rapidly heating planet. Whenever another officer or a congressperson corners White and presses him about why he spends so much time thinking about climate change, he doesn't even try to explain thermal expansion of the oceans or ice dynamics in the Arctic. "I just take them down to Norfolk," White says. "When you see what's going on down there, it gives you a sense of what climate change means to the Navy — and to America. And you can see why we're concerned."

Read more: The Pentagon and Climate Change Is National Security at Risk

So WHAT exactly is goin on in Norfork ? Are the squirrels getting smaller or something? Do you READ the stuff you post?

What's happening in Norfolk is that the Navy budget is being cut way back and the chiefs have to scrounge for Global Warming money to keep their smarter folks working..

You're scratchin the very bottom there T-Sloth. Pretty soon you're gonna be parading in 9th grade science teachers...

WTF does this have to do with Nobel Prize winners signing a statement -- Or NOT signing????????
I still would like to know how the military defends climate change. Anyone got any links?
Climate Change Is the Biggest Threat in the Pacific Says Top U.S. Admiral WIRED

NORTH KOREA JUST annulled the 1953 armistice ending its war with South Korea. China and Japan are locked in a dispute over an island chain. But the greatest long-term threat to the peace of East Asia and Pacific Ocean — the part of the world at the heart of the Obama administration’s aspirational defense strategy — is climate change, according to the admiral in charge of U.S. military operations there.

Adm. Samuel J. Locklear III is no smelly hippie. He became chief of U.S. Pacific Command last year after running the maritime portion of NATO’s 2011 war against Libyan dictator Muammar Gadhafi. To Locklear, the consequences of a warming planet are likely to “cripple the security environment, probably more likely than the other scenarios we all often talk about.”

“You have the real potential here in the not-too-distant future of nations displaced by rising sea level,” Locklear told Danger Room pal Bryan Bender of the Boston Globe over the weekend. “Certainly weather patterns are more severe than they have been in the past. We are on super typhoon 27 or 28 this year in the Western Pacific. The average is about 17.”

So the greatest threat in the Pacific region isn’t a military one, despite the fresh provocations from nuclear North Korea; theChinese missile buildup; and the hardening responses by the nations that feel threatened by both regional military powers. All this has right-leaning naval analyst Bryan McGrath shaking his head that Locklear’s jumped the shark.

And more.
Holy shit the bearing straight? Sea ice that melts every year. Now I am concerned!
The Pentagon Recognizes Climate Change As A Threat ...
The Pentagon has released the 2014 Quadrennial Defense Review, a brisk read at 64 pages, and it has highlighted climate change as a serious threat to national security. This is the latest report to reach the same conclusion, so when are we going to start listening?

The Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) is put out every four years, hence quadrennial, and provides an outline of American military strategy and threats posed to that strategy on a global scale. Interesting stuff, if you’re into that sort of thing (I am), and thanks to the wonders of the internet you can get the full PDF of the document right there.

Within the 2014 QDR are the negative impacts pf climate change, and the danger to American military strategy is mentioned eight times. The previous QDR released in 2010 actually had an entire section dedicated to the dangers of climate change showing that climate change is an ongoing headache for the world’s strongest military power.
The same military you commie pinkos that you piss on and want to defund?

That military?

The same military that looks for little green men?

The same military that bombed an American black city ?

The same military that tried a germ warfare experiment against San Francisco?

The same military that water boards?

That military?

Now you trust the military you hate just to use for a debate

The man made cult are a bunch of morons.

and more

Pentagon Global Warming Poses Immediate Risk To National Security ThinkProgress

In terms of U.S. defense strategy, climate change is a “threat multiplier” that can worsen national security problems such as terrorism and infectious disease spread, according to a new Pentagon report released Monday.

The 20-page “2014 Climate Change Adaptation Roadmap” said the U.S. Department of Defense is “already beginning to see” some of the impacts of sea level rise, changing precipitation patterns, rising global temperatures, and increased extreme weather — four key symptoms of global warming. These symptoms have the potential to “intensify the challenges of global instability, hunger, poverty, and conflict” and will likely lead to “food and water shortages, pandemic disease, disputes over refugees and resources, and destruction by natural disasters in regions across the globe,” the report said.

Because of uncertainty surrounding just how bad these problems will be in the future, the report calls for a proactive defense strategy — one which will require “thinking ahead and planning for a wide range of contingencies.”

“Climate change will affect the Department of Defense’s ability to defend the nation and poses immediate risks to U.S. national security,” the report reads. “Weather has always affected military operations, and as the climate changes, the way we execute operations may be altered or constrained.”

And you can get that report here;
The Pentagon Recognizes Climate Change As A Threat ...
The Pentagon has released the 2014 Quadrennial Defense Review, a brisk read at 64 pages, and it has highlighted climate change as a serious threat to national security. This is the latest report to reach the same conclusion, so when are we going to start listening?

The Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) is put out every four years, hence quadrennial, and provides an outline of American military strategy and threats posed to that strategy on a global scale. Interesting stuff, if you’re into that sort of thing (I am), and thanks to the wonders of the internet you can get the full PDF of the document right there.

Within the 2014 QDR are the negative impacts pf climate change, and the danger to American military strategy is mentioned eight times. The previous QDR released in 2010 actually had an entire section dedicated to the dangers of climate change showing that climate change is an ongoing headache for the world’s strongest military power.
The same military you commie pinkos that you piss on and want to defund?

That military?

The same military that looks for little green men?

The same military that bombed an American black city ?

The same military that tried a germ warfare experiment against San Francisco?

The same military that water boards?

That military?

Now you trust that military you hate just to use for a debate

The man made cult are a bunch of morons.

Hmmmmmmmmmm.................. Nothing but insults? And your dd214 states Honorable, correct? Mine does, and I volunteered, was not drafted.
The Pentagon Recognizes Climate Change As A Threat ...
The Pentagon has released the 2014 Quadrennial Defense Review, a brisk read at 64 pages, and it has highlighted climate change as a serious threat to national security. This is the latest report to reach the same conclusion, so when are we going to start listening?

The Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) is put out every four years, hence quadrennial, and provides an outline of American military strategy and threats posed to that strategy on a global scale. Interesting stuff, if you’re into that sort of thing (I am), and thanks to the wonders of the internet you can get the full PDF of the document right there.

Within the 2014 QDR are the negative impacts pf climate change, and the danger to American military strategy is mentioned eight times. The previous QDR released in 2010 actually had an entire section dedicated to the dangers of climate change showing that climate change is an ongoing headache for the world’s strongest military power.
The same military you commie pinkos that you piss on and want to defund?

That military?

The same military that looks for little green men?

The same military that bombed an American black city ?

The same military that tried a germ warfare experiment against San Francisco?

The same military that water boards?

That military?

Now you trust that military you hate just to use for a debate

The man made cult are a bunch of morons.

Hmmmmmmmmmm.................. Nothing but insults? And your dd214 states Honorable, correct? Mine does, and I volunteered, was not drafted.
Sorry the Air force didn't get back to me fast enough at 18 and the Army said I had to be under 40 at the end of basic training when I tried to enlist for the gulf war 2 at 39 in 2004.
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