Noble men fight and kill for God, as in Islam


Senior Member
Nov 23, 2014
The traditional knowledge in Islam teaches that we have no business interfering with people's beliefs. God Almighty wanted them to believe those beliefs, so it's not any of our business, we the Muslims.

But Allah Almighty (God Almighty) is very jealous (protective) of His own sovereignty. He gets angry when people disobey Him. So He gave us Muslims a chance and a favour to make Him pleased, by ordering us to fight and kill those who refuse to submit to Him. We are not to be at peace and rest when people make our Creator, our King, the King of the universes to unrest and to be displeased. So He ordered us to fight them and kill them, if they refuse to submit to Him.

There are two sides. Clear yourself of them, hate, fight and kill them, first side. But only do it because of God's jealousy (protectiveness over His sovereignty) and because God ordered you to. In truth, God wanted them to be unbelievers, so what they do is not any of your business, leave them alone; second side.

This is the proper attitude for noble men. Christianity has only one side, and so does Judaism. They are incomplete. Only Islam has both sides, it is complete.


It is absolutely forbidden in this day and age to fight and kill in the name of Islam, both as something obvious and as something found in the traditional knowledge in Islam. In addition, only when all Muslims are united under one king can fighting possibly be ordered. That was the case until about 100 years ago.
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The traditional knowledge in Islam teaches that we have no business interfering with people's beliefs. God Almighty wanted them to believe those beliefs, so it's not any of our business, we the Muslims.

But Allah Almighty (God Almighty) is very jealous (protective) of His own sovereignty. He gets angry when people disobey Him. So He gave us Muslims a chance and a favour to make Him pleased, by ordering us to fight and kill those who refuse to submit to Him.

There are two sides. Clear yourself of them, hate, fight and kill them, first side. But only do it because of God's jealousy (protectiveness over His sovereignty) and because God ordered you to. In truth, God wanted them to be unbelievers, so what they do is not any of your business, leave them alone; second side.

This is the proper attitude for noble men. Christianity has only one side, and so does Judaism. They are incomplete. Only Islam has both sides, it is complete.
"Best Deceiver"[edit]
The Qur'an openly states many times that Allah is the "best deceiver". All literal translations are referenced from, a pro-Islamic Muslim website.[1]

Arabic: ومكروا ومكر الله والله خير الماكرين

Transliteration: Wamakaroo wamakara Allahu waAllahu khayru almakireena

Literal: And they cheated/deceived and God cheated/deceived, and God (is) the best (of) the cheaters/deceivers.[2]
Qur an Hadith and Scholars Lying and Deception - WikiIslam
What that verse is saying is that man cannot outsmart God.

Even christian's will agree with that. ...... :cool:
The traditional knowledge in Islam teaches that we have no business interfering with people's beliefs. God Almighty wanted them to believe those beliefs, so it's not any of our business, we the Muslims.

But Allah Almighty (God Almighty) is very jealous (protective) of His own sovereignty. He gets angry when people disobey Him. So He gave us Muslims a chance and a favour to make Him pleased, by ordering us to fight and kill those who refuse to submit to Him. We are not to be at peace and rest when people make our Creator, our King, the King of the universes to unrest and to be displeased. So He ordered us to fight them and kill them, if they refuse to submit to Him.

There are two sides. Clear yourself of them, hate, fight and kill them, first side. But only do it because of God's jealousy (protectiveness over His sovereignty) and because God ordered you to. In truth, God wanted them to be unbelievers, so what they do is not any of your business, leave them alone; second side.

This is the proper attitude for noble men. Christianity has only one side, and so does Judaism. They are incomplete. Only Islam has both sides, it is complete.


It is absolutely forbidden in this day and age to fight and kill in the name of Islam, both as something obvious and as something found in the traditional knowledge in Islam. In addition, only when all Muslims are united under one king can fighting possibly be ordered. That was the case until about 100 years ago.

1Everything I command you that you shall be careful to do it. You shall neither add to it, nor subtract from it.
- Devarim 13
If God gets angry he is an idiot. If he wants us to fight he is a maniac.
God had nothing to do with the Quran, and it is all lies about God made up by Muhammad.
So God causes us to believe what we do, and then commands you to murder us for it.

wouldn't it simply be easier having us all believe the same rather than have us believe what He wants us to and then having you kill us for it?

doesn't seem very just to me.
Wrong since Allah accepted non Muslims by threats in the first place and since the creation of the world to the point in time Allah began to 'care' passed many centuries whIchthyology means Allah wasn't the 'default' back then.
So God causes us to believe what we do, and then commands you to murder us for it.

wouldn't it simply be easier having us all believe the same rather than have us believe what He wants us to and then having you kill us for it?

doesn't seem very just to me.

