Nobel steps in it again.

Instead, Bernanke showed that its main cause was the decline in the banking system’s ability to channel savings into productive investments.”

This is what lead to the banking mess in 2008. All this is, is revisionary excuses for his failures. He is arguing that when banks are doing poorly, they should be able to use depositors money to do poorly with.

No, they should be closed.

Bernanke was able to put his research into use during the 2008 financial crisis when he led the U.S. central bank. Under his leadership, the Fed not only cut interest rates to zero, but engaged in an unprecedented bond-buying spree.

Which has us in the mess we are currently in.
So they give the guy who completely screwed up and oversaw much of the mess that has us in the predicament we are in a Nobel Prize in economics.

I guess this is how he gets repaid.

Former Fed chief Bernanke and two others share Nobel economics prize
the mess we are in is because don’t xiden and the demafasict not Bernanke
The economics prize is and always has been a sham.
The Nobel folks are pretty much ok w/ economics and physics, where they screw up is w/ their "Peace Prize".

To me it's pure politics to award Al Gore the peace prize for global warming (no science apparently) and then give Obama the peace prize right after he's elected so he could turn right around and be the first U.S. president in history to have troops fighting overseas for 8 years.
Instead, Bernanke showed that its main cause was the decline in the banking system’s ability to channel savings into productive investments.”

This is what lead to the banking mess in 2008. All this is, is revisionary excuses for his failures. He is arguing that when banks are doing poorly, they should be able to use depositors money to do poorly with.

No, they should be closed.

Bernanke was able to put his research into use during the 2008 financial crisis when he led the U.S. central bank. Under his leadership, the Fed not only cut interest rates to zero, but engaged in an unprecedented bond-buying spree.

Which has us in the mess we are currently in.
But giving loans to only green energy people and not oil/coal/nuclear based products is acceptable. Politicians have a say also on the Federal Reserve. There are at least three middlemen....The Political Class elected and unelected, the U.S. status as world reserve currency and the Federal Reserve with its massive interest extortion system. Then it comes to the little people.
More awards for old white men...seems a little racist to me. :rolleyes:
But Obama! So peaceful! War in Syria and Yemen..assassinating Khadafi for the global bankers and plunging Libya into total chaos for

all its citizens as tribal warfare rages there to this day, day in and day out.

But Obama got the Nobel Peace prize. :rolleyes:

For what? Funding the rise of ISIS? What he should get is a noose and a medium drop.
Hussein got the peace prize and then proceeded to set the record for number of countries bombed back to the Stone Age at..... wait for it..... 7.

He specialized in wiping out weddings and funeral processions.

obama kick nuts.jpg
I generally agree with you here. The pathetic Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman is exhibit #1. He doesn't have the economics brains to be a bank teller in my home town.
Will grudgingly admit that Krugman's Nobel was at least marginally legit....It was about his work on economies of scale and international trade, not macroeconomics - where he is a colossal dolt.

The award going to the economic arsonist Bernanke is beyond inexplicable.
The Federal Reserve is the root cause of all of the inflation.

Unfortunately, Americans, collectively speaking, are more prone to benchmarking debate over the cause and consequences of bad economics and monetary policy with political parties and presidents. All of which have been Keyenesian, ironically. They're all on the same team where it really matters.

If you're on your way to driving a car over a cliff, swapping drivers every four miles along the way isn't gonna change a darned thing.
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