As a Mormon you have absolutely no room to be hatin' on Islam. Go focus on the absurdities of your own religion.

So God causes us to believe what we do, and then commands you to murder us for it.

wouldn't it simply be easier having us all believe the same rather than have us believe what He wants us to and then having you kill us for it?

doesn't seem very just to me.

As a Mormon you have absolutely no room to be hatin' on Islam. Go focus on the absurdities of your own religion.

Have to find one first

And I don't hate Islam. I just like truth
Btw do you consider it just or noble to kill unbelievers for God when you believe God made them unbelievers?
So God causes us to believe what we do, and then commands you to murder us for it.

wouldn't it simply be easier having us all believe the same rather than have us believe what He wants us to and then having you kill us for it?

doesn't seem very just to me.

Notice that a child, for instance will always choose the candy over the diamond. People like you would say God is being unfair since He makes the child to pick the candy. There are many reasons why God Almighty wants some to disbelieve.

Doesn't seem very noble either
Surely, forming an alliance with the Taliban is noble since "they are Afghans like us". If you don't know what is noble, your condition is most critical.
Anyone who commits a crime because of religion has committed a hate crime.
There is nothing noble or just in slaughtering others because they don't believe. Especially when you believe God made them not believe.

and no God would not be just if the people had no choice whether to believe or not and then has you slaughter them for unbelief.

God gave us free agency. He gave us the ability to chose good and evil. And He holds us accountable for this choices. Otherwise, He would not be just. Justice requires free will.
There are serious problems with all religions. In contemporary times islamic extremist scripture literalists seem to have the highest propensity towards fanaticism and killing in the name of their god. That is fucking craziness and it needs to stop. Extremist muslims need to chill the fuck out immediately. Prime examples of brainwashing and cultural lag. There is no god, allah, or whatever you want to call it. Its all bullshit and its bad for you. Religious nutbags can bathe in their own ignorance and inability to question their faith but don't go around killing people... Killing is bad ok, its the worst thing you can do. It's really really bad. Don't kill people!
Anyone who commits a crime because of religion has committed a hate crime.

Just like I could say the US crimes of dropping nuclear bombs on Japan were hate crimes. What you said is nonsense.

There is nothing noble or just in slaughtering others because they don't believe. Especially when you believe God made them not believe.

and no God would not be just if the people had no choice whether to believe or not and then has you slaughter them for unbelief.

God gave us free agency. He gave us the ability to chose good and evil. And He holds us accountable for this choices. Otherwise, He would not be just. Justice requires free will.

It seems you did not read my replies. Then one day you come and you say that I don't reply to you. I have replied to all you said, you may want to read it.

There are serious problems with all religions. In contemporary times islamic extremist scripture literalists seem to have the highest propensity towards fanaticism and killing in the name of their god. That is fucking craziness and it needs to stop. Extremist muslims need to chill the fuck out immediately. Prime examples of brainwashing and cultural lag. There is no god, allah, or whatever you want to call it. Its all bullshit and its bad for you. Religious nutbags can bathe in their own ignorance and inability to question their faith but don't go around killing people... Killing is bad ok, its the worst thing you can do. It's really really bad. Don't kill people!

Listen, even presidents Roosevelt and Churchill killed people. Do you say that God can't ? That's nonsense. Also, God exists, just look up and see the vast pathways in the sky, or the clouds pouring rain, or the constellations. Then realise an Almighty God, unique, Creator of the universe exists. Seek about the Night Journey in wikipedia and you will see that Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) is a true prophet of this Almighty God. Then what follows is to try to learn more about Muhammad his religion and his philosophy, his way of life which in Islam is called the Sunna.

Noble men would prefer not to fight and kill, and have the courage to accept that they do it for no god.

Presidents Roosevelt and Churchill killed people in an effort to live as noble and praiseworthy human beings. You are aying they can but God can not. That is absolute nonsense. I can't believe this needs to be debated. Cowardice is to not realise that God is brave.

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